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Rognan Dar
Sep 18th, 2002, 08:10:56 PM
It was night now and the moon was out as Rognan walked out of his room in a white garment, with a case in his left hand and his wevicat at his right. They walked around the halls of the LQ and made there way out and into the garden area.

There he saw a wonderful moonlit gardenand, he was at peace in the night and the garden just made it more wonderful. He walked into the garden and found a spot at the base of a tree that looked pleasent. He sat down at the base of the tree and opened the case he was holding, and pulled out a Garow, and started to play the instrument. As he played the wevicat came and layed down with her head on his lap, started purring at the sound of the music, which flowed out into the garden.

He closed his eye's as his playing brought back memories of when he last played this song. It was when he was a kid growing up on Lorrd that he wanted to learn a musical instrument. His parents agreed to send him to a music camp, that was a year long commitment. He went there but he didn't stay as long as he planed. He didn't know then but he was force sensitve, he had a speed boost that happened when lest expected, this also meant he learned thing faster then most of the other kids there. The force was both his blessing and his curse, with him learning things better the other kids didn't like him that much so he never made any friends.

He opened his eye's and looked around. But since he came here he's made more friends then he ever dreamed of. He continued playing feeling at peace here.

Sameer Aryan
Sep 22nd, 2002, 11:06:23 AM
Sam couldn't go to sleep, he had too many things going into his mind at the moment, too much stress. He decided to go take a walk outside, to get some fresh air. As he walked past the hallways, he seemed to see few people. He felt like the only weirdo that would go around at this time of the night.

Soon he was out, into the gardens. He then noticed a figure under a tree. As he started approching that person, he recognised Rognan. The closer Sameer got, the clearer a certain music was getting. It was the most beautiful thing Sam had ever heard, but the grass crunching under his feet was disturbing the sequence. He arrived beside Dar and sat next to him. He was about to say "hi" but he did not want to interrupt.

Rognan Dar
Sep 22nd, 2002, 02:57:21 PM
Rognan was still playing when his wevicat's ears moved, then stood up and a small grawl was heard from her. Rognan stopped playing and looked at a man standing next to him, at once recognized it was Sameer that he met in the LQ.

"Well hi sam, wonderful night isn't it. Oh, didn't wake you from my playing I hope ?" He said with consern on his face, and noticed that Yarden(the wevicat) was still grawling at Sameer. "Let me introduce you two, Sam this is Yarden, Yarden this is Sam." The cat still didn't move but stopped grawling.

Sameer Aryan
Sep 22nd, 2002, 04:34:15 PM
"Yep! Wonderful night indeed...." Sameer said looking up at the skies. "Don't ya worry! I sleep tight, and it surely wouldn't be your wonderful music that could wake me up."

Sameer noticed the famous Wevicat. It didn't seem to appreciate him. Sam was still staring at the cat when he was introduced.

"Hey there Yarden!" Sam offered the wevicat his hand, expecting its paw in return. "Yarden's really cute" the young boy said to the cat's master. "Is it a she or a he?" He felt stupid asking that but he WAS curious, so he asked.

Rognan Dar
Sep 22nd, 2002, 04:48:52 PM
Yarden still didn't move, even after the compliment. She just stood there looking at the young man weighing him out, wondering if she could trust him.

Rognan smiled at the site and started playing a soft tune. "It's a her, and she's really jeolous over me. She doesn't like anyone but me it seems, but if she likes you then it's a big compliment." He grinned again. "But dont be afraid she hasn't hurt anyone yet."

The big cat sat down still looking at Sam. "Well, I guess she excepts you," Rognan said. " just dont make any fast moves tord me or even get close to me at all, she's really protective." He said continueing to play his Garow.

Sameer Aryan
Sep 22nd, 2002, 05:07:11 PM
Seing the cat not move an inch, Sam took his hand back off. Sam sat back and relaxed, leaning again the trunk of the tree.

But dont be afraid she hasn't hurt anyone yet.

"Yet?" Sam was starting to feel slightly afraid of the cat, but he managed to surpass it, thinking a Jedi who feared a simple cat wouldn't go far in life. "Gee man! You make me feel great saying she hasn't hurt anyone YET" Sameer backed slightly off the cat.

"Well if I can't approach you, I'll approach her..." Sam was trying hard to byfriend this Wevicat. He tried giving her a little ball of wool, since cats were supposed to love those. Sam himself did not remember how he had gotten that object but he didn't care, as long as the cat liked it...

Rognan Dar
Sep 22nd, 2002, 05:21:04 PM
She still didn't move but see that the man was moveing toured her she started grawling again, then kicked the ball of wool back to Sam. "Well, I dont think she likes that," Rognan said. " and the only reason she attacks is when she's provoct. So I dont think you have anything to worry about, yet." He said playing with the young mans head.

Sameer Aryan
Sep 22nd, 2002, 06:19:16 PM
Sameer got the point. He looked back upon the stars, maybe somewhere there, he might see his parents, he would not know, but he might still see them. Sam came back to reality when he heard the cat growl again.

"So how long have you been here? Was your first training hard? Tell me all about your life ever since you were accepted in the order..." Sameer had asked Wei the same questions, he did the same with Rognan. Sam was very curious about being a Jedi.

Sam popped out a shiny red apple and bit into it. Obviously his pockets had a lot of stuff into them...

Rognan Dar
Sep 22nd, 2002, 10:37:15 PM
Rognan strumed a short tune think about his question that was asked to him. "....To answer your first one, I haven't been here that long or I just doesn't seem that long." He looked up at the stars. "And as for my training, I just started it so no, not yet but I haven't done much anyway. As for my life, even though it's a bit of a personal question I'll still answer it. It's been wonderful, never thought it would be like this, never felt such exceptens. back on my home world most of the people didn't like me that much, I dont want to go into detals but it wasn't the best part of my life I'll tell you that." He said stroking the cat and looked at Sam eating his apple. Then he sat up and put his Garow down. "Now tell me about yourself."

Sameer Aryan
Sep 23rd, 2002, 02:25:34 PM
Sam felt bad. "Sorry, didn't really think about how personnal the question was. I only meant it generally, but I guess it is personnal..."

"Well, those people don't know what they missed out on!" Sam let out a wink. "For what I know, you've been really nice to me ever since you met me, so that makes you a great guy" and he gave Dar a friendly punch on the shoulder, forgetting all about the cat.

"I'm a plain old boring guy...My parents never had much time for me, they were too busy. So I spent time alone, working on weird experiments, trying to construct stuff; hence I never really thought of having friends. It's strange now that I think of it, but whatever, I don't regret my solitude that much. I came to the Order to give whatever I have to help others, to be useful to something and so that my life actually had a purpose..." Sam hadn't noticed but meanwhile, he had walked to the next tree and had a hand leaning on it.

Rognan Dar
Sep 23rd, 2002, 08:44:01 PM
Rognan smiled at the compliment, but at the contact of the friendly punch the wevicat jumped to her feet and glared at the man. "Easy there girl, he's alright, just being friendly thats all." Rognan said scratching the cats head. "What kind of experiments? and what did you construct?" He asked Sam wondering what he meant be that.

Sameer Aryan
Sep 25th, 2002, 02:27:03 PM
Sameer was surprised. It was the first time someone was actually interested in anything he did. "Well, just some crazy mad scientist experiments" he said. He was half serious, half joking; he didn't really find it important to talk about, it was just a game for him.

He paused a while to make sure Yarden was calmed.

"I also constructed lil gadgets, made up miniature buildings and tried to make miniature aircraft too. Used to open up stuff in the house just to see what was inside and how it worked..." Sam was laughing. It sounded pretty childish when you think about it, but it was what he was on the inside, a lil kid. His childhood had never left him.

Rognan Dar
Sep 28th, 2002, 10:37:01 PM
Rognan listened intently to what Sam said. "Well, i hope you put the stuff you opened up back together." he said laghing with Sam. "I can make stuff to, but probobly not as good as you. Back on my home world I made laser weapons, I was good at it but I was really young then, well not to young but not that old either." He smiled to himself.

Yarden seing that everything was under control again sat back down and listened to the conversation that was before her. Calming feelling that this man could be trusted she laid down and put her head on Rognans lap and closed her eyes, for she was tierd.

Sameer Aryan
Sep 29th, 2002, 07:30:00 AM
Sameer smiled. "I'm sure you are. So whatcha doin' here at this time?"

Indeed, it wasn't frequent that people went out at this time. Sameer himself was surprised to have met someone at all. He was starting to feel slightly sleepy, and noticed he wasn't the only one when he saw the Wevicat lay down.

Rognan Dar
Oct 3rd, 2002, 11:42:27 AM
Rognan looked at Sam and saw that he was tired, looking from him to the cat realized it was getting late. "I love the night, its calm and peaceful. The night flowers are so beautiful in the moon light, and playing my Garow, its just inchanting." Rognan said looking around the garden.

Sameer Aryan
Oct 15th, 2002, 10:14:51 AM
"Indeed it is..."Sameer said imitating Rognan. Tilting his head on the right, Sam then asked "Is it just me, or do very few people know what a great musician you are?"

Rognan Dar
Oct 15th, 2002, 11:48:43 AM
Rognan looked at Sam for a moment before turning away and answering. "Well, not many people know about my talent but I also dont play infront of other people either. I injoy playing in my own presence." He said returning his look at Sam. "But I wouldn't mind playing for someone."

Sameer Aryan
Oct 16th, 2002, 04:26:30 PM
"Then go ahead, that is, if you want to..." Sameer lied down like a little child listening to someone telling him a story. His hands were under his face, eyes closed he was ready to listen to the beautiful music Rognan was playing earlier.

Rognan Dar
Oct 17th, 2002, 05:45:26 PM
"But I dont know if people want to here it." Rognan said picking up the Garow again and started playing. "I like it, but im not sure. Do you like it?" Continuing to play.

Sameer Aryan
Oct 17th, 2002, 06:11:14 PM
Sameer was surprised. Even if he was a great musician, Rognan didn't seem to know how good he was.

"I don't know about others, but I'll listen to this melodious tune anytime! Believe me, GREAT would be an underestimation of your gift." Sameer tried to be as convincing as he could be.

Rognan Dar
Oct 22nd, 2002, 02:42:43 PM
Rognan blushed at the compliment that Sam gave, it was the best one that he ever recieved.

He didn't know what to do but play his best song, one that could tame a wild beast his mother said to him once, and after what Sam said he believe she was right. So he played with all the talent he had, the night went from beautiful to heaven.

Sameer Aryan
Oct 22nd, 2002, 05:27:23 PM
Sameer lied down the grass,shifting his weight on his left, and listened to the music. His right hand tapped on the floor, going with the rythm of the music. Slowly his eyelids closed, and he was about to go to sleep...

Rognan Dar
Oct 23rd, 2002, 03:44:20 PM
Rognan finished his song and looked at Sam, he was almost asleep as well as his wevicat. He just sat there looking up at the stars thinking.

"Aren't they beautiful?" He said looking at the sky almost whispering the words.

Sameer Aryan
Oct 24th, 2002, 05:27:37 PM
Sam was brought back to reality when he heard Rognan. Streching a bit, the young lad replied:

"...hum...what? Oh! yes! They're beautiful!"

Sameer was lost in the stars now. Maybe it was the tiredness.

The nineteen years old got up saying:"Sorry bud, but I think I'm too sleepy! I'd be rude to sleep over your music. I'll go back in, you coming? Dude, you might catch a cold out here!" A wink fallowed.

Rognan Dar
Oct 28th, 2002, 10:38:01 PM
Rognan smiled at Sam. "Yes I to need to come inside and sleep." He said putting the instument away in its case, woke Yarden up and picked it up and followed Sam out of the Garden.