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Yuna Starstryder
Sep 19th, 2002, 06:26:27 PM
A small light came up from the body of a now dead dear in the forest. A carnivor had gotten to it before Yuna was able to drive it off.

Yuna now stood over the body with her hand and staff raised up. She lowered them and watched the small light float up and disappear. She smiled lightly and walked towards the building in the distance.

A cool breaze started up as she aproched the building. It blew her dress and hair slightly to the side as she walked. It would soon be night fall. The sun was already half way set.

She finaly made it to the temple of the jedi. The sun had just set as she walked in. Not a sound was heard as she walked.

A soft mist started forming outside and flowed in through the open doors. She felt the cool mist touch her face and body and smiled again. She could sense someone in the room with her.

"Hello, I am Yuna Starstryder. I have come to join the jedi."

Her soft voice filled the empty room. She just stood there, patently, waiting for the one that was in there with her to appear.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 19th, 2002, 06:37:57 PM
A figure paced the shadows along the inside perimeter of the large room. Her red robes flowed behind her like ocean waves as she walked.....and then came to a stop in a patch of setting sun. The Light could not reach her face, which was covered by the hood of her robes drawn up over her head. Slowly she took a hand to the hood and pushed it back, letting her waist length blonde hair spill out. Each strand contributed to the hundreds of Garou Warrior Braids that adorned her head....golden coins laced the braids and clanged together softly as they fell behind her back.

Slowly the woman stepped forward and a glowing seemed to appear around her. This was due to reasons only she and two other people were aware of....and indeed, it was not time to discuss that matter now. Smiling gently, the light caught her elongated canines and bounced it off....showing just how sharp the teeth of the Garou actually were. Though, she meant the show not out of pride or a way to put fear into the girl....just by habit she did this. Still she continued walking until she now only stood a meter off of the newcomer, and then she bowed gracefully, returning then to an upright position. Her deep blue eyes locked with the eyes of the other, and the silver specks upon the dark canvass of blue, reflected the light like broken shards of glass upon the ground.

"Greetings....I am Warrior Jedi Knight and Council Member, Xazor Dawnstrider. You seek to join the Jedi, yes? Well then....you have indeed come to the right place. Tell me....what is your name, young one?"

Yuna Starstryder
Sep 19th, 2002, 07:15:13 PM
Yuna turned to the woman and bowed in return. She smiled without any fear and her eyes sparkled. Her one blue and one green eye studied the woman as she came back up from the bow.

"Master Xazor Dawnstrider. I have already told you my name. And I have already told you my purpose for being here.

"Oh, please excuse my rudeness. If you wish me to tell you my name and what I am here to do then I shall tell you again.

"My name is Yuna Starstryder. And yes I am here to join the jedi in their quest for peace. I belive that peace is the ultamate reward in life. Alas few have seen it. It has been to long sense there has been real peace in the universe."

She bowed again to the jedi knight.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 29th, 2002, 11:50:06 AM
Xazor smiled gently and nodded to the newcomer.

"But Yuna.....this life is most difficult. Will you finish what you begin? You will be hated and hunted by many because of your choice.....yet you'll be needed and sought after by all. Is this what you want?"

The Knight did not intend to scare the young woman, but she had to be informed of what she was getting herself into. The Jedi Code was not meant to be broken.....

Yuna Starstryder
Oct 3rd, 2002, 08:40:12 PM
Yuna slowly nodded once, still smiling lightly.

"I am prepared for the toiles of being a jedi, Master Xazor. Please accept this as the truth."

She bowed again to Xazor.

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 8th, 2002, 03:12:19 PM
OOC~ Xazor has been busy. My apologies for that.

IC~ "I believe she speaks the truth my friend.."

Came a familiar voice behind Xazor.

"I welcome you to the Order. You have been most patience with the questions ask, as well as your time. Please, make yourself at home in the living quarters, as well as Yog's. You can meet some of your peers that way.

A Master should be assigned to you when possible, if not, I know there are group lessons being administered."

Yuna Starstryder
Oct 8th, 2002, 07:22:36 PM
OOC> Ok Thanks for the 411
Yuna looked over Xazor's shoulder and bowed to the woman that was standing there.

"Thank you. I will try to attend one of the group trainings as soon as I can. If you could, milady, point me in the direction of the quarters?"

Moments later, Yuna was on her way to the living quarters of the jedi.