View Full Version : First Steps.....(Vanair)

Xazor Elessar
Sep 19th, 2002, 11:11:12 PM
The Knight Xazor sat in the center of the large Jedi Academy. Perched high upon a boulder, she smiled as she closed her eyes and fell deeply into the Force....a calm meditation before she began teaching her newest student, Vanair Sharkan, whom she had left a note for the previous day. Absentmindedly, she pushed back her long Garou Warrior Braids and listened as the golden coins gently clanged together. The open door toward the back of the complex, let the wind inside and it wipped up around her....moving her blue robes about like the waves of the sea. She glowed as she sat in waiting.....for she was ready and eager to teach.....

Vanair Sharkan
Sep 19th, 2002, 11:20:49 PM
Vanair hurried through the halls to get to the courtyard. He had been at first shocked and then pleased that he would be a padawan learner to his blood sister Xazor. He walked into the courtyard and saw her sitting on a boulder. He sat down in front of the boulder and lapsed into a meditative state. He knew that she knew he was there and would begin when all was ready.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 19th, 2002, 11:26:27 PM
"Greetings......I have been waiting for you and you have come as I asked. Today shall commence your training...one of the most important days in your life."

She smiled and opened her eyes, resting them upon her Padawan. Taking a deep breath, she exhaled gently and smiled once again.

"Now, though we know much of one another....I still wish to know some things of you. Please tell me your name in full, where you were born.....and what the Force is to you."

Vanair Sharkan
Sep 19th, 2002, 11:35:35 PM
"My full name is Vanair Maul Sharkan. I was born in the Core Worlds. Those two questions I can answer easily. The third one I cannot. I know the ways of the Dark Side well. That of the light I have not known for long. The force is one of both good and evil. Light and darkness. It is like a double edged sword. On one hand there is the ways of peace and healing and on the other the ways of war and death. Yet throughout this is balance. To me that is the force. The balance of the universe. The law of existence that cannot be broken. For without balance we are nothing. That is the best explination that I can give master. I hope it is good enough."

Xazor Elessar
Sep 19th, 2002, 11:47:17 PM
Xazor nodded gently and smiled.

"Yes, you are correct. Two sides there are.....Light and Dark....but do you have any idea how the Jedi use the Force in contrast to the Sith or Dark Jedi for that matter? It is written right in the Jedi Code....."

She said softly, just briefly testing his knowledge so she knew exactly where to begin his lessons....

Vanair Sharkan
Sep 19th, 2002, 11:52:59 PM
"No master Xazor I am sorry. I have never seen this Jedi Code of which you speak. I know that the Jedi use there power only to heal or defend. Never in attack. As for anything else no I do not know." Vanair looked down in shame that he did not know more. However he had never had a chance to learn more. The Dark Side was all he knew.