View Full Version : Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide (Fiend)

Sep 21st, 2002, 05:46:40 PM
A pale moon drifted over the tiny town of Aloris. Though most would refrain from using the term "town" in regards to this small outpost comprised of four or five bars, scattered huts, once used by mining crews, which time had reduced to shambles, a pathetic attempt for a solitary hotel, and a looming silver complex in the eye of it all.

This ominous, nickel colored tower at Aloris' heart owned the sole purpose for any visit to the asteroid colony. Night after night a hoard of the beings flocked to a place affectionately titled: The Pit.

Its true nature could never be understood by any outsider. Only loyal patrons held insight as to the goings on within. All others rested safely upon the knowledge that its locale was for self-preservation, in light of the fact The Pit's charms were neither legal nor sane and the intent was to remain as such.

Amidst the typical hustle and bustle of swarming masses stood a familiar droid. TX wondered about quite lost and out of place, awaiting one particular guest....Fiend.

Sep 22nd, 2002, 03:15:33 PM
:: I hated droids... I really did... But they were fun to blow up, most of the time they are so annoying in bars I just feel like ripping them apart and listening to their battery acid sizzle against the floor. And now their was one right in front of my face... and I wished he was human... I would've made it stick its arm down its throat and pull out its stomach just to see the color of its acids!
But what to do? I mean really? This could be done easily, or hard, but the easy part meant no fun! I guess we'll take the hard way.
I sat upon a turned over mine cart, my hand idly playing with the saber I'd stolen from Zeke. My other hand passed over the small area before me, including the droid, and my eyes seemed to shake for a moment as my irises expanded and I felt mypower, myself, pass through me and into the air, my will stregthening as it went on, not weakening.
The droid stood in the middle of this crowded area, when all the sudden he noticed that most of the people had stopped walking and doing their business and were now staring at him. Their eyes had a reddish tint to them and they began to growl.
I had simply left their mind up to their simple instincts, something almost too easy with humans, And I had made this droid an obvious intruder and outsider in their minds, another simple illusion that humans can easily fall prey to. Thye began to approach the droid, drool slipping from a woman's mouth and another man tripping over himself to be trampled by the ones behind him.
If this droid wasn't totally destroyed, I wouldn't be altogether dissapointed, poeple were dying by sheer luck it seemed.::

Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:21:17 PM
"Mr Fiend! O, Mr. Fiend! I do suggest you cease this childish act before I am damaged." TX's voice, though boisterous, remained rigidly calm.

The droid's eyes scanned a bloodthirsty mob for the manipulative killer. Lacking solid proof, he proceeded on the grounds of assumption that no one else present held any hostility toward him with the exception of his intended contact.

"For you see, if I am destroyed, you will never have your desired contest with Master Nemesis!"

Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:22:02 PM
:: Now this just wuldn't do! This robot was telling me what UI could and couldn't do? But I'm pretty sure he could still get the job done if he was still partially working right?
With great reluctance, I leased my hold on the mob and erased the thoughts from their somple minds. How sweet the taste of their hatred and primal instinct to kill had been! But alas, such is life when the creation and upholding of life is required to get other things done! I leapt forward and landed before the droid, suddenly appearing like a shadow in the noon hour before this droid, no one took a single notice of me, they wouldn't.::

It doesn't mater what I see, there's always the case your master might come after you anyways, dead or alive. Or whatever you consider yourself. As for my... contest, where is your master?! I do not play stupid games with humans, and I don't plan on starting with this one either. If he was such a coward that he would send a lifeless jumble of parts to find me, then there is no point in fighting such a weak thing, a thing that I have geard, calls for the prevention of destruction, of me!

Sep 24th, 2002, 10:51:22 AM
"Humph." TX snorted. "Master Nemesis is many things, but a coward he is not." Glossy blue eyes stared at the malicious Fiend. "I suppose that's something you will have to learn....the hard way. Now, if you would be so kind as to follow me."

This being said, the droid performed a concise about-face, then navigated his way through the living sea. Before long, the pair stood before a shimmering metallic door adjacent to the main entry gate. Eight muscular men guarded this passageway. They maintained a strict, rectangular perimeter; four to the front and two against the sides. Each statuesque watchman held his individual position with absolute silence and immobility.

TX approached the only man wearing a shoulder strap, signifying his rank.

"I am TX, personal droid assistant to Master Nemesis." then motioning toward the one who stood behind him, "This is his opponent for the evening, Fiend."

The Captain's cold, hard face turned down to the robot, then to the other before returning to its stalwart placing. Not a word was spoken.

TX looked to Fiend. "These men will not allow you safe passage until you surrender your weapons....all of them. Also, just in case you have considered the possibilities of non-compliance....DON'T. They are very skilled. Fighting them would be a fools game. Even in the unlikely event that you were able to overpower all of them, there remain many more just like them beyond that door. Trust me; you are going to need every bit of your strength in the battle to come. I do suggest you hand over your arms so that we may continue."

Sep 24th, 2002, 07:12:51 PM
:: I held my arms up in a sign of innocence. It was someting easily come byin this physical body, decieving gestures such as these cae very easy to me, so well that to anyone without the force wouldn't notice.::

I care not for how many gaurds you boast of behind this door or before it. I can already feel behind their eyes, in the back of their minds. They are still human, I assure you. I annot waste power at anytime ether, only be held back by this limitation called flesh. Don't waste my time, I have no weapons to turn over but this and I don't care much for it either.

:: The lightsaber handle appeared suddenly in my hand and I tossed it on the ground at my feet.::

Say what you want, but a man, if that is really what he is, would not bother with a bucket of bolts to get his "opponent or the evening."

:: The last quote had been a perfect imitation of the droid's lifeless voice. I smiled slightly as I stepped forward, I wanted to mke these men before me double over and vomit, just to see what they might have eaten lately. But I decided to wait for the arrival of this... Nemesis.::

Sep 24th, 2002, 08:47:44 PM
The guards parted, allowing both the droid and his companion to pass. Once inside, Fiend was quickly ushered, by two obscure men, down several dimly lit corridors. Some rooms reeked of sweat and blood, while most were heavily scented with exotic fragrances to the point that their sweet odor threatened to overwhelm those moving throughout them.

At last, the insidious fighter found himself in the core of a darkened arena. No light was present at any section of the chamber. A thick, coal blanket overlaid all present.

Suddenly, the escorts left Fiend's side followed soon there after with a loud clash of metal just behind him.

In one brilliant instant, the whole of the coliseum was flooded with light; illuminating every being and object within. A host of fans roared at the sight of two gladiators, standing center stage, and completely enveloped by a rather large dura-steel cage.

The dark sider glanced across this horrific pen to see an ominous figure clothed in black; arms folded across the chest. Twin beacons of white returned his gaze with a defiant glare of their own.

"Strange..." spoke the ebony warrior in a severe militaristic fashion "....I expected more." His eyes weighed heavy on Fiend. "Well, would you care to hear the rules and warnings or will you continue in your pig headed arrogance?"

Sep 24th, 2002, 08:58:22 PM
:: He could say all he wanted, I hadn't bragged so far, ony spoken the truth as I knew it. But I liked the way he looked, so aesthetic but yet pointless.::

Speak your rules, I like the sound of your voice above the roar of this coliseum.

:: He had started out on the wrong foot already witht he droid and now he was alrady making assumtions off of his first view f his opponent. He hadn't seen me before, that was obvous, or the droid would't have been looking for me. He might've heard of my mass murdering but that still was done so fast that only darksiders could tell I had been there.
As I waited for him to speak, I rose my arms into he air, my eys suddenly flashing as bright as his own white ones. The crowd was the mob, a single minded organism that fed off of such views as the gladiators and starved animals that they foght. The sight of blood ws like fire in there eyes an I loved it. I fed off of it, it was like a never ending source of energy. I felt it channled through them and into me... what a rush!::

Sep 25th, 2002, 08:43:02 AM
A small division of mask above the chin crinkled with the underlying smirk.

"Very well then, perhaps you have more wits than I gave you credit for." Nemesis' legs shifted from place, as he began to circle his foe.

"Rule Number One: Save the fact that this is unarmed combat, there aren't any." Rubber soled boots dispersed hollow thuds about the arena, which had already slipped into a deathly silence to hang upon the assassin's every word.

"Now as for the warnings." His arms fell to the side. "Warning Number One: Don't break the rule," An inky gloved hand extended toward the audience, "these people hate cheaters."

He continued to orbit Fiend. "Warning Number Two: Don't try to run, for they also hate cowards."

The hunter's left hand opened to reveal a tiny oval stone. "Warning Number Three: Do your best to stay away from the sides of the cage, because they are electrified." Radiant blue and white light ignited his small stone after being hurled against the nearest wall.

"Last Warning..." A shrill horn thundered and was almost matched in volume by the elated crowd. Its effects still rang in the auditorium, when the dark sider was knocked from his stance by a fierce right cross. Piercing ivory flecks watched Fiend, who now lay some distance from Nemesis' feet. "....try to stay alive." He stood, arms at either side, and waited for his opponent.

Sep 25th, 2002, 06:47:16 PM
:: I flew backwards without a flinch of pain. The "rules and warnings" were too simple, so that was it huh? Too much fun, especially with a mob on the sidelines feeding me cravings of destruction and violence. I seemed to levitate back to a standing position a few feet away from Nemesis. My red eyes gleame for a moment, this man, I would see him die.::

If those are the only rules then so be it. I am unarmed and I am no cheater, coward, or loser. But you should remeber the warnings as well... please try to stay alive long enough for me to enjoy it please?

:: My hand flew up and a blast of the force flew at him like a tidal wave. It was not something he could rally see coming sice it started right in front of him. He flew towards the electric walls, I'd like to see how thisarmored figure responded to this. The crowd roared with glee as they predicted the outcome.::

Sep 25th, 2002, 08:54:39 PM
As he sailed toward the humming fence, Nemesis rotated to the front to change his pattern of flight. Now, landing with feet against the deadly cage rather than his spine, the Ranger's rubber soles prevented any lethal currents from coursing into his body.

With his own body weight compounded, due to the dark siders force use, this section of wire bowed. Sharp groans echoed, while the wall worked to regain normal shape. In seconds, its recoil acted to propel the ebony warrior. Upon landing a mere foot from his contender, he stepped forward on the left and pivoted which sent a crushing right heel kick against Fiend's jaw. The evil one was flung to a cold stone floor once more.

"So impetuous." Disgust mingled with humor tainted his voice. "Did you really think I would not prepare myself for battle with a force user? Your apparent dependence on such maneuvers only makes you weak."

The inky hunter turned from Fiend, then tilted his head back; casting a wary eye to the prone man. "As for those that utilize the force in their combat; you, my friend, are of the weaker variety"

Sep 25th, 2002, 09:20:02 PM
Say what you want, nothing you sy prves true until thewinneris depicted. I was not the one who sent a droid to summon my opponent. I say it unwise to try and estimate my strength from on attack. Dependence on the force is not a weakness, merely another method to achieve one's goals. Now quit the human pratter and fight me, I exect you to be worthy of a fight, therefore not easily killed, that s why I chose you. You are the subject of th mural I will paint for these people. A mural of the Savage Garden.

:: The last few words were a whisper but everyone seemed to hear them as if it were in their heads. It had little signifigance to them, but Fiend knew its meaning inside out and by the time the fight was over, the would know of what he spoke.
I tape into the force and smiled as Nemesis senses were cut off. He lost touching, smelling, hearing, and viewing all that as around him. To him, the trickwould not have even hapene beause the ability distorted the victim's sense of time also. Once I released hold, he would not even know I had done anything to him. The only drawback was that I could only move during this period of time, attacking would make me lose control an he would snap back. So I moved quickly to his side, not wanting to go over my limit of usage.
I released my hold and in the split second threw a punch to his neck and a kick to his knee. The force boosted my speed suddenly and increased my strength. I would like to see his preperations now. ::

Sep 25th, 2002, 09:53:36 PM
Nemesis gasped for breath then dropped to his assaulted knee. Glinting, bone colored slits transferred their gaze to the looming dark sider.

"Amusing trick."

The spectators' cheers rose to a fever pitch when the assassin surged to his feet; thrusting a rising elbow into the breech of Fiend's nose. Sheer might backing the Ranger's blow lifted the other from his feet, causing him to plummet, back first, to the ground.

"Well at least your making some effort to defeat me now." Gages for air had fully transformed and were now taunting fits of laughter.

Nemesis held his arm in its elevated position, permitting the left hand to cleanse blood, now flowing down the evil one's face, from his elbow's point with a simple swipe. Once done, both arms dropped to the sides. A constant watch remained on Fiend.

Sep 25th, 2002, 10:16:46 PM
:: The reactions of the man were most impressive and the roars of the crowd was deafening. I ignored their laughter, that would be the whole fight, them laughing at the one taking the blows. Woith a sudden kick and a blast, Nemesis was pushed away fro me, giving me more room to erform an offense.::

I suggest you quit talking or I might do it for you.

:: I wiped the blood from my face. It was not red like humans, but but a blackish blue color that looked like oil than anything else when the light reflected in it. The sudden anger of the woundstruck out at Nemesis. A mental blow that he had no defense against without proper force deenses. It would not do much damage though, this was a very strong willed being and I had to use extra power to ensure that it did what was required.
He reeled backwards with a hand to his head as I charged forward. With enhanced speed, I seemed to fly across the sandy floor. I came to a sharp halt and sand flew up, it would do nothing to him and his helmeted face, though the powerful kick that followed did.
Nemesis was sent to the ground and as he fell, I force blasted him into a cage wall. The electricity was amazing. Like a firework show.
The crowd went wild and ecstatic as this all happened. They were absorbed with the trade of attack, how I was still bleeding profusely and Nemesis was now being electrocuted. What a fickle crowd.
I felt the drain now, my anger was slowly subsiding, the fuel to my sudden burst was giving away and I could feel the backfire now. I could feel th slow burning within. Whatevr it had done, I would not know untilI fught a bit more. I lifted my glove and lookd at the skin quickly. It was sizzling, he backfire had alrady taken place and in my rage it had gone unnoticed...
Nemesis pulled himself off the wall and I shook my head, the black blood whipping onto the floor.::

Will you speak now?

Sep 26th, 2002, 09:06:45 AM
His right hand carefully examined the trapezes that were taking on a deep crimson hue beneath the charred black cloth. Searing pain covered much of his neck, though he was much relieved to find the wounds were comparatively minor to what could have been. This was another entry in a long list of episodes during which he had been thankful for well honed reflexes. Yet even this pain was worth its weight in gold, as the plot thickened.

Once he was standing, the warrior made his way inward at a purposefully staggered pace; still massaging the inflamed region of his upper body.

"Alas...you still don't understand."

Desperate, shallow breaths accompanied by intense shooting pain lay seige to Fiend's body. The dark sider had allowed his enemy far too much ground , falling victim to Nemesis' false portrayal of mortal pain. A knee had been firmly planted in Fiend's belly, causing the force user to double over.

Employing both arms, the ebony Ranger coiled his right bicep and forearm around his rivals neck, then tucked the left arm into the evil one's inner thigh. Mustering a good deal of strength, the gasping man was heaved upward, revolving as he climbed. Upon reaching the desired height, support gave way. Fiend fell rapidly, carried by his own weight, to the hunter's outstretched knee, the point of which dug savagely into the small of his back.

This back breaker was not the end of the dark sider's torment, however. The white eyed soldier retained his control over the other's body, leaving the limp frame to pivot on the ball of his knee.

Placing the right forearm against Fiend's jaw and the left across his knees, Nemesis pressed down hard, creating a terrible wrenching effect on his foe's spine. There he suspended the man in dire agony.

"Perhaps now you will see the light."

Sep 26th, 2002, 03:20:35 PM
:: I was bent across Nemesis knee in a hold of pure pain. I was held fast by his arms butI couldn't take this much loger or my fleshy body would give out. And as for light. The only light I saw were the lights from th arena ceiling. I didn't have many more choices now. Healing would have to happen later, I could be worse and I was glad to still have a grasp on my conciousness right now.
Nemesis bared down on me but then I flared back, if it didn't work then I would not get away andI would lose to Nemesis. I fell to theground as Nemesis was blown off me in a blur of fire. One of my favorite abilities was being able to convert my power into flame whenever I might choose, but it tended to have a stronger back fire, like the lightning ability.
I stood up and bended backwards, my spine popped and I ent ove past any human's normal limit as I stretched it further. ore loud popping before I faced the smoking Nemesis. The pain in my back... This smokng shadow had done all that so quickl... and the blood running down my face was a nuisance, all thanks to him. He would pay for that and his nonstop banter that spoke of light and such? What a... wat did they call them? Panzie?
In a surge of controlled and passionate fury, I was suddenly right next to Nemesis, blood was seeping from my eyelids. I kicked the man in his face, moving fast enough to be right behind him, I launched towards to his back and firmly placed an enhanced fist in his back. I could sense the bursts of pain Nemesis felt like my own, and I fed off it. I even took the oppurtunity to amplify his pain by sharing my own with him. My eyes flshed red efore I was at his side again, holding his arm in a irregular angle while he kneeled down and I placed one foot sharply down on his leg, keeping him in place. This was perfect timing it seemed, I sent the charge from my body to his and his armor caught on fire. I could slowl feel the backfire start but that cae wih the fun, pain and pleasure, one and together.::

Can you even see anything now?

:: The crowd roared as they had while I had been bent over his knee. It didn'tmatter who won to them. It was jus the fight they watched for, and this was a close. I took the oppurtunity to increase the intensity of the fire as I leaped back. People were banging against the glass outside the cage. They were screaming now, I could sense their blood flowingquickly, awaiting what would appen next. Nemesis lay on the ground, singed, I could barely hear his breathing through his mask. I'd like to see his ivory eyes stare at me wihout afleck of blood upon them now. That last fire had gone throughout his body, I don't imagine his face untouched undrneath that mask.::

Sep 26th, 2002, 09:46:25 PM
Nemesis arose, stripping the fiery jacket from his body. His bare, muscular torso was spoiled by the presence of numerous scars, of which only a trivial few were fresh.

As the obsidian helm gradually angled, the assassin's hand brushed a small drop of crimson from the edge of his brow. Maroon stained the portion just above his right eye.

Minutes lived their lives as hours, while the inky hunter waited for silence. Then, through the depths of calm and detest he spoke, "I came here to fight a man, but all I have found is a sniveling child."

Still clenching the flaming garment's neck, which remained unscathed by the heat, he threw the engulfed article into Fiend's face. The make shift fireball wrapped around his head, its flames scorching flesh.

Removing the blinding cloth from his eyes, the dark sider witnessed Nemesis' charging clothesline all to late. Upon impact Fiend was launched from his feet, fully rotating his frame before returning to soil.

A gloved hand reached down, taking hold of the evil one's hair and forehead.

"I'm not finished with you yet." The hand ripped Fiend from the floor, forcing him to stand before the Ranger.

Horridly off balance, the malicious entity had his own upper clothing torn down the shoulder, trapping his free hanging arms. A now exposed chest supplied Nemesis with an exquisite point of assault.

The ebony warrior measured his foe with a right jab followed directly with a left of the same, both hitting their mark along the cheek and nose. Blood sprayed from Fiend's open head wounds. A powerful gut punch sucked all breath from his lungs. Had it not been for an extended gloved hand, the dark sider would have collapsed.

"How does it feel, boy? To not only be beaten, but to also be humiliated."

One final, devastating right jab dropped the incoherent force user.

Sep 26th, 2002, 10:42:27 PM
:: I hit the ground with a thud. A resounding noise that was heard throughout the arena. The crowd went slient, had the final blow been dealt? Was this it? Who would cheer first? They hadn't wanted it to end so quickly. Then one man yelled out for Nemesis to finish me, kill me. Then it came out like a chorus. A chorus demanding blood and slaughter, the arena. I heard all of the violent expressions about me and I struggled within to stay awake.
Suddenly I felt it, like a mist creeping a long the floor. I summoned it to me and it tasted bitter sweet. It was the darkside rolling off the mob, it was me. My own will within this omnipresent force was slowly gathering near me. In a black swirl that appeared out of nowhere seemingly to Nemesis, I dissapeared within it. The swirl dissipated and I was standing. The makeshift fireball he'd thrown was nowhere to be seen now and the blood had dried quickly. I felt slightly renewed as I stood there but my vision was still hazy and it seemed that there was a mist before me, but this didn't matter. I closed my eyes and was suddenly seeing outside of myself.
From the large mob outside the cage I could see with all of their eyes. It was like the view of a large bug with compound eyes and such, I had a view of the arena from every angle. The noise had died down as I felt myself slowly gain control of each and every being within the halls of this building. Nemesis stood fast but looked about as he noticed the too quietness of the place. Then in one voice that rang with the all too familiar ring of my own twisted accent.::

If you only knew... boy the age of the fiend you fought! You would call him a GOD!

:: The yell was piercing, louder than most of their voices could've reached without my control. I felt many of them cough up blood as they tore their vocal cords. Then my body suddenly broke out in a high shrill laughter as the mob turned in uniform to face each and another. I snapped and in one quick moment, many people were dead, killed by their own friends. Their own lust for blood had led them to me. And they now killed each other without remorse as I granted them that which they had so craved.
I had planted a seed of evil in everyone of them, control was no longer necessary but using a few of their points of views, I watched myself lunge and tackle Nemesis to the ground and begin to pummel into his bare skin. My fists hit like daggers as they moved so quickly. I managed a few words out as the backfire began to afflict me while I attacked.::

I am the true Nemesis here!

Sep 26th, 2002, 11:14:07 PM
Fiend's onslaught was abruptly halted by the fist that buried itself deep in his lower rib cage. Nemesis then lifted the dark sider from his chest, tossing him to the side.

The arms bowed up and back, as the hands and fingers dug for support. Springing from his anchored limbs, the assassin leapt to his feet. Moving with the skill and grace of youth, he displayed no signs of the battered warrior.

"What's wrong?" Blatantly mocking the contender. "You lack the power to defeat me, so you have turned on the weak! How typically cowardice." Though his eyes rested on evil, his thoughts were with those in the audience whose terrible screams shook The Pit's very foundation.

Fiend began steadily ascending to his feet, but was cut short by a heavy roundhouse kick to the jaw. He tumbled backward slamming against the stone and sand.

"Your time is running out, Fiend. If you have any tricks left I advise you to keep them to the confines of this ring. Or do you prefer fighting only battles that you can win?"

Sep 27th, 2002, 12:07:24 AM
:: I got back up laughing this time. He was calling me a coward for turning the mob themselves? I just gave them a push down their own dark roads. I had only feasted off their hatred to supply my own. And it was still rolling off them as they killed and died before each other. And I heard the amplified voice of Nemesis across the arena with not my ears alone. My eyesight had returned partially only to be filled with a blood tint, I had a wound down one side of my face where the kick had torn the flesh. I would not take anymore of this mortal's wasteful and ignorant speeches anylonger.
My hand flew forward and Nemesis felt his jaw go lax as the muscles relaxed and the sense of feeling was lost. I made sure hewouldn't be speaking until I was a good disance away, meaning, out of town.::

I have had no idea of running from this. This is my challenge, and this is my arena. I own these people, eventually hey will die and come to me, the end. You vcan't tell me to keep this fight within the ring, I am everywhere, and even now as the helpless jedi fight me and those who use my power, I still destroy. And who gives you the right to choose what is good and evil. There is merely create and destroy. An endless cycle and fact of life. And I'm glad I can't hear your response to this, because I don't feel le wasting my time listenig to someone as ignorant as you.

:: I lunged and had my hand to his throat in a moment. I flew with him s he slammed into the arena cage, still electrified, we bothfelt the volts pass through our bodies. Just mine wasn't as bad. I could mell charred lesh from both of us. But I was using more force and sharing my pain wit Nemesis so that he felt double in his mind. If this was a human, which I doubted him to be ordinary, then I would still have a hard time believing that he wouldn't pass out from the pain.
I let go and leapt backwards as I held my hands. They were suzzling and the several wounds were no help either. I wouldn't be able to take even minor hits soon, the electrocution and the batterting before that had done too much. The skin boiled and sizzled for a moment before stopping and I hised as I waited forNemesis to get up. I almost knew he would without having to look at him.::

Sep 27th, 2002, 07:22:45 AM
Smoke plumed ominously from Nemesis' body. Patches of severe burns littered his back, yet still he rose.

"Your time is up."

Calling upon all his might, the assassin charged, lashing out with a three punch series, one landing in Fiend's side while the others beat against his neck and chest. The dark sider's weak structure tottered on the brink of demise.

A knee thrust accompanied by an uppercut spilled the evil one's blood from both head and body. Again, an outstretched hand prevented Fiend's early downfall. The ebony hunter's grip held fast upon his foe's neck, almost crushing it completely. Ivory infernos bore into the grisly face of depravity.

"You ask, what gives me the right to decide right and wrong? My answer is: no one. I need no permission to chose. Every being must follow his own path, but a choice does not blur the reality of good's existence. Even you know this to be true, because without the good there is no evil. Therefore, if you discount the permanence of righteousness, you have condemned yourself to death."

He then hurled Fiend along the nearest cage wall. Brilliant lights, blue and white, erupted around the dark sider. The rancid air of burning flesh filled the warrior's nose. Extending his right boot into his opponent's neck, forming a base with the left, the Ranger pressed hard; pinning Fiend against the lethal fence. Its deadly current constantly flowed through the man's body.

"Now I ask you. What right have you to kill the innocent? I am well aware of your corrupt actions, dog. You have no place in the lives of them that follow goodness. So take your pathetic excuse of understanding and be gone."

The spectators were ushered out by numerous guards who had arrived to curtail the violence. Fiend's possession on their minds had been loosed due to his own agony.

Nemesis retained his stance long after the arena had been cleared, refusing to yield until this coward had nothing left. Finally, the boot was lifted and the dark one collapsed; his skin covered in a dense black crust.

"I don't know if you can hear me, Fiend..." crouching beside the gory remains, "...but I will say this. I never authored the laws of morality." He rose once more. "I only enforce them."

Sep 27th, 2002, 08:33:44 PM
:: Nemesis heard the voice wihin hi soul, I knew it because I screamed it at will and my flesh wasn't responding! I could see him now, easily with the force, now that my eyes had been seared shut. Healing would be too much to do now, but I'd deal with that later. It seemed I was having a out of bdy experience, :lol. Those stuid things humans confessed of in a fatal situation. What a stupid thing to say, it was merely becoming with the frce as a final act of sentience. But I coud feel mself still attached to the body, I wasn't dead, but near it. But I could see Nemesis, not for what he was physically but mentally, his soul.
I was one big ugly mass of darkness, I saw taller than I dd physically and with every oment of being in this form I could feel my power growing as I fed off the lingering hate and pain. I was all powerfl, I was what I had always been, yet unleashed. Nemesis heard my voice but only his soul id, not his physical mind,but his soul. And it trembled when I spoke, not of fear but that he knew what I was.::

No, you, are a mortal with an insignifiacant life span, what do you know of morals in so little time. They change as you mortals do, first ruthlesness was the only way, then peacefulness, then war again. Make up your minds! There are no signs of good and evil in reality, just me and the creation, destructio and creation are the only things in thisworld and ultimately, I own you as much as it does.

:: I lunged at him, I could feel the dried shell over my body crinkle in a smile as Nemesis felt an immense forceknock him to the ground. Then he felt like something was hitting him, buthe couldn't feel it in his body, more in his very bones, like an extreme chill. But Nemesi knew he wouldn't be able to sene Fiend, but he ould still "feel" him here, he could stilll fight back bu it'd tak ore than his technique and brute strength. I continued tobeat Nemesis into the ground, I saw his ody being ushed into the sandy ground as I hit so hard.::

Sep 27th, 2002, 10:35:18 PM
In one tremendous flash, the assassin's eyes attained an all new vigor. With his will reaching out from the body, Nemesis thrashed the unseen force that assaulted him. The evil barrage ceased almost as quickly as it had began.

Peace filled the warrior's soul. Secure in his own resolution, he stood to his feet.

"You are as weak as your words, dark sider. I have already explained to you that true goodness is eternal. You are under the false presumption that man determines righteousness, which couldn't be further from the truth. Yet, this should be no great revelation for you. If it is, then you are the greatest of fools.

Hollow attempts at shaking my convictions will only waist what little time you have left. Evil is powerless to stop the reign of virtue. How else would you explain my ease at repelling your final offensive?

Man will die, evil will die, you.....will die; but goodness will live on, forever."

A piercing horn shattered the dismal quiet. The hunter glanced about his vile surroundings.

"Know this: I hand-picked the audience for our encounter this day. Every last one of them were among the most contemptible beings in this galaxy, providing you with a vast storage of hate to feed from. My insults also served to fuel your growing passion. The very blows I delivered were sent to goad you into progressive rage."

Turning to exit through an open wire gate, the Ranger's gaze fell upon the charred corpse.

"I would have hated seeing you cling onto any feeble excuse for defeat.

Let this be your, 'guiding light'."

With that, Nemesis stalked from the blood ridden arena.

Sep 28th, 2002, 12:31:10 AM
:: Nemesis left and I watched him... silently. His ignorance threw me into the rage, not his supposed tricks he claimed to have set up! His mere stupidity was the only thing that made me angry now, and the damage done to my flesh, my only body... this thing knew nothing outside of his own shell. I felt him leave the building and then I walked back to my body and began to be sucked back into the realm of touch and stone.
MY eyes snapped open and I screamed, so loud Nemesis heard it from outside. And then people ran in fear and terror as a black wave shifted out of the arena. The Pit began to shake as I trembled within. My flesh ached with every movement as I began to rise into the air. The ceiling of the arena was blown apart within moments and I began to rise higher. Nemesis saw as the dark figure rose into the air and from their he could see the reflection of the red eyes. I looked down, with my scarred face at the blood on the ground, my own blood... my blood! I launched my arms into the air and the arena blew apart in a great blaze. I dissapeared with a whispered promise.::

Do not turn around too fast Nemesis, you wouldn't want to miss me about to cripple your "virtues"