View Full Version : Following Kashalla's Will. (Open Challenge)

Chaos Alexander
Sep 17th, 2002, 10:32:28 AM
::Chaos walked the streets of a small town on Tattoine. The youneg Cleric was already making a nme for himself. He was quickly urning the reputation of a brutal mindless killer. Death seemed to follow him like a lost dog. The Sith didn't mind though. He enjoyed teh killing. At first he only killed those he felt deserved it. Then he killed in order to end the darkness in the universe. Then he started to kill simple because he liked it. He felt like a kid with a new toy during battle. He had started wars, and twisted nature's natural way of things. His named fitted him all to well. Chaos. How ironic he fellowed the Chaos God Kashalla now. Chaos turned to see a man walking down the street. He knew a Jedi would not confront him for no reason. So he had to make one. He pulled a gun froma hidden holster in his trench coat. He simple pointed at the man and opened fire.::

Zachariah Darmok
Sep 17th, 2002, 11:27:55 AM
'You wish to fight, you wish to kill and you wish to shed blood....but do you really mean it or are you just a poor excuse for a fake?' A voice ecoed in Chaos' mind like a hushed whisper that penetrated his skull along with a pulsating pain. 'You are a Cleric,you are.....a Sith.....' The voice whispers again as if plucking the information from the Siths mind. Zachariah actually watched a few feet away behind a market stool in shadow as the body of which Chaos shot fell to the ground dead.

The figure was force cloaked very well to hide from the Sith Knights force senses there was noway he would find him unless he saw him visually. The Dark Warlock watched on with ammusement toying with the mans mind, waiting to hear the challenge come from the gentleman lips himself. Did it matter if he was not a Jedi?...Zachariah was not close...he was a Satanic Warlock, he did not care for thelives of these people...but to have a fight...well he had not had a fight in over 5'000 years.

' It is a challenge you seek correct?...does it mater if i am not a Jedi?...or do you wait for a lightsider?'

Chaos Alexander
Sep 17th, 2002, 04:12:06 PM
::Chaos smiled. His mental barriers went up at once. He allowed his mind to senced to draw people in his web on destruction. Now that the barriers were up, the Warlock would find it impossible to gain access. Chaos was a supreme mentalist. The strongest his family had to offer. He was better than his father, his mother, his aunt, and even his Jedi sister. He could not sence where this fighter was with teh Force. His Garou ears and nose would pick him up with ease. There was a slight problem with that though. he didn't know what to listen for, nor what smell was the challenger. The man must be masking himself very well. Chaos had ways of ripping the veil that hid people with the Force. Common knowledge if one thought about it long enough. It took alot of consitration to hide ones self so well. Even a Force Master would have to consintrate. Chaos only smiled.::

"All shall bow before me one day. Both the Light and the Dark followers will call me master!"

::Chaos stomped his foot. Most people would expect a small tremor. That did not come though. It was one of his many new abilities. All gifts from Kashalla. The stomping normaly made a small enough noise. The Force was with Chaos though. It aplified it to almost a sonic boom. Such a strange attack would have caught anyone off guard. A master would be able to counter fast enough, but his mind would have reflexily flinched. All his defenses would drop for a moment leaving him exposed to all. The same happened Zachariah. The sudden rush of a loud boom forced him to drop his Force given cloak. Chaos picked up the presence at once. As soon as he felt it he spun on his heel and rushed. All in a single fluid motion. As soon as the blurry world came back into forcus for the Warlock in the few moments after the 'attack', He saw the fist of Chaos Alexander punching him between teh eyes right of his stool.::

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 17th, 2002, 04:23:26 PM
Wraith watched the battle from a nearby rooftop. Silly mortals fighting for no reason. He would watch until it was neccesary to intervene.

A chill wind picked up in the alley of the combatents. his presence could be felt every where at night amongst the city. If there was blood to be shed, Wraith would be there.

Zachariah Darmok
Sep 17th, 2002, 11:59:06 PM
Zachariah was not stupid he was both watching and feeling what the Sith Knight was doing and with this moved swiftly out of the way of the oncoming punch with his black cloak quivering in the light wind. Chaos on the turn went head long into a wall; fist and head first. It was not a pretty sight but quite ammusing for Zachariah to watch looking down at the Sith Knight. 'Sith Knights, always the same they have been through time, greedy and unintelligent, your lack of intelligence sickens me, your attacked was untrained as you must have thought i would just sit there...i think not.'He laughed watching the Knight rise to his feet.

Zachariahs face was completely covered in shadow from his drooping hood,nothing of his face could be seen and thus his smile could not be seen, as he smiled however what Chaos didn't know is that in actually fact in his mind he was chanting a spell, something to liven up the mood.

Darmok was not a force user, but a Magic user and so his powers had a defect, he had to chant them before using them which was rather annoying to him, and thats why he was here, to learn the force so he would be all powerful....Magic and the Force was a great combination for domination. Just then the last few words of his chant slipped from his mouth.

' Zerolamato VASHA! Kimo lee!' He cried into the sky raising both hands and his staff in the air to complete the chant and sent a terrible unstoppable shock wave to Chaos, the wave flowed through the Sith Knights mind,soul spirit and blood sending a terrible unbearable pain up the spine of Zachariahs foe and then to his brain to feel like his head was about to explode. Everything went dizzy for chaos, his whole body felt as if it was a flame, something that Chaos had never felt before, something that he knew nothing of escaping as this was not the force, there was noway he could have exprenced this type of magic before.. and thus knew not the exit of.

' Fool!'' Zachriah purred queitly as Chaos fell to his knees and pulsating pain...

Chaos Alexander
Sep 18th, 2002, 01:58:31 PM
::Chaos smiled as the pain started. Sence this was magic, he could not block it. He could block the feeling in his body though. This welp had no idea of all Chaos new. No one besides Dalethria knew. Even she did not know all Chaos have learned. He was rained by Pivo, Verse, Warren, Darth Phantom, Dalethria, and even his new Drow friends. He just cut off all pain respetors in his body. He then let his mind fall into it's sub-concense state. It was like his spirit was no longer in his Body. It was a new trick. One based off his ablity to talk and control the Dead. Chaos kept up the act of being in pain. Chaos could still work in his sub-consence though. It only felt more liek a dream. He grabbed a rock with the Force and trhew it at Darmok. As Chaos expected, teh fighter dodged with ease.

What he did not plan on was Chaos rushing again. Only this time, Chaos blurred his own image in teh Warlocks mind. He saw nothing but a blurr. He went to dodge again, but Chaos caught him between the eyes. As the other fighter stumbled back, Chaos knocked him to the ground with him (Chaos) on top. With that he puched teh man again and again teh the face with his force inhanced fists. This would keep teh other from saying his chants.::