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View Full Version : A renewal of friendship...(Xazor)

Vanair Sharkan
Sep 18th, 2002, 01:59:39 PM
Vanair walked through the halls it had been a long time for him. When he had first come here so long ago he was not ready. Now that he had returned he found that he didn't know as many as he once did. He knew that only one person would understand how he was feeling at the moment. He knocked on Xazor's door and waited for a response.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 18th, 2002, 09:09:04 PM
A knock came to Xazor's door as she sat reading a small book bound in red binding with silver letters upon the cover. Closing the book with the page marker in the center, she gently set it upon the nightstand beside her bed and got up to answer the door. With the flick of her wrist, the door hissed open by aid of the Force, and there before her stood Vanair....a good friend and now her blood brother. Grinning, the Knight made her way over to him and bowed, then moved so he could enter.

"Brother! Please do come in....."

She said softly, then shut the door behind him. As he turned to face her, she smiled and embraced him warmly, still happy of his return to the Order.

"What brings you to me this lovely day?"

The Garou questioned softly, walking over to the couch where she sat down. Brushing out the ruffles in her blue robes, she smiled and motioned for him to sit.....then pushed her long Garou Warrior Braids out of her face, the golden coins in them clanging together as the tossed hair fell behind her back.

ooc: Check your PM's! :lol

Vanair Sharkan
Sep 19th, 2002, 11:11:29 AM
Vanair returned the embrace and sat down. "I just thought I would stop by and have a chat with you. I remember that when I was first here that there were not enough masters for each padawan to learn from. I was wondering if that was still the case or not."