View Full Version : Dirty thoughts about Yoda (Warning: Children Beware: Bad Words in Link)

Sene Unty
Sep 19th, 2002, 12:41:05 PM

This link may not be suitable for children......viewer discretion is advised.

I think its funny as hell. I thought some of you would get a kick out of it! :D

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 19th, 2002, 12:47:51 PM
Ok...that guy is messed up...that is wrong. lol

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Sep 19th, 2002, 12:50:48 PM
Djidnt sssomeone elssse possst thjisss about thrrree weeksss ago?

Sene Unty
Sep 19th, 2002, 12:50:55 PM
LOL I think its a joke......okay I know its a joke. Its in the Onion so it has to be.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 19th, 2002, 12:51:13 PM
Even now, just looking at you, I can tell your very being trembles with curiosity about Yoda's penis

Nono, infact I'm quite happy not knowing anything about it :x

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 19th, 2002, 12:52:18 PM
<img src=http://graphics.theonion.com/pics_3829/yodas_penis.jpg>

Well, here's the face of the gayest man alive.

Sene Unty
Sep 19th, 2002, 12:53:54 PM

Jedi Neo
Sep 19th, 2002, 01:00:04 PM

Leeloo Mina
Sep 19th, 2002, 01:06:20 PM
LOL!!! WTF????

That guy scares me. Please get him away from me.

He's REALLY obsessed with yoda's crotch. :lol

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 19th, 2002, 01:10:28 PM
I was about to say, the face of the writer says it all ;) :lol

Leeloo Mina
Sep 19th, 2002, 01:12:24 PM
Yeah, we can tell what he dreams about.

That never even crossed my mind before now. >_< And.. what kind of weirdo thinks of yoda laying there naked and invisible?!!

I wonder if he hopes invisible yoda will vist him in the middle of the night.

Kregain Richtien
Sep 19th, 2002, 01:13:12 PM
Nope, I can honestly say Ive never wondered, and Im still not

Korik Bannor
Sep 19th, 2002, 02:37:39 PM
Disturbing... very disturbing... :lol


Wei Wu Wei
Sep 19th, 2002, 03:08:09 PM
::Falls to the floor, shaking violently:: AAHHH!! SCARY!


Sene Unty
Sep 19th, 2002, 03:29:34 PM
what you guys didn't think it was funny?????

Sep 19th, 2002, 04:15:31 PM
Sene: This reminds me of the conversation we had with Robert about Obi Wan... "getting lucky" with Amidala in Episode 2. >_<

Leeloo Mina
Sep 19th, 2002, 04:22:54 PM

Thanks for sharing that, nup.. We need that image in our heads just like we need the image of some guy thinking about yoda's penis


Diego Van Derveld
Sep 19th, 2002, 04:29:06 PM
Why not go for broke and ponder "Jabba's penis" >_<

Aeris Jin Kerr
Sep 19th, 2002, 04:31:05 PM
You know, he was getting pretty descriptive with those questions about Yoda's member. >_<

Sep 19th, 2002, 04:31:58 PM
::walks in then turns and walks away...::

Kaytor Surna
Sep 19th, 2002, 04:44:51 PM
*horrified blinking*

That was the most disturbing thing in the world.

Actualy I am lieing. Ive heard worse on band tours.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Sep 19th, 2002, 04:46:27 PM
never thought about and didn't want to.... >_< :x

Sene Unty
Sep 19th, 2002, 05:14:37 PM
Hey nup......I forgot about that. LOL. Robert was crazy. Obi Wan and Amidala.......crazy. Funny but insane.

But come on guys......no one has really wondered what it looks like???????


Sarah Kross
Sep 19th, 2002, 06:01:31 PM
No one except him ... and you, Sene. :D

Wow, you're two peas in a pod. Are YOU going to write an article on what Yoda's butt looks like ?

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 19th, 2002, 06:55:46 PM
And are you actually claiming that back in 1999, you sat through all of Phantom Menace, not once wishing that the gusty winds of Coruscant would give Yoda a little skirt-blow?

Err... yeah, this guy's got a weird fetish. :lol But it is funny. Honestly, I've never thought about Yoda's noodle... Or I would have been joking about it ages ago.

I don't think Yoda has that kind of thing...... o_O

Sanis Prent
Sep 19th, 2002, 07:00:03 PM
Makes you wonder if its like Mini-me and his "tripod" >_<

Jibrielle Abunai
Sep 19th, 2002, 07:13:10 PM
ARGH !!!

Thanks for bringing that to mind, Sanis. -_-;

Leeloo Mina
Sep 19th, 2002, 09:54:13 PM
>_< I don't want to think about jabba and his slave girls anymore than I want to think about Yoda's member.

Though I have to admit, thanks to a friend.. the jabba thing has crossed my mind. O_o o_O

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 19th, 2002, 11:41:57 PM
:x read that before so don't need to read that again. Someone posted that about a month ago.

>_< >_<

Sene Unty
Sep 20th, 2002, 07:46:16 AM
I really hope that no one has taken this guys article as a serious need to see his penis. It's an article in the Onion for god sakes. They ridicule everything and anything that needs to be ridiculed. I really think its funny as hell. I doubt that picture is even of the guy who wrote it. I read an article today in the Onion by a dog who isn't proud of the things he has done. Its all supposed to be funny. :D

Leeloo Mina
Sep 20th, 2002, 03:49:35 PM
Yes, yes I know.. =P