View Full Version : The Dream Within [open]
Aevenon Cloak
Sep 20th, 2002, 11:36:28 AM
[OOC: This is totally open to anyone who wishes to interact with, and possibly befriend, Aevenon. Character development or a fight, whatever.]
Diaphanous wings spread themselves slowly up and outwards through purpose made slits in the man’s light robes. In the night light, the ambrellians body seemed to pulse with a muted glow that was barely noticeable to the naked eye, yet prominent to a force user. As the cosset of translucent feathers wrapped around his person, Aevenon took in a deep breath and allowed the appendages to retreat away from shielding him, comfortable within his surroundings.
The skyline before him was interminable and stretched on for what seemed like forever into the distance. Such sights were alien to Cloak and he found it awe inspiring to see such a hive of life teeming below him – Coruscant. From the verge he was perched upon, he could see down into a deep valley of bright lights and tower blocks, where people swarmed too and fro so happily.
Had he roamed so far from his counterpart that he could no longer sense him? No. Though his Master and spiritual twin, Slayn Cloak, was a great distance away – on Vjun no less – he could feel him as if he were physically touching him. The two share an inseparable bond, one which could not ever be shattered by anything less than death. The force adept had been created from him, and thus would die with him.
But although he was close, like family, to Slayn, he did not wish to be in his company always. For all of his life his essence had remained a part of the boy’s persona, though hidden. He had existed as the purity and goodness within Slayn Cloak, and now that he had been set free it was his turn to flourish …
imported_Terran Starek
Sep 20th, 2002, 06:04:24 PM
"It's a beautiful night, wouldn't you say?" A voice behind Aevenon said warmly. The soft tone and pleasant demeanor of the aura at his back offered no threat. In fact, is what the exact opposite. His calling was not only pleasant but inviting. He was filled with peace and kindness.
"I have come to this place to think many a time. It seems as though it's view has been discovered by another." When Aevenon turned to look upon his visitor, he saw the Jedi behind him. Terran smiled, a bright tone to his face. The man was extremely intriguing, and Terran--with his undeniable curiosity--could not avoid interaction. He was...angelic, really. His skin fair and soft, he was very handsome. He seemed to give off a sort of light, almost a dull glow. The soft wings were graceful as the wrapped around his body, muscles flexing with every small movement. A beautiful creation. He had to know who, what, how, and why. There was no escaping it. He hoped the man would be receptive of his questioning, knowing that his aurua posed no danger to him. He wanted to find out about this man--more than that, he hoped to offer his friendship.
"My name is Terran Starek, padawan of Verse Dawnstrider, servant to the Force, protector of the weak, and loyal memeber of the Greater Jedi Order," he stated, extending a hand out to the man before him.
Aevenon Cloak
Sep 21st, 2002, 03:13:08 AM
The pliable aura which surrounded Aevenon smoothed outwards slowly as his head turned to look towards the one who had spoken. There was a comparable virtuous air about the man who his azure eyes came to lay upon. As his visitor extended a hand, life slowed for Aevenon, as it did so often in dubious situations. Everything about his person stayed at its normal pace, whilst those around him decelerated to a sluggish jagged set of movements.
Up turning his palm, Cloak mimicked the man’s motions though as his fingertips moved towards Terrans, shafts of light flickered then died away in constant cycle around his skin. It was as if hundreds of tiny lights were being flicked on and off, hovering just off of the surface of his body in the area which anticipated interaction. It was unusual, however, because just as the two hands met the luminosity passed on completely.
I am Aevenon, came his voice into the Jedi’s mind. Like Slayn, it was rare that he would speak aloud.
The energy around the light-sider craned towards the blue-haired one, straining to embrace him and welcome him. Such was the way of the Force when paralleled to Cloak; it wanted to be close to him for it felt his affinity with it, for he was not only a student of it but created from it.
The gauntleted hand withdrew, having done its duty, and the man looked back upon Coruscant. His mind was irresolute when it came to interaction with those aside from his creator, for he felt much more at home in the plane of the mind rather than the physical.
imported_Terran Starek
Sep 21st, 2002, 12:45:29 PM
Terran could tell that the man--or whatever kind of being he was--was strongly attune to the Force that surrounded them. It seemed evident, as all of Terran's own life force was drawn to him. He felt as though his own spirit--the Force that made up parts of his soul within--were drawn out by the man. It was truly a unique experience.
His hand touched Terran's, greeting it with the same iridescent glow that the rest of his person projected. He spoke his name into Terran's own thoughts, the name blending with his curiosities and questions. Aevenon....Aevenon The name echoed in his head. He would soon not forget it. It seemed as though the man wished to be in his thoughts rather than speak, which, by Terran's judgement, was perfectly normal. He had been with many who preferred telepathy. He himself was very attune to the Force and could feel its every ripple.
Is it ok with you that I am here? Would you like your privacy? he spoke into the other's mind. Intentions, while good, could offend and he hoped to make his own intentions clear so that nothing negative could be inferred from them. Hoping that the other would agree to his presence, he moved on.
Who are you? I now know your name, but names do not define us.
Aevenon Cloak
Sep 21st, 2002, 01:16:10 PM
Aevenon gave a dismissive wave of one hand to signify that the possible intrusion into his mind was perfectly acceptable. Having spent much time around Slayn, he had grown completely habituated to never having to speak audibly and much preferred for people – if they could do so – to speak to him mentally.
Within a moment of silent, he grew exultant with the man’s presence and turned to look head-on at him, a warm smile gracing his lips. Unseen to all but Cloak, tendrils of light weaved themselves out from his chest and stretched, curious, towards Terran. They wished to know more about his signature and unique imprint on the Force.
I am a force user, as you are. I am apprentice to Slayn Cloak.
What he did not mention was his personal alignment within the Force, for even he was not clear as to its boundaries. Slayn moulded the shadows, whilst he crafted the light – even though he had been born from darkness. It was a paradox in itself, and one which his mind did not have the intelligence or will to comprehend.
imported_Terran Starek
Sep 21st, 2002, 01:52:50 PM
Slayn Cloak. Terran had somehow heard the name before--it was familiar. However, he could not place it nor remember where he had heard it from. He would have to rely on only the details he could learn from Aevenon.
He had called Terran a force-user. This could mean a couple of things. For one thing, it meant that Aevenon was no Jedi--Terran did not think this was the case, but was not convinced that he had no Jedi training. Also, it could have meant that Aevenon did not know who the Jedi were. Maybe he had only been exposed to the Force in its mystic forms. He would not ask--it would be a great insult to his intelligence if he did know these things.
He could not break contact with him--Terran himself was drawn to the being. It was like something was reaching out to touch Terran's own being--wrapping around him, grabbing at him. Something warm and kind, though--not threatening or harsh. It seemed as though the benevolence of the Force was prominent throughout their interaction.
An apprentice? An honorable position, I would say. He smiled. What does your apprenticeship entail with Slayn Cloak? He was curious as to what he was an aprrentice of.
Aevenon Cloak
Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:44:51 AM
Studying the thoughts of others was child’s play. Their minds spoke to him as if they wanted him to know what they dwelt upon, and thus it left little effort to be made on Aevenon’s part. He smiled at the somewhat malign way that Terran addressed him, as if he were more naïve than actually so. To Cloak, everything had been Slayn, and thus for a person not to know of him was most perplexing.
I learn to become closer to the Force. He teaches me. I am the apprentice, and he – the master.
The reply was, again, vague and simple, but his statements would remain to be so unless further probed. He was not inclined to divulge information freely, and thus responded only with the barest minimum of data.
imported_Terran Starek
Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:58:10 PM
Terran observed the man as he spoke to his mind. The answers were short--not curt, but quick--and it seemed as though he did not wish to reveal much to the Jedi. It was understandable in this case--they had just met. Hopefully, Terran thought, he could gain the trust of Cloak and learn more about him. But he would take it slow and easy--no need to endanger the new relationship they were forming by being to pushy.
I understand, he spoke in thought, I, too, learn the same from my own training. Terran examined Aevenon again. He looked the man over, noticing every detail. He had to know. He had to understand. He could not stomach the suspense, which seem to seep into his mind, deteriorating his focus. aren't...normal... he let the thoght be transmitted, but felt bad after it was out. He didn't want it to burst out like that. I didn't mean it to sound like that...I...
Aevenon Cloak
Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:33:49 AM
Some of Aevenon’s own curiosity of the Force was mirrored by Terran’s for the ambrellian, which was a must peculiar feeling. The confusion the Jedi felt amplified Cloak’s feelings as they mingled together, a natural progression due to the feel flowing motion the Force was acting in between the two.
Without consciously realizing he was doing it, he folded his wings inwards. They tucked themselves tightly against his back and partially vanished from sight beneath the light robes he wore. The cloth that hung down to form the cuffs of his sleeves was in constant motion, it appeared, and was lifted apparently by a breeze – though there was no presence of wind or a squall in sight. Perhaps this was another effect of the aura which surrounded him.
What do you learn? he questioned inquisitively.
imported_Terran Starek
Sep 23rd, 2002, 06:55:32 PM
So many things. About life! About energy! Beautiful things, knowledge that many, many beings in this galaxy could never process. Every day, every moment...I think about how lucky I am to have been chosen by the Force. He thought about the statement. He found it amazing that he was a being of the Force. It was enlightenment. No being who could not feel the Force would ever have this indescribable chance to experience it like Terran and the others of his kind.
He knew that Aevenon would understand his love of the Force. He wondered how much he knew of the outside world. He thought for sure he would know that Terran was a Jedi. Maybe he did not. Maybe he had never experienced the world as it was. His eyes, sometimes, reflected the curiosity of a child. It was intriguing to Terran.
Does this sound like anything you have learned about, Aevenon?
Aevenon Cloak
Sep 28th, 2002, 05:46:35 AM
I do not learn about life. Anything it wishes me to know of it, it will impart into my of its own accord. I learn only how to deepen my mergence with the Force, for the betterment of myself and my Master.
Without cause for caution, he began to walk. It seemed though as he did so what remained visible of his wings departed beneath his robes, and he brushed back his deep navy hood to cover up the slats from which the feathery spans appeared. A light smile played across his lips as he descended down the hill, towards the streets of Coruscant.
You are a Jedi. What is a Jedi? What do they do?
imported_Terran Starek
Sep 28th, 2002, 06:28:07 PM
"We Jedi are protectors of the light. We become servants of the light side of the Force, letting it guide us and nurture us. We pledge our lives to defend it and fight the evil that is the dark side." He thought about the words he spoke, hoping that they could unlock more questions or suffice in answering the Aevenon had. He wasn't sure if either was accomplished.
Aevenon Cloak
Sep 29th, 2002, 03:53:06 AM
Servants of the force, he repeated.
Though he was not facing Terran the sense of humour and amusement around him no doubt radiated from his aura to make the Jedi quite aware of Aevenon’s reaction. The concept of serving the Force seemed alien, of course. He was it, and it – he, and therefore people serving it seemed simply ludicrous.
“Evil only exists when there is good to combat it,”
Out of turn, he spoke aloud. His voice was tinny in timbre and yet at the same time sounded supple and forgiving.
imported_Terran Starek
Sep 29th, 2002, 03:18:25 PM
Terran found the reply by Aevenon almost mocking of his dedication to the Force. He imagined it might be a foreign conept to the strange being. Perhaps service was something never taken into consideration by his...kind. If so, it would be difficult to explain himself to the man.
"I would believe the opposite," Terran said aloud, politely disagreeing. "I would tend to believe that nature, in itself, is a difficult state to survive in. In most cases, one must depend on pure luck. Beings are only blessed with a certain number of strengths--among them size, power, and intelligence. Because of this, there are superior beings that would take advantange of the weaker--those beings having more strengths than others. Those who do so are truly products of the natural environment--a natural evil. It is nature that creates this inequality; not simply evil intentions nor selfishness itself. There must be created a force to defend against those that would seek to control the weaker. Therefore, good would exsist in response to evil. Merely a necessity--a reaction." Terran organized his thoughts. He lived for this type of discussion--this philisophical exchange. He was anxious to hear Aevenon's retort.
Aevenon Cloak
Sep 30th, 2002, 10:11:04 AM
“Evil cannot flourish without reaction from men. If men do not respond abrasively to their brothers’ actions, there would be no reason for so-called ‘evil’ deeds to take place. The only thing that keeps a dictator in power is opposition by rebellion.”
Aevenon turned to see if Terran was following, though it did not appear as if he was. This, he did not mind, for he found no disappointment or reward in the discussion and stated – dogmatically – only what he believed to be truth.
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 2nd, 2002, 09:01:53 AM
Terran was indeed following the other's explanation. He did not agree with it. It seemed, though, that the participants were out to discuss truth; not theory. Terran had always found that when one pits his own truth against another's truth, it commonly ended in violence. He did not want this situation to turn sour.
"Point well made. I think it would benefit us both to let this topic be for now." He stated softly, letting a warm smile cross his face.
Why have you come here? He was curious to know what would bring a being like himself to this location.
Aevenon Cloak
Oct 2nd, 2002, 01:27:06 PM
To learn.
He paused in his step and turned half-circle, his robes trailing through the damp grass under foot. His eyes sparkled with a faint hint of excitement and thirst for knowledge.
To learn about the inhabitants of this planet, and their customs. Why are you here?
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 2nd, 2002, 09:33:19 PM
To remember He thought of the times Biggs had brought him to this particular spot in the architecture. It was a beautiful view, indeed. He loved the sights, so high up. A sight to behold to all those people who were grounded for so long in the sub-levels. So many inhabitants that would barely see the light of day, lest hope of peace and true freedom.
It seems to me that these buildings represent the dreams of men. They have grown so high, so tall, only to become immobile and unchanging. Their lack of color and difference make me believe that men have gained no taste for either. He thought about how much time he had spent in the natural jungles and woods of the other planets in the galaxy--Naboo, Degobah, Yavin. They seemed to make this concrete forest look like a graveyard.
Aevenon Cloak
Oct 4th, 2002, 11:35:22 AM
His wings spread, appearing to do so almost in agitation as they whipped out in a curved safeguard once more. Aevenon raised a hand and cast it back through azure wisps of hair to brush them from his line of vision as he looked from side to side: he was writing, in essence, what he saw to his memory, for he had a photographic mind of sorts that allowed him to recall vividly each and every thing that he saw.
It is both beautiful and sickening all at once. The monstrosity that is humanity never ceases to contradict itself in all that it does.
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:48:32 AM
Terran listened and analyzed Aevenon's comment in his head. Sadly, he thought, it was true. He saw the truth--he would not be blinded by sheer affiliation to the human race.
We can only hope that the beauty of humanity will take hold and lead. Sometimes, it happens that way. But, all too easily, human nature betrays itself.
He thought about all of the bodies of corrupt power and tyranny the humans had brought to the galaxy--the Sith Order and The Empire being only two examples. True, it was the darkside of the Force that supplied the necessary motivation and the subtle hints of power to do so--but it was human fallibilty that caused each organization to thrive.
You speak of humanity as a different group than your own. If you don't mind my blatent terminology, what are you?
Aevenon Cloak
Oct 7th, 2002, 10:20:02 AM
Human nature: looking back, reflecting on his past, he considered human nature and its flaws, its many faults, and wondered why the race of men had been so successful in prospering throughout the galaxies.
I am technically of the species known as Ambrellians.
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 8th, 2002, 12:21:15 PM
A race, I am afraid, I am not familiar with. He found Aevenon to be quite interesting, and he sought more knowledge about He could only picture Aevenon when picturing an Ambrellian, and wanted to know more.
If you don't mind my inquiring, what are the Ambrellians like?
Aevenon Cloak
Oct 8th, 2002, 01:36:52 PM
Aevenon simply smiled.
They are as I am, saintly and lithe in form, donning wings of angels and minds of devils.
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 8th, 2002, 11:41:09 PM
...minds of devils... The term rang out in his mind. He wondered if that encompassed all Ambrellians...some Ambrellians... or Aevenon himself. The part of his thinking dominated by logic told him to be mindful of this new fact. His instincts, however, said differently. He did not fear Aevenon--nor did he want to. He was at peace witht he beings presence.
You are a beautiful race, I will say. Your wings...they are truly angelic. He smiled. Your appearance reminds me of soft dreams and caring visions. Is the demeanor of the Ambrellian as angelic as his appearance?
Aevenon Cloak
Oct 9th, 2002, 09:39:20 AM
It varies. Some are placid whilst others torrents of rage. We are calm by default, though that is not to say that some do not stray from this predetermination.
He looked onto Coruscant and with a small amount of want wished that he was a part of it. Motioning for Terran to follow, he carried on the long trek down the hill towards the streets.
We shall continue our discussion over some food and a drink.
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 11th, 2002, 12:28:09 AM
Of course. Terran smiled and followed the Ambrellian happily. He didn't seem to tire of his company, and he hoped the same of his companion. He wondered where they would go.
As they scaled the hill, the city began to surround them. It was an aura that was felt. So many different spirits and souls combined into a stew of colorful dreams and emotions. He could feel their laughs. He could taste their sweat. He could cry their tears. He had revealed much of himself to Aevenon--in spirit. He allowed all of the other's energy to flow in to his own aura. He had to scale it down a bit now, however, as the load this city carried was weighing on his own emotions.
He thought that it must be humerous to see a pair like this descend upon the streets. Nonetheless, they would, and Terran was grateful that it was so. His stomach rumbled.
Aevenon Cloak
Oct 11th, 2002, 12:17:38 PM
For Aevenon, it was all the more vivacious. The myriad of spirits all so close together formed a tangible essence that he could smell and even taste on his tongue. As his eyes panned across the now evident street, he felt their beings and their thoughts, as they were unguarded and almost longed to be felt. Some wished for a better life, away from the stress and pain of Coruscant, whilst others were content; some even were Jedi, like those Terran had spoken of, and he knew this due to the aura of white that they bore around their person, and indeed the residue of purity in their persona.
He remained silent as they walked, and seemed oblivious to the glances he received – what he wore was not customary to the citizens, and thus he was treated as something alien, which instinctively they feared, though with one glance from his calming blue eyes he seemed a much more inviting person.
After a short while, they arrived at a quaint café. It was open air and had a small number of tables outside the kitchen where the cooks prepared the food. He took a seat and offered Terran the one opposite to it, as a waiter arrived. Without so much as a word from Aevenon, the man was scribbling down an order of a glass of Danaru – a rich beverage which though ineffective at first was known to hit the mind heavily a few hours after consumption. Thankfully, Aevenon seemed to elude the migraines which would normally accompany the drink.
Order whatever you wish, he said to Terran, as if to imply he would be paying.
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 11th, 2002, 01:55:16 PM
Thank you for the invitation, my friend. He looked to the waiter--it was nice to interact with a human server. Generally, Server Droids were all that could be found in modern eating establishments. He assumed that Aevenon had chosen this spot based on this type of a fact--he did enjoy human interaction. So did Terran.
"I will have Namana juice, please." He paused there, accompanying his drink order with one of his own. Namana juice was a soft, fruit juice--very citrus. Not too sharp--as his stomach could not handle much along the lines of acidic sustinence. It was sweet, like the fruit itself.
He scanned the cafe--it was a very nice place. He was impressed with its overall cleanliness and appearance. It reminded him of the old ones on Gais. There were several scattered pedestrians in the establishment, each dining and chatting respectively. Terran wondered if their looks of wonderment affected Aevenon.
Have you been here before? Not just here, in this cafe, but on the streets of Courscant?
Aevenon Cloak
Oct 12th, 2002, 04:20:21 AM
It was as though he enjoyed it, the attention that is. On occasion he would flutter a wing gently, and remarks could be heard from children to their mothers asking whether the man in blue was an angel from above. Unsure what to answer, they would shake their heads and continue to look on at him, though after a few minutes they seemed to loose interest; fickle was the mind of humanity.
I have never set foot on the soil of Coruscant before. I thought it only fitting that this should be the first planet I visited, as it is considered the hub of the universe, the fulcrum on which all life turns.
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 12th, 2002, 07:41:45 PM
Terran chuckled aloud.
To give it such a label, I believe, is to overestimate its importance. He smiled again at Aevenon. He viewed the workings of government and business that originated on and around this durasteel planet to be far from all life offered.
For many, Coruscant is all the cog in the machine of commerce. It is an interesting place. Sometimes, though, I find it's steel bohemeths and concrete jugernauts to domineering for my own taste. He like to see green and to hear the rivers. Coruscant was often times a urban wasteland.
In the aura of life, Coruscant is a dead spot. In the circle of commerce, it is king. It remains, however, a planet which holds much interest. I hope you find what you are looking for here.
Aevenon Cloak
Oct 13th, 2002, 02:37:57 AM
The mechanical monstrosity… that is the essence of humanity now, it’s ever developing technology. The imperials with their star destroyers, even the citizens with their firearms and killing machines, all stems from these worlds, these gigantic maw’s of hell, which vomit produce day after day for the populous to swill upon…
His words had caused some disturbance within the area, and he found that more so than before he was the subject of attention. The thought of preaching to these people crossed his mind, but why should he waste such precious knowledge on their minds? They would simply bastardize the whole concept, as they did to everything else.
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 13th, 2002, 01:23:13 PM
Terran's tone of jest turned serious.
It's true. I hadn't really viewed it from that light before--but now that you mention in in that way, it becomes clear to me. What Aevenon said was true. Humanity had made it's core focus on that of destruction and inequality. He wished he could defend his own species better. In this case, it was not possible. He agreed.
It saddens me...this cycle. However, it seems, the people will be lost to this clever trickery as long as there is a system. It matters not whether the system is a tyranny or a republic--only that one, in fact, exists. An organized rule produces opposition. Opposition breeds violence. Violence breeds this unfortunate decline. However, I don't believe that anarchy would ne the answer. He smiled--half playfully, half seriously--at his own comment.
Aevenon Cloak
Oct 14th, 2002, 11:44:57 AM
As he thought, he was reminded of a child’s tale he had extricated from Slayn’s mind on his physical embodiment. It was of a land where tyranny ruled, yet the populous were ignorant to it, and complied with their leaders. One thing which kept the civilians happy were the sugar-coated tales of a preacher man in black, who told of a great mountain where all was peaceful and even the poor became rich, where a starving man would be fed and were the joy of the world would amass as one. They all believed the man’s stories, and thought of how once they had worked their best for their commanders they would be allowed to the mountain. In the night, near the end of their lives, people would be adducted and slew and people would remark in the morning: “Lucky bugger got to go to Sugarcandy Mountain.”
The orders they had put in to the tenders arrived, and Aevenon handed the Namana juice to Terran before taking his Danaru into hand. Casually he sipped upon it and regarded his debating partner with a pleasant smile.
There are other more simply topics to be spoken on. Humanity has some tender emotions, which I have yet to experience. Love, lust, passion. Tell me of them.
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 14th, 2002, 02:43:13 PM
Xazor. How she had been instantly transmitted into his mind and manifested in a smile and a glow that he was positive was evident to the somewhat prescient Ambrellian. Sometimes, the other reacted to his own emotions merely nanoseconds before he felt them.
Love, passion, and lust. Ah...they are the gifts and curses of humaity, Aevenon. He spoke with a great smile. He could identify with all three rather easily--as many humans could.
I will offer you insight, my friend. But I am only one man. Consider it merely a sampling. He thought about how to address each one. Love is the foucs of all, I am convinced. No matter what seems to occur in ones life, it can be traced back to love. The man who craves power loves himself to the degree of controlling others--bending them to his will.
Love is a gift, though. It can be so beautiful. It is the physical manifestation of a spiritual enchantment. Love can be tasted, smelled, touched, heard, and seen. It is a wonderful entity. It changes the way you think--clouds your thoughts with visions of a single person--he instantly thought of Xazor--and how you would give all things beautiful up for one single moment with them.
Passion and lust are accompanyments, like musical instruments played with a wondeful voice. Passion is intense commitment to fullfill a given want. One who is passionate about something--or someone--will not give up untill he attains it. Lust is pure emotion--an intense urge. It is the engine (want) than can sometimes drive the train of passion. He hoped his description would at least entertain Aevenon in a poetic fashion, whether his opinions were sterteotypically accurate or no.
Aevenon Cloak
Oct 15th, 2002, 11:13:08 AM
It sound as though she makes you very happy.
A complex struck Aevenon as he thought on these emotions. Slayn, it seemed, had felt such things, for one whom he knew only as ‘Eve’. Aevenon neither understood this obsession, nor did he care to. The woman he knew had long since departed from being, and to carry on the useless pursuits of his counterpart would be idiocy.
It seems to me, however, that this love deludes the mind.
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 16th, 2002, 08:41:19 AM
Terran chuckled a bit.
Yes, it appears so. It was true--every man was susceptable to the grasp of love. Usually, when it took hold, most logical reasoning and goals were thrown out the window.
Many times, a man who comes to love a woman finds it difficult to keep his thoughts straight. Visions and dreams--that once contained dreams of success and personal goals--are now filled with her face and her voice and her smile and her songs. How personal he could speak of these things now. If Aevenon were to ever meet Xazor, he would--by Terran's account--already have a good idea of who she was. It takes a lot of strength to be in love. Many are lost in it and end up losing control. But when love is returned from another... He paused. Aevenon, my friend, there is little in this wretched life that is sweeter. He smiled and took a drink of his juice.
You knew that I was thinking of someone. Was it really that blatanly obvious? He laughed wondering if he was that readable.
Aevenon Cloak
Oct 16th, 2002, 11:48:34 AM
She stains your thoughts, with her crimson robes and lips, with her golden hair and tokens.
The image he was receiving for Terran’s mind focused and unfocused slowly, and was a shifting image of a young woman, smiling. She bore canines unlike a human, more feral in design, and wore her hair in a most peculiar manner. On her person there were many weapons, much more the appearance of a warrior than anything else. In Terran’s eyes, too, it seemed as though she was perfect.
I do not think I shall ever experience such a thing.
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 16th, 2002, 01:10:46 PM
It's a beautiful thing. Why does your future in love seem so bleak, my friend? He said it with a tone of jest, but his undertone was serious and caring. He wondered why Aevenon would commit to such a comment. Afterall, by Terran's judgements, he was a rather attractive being. It seemed as though he would have little problem with others finding him attractive.
On the other hand, he knew little about Ambrellians. Perhaps these angelic creatures were, in some ironic way, incapable of love. It could be in their nature or possibly just a byproduct of their magnificance. Terran wasn't sure--he could only speculate.
Aevenon Cloak
Oct 17th, 2002, 11:46:49 AM
I am still developing, and these emotions your treasure so dearly have not yet begun to flourish in my barely post-embryonic being.
As a being of pure Force and spirit, he had not been born complete. He had remained at first as a paralysed form within Slayn, then slowly had grown more aware of himself and become mobile. At the point which Slayn had released him, he was adept in the manipulation of the Force, but clumsy and ill-mannered in the ways of mankind. This, in itself, explained the partial distortion of time he witnessed so frequently, whereby things would apparently slow for him – just as a Force user saw the future, he saw the present in clear slow-motion detail, allowing him to react easily and quickly.
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 17th, 2002, 01:25:07 PM
Terran had not anticipated his answer. Perhaps he did not fully understand the development of an Ambrellian. No matter--he understood now.
My apologies, my friend, for the possible insult to your kind. I did not know. He took another drink of his juice. His stomach rumbled--he hadn't eaten since he touched down on the Sector 443 pad. That had been a ration of some dry meat and a pouch of water. He needed some food.
Calling the server droid back to the table, he ordered some of what appeared to be a dish prepared with some sort of aquatic animal--a fish of some type. Terran didn't recognize the species--odd, considering he was a naturalist. Perhaps it was a genetically engineered food as much as so many others on this mechanical planet.
"Are you hungry, my friend? My stomach craves for something to enter my mouth instead of so much leaving," he joked as he and the server droid waited for Aevenon's answer.
Aevenon Cloak
Oct 18th, 2002, 02:16:56 AM
It is no insult. I am unlike any others, I would not have expected you to be learned enough to understand.
Aevenon looked across to Terran as he ordered something. The name of the creature didn’t ring a bell, but it sounded most peculiar.
“I shall have the same thing as you, friend.”
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 26th, 2002, 07:20:12 PM
ooc: Sorry for the late response--had a really, really busy week. My apologies.
He smiled as the server droid exited and then turned his attention back to refocus on the conversation he was engaging in with Aevenon. He wondered what the Ambrellian thought of his prying questions. He had openly shared information with the Jedi with no hesitation. Terran wondered if he was still comfortable.
I hope my questions do not conjur uncomfortable topics. I only wish to learn more about you--as a friend.
Aevenon Cloak
Oct 30th, 2002, 11:33:06 AM
I find you intellectually stimulating and wish to continue conversing. This is much I have to learn still, and you seem knowledgeable, Aevenon replied, setting his hand on top of Terran’s for a moment as a show of comfort before retracting it to his lap.
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 30th, 2002, 02:57:06 PM
Terran returned his gesture with a smile. He was glad that the two were getting along so well. He had much to report to the GJO already--of his findings, of the wonderment of such a being, and of the relationship they developed. It was exciting for the padawan.
Thank you for the compliment. I am honored to be held in high esteem. He sat back in thought. Now, what else could I help you with? It seems as though I am at a loss for direction, though I know I probably have much to offer.
Aevenon Cloak
Oct 30th, 2002, 03:01:34 PM
I would like to know more about this group you serve; its structure of leadership and others whom you are close to. Also your enemies, he stated in one clear sentence, not dancing about the point.
imported_Terran Starek
Oct 30th, 2002, 03:51:53 PM
The Greater Jedi Order is structured really in a nontypical manner. It is hierarchal system, but it does not have one ruler. It is ruled by the Jedi Council--an elected body of the most influentian and important Jedi Masters.
Jedi Masters are very wise and very powerful Jedi who have become masters after graduating from the Jedi Knight class. Jed Knights are Jedi who have finished their padawan training and have gained the status of knight in the Order. They are powerful, strong-willed warriors who handle most of the physical work. Masters are not weak--in fact, in the Force, age only brings more and more power. However, they take ultimately a more advisory role and only step into conflicts when needed or when they choose to.
Right below the Jedi Knights is the class of young Jedi called the padawans. They are apprentices, taken by knights, who will eventually become knights. I am a Jedi Padawan--to Verse Dawnstrider. In training, I and other padawans, will strengthen my skills in the Force to one day become Jedi Knights.
Lastly come those that seek the academy--ofter referred to as padawans, they are not yet in training. They may do odd-jobs, or may start to fraternize with the other Jedi until taken in.
Terran hoped his explanation of the structure would be sufficient--he was still learning about the order as well.
We work with the Republic. We fight on the side of those that seek good--we oppose evil. It may come in the form of Dark Jedi, Sith, or perhaps other military cooperations or millitant individuals/groups. Where ther is injustice, the Jedi seek to bring true justice. Peace is the will of the living Force. It is our will to protect and maintain it.
Aevenon Cloak
Oct 31st, 2002, 12:04:40 PM
I would like to some day see this Order.
Aevenon smiled and mused at the thought of all of the Jedi and their endeavours. It truly sounded a noble cause.
Another time though. Once we are finished eating, I must leave…
imported_Terran Starek
Nov 1st, 2002, 01:58:12 PM
Terran's head nodded with acknowledgement as the food came to the table. The fish looked curiously tasty, even though its color was very odd. He smiled to the server and began to enjoy the platter.
It's too bad you must leave me so soon. We've just met, and my curiousity demands that I learn more! He jested with a smile to the Ambrellian. Indeed, this trip to Coruscant was quite eventful. He had much to tell to the Council.
Someday, you must come to visit the GJO. It is a beautiful place--free and clear of danger and corruption. It is safe there. A safety like I have never felt before.
Aevenon Cloak
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:44:10 AM
Aevenon, picking up the eating utensils, cut a small morsel of flesh from the meat and lifted it, popping it into his mouth. Still, however, he spoke to Terran, as would be expected.
May haps in a week or so I will visit. How can I contact you, friend?
imported_Terran Starek
Nov 4th, 2002, 03:19:00 PM
Terran finished his bite of food and wiped his mouth with a napkin. He thought about the best way to contact him.
Perhaps the best method would be to leave me a message with the GJO. Your memory is very sharp if I remember from our previous conversation. He smiled. This is my living quarter address and message number. He gave Aevenon his contact information.
Of course, with someone like you, you could always try sending me an image or a thought through the Force. I am very receptive of the callings the wind makes to my ear. He smiled and took another bite of his dinner.
And for you? Is there a way to contact you?
Aevenon Cloak
Nov 5th, 2002, 11:21:35 AM
I have no home. Contacting me would be impossible, unless you were able to track me.
Aevenon doubted this was possible, and as he chewed on some more meat and washed it away with a sip from his drink, he sighed inside.
I am sure someone on this planet can direct me to the Jedi’s home when I need to find it.
imported_Terran Starek
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:43:07 PM
Yes, of course. If that fails, just ask for Master Yohgurt's Bar and Grill. Few travelers have not tasted its excellent cousine. Speaking of fine dining, this dish here is rather tasty.
He hoped his company was enjoying the food as much as he was. He wondered why Aevenon could not be contacted. Why was it that he had no home nor any means of address. He thought it perhaps too prying to inquire.
Aevenon Cloak
Nov 6th, 2002, 11:27:01 AM
It’s delicious, he remarked on reflex on catching Terran’s thoughts
… I have no residence here, or on any other planet. Perhaps I should find some, once I determine what course my life shall take.
imported_Terran Starek
Nov 6th, 2002, 01:45:55 PM
True. A place to call home is important. A home, a family, a support group--I think every being needs something like these to get along. His own home was wonderful and he couldn't be more happy living where he did. Maybe there was even a place for Aevenon there. He definitely had the skill. He wondered what kind of desires he had.
I will say one thing to you, Aevenon: this meeting has been great. To make a new aqquaintance such as you, a friend whose conversation is as fullfilling and enlightening, has been a blessing from the Force. You are always welcome in my humble home. I know you would be welcomed by the other Jedi, as well. I should like to have you visit.
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