View Full Version : Dea's Training II: Silent Emotions

Jeseth Cloak
Sep 19th, 2002, 12:10:37 AM
A shadowed figure was making its way quickly through the hallways of The Sith Order's living quarters. Surreal (like something out of a dream), it made not a sound as it seemed to almost glide along the corridors and past the many doorways that housed sound asleep individuals. It stopped just outside the door to Dea Potentia's quarters and beckoned the inhabitant outside with a mental touch.

Come outside, Dea.

The shadowed figure waited patiently, it's wings flicking back in anticipation.

Dea Potentia
Sep 22nd, 2002, 09:09:11 PM
OOC: Oi me chari's changed a wee bit since you left... she seems to think she's been a silly ikle munchkin all her life... very insecure and lonely... not a trace of the overconfidence she had before... she's more amusing but simple minded... taking everthing litteraly... just thought I'de warn you...

*wakes up from her napping excited* he's back!! *run's out of the room*

Jeseth Cloak
Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:22:29 AM
As the door's slid open she stopped, crashing into Jeseth, who seized her arms quickly to lighten the impact. "Move silently. I will be making up for lost time tonight." The pale winged Dark Jedi began to walk, his hand around one of Dea's wrist as he led her forward, and the door swished shut behind her. He was once again moving without the slightest disturbance to the air around him. Only his words seemed to carry any volume. "The Force can be manipulated for a number of reasons. Silence can be your alley, especially when your enemy is ignorant to his surroundings already."

The two stepped onto a lift, which began to move downward. Jeseth pulled from his robes a silver cube, which seemed to have spheric dents on all sides. "Do you know what this is?" Dea shook her head, unsure.

"It is an auditory-amplifier. Within minutes it can re-circulate frequencies, increasing them to levels that can shatter bones, burst organs, and rupture cells, turning a living being into a crippled mass of waste. It is the preferred method of torture employed against Wookies, who usually choose to rip open their own bodies before allowing this device to finish its work."

Dea Potentia
Sep 24th, 2002, 08:21:58 PM
* had wanted to hug her master but his firm grip on her rists made that impossible... walks as quietly as possible beside Jeseth. Nods her head at the explanation of the silver device and eyes it cautiously wondering what her master had planned for this lesson.*