View Full Version : Apologies

Darth Idon
Sep 21st, 2002, 05:30:19 PM
Sorry I haven't been around, I had bad internet problems. I am an Apprentice here, so could a really kind person notify me of all things I need to know?

And if a Master could take me on has an Apprentice, that would be cool.:D

Lady Vader
Sep 23rd, 2002, 06:56:25 PM
Well, I can't take ya as I already have a handful of Apprentices, but there may be someone else who would be interested.

And you should probably find yourself a place in the Sith Palace, and then go to the Training Grounds for the group trainings. :)

Jehova Eaven
Sep 23rd, 2002, 07:01:20 PM
Go to the group training threads, theres going to be a new one starting up soon. As for a master, we'll see what we can do.