View Full Version : Freaking CHEATERS!!! (DOD Rant)

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 16th, 2002, 02:58:18 AM
Here I was, freaking Playing a Freaking Good game of Day of Defeat, I was the second highest point value on the team, 63 kills, 27 deaths, and all those deaths are thanks to ONE FREAKING CHEATER! With the slowest firing gun he would kill me 1 shot every time. I would be freaking running around crazy, shooting everyone else, and he would then jump from around a corner, do a 180 in the air, and shoot me perfectly! He had other amazing kills, like shooting through the wall. Which is ok and perfectly legal, (almost all guns have that ability) but to shoot me through a wall which had no cracks, no visuals, and was clear all around me with the rest of my team running around... that was just a bit to obvious. But yet, I continued playing. I was on a expert server and didn't want to falsely accuse someone of cheating. Someone who just might be good, and not cheating. So I waited. The final straw came when I was running toward a blasted hole in the Freaking wall when he suddenly jumps out. Jumping over my team mate who just ran into through the hole in the wall. He shoots me, and blasts the team mate before he can turn around.


When most people see a target, they would try to shoot him first. But no! He shoots me! Whom he has NO idea was there! Whats worse was, I was coming from the opposite direction my team normally comes from! I had doubled back and turned around, hoping to suprise a camper or two! AHHHHHHRRRGGGG!!! I hate CHEATERS!!! He accounted for 2/3rds of all my Deaths! I HAD A GOOD SCORE!!! BUT A FREAKING CHEATER HAS TO MESS UP MY WONID SCORE!!! AHHHHH!!! IF I HAD HIM HERE RIGHT NOW, I WOULD BEAT THAT IDIOTS FACE IN!!!

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 16th, 2002, 04:20:42 AM
This is what yon cheaters need.....

<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/panning.gif>

And no buggering off with my smiley without asking permission!

Kelt Simoson
Sep 16th, 2002, 04:53:42 AM
I get alot of people like that in Medal of honour: allied assult, im a sniper and so i know ALL the hiding locations on every map, i even know how to get onto the roofs of some buildings that there is no way up onto (and no its not cheating you just need to find the defect in the map). and im shooting away, looking through my scope and fire down on them mostly they have no idea where the bullits are coming from. Adding here that when your on the ground there is NOWAY you can look up far enough to see im up on that roof cause the building is way to high and its a perfect position cause the sun is in there eyes to...but no no no, this guy lookes up at an angle that he had no clear shot at me with and shot me with one bullit dead in the head. I had my scope on him the whole time looking at him but he was moving to fast...and whats worse is he was fireing at me with a pistol...you cant kill on MOH with a pistol one shot.

I just dunno why they can play fair.

Another time is where i was hiding in a old beaten house (bearing in mind that MOH is a world war two first person shooter), at it is one of my fav postions to fire from cause its up high, when i wat to relaod my gun i can hide behind the rubble(the sniper weapon in it you need to fire and load all the time...). So anyway,im happely fireing and killing and im TOP of the leader board with 37 kills and 7 deaths. Anyway this guy i shot him dead in the face, and with sniper rifle anywere in the body is a one shot kill...but no no, this guy found himself fit to evade that rule and while i tried to hide and reload, i knew i wouldent have time to reload and shoot him by the time he ran in and killed me.

So i pull my grenade out so that when i died and he was pickedup my medi-kit he would blow up while picking the kit up...so i pull the pin and drop it below my legs of course i die. and i sit there watchin a few moments after i re-spwared to see if i blew himup...BUT NO kill. The thing is there is NOAY to run out of that building without my grenade killing him as it was a tight cramped space that i could only just croawl in myself to hide while i sniped.....but he never got killed...

Kregain Richtien
Sep 16th, 2002, 08:04:38 AM
lol, lucky for me, when I play counter strike Im not good enough to care. I got a 1:1 Death:Kill ratio, cheaters dont hurt it one way or another...

Sep 16th, 2002, 09:21:24 AM
I use a USP in CS, and I do suprisingly well at times. I was once 7-0 up after 2 rounds, 6 were USP (1 grenade) :)

Jehova Eaven
Sep 16th, 2002, 09:23:01 AM
I don't use nades in cs, I always have the amazing luck of being shot in the face when I pull out a nade. I used to be halfway decent at cs, usually get a 3-1 kill ratio.

Sep 16th, 2002, 09:29:49 AM
Im a good team player. If Im with two really good players, I'll be tearing away. If Im with a good team Ill do well. But if the team is poor, I will suck aside from a great round or two, when two dont see me and my mighty USP :)

Kregain Richtien
Sep 16th, 2002, 09:32:12 AM
lol, I go rambo. Team goes one way, I cover the rear. A good flash, a good rifle = good kills

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 16th, 2002, 06:13:49 PM
lol, I tried to play CS again, and found it lacking compared to DOD.

Cheaters cheat becuse they can and they suck normally

Sep 16th, 2002, 06:50:36 PM
Theyre different game styles for me. I dont like a fair few DOD maps, so CS wins there

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 16th, 2002, 07:17:25 PM
caen2 is the only map I play in DOD, the others are crappy

Sep 16th, 2002, 07:39:51 PM
I like the Saving Private Ryan takeoff, Rammelle I think

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 16th, 2002, 10:10:49 PM
The Beach Head? Or the Town?

The Beach Head is Overlord, and the town attack with bridge in the middle is Rammelle

Sep 16th, 2002, 10:12:27 PM
Rammelle. ALthough the beach ones are fun :)