View Full Version : Combat Trainin/Advanced Jedi Training (Terran and Sarr)

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 19th, 2002, 06:24:41 PM
::Verse waits in his normal spot in the training ground. The Forces runs through him as his twin sabers hang at his belt. It was time to train is padawans more than any other students get trained with the weapons. Three different styles. Then he will add the Force to make them better warriors, while strenghtening them int he Force as well. They were in for a long day.::

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 19th, 2002, 07:58:30 PM
Terran got to the normal spot at about the time instructed. He saw his Master--Verse Dawnstrider--in the usual area. He had on his combat atire...it would be a long day. Nonetheless, Terran was overjoyed to see him. He hadn't seen him in months--he had been away.

"Master Dawnstrider, I am so glad to see you," he remarked, lowering his head in respect to his master. "You must tell me of your travels. I am greatly curious." He smiled and took his masters hand in his own. It felt good to be near him again. Now, it was only a matter of waiting for Sarr. Knowing the Kel Dor, Terran knew he would not be late.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 19th, 2002, 08:05:03 PM
::Verse nodded and laughed slightly.::

"I have been doin' some research. Seein' old friends. Nothin' really exciting. It gave you time to relax and learn on your own. Now I got to oush you to the next level."

Sarr Koon
Sep 19th, 2002, 08:07:17 PM
When Sarr arrived at the place in the training grounds that Verse had indicated, he saw that Terran had already arrived. Taking his time, as to not look to anxious, he aproached the two. He bowed to his Master and then turned to Terran and did the same.

"Master, it is good to finally see you again. And Terran, it is nice to see you again so soon."

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 19th, 2002, 08:53:03 PM
"Welcome Sarr. With you here let us begin."

::Verse took hold of one of his sabers. He cut it on. A brillant grey blade sprang forth.::

"You both do the same. We still start on teh different ways of holdin' teh saber."

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 20th, 2002, 09:05:33 AM
Halcyon sprang to life in Terran's hands, the brilliant green blade lighting his face. He held it in the usual position--the medium stance that he had been taught. Not overly quick, not overly powerful. It was balanced and could be used by about any warrior. He hoped he would learn some advanced techniques.

He took his cloak off to let himself have some more movement. He was ready for the next step.

Sarr Koon
Sep 22nd, 2002, 02:53:25 PM
When Verse told him to get out his lightsaber, he couldn't beause he didn't have one.

"Master, you have not yet given me a lightsaber."

The Garou must have forgotten this fact, Sarr wasn't his only padawan after all..

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:35:04 PM
::Verse tilted his head as if in thought. He then laughed. He held up a hand and walked a few feet back. He pulled out a box and drug it to Sarr.::

"I was not sure if you had. There is enough parts in this box to make two heavy combat oriented sabers. Terran has one, but he doesn't want to focus on combat like you do. All I can say is....get ta' work my padawan."

;:Verse opened the box and took out teh instructions. He handed it to Sarr. He knew this was a lession both padawans would enjoy.::

Sarr Koon
Sep 24th, 2002, 10:36:51 PM
The Kel Dor sat on the ground with the instructions Verse gave him. This was going to take every ounce of his concentration. He took the all the parts out of the box and layed them out on the ground in front of him. Sarr relaxed himself and let the Force flow through him like Verse had taught him. The instructions seemed all to simple. His hands moved back and forth as he put each piece into place and ocassionally glancing back down at the instructions.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 25th, 2002, 02:12:17 PM
::Verse nodded as Sarr worked. Seeing that his student was well on his way he turned to Terran.::

"There is enough for you to make a second saber if you wish. You haveing a second one is up to you. It is more combat focused to have two. I know you really do not wish to focus on it as strongly as Sarr does. It is all up to you."

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 25th, 2002, 02:32:59 PM
"While it is very true that I do wish to focus on the living Force more than combat, Master, I wish to be prepared for all situations. I would be more than happy to construct a second." He smiled and took the third saber kit. He looked it over--it would be easy to construct. With concentration, he could give it his own personality. Life would eminate from its blade just as the energy would. He took to work, working on the finishing touches alongside Sarr.

"Hmmm....the name. That will be important," he thought aloud. Sometime later, he had finished the blade. It's light blue glow was a sky-colored hue. He looked at it happily, proud of his accomplishment. He held up Halcyon--a great blade. It was his first and had defended him now in a few predicaments. Halcyon was his defender. This new blade would be his might.

"I will call it..." He thought about it intently. "I will call it Bellerophon." A fitting name, for strength and bravery, he thought. He was pleased as he swung the weapon in his hands. it was a little larger and heavier than Halcyon. They would make a great combination.

Sarr Koon
Sep 25th, 2002, 08:21:21 PM
Sarr finished his blad at almost the same time as Terran finished the one he made. He heard Terran name his new combat saber and admired the name for it was unique. The Kel Dor flicked on his first lightsaber and saw that the blade was an intense blue. Absolutely beauiful he thought to himself.

Sarr started on his second combat saber anxious to see if he would like it as much as the one he had just completed.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 25th, 2002, 11:05:46 PM
::Verse clapped seeing the two work so hard. This is what he lived for. The begining of teh teachings were boring in hsi eyes. Now they can move to the fun stuff. Combat training (Which he knew Sarr would love), Survival training, Herbal Medicine (Which he felt Terran would enjoy), and much more. He wanted the two padawans to be like brothers. Unity outside of family was rare aroudn here, much less when the people were two different races. Verse felt liek by teh time these two were done, they would more than willingly give tehre lives for each other. That was his plan after all. To make them close.::

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 26th, 2002, 03:27:58 PM
"What is next, my master?" Terran questioned inquisitvely. He was always wondering about what Master Dawnstrider had in store for him. He could never know.

He did see a pleased look on the face of his master that he had seen before. He was happy to be with his padawans--truly, a look of accomplishment on his face. He was a great teacher. Terran could, and did, learn so much from him.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 26th, 2002, 10:55:32 PM
"For the moment we wait till Sarr is done with his Saber. Then we will work on some hand to hand. From there single Saber combat. The dual saber combat. All through this I will show you some Force ablities to use with these styles. After that I plan to take you on a survival trip and teach you how to live in the wild. You live in City Life everyday. You never know though when you will be stuck in the wild. It will allow us to teach each other."

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 27th, 2002, 09:32:32 AM
Terran nodded with acknowledgement and smiled. He would look forward to this greatly. He couldn't wait.

Sarr Koon
Sep 29th, 2002, 03:05:25 PM
The Kel Dor was listening intently to Verse and Terran even as he was finish up the last touches of his second saber. He couldn't wait to begin the combat training and then later on go on a survival trip with his Master and Terran.

Sarr finished up his second saber and flicked it on to admire the beautiful green color. He stood up and showed Verse his completed light-sabers.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 29th, 2002, 04:08:19 PM
::Verse clapped as Sarr showed it to him.::

"Wonderful. How hang one at your side. We will start with the standard style first. Hold you blade away from you with both hands on teh hilt. Like this. Have the blade at around a 45 degree angle."

::Verse held one of his ignited blades the same way he had explained.::

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 29th, 2002, 04:13:10 PM
Terran did as his master instructed, holding his new attack blade--Ballerophon--at about a 45 degree angle. He kept the blade steady and watched his master.

Sarr Koon
Sep 29th, 2002, 08:23:55 PM
The Kel Dor hung his green lightsaber on his belt and ignited the blue one which he preferred. Sarr mimicked what Master Verse did with his lightsaber.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 30th, 2002, 11:27:41 PM
::Verse nodded::

"This style will allow you two do a few things. It allows a very stronge block, and very powerful swings. It is not as flexable as a one-haned style, but will allow you to hopefully overpower a small enemy with brute force."

;:Verse called three small balls from his bag. He hit a button and they flew into the air.::

"They are practice spheres. They can shot small stun darts at a 360 degree angle. These are what we will pratice with. They will shot a small energy dart. It burns when you are hits, but does little harm. The trick is to feel the dart move through the Force. Then let the Force tell you how to block it. Blocking bolts this way allows you to toss teh bolt back at the target with high accuricy. More so than teh others. Try a block. Remeber, feel the dart through the Force."

::The spheres jetted aroudn and took a shot at each of his students. The bolts would not harm teh bots as well, only cuase them to not attack for a bit.::

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 1st, 2002, 01:18:05 AM
Terran did as his master instructed. He let his eyes be the Force--not his physical eyes. He followed the bots and blocked the bolts they released.

He didn't have much of a problem blocking the bolts. He had a harder time getting them back to the target. After a few tries, he was able to hit the sphere with one of its own bolts. He smiled, happy with himself.

Sarr Koon
Oct 1st, 2002, 06:40:32 PM
Sarr saw the first energy dart shoot out of the hovering remote and the Force guided his lightsaber to block it. It ricoched off and bounced back towards the remote. Didn't quite make contact, however. Several more shots were fired from the remote and he blocked each one in turn, the last one even hit the remote.

Verse Dawnstrider
Oct 2nd, 2002, 11:02:00 PM
::Verse nodded:::

"Very good. Try and always use the two-handed style for blocking single attacks. Now for multiple darts. When you are fired at from multiple things, your main focus is to just keep the thigns from hittin' you. When you face multiple attacks switch toa one-handed style."

::Verse held the saber in his right hand.::

"This style has to ways of holding a saber. With blade pointing up, which is the normal style. Or reverse grip, with teh blade pointing down. I favor the latter when I fight. Both ways are very good. A true master of combat knows when to switch to both to better suit tehe time and need."

::Verse's remote darted in random patterns. It let off a series of darts. They just shot at different angles and speeds. Verse spun on his heel and caught the first two holding the blade normal. Verse flipped the saber to reverse grip to catch a dart that was further to his right. Then he tossed his saber to his left and deflected the last of the attacks.::

"You can still deflect teh bolts back, but that is much much harder. I can do it, but not always. The main focus is to keep yourself alive. Both of you try. Remebers, the way you hold your saber, can make it easier to block certain things. Also you must master being able to switch hands when you need to. Become amberdextrious. No longer be 'right' or 'left' handed, just be.....well....handy."

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 3rd, 2002, 09:17:02 AM
Terran smiled at his Master's joke and switched between the reverse and regular one handed grips. They both felt good in his hands--he had used them before. It was like remembering how to fight--he had trained so much at the Sith Academy. Unfortunately, he had lost his skills when his memory was wiped. Not all of them--granted, he could still use a lightsaber. But many of the techniques he had mastered were gone. With Master Verse, it was like remembering them again--he inspired Terran's mind to remember.

Sarr Koon
Oct 6th, 2002, 02:33:15 PM
Sarr did the same as Terran as switched back and forth between the two different one-handed grips. He had done this before with swords before to either attack or block an on-coming attack. He like the reverse grip and practiced swinging it in a blocking motion.

Verse Dawnstrider
Oct 10th, 2002, 05:53:55 PM
"Very Good. Before I move on to the double saber style, I will show you some trick for teh singleblade with the Force. I will list them for you real quick.

Force Push
Force Wall
Wind Punch
Blurr of the Milky Eye
Protection Sphere

All of these can be combined, and used hundreds of different ways. I will show you a few ways for each of them. we will start with teh Force Push. It is very similar to your abilities to use wind. You only use the raw power of the Force for it this time. Gather teh Force in you and let it roll out of your hand and push the things around you. It can be directed, large range, small range, hard push, soft push, hell even 360 degrees around you. Watch how I use it in these few ways."

:: The remotes darted all around him. They started firing at once. Verse twisted his blade and body. He moved around teh darts, and reflected teh ones that were close to him. He felt one remote flying close to him through the Force. Verse opened his palm and pushed the remote further away from him with the Force. It flew back, and the other remotes used this moment to rush Verse all at once. Verse breathed deep and send a Force push out all around him throwing back everything in a 10 foot radius around his body. Verse hitt a button at his side and teh remotes went on stand by.::

"There are many other ways to use this technique. That was just an example. Both of you try it."

::Verse hit a button on his side and the remotes went back into action. he coudl tell that Sarr favored teh reversed grib style. It was a strange way of fightng. It was also teh one Verse favored the most. He normaly used the two-saber style with the reverse grib. Most people were not used to seeing it. being able to use and master that way of fighting gave most peopel an edge. The only other people that used that way of fighting besides Verse was his Twin Pivo and his rival Athena. Verse was proud his padawans planned to master all these differemt saber styles.::

Sarr Koon
Oct 10th, 2002, 07:06:34 PM
One of the remotes zoomed around his head. Sarr did what Verse had just instructed. He gathered the Force he could feel flowing through his body. Bringing it to his hand swiftly he pushed out mentally with it. The remote that was just zooming around has head got knoched back out of range.

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 11th, 2002, 12:52:01 AM
Terran smiled. Verse and he had trained much on his ability to manipulate the wind and it's power. This first stage would be little problem.

He reached forward with the Force and summoned forth the wind that whooshed around him. The remotes stalked him, preparing to fire. But as they computed the trajectory and targeted Terran, his eyes turned to a fury of colors. He threw a hand forward, and with the snap forward of his elbow, the wind blew from within his own body. The Force manipulated the air around him, and a steady, firm gust leaped from his outstretched hand, sending the three remotes crashing in different directions. One even struck a tree and shattered.

"Whoops!" He said, chuckling to himself. He was getting better at controling the power of the wind. He was slightly embarassed to have destroyed Master Dawnstrider's equiptment, however.