View Full Version : The House of Horror [Open]

Sep 20th, 2002, 06:21:43 PM
OOC Note: The setting is in a hidden arena under a popular bar which is basely neutral to all, A savior would be helpful :) Jedi/Sith it dont matter, somebody's got a heart!

It was about 9 'o clock in the evening, species of all kinds herded home or off to work in their own little specks of being. Exept for a certain 'joint' where several hundred crouded past the few bouncers into the loud interior. Although most would pass off the exhibitation as normal, for the certain bar was quite popular in it's area, the one's going in knew quite alot more.

Down a hall, Through six doors, two arm guards and a security lock lay the real thrill. Not that all the girls, music, show's, beer and drugs where much of a thrill themselves, but the inner sanctum under the surface was the main attraction for this Bar.

Inside the pub, there were games.

Sick, Twisted, and demented types of games. Individuals running for their lives, fighting for them, or trying to plead for mercy at the hand of their exicutioner.

Who were the pawns you might ask? Ordernary people like you. People who were picked off the streets for a offering of cred's to play a 'harmless' little game, or just kiddnapped like tonights Game.

A little girl with a strange appearance amongst the other chained 'slaves' whom had fallen for the trick or were taken away. The Girl, whois name shall be Alistryna, cried quietly and remembered back to her old home, her old friends, and the Matron.

She feared that it would never be again, cause of the game's and stories she had heard from the other captives whom had heard it from friends who say they heard it from their friends and so forth and on.

Some of the other prisoners vainly tugged on their manacles as Alist just tried to stand up under their weight. A Large Alien came forth every few minutes and released the first in line and hearded he or she out into the arena were calls of cheering eminated. Sometimes she could hear the bloodcurtling screams of the slain through the thick door.

Her turn came now, The large alien who now puffed on a calabash which emitted a thick bluish smoke unlocked the manacles and roughly shoved the nekofemme into the arena where a bloody beast tore at the latest victim. She gasped loudly, big mistake!, and the beast jumped around to face her.

Slices of human flesh hung from it's jaws and blood poured from the ruptured heart poking from clenched teeth. Stiffling back vomit, Alist backed against the steel door as the creature closed in with arrogant strides. Knowing that the prey before it would prove much less of a challenge.

The Croud Cheered on.

And Alist was ready to die...

Sep 20th, 2002, 06:26:54 PM
A blinding gold flash lit the arena, and the beast fell dead meters from Alistryna. Zeke's scarf whipped in the breeze of the fans placed to keep the arena cool.

"That's enough outta you!" he spat at the dead beast. He jumped into the arena, his glitched, gold saber and the orange Drinking Angel drawn and ready.

Sep 20th, 2002, 06:37:49 PM
... Or so she thought.

Like a mystic being, a guy had taken down the great monster with one fell swipe (much to the dissapointment of the crowd).

The ringleader shouted angerly at the intruder, waving at the guards who trained their guns on Zeke but did not open fire. Grinning, Fatty (The ringleader) pressed a set of five buttons which in turn released five more beasts, One of them being a rancor.

The Ringleader grinned amused as the beasts incircled the Jedi..

Sep 20th, 2002, 06:47:39 PM
Zeke turned and looked right up at the Rancor, a happy smile on his face.

"Ugly one, aint'cha?" The Rancor roared, whipping Zeke's hair back off his face. "Nice breath."

Two beasts charged from the sides. Zeke jumped over them, a simple matter, then the Rancor attacked. It punched with its claws, and Zeke flipped back. The Rancor gutted one monster, the other backed off and roared. Zeke stood in a stance, his sabers ready. The 3 beasts began to scuffle, momentarily distracted. The other 2, multilegged things with a mouths of sharp teeth, began to scuttle toward Zeke, bringing back the attention of the Rancor and the other 2...no 1, the Rancor had eaten the smallest of its allies. He checked Alistryna's position; she was fine, for the moment.

Makoto Neosis
Sep 20th, 2002, 07:09:05 PM
A silent death arched from the shadows and burrowed into the smaller monster. Then a loud rupture erupted from it accompanied by a bright flash, The smaller creature's overgrown head exploded in a mist of crimson fluid and brain matter coating the floor with it's mind.

Grinning, Makoto flipped the lever and loaded his rifle again. By now, the surrounding occupants (who were not dead of hearing from the shot) scattered. The guards turned and trained fire on the shadows unable to see what had fired, Mako saw them though.

BANG... reload... BANG.... By now, Two guards lay in the arena without an upper torso. Without thinking, The remaining guards opened fire on the spot and Mako was gone anyway.

Swinging the rifle around to his back on the bandolier attached to it, the marksman removed twin 5-7 pistols and returned their fire with some inaccracy. Bolts rained from their repeaters at Mako's new hiding spot and gave the Jedi below free attention with the Rancor.

"Fun fun fun fun, Mate!" The sniper shouted over the gunfire, sticking an arm around the corner to return it...

Sep 20th, 2002, 07:37:48 PM
The mulit legged creatures and Rancor advanced. He noted the gunfire, but ignored it. The gunner wasn't shooting at him. The multi legged creatures attacked, and Zeke bounded up their legs, severing their throats. Their lack of sentience and size made them simple targets. But the Rancor...it'd been watching, learning. Now Zeke faced off against it alone. The crowd cheered for the brute. Zeke ignored them and checked on Alistryna again.

Sep 20th, 2002, 07:56:04 PM
Alist huddled afraid but alright again for the most part. The doors behind her opened up and a flood of guards rushed in weilding vibro weapons and blasters and planned on not letting the Gunman or Jedi to leave with their lives.

One of the guards weilding a large repeater rifle snatched up the little girl and darted back into the holding area, his comrades keeping the busy Jedi and hungry Rancor from following for the meantime.

The other captives cheered on the resistants and tried to trip the excaping guard with the hostage taken neko. The Ringleader excaped himself, throwing a lever and jumping through a hidden entrance admist the firing.

With Alistryna captive, the retreating guard thought he had it made. Turning a corner, he roughly threw the girl into a cortosis coated cell (just incase somthing like this happened) and stepped inside himself while locking it behind him...

Sep 20th, 2002, 08:03:38 PM
Guards flooded the arena. The Rancor lowered its head to Zeke's level, and roared a challenge. Zeke looked to the guards, then to the Rancor.

"We'll settle up later!" He drew the Force to himself, and leapt atop the Rancor's head. It stood and roared, launching Zeke toward his goal: the door where the guard had taken Alist. The monster roared as the other guards swarmed it, while another battallion raised their weapons toward Zeke. He spun and flipped, calling luck and Force to deflect blaster bolts. He managed to hit the ground and slipped inside. The guards remaining in the holding area shut the door, leaving Zeke against 4 guards. A row of prisoners stood to the side. Around the corner he could hear the girl he was trying to save, and he noted the new list of hostages and turned to face the guards.

Jared Mriad
Sep 20th, 2002, 08:13:47 PM
Amongst the four guards, a hooded figure stood erect behind them. A grin across it's face as elongated canine like fangs showed in the dim light, the figure had come to see the games but instead became one of the many guards in the area.

Well... that's an overstatement, He was killing just about anyone who touched him. The scent of the Jedi had allured the Sith from hiding.

Only four guards and a saber between the two powers, outspreading his hands. Jared clenched them and flipped the hood back with the force as six sabers beams erupted from the back of his hands with the leathal snap-hiss

The guards jumped around, half facing Zeke, the others facing the newcomer.

"I smell a fight.." Jared coarsly spoke out, golden eyes glimmering past the guards and at Zeke..

OOC: Got auth from Alist for this duel, hope you do not mind :)

Sep 20th, 2002, 08:18:47 PM
Zeke's face took a determined look.

"I think you may be smelling the monster carcasses out there, friend," he countered. He looked to the guards, who were apparently deciding what to make of the situation.

OOC: No problem...how many sabers do you have?

Jared Mriad
Sep 20th, 2002, 08:29:40 PM
O/C: Three on each hand, think Wolverine off X-Men, so six in total. Each is about a 2' 7'' long :)

Laughing merrily, Jared took lightly on what he saw as a joke from the Jedi. "Good one!" The sith replied, regaining his manic like grin.

"So, let's add to the carcasses eh!" With this said, Jared rears back and dives into the closest guard with a demented fury. The red plasma claws laced in the air severing parts away from the man's body before it dropped in a pool of it's own blood.

"Merry little bunch! They fall apart like glass!" Jared chanted, attacking the next and clearing the way to Zeke. "Come now! Join in the battle!"

Sep 20th, 2002, 08:32:10 PM
Zeke moved in, blocking Jared's next strike at the last living guard.

"You work fast. So do I."

He kicked Jared, knocking him back then moved in, circling left. he lunged low then switched suddenly to a high attack with the Drinking Angel saber.

Jared Mriad
Sep 20th, 2002, 08:35:46 PM
Jared let himself be knocked back by the kick, obviously unhappy about not finishing off the last barrier (but to the guards relief, he betted). Defending off the high strike with a backhand claw, Jared darted in with a quick forward kick before spinning to the right and delivering a downwards slash with his right backhand...

Sep 20th, 2002, 08:45:02 PM
Zeke activated Drinking Angel's frequency switch, and it passed through Jared's claws. The Sith's kick prevented any damage and Zeke raised his other saber in defense against Jared's claws. He slipped from beneath the claws, and lashed out with Drinking Angel at Jared's side. He could hear the girl further back, he had to get to her...but this Sith was causing too much trouble...

Jared Mriad
Sep 20th, 2002, 08:56:17 PM
Jared manuvered the hand which had fell a unprofitable strike to block the incoming blow to the same side, pushing it up into the air while raking at Zeke's torso with the freehand.

Not caring weither it make contact or not, and quite amused by the Jedi's valiant act to try to save the child, Jared jumped back a few feet and dropped his guard.

"All this over a kid, intresting.." He spoke at this time, before jumping to the left at the guard which had moved from it's spot and decapitating him with one swift swipe. Get her... He spoke into Zeke's mind with the force, And then come back so we can finish this!!!

Sep 20th, 2002, 09:03:18 PM
Zeke ducked, then blinked. Had that guy said what he'd heard? Warily he moved backwards, keeping the Sith in sight at all times, he moved toward the cage. The guard opened fire, and an almost lazy block from Zeke sent the man's bolt directly at him. He reached inside and took the rifle, then boosting himself with force, swung it as hard as he could. It took out a few bars, and he bent them open to free Alist.

"Are you ok?"

Sep 20th, 2002, 09:09:36 PM
The Guard who had made off with Alistryna and locked eachother in the cell was frantically punching in numbers on a cell phone like device while Jared and Zeke dueled. Several times Alistryna had tried to excape, crawling torwards the door to unlock it and slip through but was reprimised by the guard yanking her back by the cat tail which poked from her skirt.

But then the Angel guy had bent bars open and lifted her out, Almost instantly she embrased the Jedi in a fearful but greatful hug.

Sobbing, Alistryna nodded at his question but held tight on. "Don't leave me here!" WAs mostly the only thing audible between her cries and sobbing..

Sep 20th, 2002, 09:14:59 PM
Zeke disengaged his sabers and held her.

"It's ok, its ok...I'm a good guy, I won't let anything bad happen to you anymore, 'kay?"

He rose, holding the child, and looked to Jared.

"We'll settle up later. Help me get this child out of here. Then we'll continue."

Jared Mriad
Sep 20th, 2002, 09:32:18 PM
"Alright Then, Let us floop the coop!" Jared cackled, turning to the twin doors and flipping the switch to open them. With his hands on his hips definantly, Jared grimaced as the doors opened to reveal a very dead Rancor, a battallion or six of guards, One hidden sniper (mako), and a big bloody mess.

"Ohmy... More Toys to break! Buuuut fiiirrrssst!" With this, Jared grins yet again (And we wonder does this guy get enough fun out of life?) before throwing and arm out beneath his cloak.

Out of his hand a silver cylinder flies out, arching over the guard's heads and forcing them to look out of sheer curiosity. "Lights gooo.... POOF!(here, a bright light erupts in the room) and We are gone!"

Instantly most of the guards grope for their eyes, having looked at the bomb as it exploded and thus causing the fluid in their eyes to boil.

Throwing a few out of the way via the force and brute strength, Jared treads through the sea of wailing with Zeke close behind.. Then suddenly turning to the Jedi, Jared regards him with a blank and confused look..

"Uh... You know a way out?"

Sep 20th, 2002, 09:40:42 PM
"I got in through vents...But that's a no go carrying her."

He put Alist on his back, and had her hold on, freeing his hands. He looked about, and noticed where some of the stragglers from the crowd were escaping.

"There!" he said pointing.

Jared Mriad
Sep 20th, 2002, 09:54:14 PM
"Through the vents?! Gah! Do you know what lives up there? No matter!" Jared reeled as Zeke pointed off at a few escapees. Elbowing a nemodian in the nose, Jared pushed and shoved through the crowd until it thinned out and the two were able to move faster.
(OOc note here, I also role Makoto)
Makoto on the otherhand, saw the two sprinting with the girl on one of their backs. Two guards whom had not been flashed by the explosion begun to train their weapons on the fleeing trio. Grinning from his exellent spot, Mako took one guard in his sights and pulled off another ear rattling round.

The guard's leg dissapeared and it fell to the ground screaming, the other had jumped for cover but to his avail, Makoto's next shot spliced through the pillar and deep into the alien's chest.

"An' outright shoot fest, Yippe-Kai-Yay!" Makoto hooted, taking aim at another and shooting off a round.

Jared continued forward, zig-zaging as Makoto's shots rang out in the still night, sometimes slicing out at a alien if it/she/he became close enough to do so.

The escaping individuals soon came to a hover lift which was currently out of order. Short strings of curses emitted from Jared as he took to the stairs up..

Sep 20th, 2002, 10:03:38 PM
Zeke bounded up the stairs after Jared, checking on the girl on his back. She hadn't made a sound since he'd freed her, but had sobbed continuously. Try as he might, he couldn't look at her to tell how she was doing.

"Dude, what's up with the girl?"

Jared Mriad
Sep 20th, 2002, 10:11:54 PM
Jared glanced over his shoulder, the only sane look through the whole procession. "Look's to me like she's scared out of her wits," Jared replied, turning a corner, "Usually peep's cant talk when that happens."

The door to the next floor up was locked, so Jared kicked it in. "Heeeellloooo!" He shouted, scaring a few guards ahead before slamming them into the walls. The Sith mode had clicked in again, wanting to get out of here so the earlier duel could be finished. "Dammit, Get outta my way puuuunks!" Off the railing one unfortunate fellow falls.

The first of six security doors soon blocked the escapees along with a small force of guards...

Sep 20th, 2002, 10:17:15 PM
Zeke drew a saber and moved with Force speed through the guards, making a few choice slashes. Their weapons fell apart and the 3 continued on unhindered.

"Dude, their ENDLESS!" he said through gritted teeth as still more guards rounded the corner, each armed with blasters and firing indiscriminantly. He checked Alistryna again, to be sure she was safe.

Sep 21st, 2002, 09:30:15 AM
Althrough the prosession, Alistryna clung tightly to Zeke's back with a fury to hold on. The red haired man seemed like he wanted to help, but in the same time, wanted not to help. Still fearful of not getting out of this situation, Alist just clung tighter..

Behind them, A guard popped out with a Heavy repeater rifle aimed at the retreating group. IF Alist's hearing had not picked up the tap tap tap of the boots, the Guard might've had a line shot to end this escape.

"Behind!" She yelped over the other blaster fire..

Sep 21st, 2002, 10:29:21 AM
Zeke spun and blocked, the bolt flying upward and bringing some of the ceiling down. The guards in front spread out, 2 lines with the first line crouching, the second standing, barring their way. With trained precision they lifted their rifles and took aim...

Jared Mriad
Sep 21st, 2002, 02:27:07 PM
It was now evident that the arena was more than scum hole, but a well trained facility also. Activating only one saber on each hand, Jared darted forward diflecting bolts every which way until he reached the guards and slaughtered them mercessly.

"Geeze, This is a frelling war camp! But, All the merri-ACH!" His words were cut off by a bolt slamming into his upper arm and burning through the cloak and under layers to the skin beneigh.

"Bastard!" Jared countered, yanking the responsible man forward with the Force right into one of the saber talons and imailing the poor fellow on it. The corpses' weight slid down from Jared's upraised hand and sliced the body in two from the solar plexis on up.

Sep 21st, 2002, 03:47:58 PM
Zeke rushed past, not bothering with a comment on Jared. The more they defended, the more they ran, the more opposition appeared. All this over a child?

"What have they got to hide here?"

The three rounded a corner, straight into a gauntlet of armed soldiers. More came from behind, encircling the escaping trio.

"Well ain't that a kick in the pants?"

Jared Mriad
Sep 21st, 2002, 06:50:33 PM
Jared had also ceased, stepping back from the blockaides.

"No kidding..." He grummbled, calculating their chances. The guards all were ready to open fire had any of the three tried to resist. The kian sabers, otherwise know as the claws, deactivated and slid back into their sheaths under Jared's skin.

"Now wha?"

Sep 21st, 2002, 07:05:24 PM
The 'army' of armed guards quietly kept their weapons trained on the trio. Not a sound was heard for a quite long period of time save for Zeke and Jared's chatter.

A Commander, conveinently placed in the back of the regime, spoke up over the silence.

"Well, Well. Look what we have here, two jedi trying to escape with an Experiment," The blond haired commander spoke, hands on his hips,"I suggest you all drop your weapons and surrender, or you may face worse than what you are going to."

AListryna cringed against Zeke's back, thinking all during this what he had ment by 'experiment', she had been an orphan as far as she could remember, not an 'experiment'.

"Come now, Drop those weapons!" He spoke again, louder.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 21st, 2002, 07:40:33 PM
Out of nowhere, a clamorous shout echoed through the bustling structure, causing many inquisitive guards to travel and investigate the recent disturbance.

In the midst of the vast crowds stood a single individual, coated in his obsidian attire. He seemed to remain calm and complacent, despite the late series of events. Numerous soildiers began to emcompass him, bearing lethal arms of powerful force. Yet even then, the quiet man remained motionless and serene. He seemed to be at peace, and that only further bewildered the abundant guards has more and more began to surround him.

Sep 21st, 2002, 10:04:36 PM
Zeke stood tall and grinned.

"Hail Kindo!" Under his breath: "Took ya long enough..."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 27th, 2002, 07:25:50 PM
" Sorry for the wait, traffic. "

With that said, Kindo crouched down has if building some momentum. Then with a powerful leap, the Jedi backflipped above the swarming crowd, landing steadily on a elevated perch. By this, he knew he would divert the attention of the infuriated guards off of the others, and onto himself.