View Full Version : Downward Spiral: A Dance With The Balamb Fishes

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 20th, 2002, 12:46:30 PM
Coruscant city, in its time, had been host to many a party and grand occasion. This evening was no different to hundreds of thousands in the past, and this was what made it so attractive to Vega. As he stepped out of the cab he had arrived in onto the pavement, taking in the uptown air, he smiled to himself. His eyes traveled skyward to survey the grandiose outside of the great hall; which he would soon enter. For the shortest of moments he regarded his companion for the evening, one Sieken Kasstra. Their purpose he was not as simple as a face value evening of indulgence, nor was it death. It had been customary to attribute the Lupine’s visits as killings calls, though tonight would be very different.

He strode forward, boots clicking against the ground, as his slate-grey trench coat hugged in against his heels with the passing of the mid-evening wind. It tousled his blonde hair and cooled his cheeks as he stepped past the bell-boy, who welcomed him with a warm smile and nod of his head. The two were official guests here, not gatecrashers, and had been officially hailed by the host of the party, one poet-come-artistic who was attempting to make it big in the galaxies. He had heard of Vega through his contacts in the fine art and relics business, and thus thought that such a wealthy figure would be an excellent addition to the guest list.

A slow, sickly smile passed over the canines lips as he stepped out of the turbo lift he’d been escorted into, and onto the highly polished floor of the hall. What he was greeted with was a modest crowd of supposed critics and conesseurs, who toured the walls to browse and comment on the artists works. Most looked down their noses at the varied splatters of paint and scribbles that the creator called ‘his works’, though a few – likely uneducated – seemed enthralled by the ‘artistic genius’. The painter/poet, Jacque Balamb, stood at the back of the room, watching nervously.

Turning his head to look half towards Sieken, whilst keeping his eyes on the people amassed in the room, Vega spoke:

“Tell me what you see here.”

Severen Morkonis
Sep 20th, 2002, 01:10:32 PM
' Snotty bastards...' Sieken sneed his eyes scanning the room before he looked back to his Master. ' If you mean litrally, i see i bunch of high profile guests looking at some poor excuse for a work of art hung up on a wall...and further more to be perfectly honest it looks like a place where they regard you and i for some tramp...' He said gritting his teetch in half anger, he was pefectly happy with a night in with writing and reading but Sieken had to be dragged to a stupid party.

Sieken was told to be half presentable so he wore a black jumper along with black baggy jeans,perhaps not exsacty top hat and tails for the the likes of this scum it would have to do. Sieken was not happy to be here and it certainly showed on his face.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 20th, 2002, 01:43:32 PM
Without warning, he began to walk. Slow swinging steps got him nowhere fast, but his intent was not to traverse the whole room, but to simply seem as though he was scrutinizing what was on view. His eyes travelled freely from face to face, assessing each individual and their thoughts; which spoke to him as clear as the day itself. The scents they exhumed appeared to him in a series of colours that panned across the whole of the spectrum. As he inhaled, the clouds of tint drew in towards him then pushed away as he exhaled.

“You look at the surface value of things far too much.”

The distance between the two darksiders expanded quickly as Vega moved from his position by the Knight off towards a sculpture, from which the crowd scattered at the imposing figures presence. Sieken followed in tow, and his Master motioned with a hand towards the metalwork.

“This is a piece of gnarled durasteel to you, nothing more and nothing less – but to an art critic, it is a show of inner human feelings, and the angst, range and depression the artist was feeling at the time.”

Vega looked away from the piece.

“Why do you think that some people see such a delicate flower in things, whilst you derive such harsh definitions?”

Severen Morkonis
Sep 20th, 2002, 02:36:25 PM
'Feelings towards crafts of Durasteel is hardly useful such a waist of good time to stand there for moments at a time looking at a sculpture carved into a position of ugliness...and this!' he gestured towards the splats of paint on the modern art canvas.

' What the hell is this?...a few splats of red and blue paints worked effortlessly onto a canvas of paper and for what?..mllions of credits at a time...forgive me master but i see little point in a few smears of paint worth that amount of money.' Sieken was a man of written art not painted or visual art. In his mind art was created in the head, for example if you were reading a book or poem you could imagine yourself what the palace looked like, what the mountains and rivers that the author described looked like...art painted for you was useless.

' And perhaps if the people that painted it and showed off were a little less posh and ignorant i would admire them for there talents...' He raised a brow at a passerby.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 20th, 2002, 02:39:49 PM
Slowly, he shook his head.

“The art is merely an example, Sieken. I am speaking of a broader picture. Your view on life is very blinkered and cynical.”

He folded his arms over his chest and moved slowly onto the next piece. Quite obviously he had not finished speaking, but wished to take in another piece before he continued on with what he had to say. After sufficient time to study the painting, he spoke again.

“You take people on face value. Judging a book by its cover is a very idiotic thing to do. Were you to look upon the Jedi Master Yoghurt, you would see a shrivelled midget, and no threat. The lightsider, though I dislike saying it, is strong, despite his shrewd appearance.”

Severen Morkonis
Sep 20th, 2002, 02:49:15 PM
' Midgets such as Master Yoghurt are creatures of which are strong only cause we allowed him to be, as this painting here...its sculptured in its shape cause its creator wished it to be, as ifprojecting its feelings, with all due respectthey are two totaly diffent things.' He said looked at his master with a sarcastic grin. 'My feelings to people are only skin deep, since Sapphire died i have no feelings....love, friendship and care..i havenone of that,wheather its Yoghurt or a mere tramp they have no diffrence on me...this type of art has no layers of feelings in myopinion....writting and poetry have layers of emotions and feelings however...'He smiled looking at the piece Vega stepped up to.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 21st, 2002, 03:48:47 AM
“You see, even now you are taking what I say literally.”

Vega turned to face Sieken head on, and again sighed, “The whole point of my bringing you here was to alert you to the fact that you see in black and white.”

He didn’t need to hear the Knights opinion half of the time, for it was blatantly obvious how his mind worked.

“Everything for you is stark and simple. You are like an animal, a beast… mate, feed, kill and repeat, the same cycle. Evil and good, that is what you see in the Force, is it not?”

Severen Morkonis
Sep 21st, 2002, 12:45:28 PM
' And your problem with that is?' He questioned Vega with a raised eyebrow and a sly smile. Although tonight was proboly not the night to annoy the Dark Lord, Sieken could see the man was being rather hypocritical and Sieken to be frank was having non of it.

' And you are telling me Vega that you see a rainbow of colors when you look at a enemy...a person you hatelike the Jedi....?' Sieken crossed his arms over his chest intrested in what Vegas defence would be.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 21st, 2002, 12:57:55 PM
“There is no good and evil, Sieken. This is not what separates us from our enemies, and if you think that is so then you are far more naïve than I previously thought. It’s our different standpoints, our numerous perspectives which set us apart.”

Vega smiled rather self-righteously.

”Both sides blame one another, yet half of the pawns know not even what the cause they fight for is. Tell me, my apprentice – what is your purpose?”

Severen Morkonis
Sep 22nd, 2002, 04:32:24 AM
'My perpose here is to have a life without the interference of other people, like Jedi and the Law...why shouldent we have the life WE want?...if i want to kill thats my free will, if i want to destroy thats my buisnuis...thats all i strive for, a life of my own and not to be contr....' he stopped and looked at Vega....thinking about it..Vega controlledhim.

' Nevermind...Sieken shook his head and walked away to a painting on the wall...looked more like a red blob that some dirty alien had sneezed on.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 22nd, 2002, 06:11:00 AM
“You don’t think you’re part of a larger picture. Exactly as I suspected.”

Vega laughed quietly to himself as he looked over Sieken’s shoulder for a moment at the monstrosity that somed had the gaul to call a ‘painting’ before moving on.

“Don’t you have any aspirations in life, aside from staying alive?”

Severen Morkonis
Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:07:05 AM
'What else is therefor me Vega..i have nothing, i am nothing there IS nothing for me...this life that the force gave me was just a waiste of time...'he said glancing at Vega.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:09:47 AM
“What a shame. I know exactly what my life goals are. It’s always healthy to have a set plan for what is to come … that way ‘fate’ can’t get the better of you,” he added with an inward smile as he moved on through the crowd.

“Isn’t there something you want to achieve, nothing at all? Power? Money? Women?” Vega tagged on with a laugh.

Severen Morkonis
Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:14:10 AM
' Women are nothing but a torment to the brain, they want,want, want and when you give it to them they run off with some other man or woman, never satisfied. Money...i dont need money simple as that and power?...i have power being a Dark Jedi Knight...i dont need anymorepower than the force...like i said...i want tolive as i want tolive...simple...'He said frankly.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:18:04 AM
“Then you are nothing but a mindless killing machine, unfit to bare the title Dark Jedi. Dark Jedi have purpose, and a mutual goal – control. The turning of every being within the galaxy, whom they see fit, to their cause, and the culling of those too weak to handle the power.”

Vega folded his arms over his chest as an arrogant sneer curled into his lips, “What are you? The butcher or the lamb he slaughters?”

Severen Morkonis
Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:22:00 AM
'Neither' He sneerd 'I am the man who sells the butcher the meat in the first place....i control them both...' He said with a grin.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:26:08 AM
“Then you claim to be the Force itself, and such a declaration is ludicrous.”

Turning away from Sieken, he had grown tired of the supposed art and pushed now into the people who were gathered. They sipped on their wine and nibbled cautiously on foreign foods, whilst their eyes roamed and judged all around them. Vega sensed their thoughts and what they had concluded from his rather alien appearance, and in return gave only a fanged grin.

“Sieken, come. We are going to speak with the artist.”

Balamb had spotted Vega and called him over eagerly, and as the Dark Lord approached, greeted him with a warm smile.

Severen Morkonis
Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:32:55 AM
Sieken chuckled and shook his head with a chucle at Vega, the man would never understand, he then followed in tow with the Dark lordpushing through the crowed

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 6th, 2002, 04:49:11 AM
Jacque Balamb turned his head to view his guest’s companion for the evening and gave another nod, allowing his smile to grow.

“Oran, it is good to see you finally.”

Vega nodded, stepped forward, and was embraced warmly. He gave Jacque a pat on the back before stepping away, casting a glance about the room.

“Jacque, this is my good friend Sieken. I’ve brought him here this evening to teach him a little culture, though it seems thus far he is not impressed,” he added with raise of one brow.

Severen Morkonis
Oct 7th, 2002, 10:30:13 PM
The man Vega had just introduced Sieken to also tried to embrace Sieken, the Dark Knight moved back slightly and just took his hand to shake it, he could see Jacque was suprised by this.

' Sieken what a pleasure to meet you....Sieken err?'

' Sieken Sweet ' Sieken said rather annoyed

' Ah, Mr.Sweet thank you for accepting Orans invitation...i take it you have looked around at my work?' He said rather nervously his hands in twining with eathother hoping for a good opinion.

'I'm not a great fan of art im affraid Jacque if i may call you that?'jacque nodded with a smile 'However from what ive seen its up to most expert standards'Seieken said giving a unimpressed sideward glance.

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 8th, 2002, 10:00:37 AM
“Oh yes yes, I am rather proud of this batch!”

Vega regarded the artiste with a speculative stare. Artists as a whole seemed to mass create their work, and it seemed also that their muse never left them. How fortunate.

“Perhaps I shall purchase a piece,” he remarked, off hand, as he turned to glance once more into the fray of viewers.

“Jacque, I don’t suppose you are busy after the viewing, are you?”

The man shook his head; he knew not to say no to Oran Fett. Oran smiled, and nodded.

“Very well then. Myself and Sieken shall be joining you, for a drink, and some instruction on painting… I wish to learn how you have achieved such skill – Sieken, does that sound good?”

He did not wait for an answer, before adding, “Very well. If you’ll excuse us, I think we’ll continue on viewing and mingling.”

Severen Morkonis
Oct 11th, 2002, 08:00:15 AM
' Great..' Sieken said darkly ' Whats your plans for him Master?'

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 11th, 2002, 11:07:52 AM
“We are going to talk with him.”

Sieken looked at Vega as if expecting him to correct himself with some fiendish plans, though the Lupine gave none.

“Not every aspect of your training will revolve around combat. You will take this as seriously as any of session.”

Severen Morkonis
Oct 11th, 2002, 04:47:17 PM
'You mean to tell me?...Vega the great Dark Lord wont kill him?' Sieken faked a sarcastic surprise 'NEVER!?' He gasped and then chuckled to himself as he followed his Master along the corridor into a cavernous room in which a crowed of people gathered around a freestanding object in the center of the gallery covered in a purple velvet drape.

'The highlight of the evening i gather...another abomination' Sieken hissed at Jacque got on stage to unveil his latest and most prized work.

' Will you shut up you two?!' A woman whisperd, Sieken simply sneerd.

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 12th, 2002, 04:13:10 AM
The woman silenced herself quickly as she realised her ill-doings and apologized to Sieken quietly, before wondering exactly why she’d acted as she had, and why the blonde haired man at stared at her in such an unusual fashion. Slowly, Jacque pulled away the drape to reveal a sculpture. It was tall and carved from some form of granite, and depicted a demon or some kind, borne from the womb of hell. Vega looked on it and sighed; it was grotesque and pale in comparison to the other work Balamb had produced, yet he had deemed it his masterpiece. Never the less, the Lupine clapped his hands together.

Once the people had stared for long enough, they left, and the door was closed behind them as the three sat down to a table, with flutes of champagne at their disposal. Vega took one up, and sipped from the glass, the taste sour and unpleasant.

“This statue is peculiar, where did you find your muse for it?”

“Oh... the torment inside me, of course. The anguish, sheer anguish.”

Vega’s brow creased as he looked back at the beast, writhing to escape the clutches of its maker. Around it, and indeed around the room, where smaller miniatures – or studies – or other creatures which had been used as the basis for the final piece. These would do perfectly for what Vega had in mind.

As you are a puppet, he began into Sieken’s mind, So you can be the Master. There are many humanoid and non, alike, who will bend to your will. Even the unliving will welcome fresh life into their stiff joints…

Whether or not Sieken would understand, he would wait and see.

Severen Morkonis
Oct 12th, 2002, 03:15:37 PM
Transmutation was the first word that popped into Siekens head along with his Masters. I think i understand master...but how do i perform such a great task with such powers as i have?Sieken asked back into Vegas head looking around at some of the miniatures.

'Beuatiful arnt they?..' Said Jacque

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 13th, 2002, 02:13:21 AM
It’s child’s play, Sieken. We begin first with smaller objects… these small statues, and morph them into golems.

He regarded Jacques with a studious glance and nod as he again surveyed the work.

“The smaller pieces are made from clay only, but the behemoth is made of pure granite.”

Vega smiled thinly.

Clay, easily pliable.

Severen Morkonis
Oct 13th, 2002, 09:15:32 AM
Sieken really had no idea how he was going to do this, he had little to no skill what-so-ever in transmutation of himself or anything else...he had no idea how to create a life form from clay or stone or iron. Only the forcecould push and pull and bring thingslike that to life but sure enough he would tryand obey his Masters call. Tell me HOW master...how do i craft the force into those statues?

Vega Van-Derveld
Feb 22nd, 2003, 04:01:35 AM
“How do you create a Force push? You simply focus your mind to the task and visualize the Force weaving as you would will it to do.”

“Jacques, I think I should like to purchase this creature,” he said, indicating the large beast.

As the artists attention was drawn from the figures around him, so Vega’s mind moved to one of the small statuettes – it was a bird, with tattered wings, that looked as though it had moments ago been attacked by a predator. The surface of its body was hard clay, though it seemed that slowly the brown earthen texture was becoming feathery white …

Severen Morkonis
Feb 24th, 2003, 05:53:23 AM
Sieken looked over towards the statue that Vega had said he wanted to buy, a raised eyebrow was he only indication he gave to think this whole "art thing" was completely insane. But as he watched the statue began to take a color form, white for the wings, a brownish tint for its bill and so on. A smile then crept from Siekens lips, Jaques face looked like he had just seen a ghost, but of course in a sence he had.

' I see master, now i see....do you like this Jaque, are you apsaloutly SURE this is what YOU created, or did Vega here contruct it?...' Sieken could only smile at his face as the demonstration continued.