View Full Version : The darkness within (open challenge to a jedi)

Sep 18th, 2002, 03:02:42 PM
He was everything you would expect an ideal apprentice to be. He was respectful, determined, and able. But he was a sith, a newly knighted sith under the apprenticeship of Lady Vader. And under her tutelage, the cruel, vicious, and unforgiving side of him was emerging. The transformation was coming slowly. And his master did not rush the process. This was for the best, for what came from him naturally, what developed within him, would be stronger, would come more easily and more powerfully than the things that were taught.

On this particular day, under the dark sky that threatened rain, Sasha felt more in tune with the dark side than he’d felt before. It felt as if he was breathing it in, and it gave him the heady feeling he sometimes got from the buzz of a cigarette with a beer or two.

He hadnt done anything different. It wasn’t something he would be able to look back on, pinpoint, and say this was it, this was what enabled me to stop caring the way I did before. It was something that had come gradually. Little by little, he had been witness to, accomplice of, or victim of darkness. And the more he witnessed, the more he accepted it. It was perhaps the same numbness that one acquires to the plight of anything they walk by day after day after day.

It was also the realization, as he witnessed or experienced each act of darkness, that the darkside held power. It held power that he was beginning to learn how to wield. And each experience with that was like a drug, a very addictive drug. With each experience, he only wanted more.

But this addiction was not out of control. Not yet at least. His master helped him to keep it in check with her admonitions or her praise. And because his respect for her ran so deep, he was careful to follow her advice. He didn’t bother with the aimless killing of innocents. There was no satisfaction in killing or harming those that were unable to compete. There wasn’t really satisfaction in killing at all. But there was satisfaction in the power over another. In the giddy feeling that the darkside, as it ran through his veins in battle, brought to him.

As he walked through the streets, he allowed the darkness to flow about him. It almost dripped from him, sticky as blood from a fresh wound. His presence in these streets was not menacing, but was filled with trouble enough to give a jedi, if one was nearby, cause to be concerned for the safety of the citizens.