View Full Version : Addicted to You

Sep 18th, 2002, 11:13:26 AM
OOC- Not sure if I can freely post here. If not, then just delete this, thank you.

Evelyn ran her fingers down the walls of her room, collecting dust on her soft fingertips. Her porcelain skin on her fingers were getting brown-ish with dust, but she didn't seem to mind. Her eyes were empty, her pupils were getting larger. She was silent, somehow, she waited for something to happen, someone to come. After a long still moment, she dusted her hands and fell in a big comfortable chair. She was getting tired, though her wounds vanished because of Slayn, the pain still somehow wandered around in her mind.

She tilted her head from side to side, making slight cracking sounds. What to do now ?

"Am I really, entirely my own existence or ...." She sighed in disgust. "Do I still live in Eve's dead shadow ?"

Evil Hobgoblin
Sep 19th, 2002, 12:08:55 PM
"That depends," replied a deep voice from the doorway. "On your truth."

Hobgoblin stood behind Evelyn, leaning on a gnarled old cane and watching her with curious eyes.

Sep 19th, 2002, 04:03:35 PM
She turned her head, her eyes widened at first, but slowly went back to normal. Her eyes went back to normal, as if she had been hit by reality. She leaned back against her chair, talking to the man with the cane, but not really looking at him. Running a hand through her hair, she sighed.

"My truth ?" She asked, almost murmuring.

Evil Hobgoblin
Sep 20th, 2002, 09:37:14 AM
"You are out," Hob began quietly in the spellbinding voice of a storyteller. "And someone insults you. And you turn your righteous anger upon them and beat them to a pulp."

"But there is a Jedi there, a Jedi- oh, call him Alpha. And he sees you and comes up to you. But you do not cease, and eventually he shouts 'Eve, stop!' Here is where your truth applies. If it is true that you are not Eve, that you are Evelyn, then you punish them for their delusion. But if it is not true that you are Evelyn, then you accede to their pleas and stop, weakened, confused, and still in the shadow of a dead spectre, true justice having gone unfulfilled."

"It is how you see it, what is true to you. Your truth," Hob concluded, continuing to lean forward and watch this young charge interestedly from within his shadowed eyes.

Sep 20th, 2002, 09:55:12 AM
"Alpha." Evelyn repeated the name. "Tch."

She closed her eyes and shook her head, sighing once more. He was right - Eve would've stopped, weakened and emotions would've made her confused, but it was different for Evelyn. She clenched a fist on the arm-rest of the chair and nodded, opening her eyes again.

"You are right. I am not Eve." She said firmly.

Slayn Cloak
Sep 20th, 2002, 03:37:42 PM
Slayn sat in a part of the castle Hob had shown him. No one ever seemed to go there, though it was the only place in bast that seemed to live. Slayn had begun to spend countless hours in this hall meditating. Today he was in Evelyn's mind. Perhaps with some training she would've been able to feel the Dark Jedi listening in on her conversation, as it were; For now however, she was still learning. No doubt Loran would sculpt her, but Hob seems to have his own agenda. A wicked smile cracked across the Cloak's face as this thought entered his mind.

Evil Hobgoblin
Sep 22nd, 2002, 05:55:49 PM
"Are you certain?" the quiet voice of Hob questioned her. "It is... easy, sometimes, to fall under the sway of peer pressure. To accept another's will as your own, simply because the sound of their idea is reasonable. The only sure way to know what you think is real is to hold it in your thoughts, to nurse and nuture it into a constant flame and keep it there, always. Then, you will be the judge of things, and not the other way around."

Hob took a few steps over to the opposite side of the room, where he began to study the wall. "Do you know what you want your future to hold?" he asked into the quiet.

Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:17:47 PM
"My future ? I want ... a definition. I don't want to be another Eve. I want to be Evelyn." She simply replied like it was something she told herself over and over again.

Evil Hobgoblin
Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:00:59 AM
Hob sighed inwardly. Though Evelyn showed as much promise as any of the other apprentices who lived in Bast, she lacked a goal, a focus.

As rank and power went, Hob was a Dark Jedi Knight- a very experienced Dark Jedi Knight, one that partook of powers and philosophies outside the normal scope of things, but still just a Knight. But Hob was of a particular breed of Jedi, one not seen often outside the Jedi Order. Hob was a Dark Jedi Consular, with all the mediation and conciliation skills that implied.

And seemingly, he was the only Dark Jedi Consular in the Black Hand, and thus the only one who could keep them together and find them purpose.

It appeared that Evelyn required a purpose. She had no idea even where to begin searching. It was a need that required fulfilling, and Hob would have to fill it.

"You have never meditated, have you?" he asked of Evelyn.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 04:52:36 PM
Evelyn arched an eyebrow. True that she never thought much of her future or goals. She was the kind of the girl that just reacted to what happened in front of her eyes, at a precise moment. A girl that lived life, one day at the time. A girl who would just play with people's mind, if she ever got bored, which was often. She tilted her head to the side and shook her head. Though his back was showing on her, she knew he could sense her 'negativity'.

"Never. Why ?"

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:10:21 AM
"If I were you, I would consider learning how," Hob said, searching through the walls with his eyes. "It might provide you with direction. Show you the path to a new identity, separate from that which was Eve."

The Dark Dwarf turned around, his eyes searching through Evelyn as they had the wall. "I saw her only rarely," Hob commented. "But you do look like her in every respect. Not even a slight change in physical features. That is amazing."

Hob's eyes seemed close sleepily. "How did you come into being? I have heard only whispers, and no Cloak has yet told me."

Oct 3rd, 2002, 10:01:22 AM
"Ugh." Evelyn grunted when Hob complimented on the body.

"Well, that idiot's," She spoke of Slayn. "dark abilities and Eve's great force abilities combined, when they kissed, a while back. Slayn's wish of Eve's love for him came true ... Well, only half true."

Evelyn took a pause, trying to hide her expression of digust.

"I was separated from her. I was built entirely out of his wishes and desires, so I 'loved' him ... Until Eve died. When she died, her half of spirit came back to me - Which made me the worst Eve there ever is, which makes me the complete opposite of her."

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 3rd, 2002, 11:28:24 AM
The Dark Jedi took all this information in, weighing the implications of it. Though Evelyn would not know it, Hob had long made a study of spirits, souls, and those secrets of the Force that dwelt on the discorporeate form of Jedi. This new information made for some interesting puzzles.

Hob peered more intensely at Evelyn, his sleepy eyes widening enough to allow him to take her entire frame in. "Often, I have found that cases such as yours provide for an unstability in the Force. Though you possess an entire soul, you might find that this body of yours is unstable. It would serve two purposes to be rid of it."

Hob tapped a gnarled finger on the side of his cheek. "Though how to accomplish such, I have no information."

Oct 4th, 2002, 01:44:56 PM
Evelyn arched an eyebrow. Changing bodies didn't seem like a bad idea .... She grinned, nodding and agreeing to the old man, before running a hand through her hair.

"I do ..." She whispered to herself.

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 7th, 2002, 12:55:50 PM
Hob's eyebrows lifted, but he gave no other indication that he'd understood or even heard Evelyn's words. "It would be the first step," he added, sidetracking from what he'd said before. "In creating an identity for yourself. To be born anew, like a flamebird rising from its own ashes is the very source from whence power is derived."

Hob then cocked his head, the lesson delivered and sermon over. "And how do you find Bast? The Hand? Have you adapted well to this new home, or poorly?"