View Full Version : After sundown: Anyone's game (open)

Sep 18th, 2002, 03:01:12 PM
(ooc: I don’t care who joins in, or for what reason. Just an rp, a fight, whatever…another sith, jedi, dark jedi, non force user…*throws hands up in the air and grins* Whoever. For whatever.)


Violet eyes stared out from under a baseball cap. The eighteen year old kid, in sneakers, a sweatshirt, and khakis paused for a moment in the brisk air, taking off his cap to run his fingers through his hair before pulling it back on, low over his eyes. He sighed deeply and scanned the horizon. It wasn’t often that he was seen dressed so casually – dressed as a kid his age should be. Dressed to enjoy youth.

For too long now, he’d been so serious. He hadn’t wasted one moment in his training to become a powerful sith. But a weekend back home, back where he’d grown up, for a friend’s wedding had reminded him that life went by quickly, and he didn’t want to waste a moment of it.

Not that his training had been a waste – it wasn’t that at all. It was just that for one day, he wanted to forget that he was anything but an eighteen year old kid.

He didn’t want to think about battles. About his training. About the hatred for the jedi.

It wasn’t that he was sick of it – far from it. He was proud of what he’d become, and had left the weekend more determined than ever to become even stronger in the dark side. But he’d also been reminded not to take himself, and life, so seriously all the time.

And so he’d left for a short trip. He’d considered asking Feliciana to come with him. He’d been seeing quite a bit of her lately, and this would have been a perfect trip for the two of them, but she had been busy with her training, and unable to leave Corellia. And now he was here, alone. He didn’t mind being alone, but if he could have had it another way, he would have been surrounded at this place by those he cared about.

When he reached the top of the cliff, he sat down on a rock, and watched the sun set. It was a popular spot, though relatively quiet there this evening. And although he’d tried to leave everything behind him, his lightsaber had become a part of him, an extension of him, and he hadnt been able to part with it.

When the sun had set behind the hills in the distance, he stood, and in the semi darkness began to make his way down the mountain.

Sep 18th, 2002, 07:34:40 PM
For once, she wasn't inside a downtown club performing with her band, slamming on her guitar and screaming vocals into the mic. Tonight was her night, and she didn't want to spend it inside some sort of ugly tavern with drunkards spent most of their lives inside. So, she decided that spending the night outside was a much better idea.

One of Morgan's friends had pointed out the mountain the other day, and they were going to climb it together until the friend sprained her ankle. Now she was on her own.

Deciding that it would be better to walk during the evening, when the air was cool and crisp, she lounged around all day doing absolutely nothing. All the energy was pent up inside of her and wanted out.

The sun had already set making the climb a little more than difficult, but the teen was more than prepared. With a cap on backwards that was labeled with the Anarchy symbol, along with a grey tank top and baggy shorts, her gloved hand clutched a water bottle. Her other hand reached up to nervously tug at her spiked choker while she continued to go upwards. She was used to boisterous crowds or a group of talkative friends, never the silence of a peaceful evening.

Soon Morgan became lost in her thoughts and didn't realize that another person was climbing down the path she was using to climb up.

"Uh .. Sorry?"

She spread her arms and shrugged, somewhat apologetic, and stepped to the side for him to go by. Odd, he looked about as young as her and yet here he was, on a mountain. Maybe he wants to get away from society, too, she silently pondered.

Sep 19th, 2002, 07:06:35 AM
He'd been as lost in his thoughts as Morgan had been in hers. As they nearly collided, saved only by Morgan stepping aside to let him pass, apologizing as she did so, that he was brought back to reality.

He had come here to escape everything, yet there were pieces of the sith training that would never be left behind. Without realizing at first that he was doing it, he was hearing her thoughts. In her surprise, she hadnt made any attempt to conceal them.

Maybe he wants to get away from society, too

He couldnt help but grin at this, for it was the truth, but he said nothing of it, for to do so might have angered or scared her, and he had no intention of either.

"If you were hoping to see the sun set you're a little late..." He stated, not moving to pass by her just yet.

"It just set over the hills...." His violet eyes looked to her from beneath light brown hair. He was in need of a haircut, and this gave him a slightly tousled look, as if perhaps he might have just woken up.

Sep 19th, 2002, 09:19:17 PM
As he spoke about the sun having already set, Morgan grinned crookedly.

"It's not like I set my hopes up on seeing a ball of gas."

The punk crossed her arms and observed him, deciding that he, too, seemed out of place. There was something creepy about him that she couldn't put her finger on, but alot of people she kept bumping into seemed that way. As if they knew something she didn't.

And that thought irritated her.

Her curiousity was insatiable like a cat's, perhaps one day it would lead to her demise.

"So, what's your name?"

Reaching up, she ran her fingers through her dyed red hair before extending her hand to shake his.

Sep 20th, 2002, 07:38:03 AM
He chuckled.

"At least you wont be disappointed." He replied to her amusing remark about not having her hopes set on seeing a ball of gas.

she had crossed her arms by this poit and was looking at him with an half curious, half irritated expression before she extended her hand and asked his name.

He took her hand in his and shook it.

"Alexander, but everyone calls me Sasha." He answered. There were few people who actually knew this fact. Most just assumed Sasha was his name, not a nickname, and he was fine with that.

"And yours?" He asked as they both stood in the trail. No one had passed by them going up or down. Most had left immediately after the sunset, or were camping on top of the mountain.

Sasha had set up camp about halfway down, to be away from everyone else, but being the social kid that he was, now found himself inviting Morgan to join him.

"Are you camping on the mountain tonight?" He asked after she'd told him her name.

"Because if you are and feel like hanging out for a while I've got a few beers. I was just going to make a fire and hang out..." He suggested.

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 20th, 2002, 07:54:11 AM
Straffe was practising his useuall skills in the forest when he head voices near by. He quickly jumped from tree to tree to get closer to the voices. He sat in the tree that was next to the path and watched the two people. He sat there, in the shadows of the leaves and observed the two of them. He could sense that one of them was a sith but the other he couldnt tell. It was odd for him to not be able to sense it but something wasnt right here.

Sep 20th, 2002, 11:46:02 AM
As he waited for Morgan to consider his offer, his head turned for a moment, cocked slightly to the side in a curios expression. His hand went to the brim of his cap and tugged on it for a moment. He could feel the presence of another nearby, no one familiar, and no one, at the moment, that felt threatening.

He hadnt wanted this. He'd wanted to escape this. But the lesson he would take, among others when this day was over was that he would never escape the force. It was there, surrounding him, running through him, and now that he was aware of his abilities, it wasnt something he could turn on and turn off like a light switch. It was something he would have to learn to be content with, for it was a part of him, as much a part of him as his flesh and blood.

He said nothing to Morgan of the other, or of his thoughts, instead, he dropped his hand from his cap and crossed his arms over his chest in a relaxed gesture, a slight grin on his face as he awaited her answer.

Sep 21st, 2002, 11:22:15 AM
She shrugged slightly before answering.

"I was just going to up and enjoy the scenery, then maybe fall asleep if I was tired enough. But, uhm.. I guess I wouldn't mind going with you."

While she spoke she noticed that he looked slightly uneasy as he pulled on his cap, but then went back to looking relaxed. Wondering if it was something she said, Morgan repeated the words over in her head mentally and decided that it was something else.

She was a non-Force user, and couldn't 'sense' others like he could, but most of the time she could figure things out like a good girl. And right now her mind was set on why that look had flickered across his face.

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 21st, 2002, 08:14:20 PM
As Straffe sat in the tree watching their every movement, he finally figured out who the second person was. He could tell that she had no force aura around her, she was of no threat to him...yet. He woundered why the Sith was helping the woman. It was not a custom for them to help those in need. Something wasnt right to him, he was up to something and Straffe was going to find out.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:39:59 AM
Sasha chuckled.

"You might want to control your enthusiam...." He retorted with a relaxed grin. His voice was sarcastic, but still friendly as he teased her.

She was a young woman, out alone, and being cautious of going to hang out with a stranger, he believed, was smart.

As they began to head down the trail towards where he'd set up camp, he turned to talk to her.

"I take it your arent from around here..." He commented, for if she was, she likely would have known that past this time of the evening, there wasnt much of a view to be seen, for the sun set quickly over the hills, and darkness was rapidly approaching.

Sep 24th, 2002, 09:10:34 PM
"Well, okay, you've got me caught."

Morgan had begun to walk side by side with him as they headed down the trail towards his camp.

"My band and I are just here for last night's gig, so for the next week or so we're gonna relax."

Okay, so it was too obvious that she was an "outsider". Not like that was anything new.

Sep 25th, 2002, 02:17:17 PM
He hadnt meant to insult her, and her tone was difficult to read. He caught himself about to search for the answer through the force, and stopped. He was here to get away from it. To just be the kid he used to be before he'd learned all of these skills.

It was a strange feeling to go back to not doing these things, and briefly, he reflected on how much he aprpeciated being able to use the force. He sometimes took it forgranted, he realized.

"Your band..?" He questioned.

"What kind of music?" They were nearly to the campsite, and he led the way off the beaten path towards where he'd set up a tent. It was in a small clearing, and earlier that day he'd collected wood for a fire.

As they continued to talk, he reached into a cooler and grabbed a beer, holding it out to her, a questioning expression on his face.

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 25th, 2002, 06:45:56 PM
Straffe was board of sitting in the tree so he decided to come into sight. He jumped out of the tree and leaned against it. He watched them, under the hood of his cloak. He stood there woundering how long it would take then to notice that he was there. He knew that the man sensed his presence since he was a sith, but the girl had no idea he was there. He finally broke his silance with...
"I see you making a fire....Mind if I make smores?"
Straffe slowly walked towards the two of them.

Sep 25th, 2002, 07:43:55 PM
As he held the beer out to her, he felt the presence. The presence of the one he had felt before and he turned to see him leaping from a tree. He didnt appreciate being spied on, and worse yet, he could feel that the newcomer was a force user, though not a friend of the darkside.

He was torn between his desire to remain here, on this trip as nothing but the teenaged kid he was, and the fact that as a Sith, he could not associate with jedi. The last time he'd done such a thing, it had cost him his left hand to prove his loyalty to the order. His hand had since then been replaced with an artificial one, but even the new limb, and the time that had passed since the event could not take away his anger at the jedi.

He glanced over at Morgan, then back to the jedi, a slight scowl crossing his features.

"You should ask her." He replied.

Straffe Stormrider
Oct 7th, 2002, 02:36:10 PM
Straffe couldnt help but grin as he knew there was going to be some conflict between the two of them. He sat on a log and watched the flames flicker like it was dancing.

"Is it ok with you pretty lady?"

Straffe gave her a wink as he pulled back his hood, revealing his purple hair. He looked at her and admired her hair as it was a very cool color.

"Im sorry if the color of my hair is a little off but im usually a blond myself"

Straffe continued to smile as he tried to lighten the tension