View Full Version : Be very very quiet... I'm huntin' wolfs... (Diego, open)

Sep 18th, 2002, 10:46:41 PM
A slight breeze stirred the morning air, sending slight shivers up a small creature's back and causing him to ruffle his fur in an attempt to warm himself. He stood on a small rock, overlooking the expansive grassy plains before him with a small paw shading his eyes from the rising sun of a brand new day. And such a day it would be, too. Ears twitching forward in attentiveness, his tail lightly thwapped the rock he stood upon, and he jutted out his chest in determination. Yes, this would be a day to remember.

Jhyx huffed out a breath, a brief cloud of steam appearing in front of his muzzle before disappearing. His eyes scanned the horizon for a few more minutes, and with a final tug at the 'bandolier' slung over his shoulder (merely a glorified shoelace with a small retractable antannae attached to act as his 'lightsabre'), the little Isnik hopped from his perch to landsoftly in the soft soil. With sure strides he began wading through the eyeball-high grass; or at least that was how high it was for him.

He was on a mission. A mission to find and bag a wolf.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 18th, 2002, 10:56:16 PM
Out for an early morning stroll, Diego nearly stumbled over a concealed creature lurking around in the tall grass.

"Whoa...what the frell?"

He looked down. The creature was about the size of an Ithorian ferret, and even without his augmented olfactory sense, the creature smelled a bit odious. Diego's brow crinkled as he looked down, hair blowing in the wind. Judging by the creature's 'clothes', it was at least somewhat sentient, and it looked up at him with eyes that reflected the same assumption.

Sep 18th, 2002, 11:13:04 PM
In two seconds flat Jhyx had plastered himself up against one of the stranger's legs; not even coming close to the man's knees.

"Careful there, mister, there's wolves around these parts... "

Ears twitching uncontrollably back and forth, the little Isnik looked directly up at the man, wide eyes regarding the rugged stranger above him. The toothy grin he offered was a mile wide, and patting his 'lightsaber' with an affirmative paw, he lcrossed his arms over his little chest.

"Name's Jhyx; expert wolf hunter extraordinaire at your service. Been in the business for years, wot wot."

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 18th, 2002, 11:29:55 PM
"You don't say..."

Humoring the Isnik, Diego's eyes gazed in the direction Jhyx's attention was drawn to.

"Wolf hunter, eh? How's that go?"

Sep 18th, 2002, 11:36:52 PM
Just as if he was gathering around a brew with a couple of old pals, Jhyx hunkered down on the man's foot.

"Tough... business has been a little slow lately. But back in my heyday, I was bringin' in ten a day. Times've sure changed."

With a heavy sigh, the little creature reached a paw out to swipe idly at a blade of grass.

"How 'bout you? What's your story?"

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 18th, 2002, 11:56:54 PM
"Just out for a stroll and a bit of fresh air. Can't say I'm as adventurous as the likes of you."

He angled up the toe of his boot, a bit, easing Jhyx back to his feet.

"So how does one become a wolf hunter? Sounds like a pretty dangerous thing to do, if you ask me."

Sep 19th, 2002, 12:08:55 AM
"It's a tough job," Jhyx began, once more delegated to standing, and dusting himself off, looked up at Diego, crouching just a little bit before, with a slight wiggle of his rearend, shot up the man's leg, scrambling paw over paw to haul himself up onto Diego's coveted shoulder-perch.

His 'lightsaber' swung crazily from its tie, and even managed to hit Diego on the nose, and was promptly followed by a smack in the face with the Isnik's tail.

A mumbled "Sorry 'bout that mate," was all that could be heard as Jhyx settled himself firmly on the shoulder. Comfortable, he let his tail drape over down Diego's back.

"Aye, it's a dangerous callin', but someone's got to do it. My old man did it, and his old man before him. I'm just continuin' a long line of tradition."

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 19th, 2002, 12:57:16 AM
Diego winced, allowing the creature to scramble up and jostle its tail around...even if the smell was that much closer to his nose.

"Three generations. I would think that one alone would be tough to survive through. I mean...wolves tend to be, y'know, big...and you...don't."

Feb 17th, 2003, 01:32:40 AM
"It's all relative, mate," came the jovial answer.

"Besides. the trick is to not be afraid. A soon as wolves smell fear," he reached forward and tapped Diego's nose, "They know they've won. But, if you aren't scared of them, then you're gonna be fine."