View Full Version : AOTC on IMAX!!!

Sep 17th, 2002, 08:45:14 AM
(Dunno if this was posted earlier. Sorry if it's a repeat. And if it isn't, enjoy. :))

Anyone up for a BIG viewing of AOTC?


Sep 17th, 2002, 12:21:21 PM

Oct 24th, 2002, 09:44:39 AM
Yep, got my tickets for next Friday night already at Universal. :)

Oct 24th, 2002, 03:26:55 PM
Yeah - I got my tixx too - I can't wait!!!

Oct 24th, 2002, 03:30:05 PM
My theater may have pre-ordering starting tomorrow. I'll have to check then. I hope they do...

Oct 24th, 2002, 05:07:17 PM
The closest IMAX theaters are over 3 hours away. I'm tempted to go to the one in Raleigh, N.C. on the chance of spotting buff's hulking form.

Oct 24th, 2002, 07:28:09 PM
Eb(s) let me know and I'll meet you there:)

Oct 24th, 2002, 09:19:33 PM
I'll meet you guys there too!

Not really. I wish I could though....

Oct 25th, 2002, 07:21:43 AM
Originally posted by JMK
I'll meet you guys there too!

Not really. I wish I could though.... Slacker!!!!;)


that would be a long trip:x

Hey Eb(s) I am planning on seeing it at the I-max in ral, But I will not be able to go until about two weeks into the release:( I wanna go NOV 1 :cry

Oct 25th, 2002, 07:59:09 AM
I can't go right away either because we're going to be really busy moving into the new house. But I think I can make a drive over there in mid or late Nov. I think Sat. Nov. 16 or Sat. Nov.23 might be good days for me. Let me know.

Oct 25th, 2002, 04:48:35 PM
The 23rd or any after would be perfect. If anything would change I'll let you know/viceversa. Got that JMK;)

Now EB(s) you will not get to upset if I throw Pop-corn at other movie goers will you:mischief

Oct 25th, 2002, 05:08:21 PM
Yeah, that's fine for me too. I'll let you know for sure if I'm going though. ;)

Admiral Lebron
Oct 25th, 2002, 08:04:58 PM
Oh my god. When I wrote the original post I did not see the date or any other posts. Ack. :x lol

Oct 26th, 2002, 11:39:13 AM
Originally posted by BUFFJEDI
Now EB(s) you will not get to upset if I throw Pop-corn at other movie goers will you:mischief

I'm NOT getting in any brawls with you and I won't be carrying enough cash to bail us out so for the love of Yoda BEHAVE YOURSELF!

Oct 26th, 2002, 02:11:05 PM
Yeah, and if I get arrested, being a Canuck in the U.S., I'll never be allowed back in! I'm supposed to move there, remember? Don't put the kaibosh on me just yet! ;)

Oct 26th, 2002, 11:00:03 PM
I'm NOT getting in any brawls with you and I won't be carrying enough cash to bail us out so for the love of Yoda BEHAVE YOURSELF! :lol :lol
I'm still trying to get Back in brawling shape, I thought YOU would protect ME!!!!, some friend :grumble

Oppss I forgot JMK:(

But than Agian I thing all Canadians should visit our jails before moving here>D

Oct 27th, 2002, 10:24:52 AM
:lol :lol :lol

Oct 28th, 2002, 05:22:12 PM
Got my ticket this morning for this coming saturday at 12:30pm!


Admiral Lebron
Oct 28th, 2002, 08:20:05 PM
I hate you all. The closest one is over an hour away meaning no go. :(

Oct 30th, 2002, 05:55:10 PM
From TF.N, a list of all the cuts & alterations made to the film. They may not be 100% accurate, but it's pretty solid:

- The "Sound of Music" meadow scene is gone. The whole thing, including the Shaak-riding scene.
- The library scene has been completely removed.
- Part of Anakin and Nat's first arrival on the island resort has been cut out. He thought that the part where Anakin touches Padme's back was not in there, but adv'd that it went by quickly, so he may have just missed it.

- The fireplace scene was shortened (just a bit, he thinks - we'll have to check this!)
- The conveyor belt scene seemed shorter to him - it seems that Nat got to the molten container faster.
- The end credits are markedly different: after the initial cast credits, it switches from rolling credits to FULL-SCREEN WITH LOTS AND LOTS OF WORDS credits (non-rolling) for the technical credits. He also notes that the soundtrack has been edited to fit, and interestingly, it ends with a fade out of the love theme (which I think is a great change).

- The Coruscant chase appears to be 100% intact, according to him.
- He noted that it appears that Lucas may have done a lot of digital recompositing to fit the IMAX screen. For example, the scene where Anakin is talking to the Jawa, remember how the orig scene was spread across the entire frame? Well, it looks like the middle has been digitally reduced so that the effect is still the same, even though the screen is not quite as wide an aspect ratio.

Oct 31st, 2002, 07:29:47 AM
I read that yesterday, and to me it seems that if cuts have to be made, those are probably about the best to go with. Preferably nothing would have to be cut, but until they can break that 2 hr max on IMAX, we'll have to live with it. I'm all psyched for tomorrow's show - can't wait!

Leeloo Mina
Oct 31st, 2002, 07:33:28 AM

Nearst IMAX that I KNOW of is in Nebraska :cry

Oct 31st, 2002, 10:02:47 AM
Two words: ROAD TRIP!!!! ;)

Oct 31st, 2002, 05:42:26 PM
Ok, here's the definitive list of cuts!

* The first scene with Amidala, Organa, Yoda et al in Palpy's office is gone.
* The portion where Jar Jar greets Obi and Anakin at the elevator up through the "awkward reintroduction" of Anakin to Padme was removed. The scene starts with Obi/Ani talking about how they're going to find the person responsible, etc.

* After Anakin makes kouhoun sushi and Obi leaps out the window, the end of the scene where Dorme' asks Padme if she's alright was trimmed off.

* A minor trim: the part where the assasin droid (to which Obi-Wan is clinging) tries to scrape Obi against the building was removed.

* The rest of the Coruscant chase remains intact, and WOW - it is simply breathtaking (if not a little dizzying on an 8-story screen)! This is a scene almost tailor-made for IMAX.

* In Padme's quarters, a minor trim of Anakin playing with the floating ball and (I think) the part where he says he's ready for the trials.

* The discussion between Obi-Wan, Mace and the floaty Yoda was removed.

* On the train, the tearful goodbye of Dorme was trimmed out of the rest of the scene (since I am a HUGE Dorme fan, I wasn't so happy about this). :)

* The library scene was completely removed.

* The very end of the arrival on Naboo (where they are walking down the long curved columned pathway was trimmed, as was the entire meeting with Queen Jamilla.

* When Anakin and Padme arrive at the Naboo Spa and Resort Island, there are quite a few minor trims - the part about "here, everything is soft and smooth" to the hand touch and back rub was clipped out.

* As far as the rest of the Naboo scenes go, the only ones that were left in were the dinner table scene (with some beautifully crafted digital pans to account for the reduced aspect ratios - it was 100% smooth and natural. At least we *think* that's what they did!) and a much abbreviated but significantly smoother fireplace scene. The "I'm haunted by the kiss you never should have given me" is one of the exorcised lines. No "sound of music", no picnic and no Shaak-riding.

* On Kamino, the portion of the scene where he heads back out to his ship to have R4 send a message back to Coruscant was trimmed out.

* Boba's firing of the Slave I cannons was trimmed out of the fight, but we didn't realize it after the scene was over!

* The Anakin "a sheet, a dream, a moan" - scene is gone. It goes straight to Anakin in his meditative "Vader-esque" pose on the balcony.

* On Tatooine, 3POs introduction of Anakin/Padme to Owen/Beru was cut (taking with it Beru's one and only line - sorry, Beru fans!)

* In the Confession scene, the beginning part in which Anakin comments about "the shifter broke. Life seems so much simpler when you're fixing things," was cut. NOTE: The ending of the Confession scene is the original ending (ie. without Padme's "...is to be human" line).

* Dooku's entrance into Obi-Wan's floating cell was trimmed off, as was the end portion about "it might be difficult to secure your release".

* The scene in Palpy's ofc where he manipulates Jar Jar to consider making the "emergency powers" motion in the Senate was removed completely.

* Yoda and Mace's conversation where Mace states that their abilities to use the Force are diminished was cut out.

* On Geonosis, there is portion of the scene after Ani/Padme exit the ship, and R2 wants to do the same. The part where C3PO and R2 argue, and 3PO says that he knows all about humans was trimmed off.

* The factory scene was shortened by numerous quick cuts and edits. A couple of the cuts we caught were the shots where C3PO hanging by his fingertips and the 1st "teaser" of molten metal where you see the cannister iris open and drop a load, only to find out that it wasn't Padme's container.

* The final battle, as far as we could tell, is completely intact and completely freakin' amazing now that you can actually see the battle going on in the background!

* A note: not a cut, but a switch: after Padme falls out of the transport and the trooper arrives to help her, it is the version where she grunts and just says "Uh-huh," when he asks her if she's alright.

They cut 3-P0 hanging from the robot!! YAY!!!

Oct 31st, 2002, 05:48:07 PM
Havent seen the cuts, Im now not bothered that I dont know of an IMAX nearby.

Nov 2nd, 2002, 06:12:05 PM
Saw the IMAX last night - what a ride... Personally, I felt that the cuts were really not bad at all and in some places may have helped the movie as far as pacing was concerned. There were a bunch of people dressed up (there was a really great Jango, the 501st troops were there, a pretty good Maul, and a Silent Bob (ok, an oblique SW reference at best, but still fun :) )), trivia contests, giveaways, and overall a really fun atmosphere. I thought the picture quality was outstanding, and seeing everything so big just blew me away. The Coruscant chase was amazing - you were really drawn into it with the huge image! And the sound - incredible!!! During the opening sequence, where the Naboo cruiser rolls into view, you could just feel the vibrations as it went past...

The negative??? Not much I can think of. Some places they had to clip the sides to allow for the format, but it wasn't all that bad. If I wasn't so darn busy at work, I'd be going to see it again...

Nov 2nd, 2002, 06:19:22 PM
the part about "here, everything is soft and smooth" to the hand touch and back rub was clipped outYAY!!
NOTE: The ending of the Confession scene is the original ending (ie. without Padme's "...is to be human" line).I'm really glad about that! That made the scene much more believable, to me.

I wonder if Lucas will release a second DVD with these cuts and changes. I'd like to see that.

Nov 3rd, 2002, 12:58:20 AM
The Coruscant chase was just dizzying! The picture quality was also so much better than regular prints!

Leeloo Mina
Nov 4th, 2002, 01:28:39 AM
You guys are driving me crazy.. I hate missouri!!! :cry

I really wish I could see this.. but the next time I see ATOC will be on a tv set :cry

Nov 5th, 2002, 04:16:21 PM
All you make me SICK!!!! I have to wait until the first of Dec.to see it :(

hope it is still there :(

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 30th, 2002, 04:43:17 PM
I am going to see it TONIGHT!!

Leelo--it is in Kansas City. At the Kansas City Zoo! That's where I am going to see it at. You can make the trip!!!

Anyway, yeah, I heard about the cuts and was bummed at first. Then, I realized that they wouldn't touch the battle scenes, and that is what the IMAX experience is really for, anyway--the cool effects and sound. So yeah, I am excited...

A 50 foot Yoda????....YEAH!!!!! :D