View Full Version : The Devil You Say

Sep 18th, 2002, 10:38:09 PM
My story starts 60 yrs ago with a scientist a nobody whose family was killed. they where wiped out by Vampyre. Don't ask which family as the name would have no significance to you. But to this man they meant everything. This young scientist swore revenge on the Vampyre Race and that is the beginning of my story.

Tracking the Death warrior's thru his many battle's the scientist found some Genetic Material. With this he began to hatch a plan, a plot for retribution. Taking the material back to his lab he tried unsuccessfully to make a clone. Under closer examination he found the cells where not active as the undead was not really alive.

Years of testing went by before the man could find a way around this. Sadly another problem arose. When the clones would emerge from stasis they would be quite literally insane. The memories of vampyre's life and beginning turned out to be to much for the clones. They where essentially born brain dead from the trauma.

Time passed, and failure after failure occurred. Though he was able to make the body stronger and faster he could not cure the insanity. Plundering nearly all his family wealth, the scientist was beginning to lose hope as well as time.

Looking for backing he became desperate. When finnaly he was met by a dark figure who said that he represented an investor. For want of a better name we shall call him the 'Other.' The other provided the extra finances and more importantly he brought to the fold another scientist. A man of Incredible brilliance Phenious Cromwell.

Cromwell hit upon the idea of splicing the genes of another vampire, Warlord Dalamar with the unknown vampyre attacker. The added fact that Dalamar was also a vampyre made the merging a success in a lot of ways. From this came an altogether different being not wholly Dalamar. Still partial insanity was prevalent.

Excited by there new findings they reported there progress to the 'Other.' When they arrived he seemed to already know there problems and had an answer for them. He presented them with a 3rd sample of genetic material, his own! Testing the material they found that finally the genetic puzzle was solved.

Excitedly they went back to the lab and with this new information they where sure they would succeed. 3 amalgams where created with what little genetic material they had left. Each Composite being was given a name to coincide with there fathers. The 3 where named Dath Volemar, Warlord Duevole, and Darth Nuelamar. The Other took them in and trained them. He made sure there skills matched there memories.

After 6 yrs of intensive training finally the day had come. Giving them each duplicates of the weapons that Dalamar used. The 'Other' put them in an arena. Closing his cloak the large dark figure spoke "There can be only one."

Three day's passed and the Other came back. "Anyone alive."
he spoke in a whisper.

.............silence greeted him.

Walking behind the 'other' a figure emerged melting from the shadows. "I live and I live alone. I reject the name you have given me. You have dared to stare into the abyss now the abyss comes for you. Vampyre's the harvest is ripe time to thrust in the sickle.

Grabbing a porcelain cruise I poured the contents on myself. As the blood flowed down my body I spoke. "My name is Legion for we are many."

Deep in the darkness you could hear the deep throated laugh of the 'Other'

Oct 1st, 2002, 01:16:20 AM
Drawing the lone survivor 'Legion' into another part of the castle the Other pulled out a tome of ancient origins. Study this well it is a book of Sith Magic and though you have the memories of the ancient Vampyre's you need practical experience. So another 10 years passed. Intensive studies in the dark began. Legions thirst for knowledge forced him to strive night and day until he felt he knew all that could be taught. The Other brought out a velvet clothe and unrolled it before Legion. "Pick your weapon's, what you see before you is the most popular of the Vampyre's

Legion reached down and took the double sided saber replica of Soths the oldest of the male vampyre's. He also took the twin katana's of Dalamar and the gauntlet of the Warlord. Taking the vial of blood with him he walked out of the castle. The hunt for Vampyre's souls had begun.

Oct 13th, 2002, 10:10:47 AM
Having arrived at the Bar Legion turned over his weapons to the overseer. He had heard Nemesis came to this place from time to time. Entering the bar Legion hoped he would arrive tonight. Buisness needed to be discussed.

Nov 1st, 2002, 10:18:19 PM
Nemesis was not here Legion would have to try again tomorrow. Rising to leave Legion sensed something there was a Vampyre present Legion smiled. Scanning the bar he saw what he was looking for he was sitting at the bar trying to look like any other patron. But to Legion's hunting senses he glowed in the dark a bright neon trail of evil. There was no quabbles in the bar so Legion would wait to deal death to this night walker.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Nov 8th, 2002, 10:24:09 PM
Sia-lan Darkheart looked up from her booth towards the man. She sensed his dark aura and scowled slightly. She desided to keep her distance for now though. He had yet to do anything wrong. But she still did not trust him. She watched him carefully as he hung around the bar.

Nuli Ohara
Nov 8th, 2002, 11:18:44 PM
Nuli sat at the bar ordering drinks and behaving generally in a rude way. "Bring me another blood wine you gungan clod." Nuli noticed the large man out of the side of his eye but was to busy getting stone cold drunk to pay him to much attention.

When next he looked the man sat down. Good for him Nuli thought I would hate to have to kill some cut purse who thinks Im an easy target. It was a credit to the extreme intoxication that Nuli was under that he did not sense more about the large man. Sitting in an opposite corner he decided to finish what he started with 3 jugs of blood Ale.

Nov 10th, 2002, 03:20:55 AM
Yes drink up you fool. For tonight your destiny is calling. The muscles in his arm tensed with desire to take his life. But propriety would be respected. This was after all not his domain. He would wait. His life will pass like a dream no longer remembered.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Nov 10th, 2002, 04:58:39 PM
Sia-lan tensed up as she sensed his plan against the vampyre. She slowly stood from her seat, leaving her drink behind. She would stop this here before it even started. She walked over to the evil being.

"Careful what you do and careful what you say. Jedi are always around."

She stood behind the man. Her hands lay on her saber and sword.

Malice Draclau
Nov 10th, 2002, 05:46:33 PM
The next to walk into the bar, was a man clad in white flowing robes. His face was hidden under a hood, but the darkness could be felt enveloping him. He sat at a table near a corner, close to the exit. Looking around he instantly spotted a jedi, talking to someone. The man she was talking to had a dark soul, that much malice could tell without the force.

Looking around further he noticed many other strange people, one in particular was a vampyre. The sith knight scowled at the sight. He had recently found that his sister had turned herself into a vampyre. She knew pefectly wel that Malice did not like them, for they were born enemies. demons and Vampyres never got along And so Malice would wait and look for a time when he could capture this creature of the night and make him spill where Syndell was.

Nov 10th, 2002, 11:01:18 PM
You may force my hand child now back away from my prescence before you attract to me unwanted attention. Seeing her stand there still he continued. "That man is a vampyre a death dealer I have sworn to deal with his kind in only one fashion!"

Still she stood there a grim look of determination on her face. "I cannot allow this it is against the Jedi code." She made a move for her weapon. Legion was on her in a moment. A hiss escaped his teeth "Woman you have foolishly forced my hand now no one can leave here alive!" Throwing her agianst the wall she hit with a sickening thud. Jumping near the oversear he killed him with one swipe of his taloned claw the fat sear's hot blood covered the wall. Pulling his swords and saber out from under the bar Legion turned to face the room. it was packed and full of combatants there hidden weapon's at the ready. Legion smirked it was going to be a fruitful night for Lady death. >D

Malice Draclau
Nov 11th, 2002, 03:47:55 AM
Malice couldn't help but smile as a bloody battle was now under way. He looked around the room as almost all of the inhabitants were ready to fight this creature.

*Well i'll be, he's gonna take onthe entire bar. I think i'll just sit this one out and watch for a little bit*

Malice was thinking of helping the being. But then again if he was really callenging all within, Malice would instead be his enemy. The sith would wait till he found out which outcome would be first.

Nov 12th, 2002, 11:24:47 PM
Legion moved towards Nuli intent on killing the Vampyre first. He could leave no witnesses now the female had made sure of that. Still she was trying to save the vampyre's life by moving in front of him and his intended target. "Your a brave one not like most Jedi who are all talk. I find your courageousness appealing its a shame more of your kind do not stand like you do. Move aside and I will let you live, defy me and you will surely die."

Legion waited for the Jedi's response. Power spiked to the right and Legion sensed the prescence of another in the bar. "This is not going well I'm going to have to kill half the planet to get out unseen. Legion sneered at the thought.

Nuli Ohara
Nov 12th, 2002, 11:36:27 PM
Grabbing his weapons that he had placed at the door. Nuli moved around to the side of Legion. "This guy is a freakin house what does he want with me. Probably another vamp hunter."

Sliding his lightsaber out he ignited it with a soft snap and hiss. That foolish mortal had distracted him well allowing for Nuli to sneak up on him. "He won't know what hit him." The vampire smiled

Malice Draclau
Nov 17th, 2002, 03:24:52 AM
The sith master stood up. His saber in his hand but not ignited yet. He began to slowly walk towards the vampyre. Speaking in a low tone, Malice's blue eyes pierced even the Vamps souless body.

*I do not like your kind, i wont lie about that. Your people have taken my sister, and made her one of them. And for that, i shall kill you, and any of your kind that dare to challenge me*

His double bladed saber ignited. Two white beams of death shot out, hungry for blood.

*Do you know what they call me blood sucker. I am called the bringer of chaos, and your about to fall into a world full of it. When i'm through with you, you'll wish you werent immortal*

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Nov 18th, 2002, 07:33:42 PM
Sia-lan drew out her lightsaber and activated both sides. She stood between Nuli and Legion.

"You will not harm this man. I know full well what he is but he has done nothing. There for he is innocent in my eyes. I will not alow this chaos to go through."

Sia-lan ran forward and slashed at this guys stomach. Once with the right side of her saber to his left side then followed up by a slash to his right shoulder with the left side.

Nov 18th, 2002, 11:29:36 PM
Legion sidestepped the lightsaber and blocked the other blow with his own. Undeterred she pressed the attack moving low and following up with a downward slash. His eye's turned the color of flame's "I'm really sorry to do this but you have caused your own death no one can leave this room alive."

Grabbing her by the throat Legion started to choke her. she fought and kicked but you could see the fear and panic start to well up in her eye's. She lashed out and cut Legion across the face he dropped her as the painful cut healed before her very eye's. The cut looked alive as the skin formed and flowed with eerie precision over the hulking form above her. She laid on the ground gasping for air and Legion again focused his attention on Nuli. His lightsaber drawn they sparked in the dim light of the bar. The Dark Lord could see Nuli's sharp teeth glowing in the saber light. "You'll hunt no more victims Vampire!"

Legion punched him in the chest knocking him back into the mirror that hung over the bar. Slowly Legion moved in for the kill.

Malice Draclau
Nov 19th, 2002, 03:25:04 PM
Legion suddenly found himself thrown backwards, landing hard through a table shattering it. Looking up he noticed who it was that had done it. It was Malice. Standing in between him and Nuli, the sith grinned at Legion.

*I know not what quarrel you have with the undead one, but it is of no concern to me. His head belongs to me and no one else*

Malice's saber held at an attacking stance stood ready for him. The darkside flowing like a strong current throughout his whole body.

Nov 26th, 2002, 11:10:48 PM
Legion smiled "You don't know who your messing with my friend, but no one comes between me and my prey. Pulling his sword out of his sheath it made a quite hiss. Standing up the force swirled around him in the form of black lighting. Tiny black electrical currents surrounded him as the force built up inside of him filling him with a dark sublime power. Making a fist with his talon hand he crunched down with the power of the force making the demon man bow into a ball. Again with the force he threw him into the mirror where he had earlier tossed the vampyre knocking him threw the wall and out into the alley. The cold air and the stench already beginning to waif in thru the hole that was made.

Just then Legion was attacked from behind. Sian-lan fought like a banshee stabbing the hulking man many time's in the back. "You can't have him I won't let you I will protect him with my life." Legion threw her from him, she landed with a hard thud.

She used the force and called her lightsaber to her the light of the blade lit up her face. Legion could see the bruise's and the grim determination of her face. She would not stop unless she was put down. She was beautiful, fierce, determined the Dark Lord hated to do it. She charged lightsaber raised. She seemed to move in slow motion to his enhanced body. Stepping to the side once again he ended it with a fatal blow to the chest. Punching thru to her heart he ripped it out of her body. She stood still, looking at him holding her heart her valiant form hanging on, Not yet realizing she was already dead. She fell to the floor a Jedi no more.

Malice Draclau
Nov 27th, 2002, 02:42:32 AM
Malice quickly found himself up in the air flying backwards. Notknowing what he was to hit, he surrounded his body with the force, to cushion the impact. A loud crash rang through the air as he smashed through a mirror, then through the wall in which it was hung. Finally landing with a thud onto the concrete floor of the back alley way. Standing, Malice stretched his muscles, spitting a glob of red liquid from his mouth.

The force shield had taken most of the impact, but landing on the alley floor had made it's way past the shield, hitting Malice hard in the back. Though it would take much more then that to kill him. Walking back in through the hole he had created, the sith watched as the other dark being killed the jedi woman with a fatal punch that took out her heart. Not feeling the leats bit sorry for her, Malice wasted no time in attacking. With inhanced speed he was on Legion before he knew what hit him. Malice gathered the darkside energy he had been drawing into his hands. Upon landing a kick to Legion's back which sent him stumbling forward, Malice unleashed two fireballs from his palms. Both raced fast towards the dark being.

*I will not be insulted by the likes of you. My vengance will be had tonight*

Looking in the vampyre's direction, Malice hit him with a force blast sending him into the wall Malice had gone through.

*You will not go anywhere. Once i am through with this one, you wil be next*

The sith master turned and looked back at Legion. Waiting for his attack.

Nov 27th, 2002, 08:27:48 PM
Legion stood there as the fireballs flew at him without even flinching they struck there target. His body on fire legion walked towards Malice the skin healing even as it burned. Like two Augers his eye's focused on Malice. Extending his hand his blade filled it with just a whisper of the force. Armed and moving he never even hesitated. Suddenly they where facing each other with one downward cut Legion sliced open his chest. The black blood of the Demon covered him. They both stood there face to face as the power surrouded the both of them building until it was visible to the eye. Locking arms they fought with the force like twin juggernauts of power they rocked the bar room. Force Lightning eat up the room as all the furniture was licked up in the flames of there battle. >D >D

Malice Draclau
Nov 28th, 2002, 02:28:01 AM
The pain was overwhelming. His chest bled non stop, if he did not act fast, he would die. In a fit of rage, Malice kicked out, sending Legion flying backwards crashing into a table. Coughing up blood, Malice put a hand over his chest, instantly fusing the darkside energy into the wound, trying to stop the blood. Then his knowledge over the years kicked in. Bringing up his saber, Malice began to cauterize the wound, burning flesh to seal it.

Looking back up at Legion, whom was just getting up, Malice's dark blue eyes faded to pure black. A dark sphere of energy began to envelope his entire body. Through muffled sounds he spoke out to the evil being.

*I'm through playing with you.....this.....ends here. You....will be defeated....monster*

With that the form of Malice disappeared. The ball of black energy acted as a shield, nothing could penetrate it, nor drain it away. Malice was doing what few could make him do. He was chaging, into his true form. Legion would soon have a foe he had not expected to face. He would be fighting the fury of a demon, the likes of which so far he has not seen.