View Full Version : Accidents will happen (open)

Sep 17th, 2002, 04:34:29 PM
(*laughs* Im bored to tears....I dont care who answers it - rescue him, rob him, kidnap him....)

When he came to his senses, he would likely feel quite humiliated, and most certainly humbled.

Since he'd learned to fly, he'd spend much of his time - every minute not spent on training - traveling somewhere.

His master, Lady Vader didnt seem to mind for now, for he kept in close contact with her most of the time, and always let her know where it was he planned to be, though these things she mostly would have known, might have sensed through the force.

This day, he had come to a rather bustling planet with busy sidestreets and more traffic than he truly cared for. But he hadnt visited this planet before, and he was willing to give it a chance.

For most of the afternoon he'd walked the streets, his senses were alert and he was cautious of everything around him. It wasnt a nervous caution, but rather a street awareness learned by being caught every now and then unaware and living to learn a lesson about it.

Had the young sith with the violet eyes not been so distracted by the feeling that there was another out there, he might have sensed the event that was to occur next. Or perhaps he wouldnt have. An accident is an accident, and everyone has them. The collision of the two landspeeders caused complete chaos in the streets. Several dead, many wounded, and the young sith knight flat on his back on the streets himself and out for the count.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 17th, 2002, 05:13:17 PM
"Hey, what did you get yourself into?" Wraith said as he moved the Sith with his foot. The man was still out, so Wraith used the force to manuever him to his feet. His eyes slowly opened to see the icy Sith infront of him. He didnt know why he had helped this man, but he felt he had to......

Korik Bannor
Sep 17th, 2002, 07:07:25 PM
The young Jedi Padawan felt uneasy like the Force he had attuned himself to so devoutly was alarming him of something impending. Walking the streets of the city clad in a sleeveless yellow robe with a black sash knotted about his waist, Korik's smile was strained as he felt dread building up in his chest. Something bad was about to happen.

He continued to smile and nod greetings to those that recognized what he was. Most however eyed him warily like he was some self-righteous bug-a-boo waiting for an excuse to weigh their crimes on scales. Jedi were still fallaciouslly distrusted and feared in some parts of the galaxy. His mouth held a sour taste.

Suddenly the voices around him and the speeder vehicles in the streets were silenced by a loud crash of colliding machines. Instantly, yelling and crying erupted from around the corner from which the Jedi stood, compelling him to a dead run.

Stopping short of the two crumpled vehicles when he came upon a young woman lying on the sidewalk crowded around by pedesterians. The whole street was buzzing with excited talk and curious onlookers. Forcing his way through the curious and concerned, Korik kneeled beside the woman and checked her vital signs. She was fine. He left instructions not to move her as she suffered a mild concussion.

Working his way forward to the vehicles, he stopped dead in his tracks when he seen the darksider draw an obvious victim to his feet with the Darkside, a young man by the looks of him. Korik immediately unclipped his lightsaber and called out, "Hey, what are you doing?"

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 17th, 2002, 07:30:37 PM
"Stay back you!" Wraith sent a quick force push towards Korik's way to keep his distance. Wraith wondered why this man had decided to intervene. This newcomer was a Jedi afterall, so he guessed that he had to be occupied by something. Wraith did not feel like fighting a Jedi upon this day, but if it came down to it, he would. He stood eyeing the stranger and waiting for a response from the unconcious Sith.

Korik Bannor
Sep 17th, 2002, 08:29:50 PM
He felt the solid invisible shove of the Force against his shoulder, stumbling back a few steps before regaining his balance. The world around them was chaos but all he could think of was the danger of a Sith present in this desperate time. It could only mean trouble as the Sith represented the extinguish of life and innocence. Caught in a perplexing and conflicting circumstance, of assisting those helping the victims while not ignoring this unconscious man's plight. He chose the latter, approaching the Sith and confronting him, "Please leave the young man alone, Darksider. He needs medical attention. His life may depend upon it. Be warned."

For all the Haruchai Padawan knew, the Sith may have been personally responsible for the day's darkening. His hand still held the lightsaber as a means of defending bystanders and the unconscious man.

Sep 18th, 2002, 12:10:46 PM
Something hurt. Everything hurt. He couldnt quite identify what hurt the most, for the pounding in his head was too loud to concentrate.

It felt as if he was on his feet as he hovered between consciousness and the world that would have ben so much more comfortable right now - the unconscious.

He could hear the sounds of panic. Of chaos. Familiar sounds for the life of a sith, yet somehow, these sounds were not comfortable right now. If it hadnt been for the odd ache in his head, and the feeling of dizziness, he might have spoken. Instead his eyes had only flickered open for a moment, and seeing two unfamiliar faces before him, he was lost in a world of confusion.

They closed, then blinked open, as if that would clear his mind of everything. He could feel conflict, the presence of the darkside, but also...was it a jedi? Who were these people with him? And why did it feel as if he was in the middle of a street in broad daylight, yet couldnt get his bearings?

His cheeks, normally tan from the time he spent outside, were pale. Something was wrong. Completely, entirely wrong. With a barely audible groan, he sunk to a knee, a hand on his forehead to try to calm the pounding.

Normally, he would have cared. Wouldnt have shown weakness. He had been taught to accept pain. To welcome it. But he had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and was a little too disoriented at the moment to remember these things.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 18th, 2002, 02:01:57 PM
Out of the corner of his eye he saw the man sink to his knee, then focused his attention on the Jedi that approached sternly with weapon in hand. Why was this warrior intent on helping this man, he was a Jedi of course. Wraith would never come to understand them. It wounded man was his catch of the day, and he wan to about to let some Jedi spoil it. "This is none of your concern Jedi! Leave at once or I will dispose of you myself." He said this from over his shoulder as he turned to face the man, hand on his weapon.

Korik Bannor
Sep 18th, 2002, 03:02:39 PM
Korik took a few more steps approaching Wraith. His steel blue eyes did not sway from the Darksider's, "That is impossible."

Around him the eruption of emergency sirens belted. "This is not the time for bloodshed, Sith. I will not allow the hurt of anymore innocents. Begone."

OOC- post again tonight.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 20th, 2002, 05:17:32 PM
Wraith brought forth his scythe and ignited it. "For the last time, stay back Jedi!" Wraith lashed out with his laser scythe, the two warriors blades met and locked. He jumped back and held his scythe infront of himself. "That was a warning. Come any closer and those steps will be your last. Don't test my patience boy."

Korik Bannor
Sep 22nd, 2002, 10:14:01 PM
Korik heard the gasps of bystanders and victims alike as he locked blades with the scythe-armed Sith. His physical focus was on Wraith while through the Force he was drawing in the environ and his aggressor. Absorbing it. The Jedi slowly circled, negotiating the Sith, measuring him. The blue incandescence of his lightsaber blade danced as he whirled the weapon with skilled, deliberate intent. Staving off attack with the sure promise of a deadly reproach. The end, the final solution to all Sith was always gratuitious violence. Their nature repulsed him. Sickened him.

Korik only cared about preserving the well-being of those caught in these dire circumstances. He eventually placed himself between the fallen man and the Sith. By the Force he detected something different about the helpless stranger lying on the ground but pushed it beyond his thoughts for now, keeping his guard before Wraith.

Zatania Duvall
Sep 22nd, 2002, 10:34:59 PM
She licked her lips, her tongue lightly passing by just under her "canine" teeth on the right side of her mouth. Her bright red lips turned from a small interesting half smile, to a malicious grin.

"Tsk tsk tsk, looks like men seem to be having all the fun tonight with fighting." She whispered to herself.

She watched from behind most of the bystanders, keeping to the shadows as she was accustomed to. She had grown this way, sorrowed this way, trained this way, and became what she is now this way. She was a shadow herself, if you liked to view it that way. Somewhere along the way she lost herself, and yet found herself. But then again, she wasn't herself. So no one could ever know her truly.

She gave off quite a powerful darkness about her, and yet, she was still ignorant in some ways to how to utilize these powers. Maybe it was the rebel in her, to go her own way and do things on her own time. The last master she had was dead, and she didn't want another one..

Her long brown hair fluttered in the light winds, the city walls and buildings obviously corrupting the full intensity of them. But her hair was not the only thing free to the toss, her long ankle length skirt was dancing along as well as the ends of her black jacket. The wind even seemed to alter her gaze as well, bringing it towards the man that had fallen to his knees. She watched him for a moment, almost expecting something to happen. Sometimes she was right, sometimes she was wrong. But most of the time, she was quite a good... "guesser".

"Well well..." She whispered, monotoned as usual, with a straight face.

OOC Hope I'm not intruding, but it said open. :)

Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:31:09 AM
(ooc: *grins* No intrusion at all..welcome to the thread.. ;) )


The humming of lightsabers. He brought his head up to look, but instead of looking to the men, the strength of the darkside seemed to summon his gaze elsewhere.

Beyond the spectators stood a woman. Amusement seemed to play on her features, and he could feel the darkness that radiated from her. With the presence of the two darksiders so close to him, he began to recall who he was, where he was...and to some degree, what had happened.

Still on one knee, he dragged his gaze away from the woman for a moment and looked to the two who held the lightsabers. He knew neither one of them, and wasnt exactly able to draw conclusions as to what they were fighting over, other than the fact that one held the darkness and the other, the pathetic goodness of a jedi. He assumed their clash was over the usual - the hatred of each other. He made no effort to step in, for he wasnt quite feeling up to fighting yet, and this battle, so far as he understood it, was among the two that fought.

He sighed deeply, then slowly made his way back to two feet. Standing was miserable, and he wanted nothing more than to find a quiet place to lie down. As he became more and more aware of what was going on around him, the presence of him as a darksider was more easily felt in the force.

The crowd surround them was almost claustrophobic. Throngs of morbidly curious onlookers. As Sasha made his way towards them, seeking a way out from the chaos, some moved aside. Others, he shoved through, until he came face to face with the woman he had seen looking at him.

His violet eyes stared at her for a moment, half glassy with a disoriented gaze, half in a co-conspirator sort of amused gaze.

"Enjoying the spectacle?" He asked, his tone of voice sarcastic. At any other time, when he didnt feel so miserable, he might have enjoyed watching the battle himself. Right now, he only wanted to be far, far from it.

Zatania Duvall
Sep 23rd, 2002, 01:15:39 PM
She waited for him, keeping the same look on her face that he had seen before, quaint amusement. When one man would fall from Sasha shoving him aside, another would help him up. But Zatania did not make any attempts to move. Her gaze remained on him, her eyes seeming to chuckle slightly as he stopped in front of her.

"Enjoying the spectacle?" He asked her.

She smiled and tilted her head a bit, the wavy curls of so called "bangs" of hair sliding over her right eye. For a moment she remained silent, but spoke up when she wanted to.

"As a matter of fact, yes."

She straightened her head and looked towards the fight with her eyes only, keeping her head perfectly still. It was only when she was looking back to Sasha that she turned her head to the left a bit, which made her give him a sidelong look.

"It seems to me that whatever that fight is about, you had something to do with it."

She smiled, chuckling faintly, so softly that it was more of a whisper of humor than an outright laugh.

"The Jedi foolishly went to aid you. I find that amusing... yet curious."

Her smile turned into an unreadable look, neither happy nor sad. Indifference.

"What is there to aid about you?"

Sep 23rd, 2002, 01:47:51 PM
He rolled his eyes, almost good naturedly as she replied that she was quite enjoying the site. His gaze followed her to the sabers for a moment, but then looked back to study her. When she looked to him with a sidelong gaze, her words insinunated that he mighthave had something to do with it all.

He raised an eybrow in question, and then she explained further. He too, found it rather amusing that a jedi had come to his aid. He wasnt sure whether to be thankful or disgusted.

But he didnt have to think about it for long, for her question distracted him.

"Are you asking because I look fine, or because you want to help?" He asked. In truth, he felt miserable, but he wouldnt admit that to her. Not without good reason. He had too much pride, and would suffer, if need be, until he could return to the med bay back home.

He'd almost replied with a different remark, but he was feeling lousy enough that he didnt want to risk a slap in the face to add to the pounding in his head.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 23rd, 2002, 01:52:59 PM
Wraith sensed the man get up and leave into the surrounding mob. He now focused all attention on his enemy. If they fight was going to continue on from here, it would definetly have to take place elsewhere. This overwhelming crowd of people would limit his abilities to some degree.

Within a moment he sent a quick force blow to a group of people that formed part of the wall. Many of them flew back and hit the walls of nearby buildings. He backed out and fled through the gap into an alley way off to the right. Wraith found the perfect spot. Not looking back, he began to climb an external fire exit on the side of a building that led to the roof. If the Jedi wanted to continue, he would surely know where to go.

Zatania Duvall
Sep 23rd, 2002, 02:03:29 PM
Zatania smiled and bowed her head for a moment, her eyes shut. She chuckled, saying one simple word to Sasha.


She quickly bent her knees and brought herself to the ground as Wraith had froce blasted some of the crowd. A few people were flying overhead, since they were so close to where the target itself was.

She opened her eyes and looked up at Sasha with a serious look, wondering if he had done what she had warned him to do.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 02:27:53 PM
He had ducked. Call it instinct, or gut reaction, but he had listened to her words. The blast as it swept close to them, was powerful. And he looked up from where he was crouched to see Zatania staring at him.

He grinned, then steadied himself on his feet once again, offeringher a hand as he stood. Fortunately the blast had been aimed over to the left of where he and Zatania stood, so they hadnt received the worst of it.

"Thanks for the advice..." He said as he looked to her.

"Perhaps I could know your name, so that I might properly thank you..." He added, his violet eyes lit with a mischeivious sparkle.

Zatania Duvall
Sep 23rd, 2002, 04:21:47 PM
Zatania stood without his help, it was the way that she was used to doing things.

"You can call me Zatania."

She straightened out her clothes, brushing off bits of debris from the road off of her knees. She had a creepy way about her, maybe because of her curiousity that came across differently sometimes.

"And what about you?"

Her voice remained in the same droning tone, as though she were robotic in feeling. The only times her voice ever had any change was when she was amused, or annoyed beyond just simple irritation.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 04:34:50 PM
Zatania. He repeated her name in his mind.

"Most everyone calls me Sasha." He replied, brushing off the dust from his sleeves.

He winced slightly, the panic of the crowd, the screams wreaking havoc on the headache he felt.

"You from around here?" He asked, for if she knew he way around, he wanted to ask her assistance in at least finding a quiet hotel. Medical facilities would be packed with the other victims of the accident, and he had no desire to mingle among any of them.

Zatania Duvall
Sep 23rd, 2002, 04:38:27 PM
"I do not know where I am from..." She hesitated a moment, tilting her head in curiousity as she said his name. "...Sasha."

She hadn't truly interracted with anyone before. Well... unless you count that old man that she had met after she "awaken". But now he was dead. Anything before then was a total blank. As though she was just born at that one moment she opened her eyes.

She noticed him wincing and wondered why he did nothing to assist in the pain. "You are hurt, aren't you?"

Sep 23rd, 2002, 04:49:13 PM
When she stated that she didnt know where she was from, his face expressed a faint glimmer of regret. He knew where he was from, or at least where he had grown up, but he didnt know his father, and so to some degree, he could sympathize with her.

His name, the way she said it, made his violet eyes focus on her, study her for a moment. It seemed like a foreign name to her, yet it had rolled off he tongue so smoothly. He wondered about this woman...

When she asked him about being hurt, his eyes averted for a moment, and then slowly, he nodded.

"Yes." He finally answered, hating to admit any sort of fault, and angry with himself for the weakness - the weakness of feeling the pain.

He had been taught by his former master, Lord Dyzm, to welcome pain, and to some degree, he was trying.

"But I'll be fine." He added, immediately after, though he wavered slightly on his feet.

"Did the drivers of the speeders live?" He asked, his anger building slightly at those who had brought this miserable feeling upon him.

Zatania Duvall
Sep 23rd, 2002, 05:35:10 PM
"I did not have a chance to check yet. But I am guessing that they did to some degree, at least one of them."

She looked towards the downed speeders, smiling a bit.

"Either way, they have probably suffered a great deal."

The amusement in her voice was back again, she obviously loved to watch others suffer, but she was not amused by Sasha's pain. Maybe because he was dark, like her.

"But I would suggest that you sit down. If you do not want your wounds tended to, I understand. But standing up and stumbling around will only make your pain and temporary weakness obvious."

She looked back to him, her smile fading.

"Maybe that was why the Jedi was trying to help you. He felt sorry for you."

Sep 23rd, 2002, 05:55:35 PM
His eyes followed hers to the speeders. He hoped they were suffering, for they had quite managed to ruin his day of exploring the city.

There was something different in her voice as she spoke, it differed from the monotone manner her last few sentences had been spoken in, and at this, he smiled slightly.

Her suggestion that he sit down, he knew was a good one, and he might have readily agreed had she not mentioned the jedi - feeling sorry for him.

"I dont need jedi feeling sorry for me..." He grumbled darkly. The word jedi he nearly spat out.

"I dont need anyone feeling sorry for me..." He added, his violet eyes looking back to hers from the speeder wreck.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 23rd, 2002, 06:16:35 PM
Wraith peered over the ledge of the small building. No sign of the Jedi. Looking slightly downward he saw a woman speaking with the man that Wraith had fought over. He decided that an interogation was nessecary. He leapt over the edge of the building. The fall was short as Wraith came down. The concrete slabs split in two as he hit the ground with a thud. The crowd was beginning to disperse, but several people looked at him with utterly disturbing looks on their faces. He rose from a kneeling position to greet the two. "Now whats this all about?"

Zatania Duvall
Sep 23rd, 2002, 06:18:52 PM
"Then sit down before another one tries to help you on your way to seek medical attention."

She smiled partially, shrugging at his reaction. She did not mean to insult, it was what she truly thought. She turned and slowly began to walk.

"Where is the nearest place with chairs here?"

She didn't make an attempt to help him walk after her, since she knew full well that most darksiders did not want help.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 06:29:50 PM
He didnt want help...but he did. He rather liked the idea of someone looking after him, even if she was a stranger.

He followed after her, catching up after a few longer strides.

"I dont know..." He replied in answer to her quesiton.

"I only came for the day to look around...explore a bit." He sighed softly, focusing directly in front of him to try to walk the straightest line possible.

"Bar? Hotel..?" He suggested.

"I dont care...anywhere." He finally said, giving in after walking a bit of a way from the crowd and down a smaller sidestreet.

He stopped to lean against the stone wall of a building for a moment. The coolness of it was comforting.

"What brought you here, anyway?" He asked as they took a short break from their search.

Zatania Duvall
Sep 23rd, 2002, 06:41:58 PM
Just as soon as they had began their search, and as Sasha had began to talk, she noticed Wraith landing about six feet in front of her, just a bit off to her side. She stopped, hearing Sasha's final question just before she heard Wraith's.

She tilted her head, considering which question to answer first. Wraith's would only take a moment to answer, yet so would Sasha's. She shrugged and replied to Wraith first, since she'd have time during the search to answer Sasha.

"Just trying to find some place for him to sit and gather his wits."

She was back to using a very dull way of speaking, yet had a small smile on her face. So this was the man fending off the Jedi? Where did his opponent go?

Sep 23rd, 2002, 06:47:00 PM
He hadnt seen him at first. He wasnt exactly on his toes as he usually sought to be.

He felt slightly interrogated, but didnt have the energy to be angry with it.

Thankfully, Zatania answered for him. And he was fine with that.

He could feel the darkness of the man before them, and it was both a comfort and a concern. Some darksiders tended to bond with other darksiders, others made no distinction between dark and light, but made enemies of everyone.

He hoped this one was the former, not the latter, for the last thing he wanted to do at the moment was fight.

Korik Bannor
Sep 24th, 2002, 12:30:38 AM
Korik stood watching the Sith make his escape route, hopefully without further injury to the innocent bystanders. He did not pursue for their sake, not wanting to stir a dangerous commotion amidst the gathering, confused masses. Korik watched the Sith scale the walls of a building with the greatest of ease.

With the crowds isolated from the menace, Korik turned his stern mien on the two Sith, a young man whom had been unconscious seconds ago and a young woman. He watched them before determining that there will be no more fighting or bloodshed this day. Through the Force, he sensed no aggression in the pair. Suddenly aware of the shocked people staring at him, Korik shut down the lightsaber, clipping back on his waist. No more bloodshed. The Jedi proceeded to assisting the wounded and wondered what his master would have instructed him to do in this same circumstance. Hopefully avoid further violence as he did.