View Full Version : All Good Things Must Come To An End (Lance, Tomak, open)

Kaytor Surna
Sep 17th, 2002, 08:38:10 PM
On the edge of a cliff over looking the ocean stood a lone figure watching the inky black waters of the night. A damned creature of the night. The vampyre Kaytor.

She was there to give a message to her jedi love. One that would be worse than death for some. but death was nothing to the dead. So she stood there, waiting.

Nearby, another figure was watching over her. She knew he was there. She knew he had come to watch over her during this even though she wouldn't need it. But he was still there.

Kaytor watched the stars shimmer billons of miles away. Her cloak was pulled loosely around her with the hood drawn up over her head.

She watched as yet another ship landed and wondered if he had even gotten her message. She shook her head and knew he would be there when he could. For now she would just watch the water of the ocean and its wave break along the high cliff.

And her mind drifted to her last sun rise and sun set. The dazzling colors that had shimmered across the horizon. The memory of the sun as it diped down below the same horizon. And then death. Everything after that was death.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 18th, 2002, 11:31:16 AM
:: Lance slowly walked out of the ship, not wearing his cloak or anything he jut calmly walked towards Kaytor..well at least where the force was telling him to go.::

"Hmm......I feel a trouble in the force...something bad is about to happen.." He mummbled under his breath continuing his lone way towards her..he felt another presence near her as well... he knew who it was and didn't really care either...he wasn't much of a disturbance to him...

:: As he walked further he slowly saw the edge of the land as a cliff appeared...he saw a dark figure standing there..::

"You called" A voice emerged right next to her as Lance leaned against a tree nearby.

"What's wrong?..."

Tomak Ohara
Sep 18th, 2002, 07:54:34 PM
Tomak stood in a tree. He watched as the jedi emerged. He snarled at him. He swore to himself that if he hurt Kaytor Tomak would make sure he was dead. For some odd reason Tomak had come to like her. Nay he had come to love her. He waited for what he knew Kaytor would say. This was it, time to end what she had started. "You must do it Kaytor! Reveal the truth!" He smiled. It was time to prove what she was made of.

Kaytor Surna
Sep 18th, 2002, 10:58:23 PM
"The universe is wrong. Havn't you figured that out yet, Lance?"

Kaytor's voice was hard and cold. She turned around to look at him as Tomak spoke. She nodded once to him and no more to show that she had heard him.

"Our love is wrong. You are a jedi knight. I am a vampyre of the dark side. Love has no hold on dark and light to keep them together. We can not keep this up. It Is Wrong. And we can not keep it up."

Kaytor looked streight into Lance's eyes. She didn't move at all while talking. No true emotion was shown while she spoke.

Once she was done, she lowered her eyes and nodded.

"We will see each other again. Good bye, Lance Stormrider."

Kaytor turned and walked away from him. She walked towards Tomak. She was almost wishing that Lance would run after her and hit her. She just wanted him to do something to punish her. But she knew he wouldn't.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 19th, 2002, 05:02:34 AM
:: Lance's jaded eyes lowered their sight of view as he breathed hard he spoke.::

"I figured you'd call me for this...." He said on a saddened tone but somehow he maaged to keep him-self in one piece...at the moment that is.

"I also thought of it for a long time.....and I was going to tell you the same thing."


:: Lance then turned around and focused the force through all his body as he focused the spot where the ship was witing for him he force speeded towards it, a path of dust and rocks followed his path of pure speed.::

Don't worry Tomak..I won't garrot you...hehe..not just yet...

Kaytor Surna
Sep 19th, 2002, 04:25:03 PM
Kaytor reached the tree that Tomak was in and glanced back at the streak of color that was Lance. She lowered her head and closed her eyes a moment then looked back up at Tomak.

She wraped her arms around a branch of the tree and swung up into it beside Tomak. She turned and looked out through the leaves and branches at the ship taking off. She knew Lance was on the ship and that the next time they saw each other, it would not be peaceful.