View Full Version : Forsaken: Slept So Long (The Shrine)

Aeris Jin Kerr
Sep 15th, 2002, 08:33:06 PM
It was a beautiful night on Coruscant, and there was a grand opening of the newly constructed opera house. People of all ages and stature had arrived to see the infamous Madame M'Laneia herself. Little did they know that she was a Vampyre.

She had already slaughtered a fan of hers that went backstage for an autograph, and fed greedily on the fresh blood. The audience awaited eagerly for the main attraction to appear onstage. The dead body slipped from the opera singer's arms onto the floor. The curtains opened and the orchestra started.

She sang one of the sweetest melodies ever heard to mankind; Weaving passages of time and myst'ry around their souls. Her beauty fascinated them as that wicked grin of hers played on the red stained lips, plump from feeding. She was their Goddess - She was the Damned!

It was in the middle of her third song when the curtains suddenly closed. Angry shouts of protest rose from the seated crowd as the orchestra stopped, confused. It was a jumble of confusion for a minute or two until a high-pierced scream rung through the air. The curtains opened once more.

Madame M'Laneia was clutching her bosom, a look of pain contorting her lovely features. A line of blood was drawn around her neck as it gushed out, standing out against the porcelain skin. Her head dropped to the floor.

She turned to dust.

Women screamed as men shouted, all of them scrambling for the exit. Most didn't know what just happened, and those who did realized she was a Vampyre -- and if there was one, there were always more .... waiting, lurking. There was only one type of person who could have killed a Vampyre with such perfection. A Vampyre Hunter was on the loose!

Next to the pile of dust, written in the dead Vampyre's blood, were words and the Anarchy sign. "I see hell in your eyes, jaded by surprise?"

Kaytor Surna
Sep 15th, 2002, 09:02:20 PM
The young vampyre leaned against a wall across from the theater. She smirked slightly at the chaos and wondered who had the pleasure of creating it. Once the majority of the croud had left, Kaytor stood up streight and walked over to the theater.

Kaytor grabed a long runner and pulled him into a dark allyway beside the theater. There she fed on the scared being and left him there to finish dieing. She walked inside to see if the person was still in there.

Kaytor walked up to the stage and looked down at the ash and blood. Anarchy symbol and writing. How dramatic. She boosted herself onto the stage and withdrew her sword.

"Now now, hunter. Its not nice to leave your messes around. Why not come out here and clean this up."

Kaytor stood on the stage, prepared for anything.

Tomak Ohara
Sep 15th, 2002, 09:10:29 PM
Tomak followed behind Kaytor, "Plenty of fresh food tonight. Don't you think so Kaytor?" Tomak took off and flew through the crowd his saber drawn. He began decapitiating people. He flew back up on the stage. "Well that takes care of most of them. Oh she looks like she would be nice to eat." He used the dark side and brought a women from the crowd to him and then sucked her dry. He cast her body to the side and laughed. He wiped the blood from his mouth and spoke again, "No hunter can take on two vampires. How dare you pick on one little opera singer. Tsk, tsk, you should try two real vampires that can fight back. Well show yourself coward!" Tomak smiled and looked at Kaytor, "Get ready to fight Kaytor."

Kaytor Surna
Sep 15th, 2002, 09:15:16 PM
Kaytor looked over her shoulder at Tomak. She rolled her dark eyes and smiled slightly.

"Must you always be so loud? You will scare the hunter away."

Kaytor turned to fully face Tomak. The few people that were still living in the theater were scared senseless and where slowly making their way to the door.

"So how long till this one shows up? What do you think? Dios or a newbie?"

Kaytor smirked evily at Tomak.

Tomak Ohara
Sep 15th, 2002, 09:32:58 PM
"This is definently a newbie. Dios would have let everyone watch her die. He is not this elaborate either." He looked around and opened up his senses. He looked at Kaytor, "So after we kill this person wanna go terrorize a village?" He laughed and looked at the people that were terrorized, "You all need to die." He looked at each one and then put his hand out and shot each one with a force blast. He watched as their hearts came out of the other sides of his body. He looked back at Kaytor, "Well at least now the hunter cannot hide amongst people."

Valirion Thorn
Sep 15th, 2002, 09:33:50 PM
:: Val's eyes had adjusted easier to the darkness within the theatre than they had outside it. His armor covered him like a breathing shell, its own veins pulsing in beat with Thorn's own. But his veins didn't pulse with his own blood, it had been a man's. Before he had come, he had been feeding but to his delight, the smell of the Shrine and of a hunter mingled together had drawn him like a bear to honey.
He silently stood before the stage, he saw the writing and grinned. Why did the mortal he even bother to hide? He could hear her heart silently but clearly beating like a deep drum. He could almost hear her blood being pushed along her veins and pumped back into the heart. Val's sword silently writhed inside his grasp. Thorn wondered what a hunter's blood would taste like, the normal ecstasy, like every other? or sweeter... but the other shrinelings were bothering him so he turned to the one with wings and pinted an armored finger to him, the claw extending.::

I do not even know your name and I already don't like you... talk shows nothing of your actions and I can see clearly from here your pathetic form. And why waste such blood? The headless bodies serve no purpose to our immortality but none other than your selfish weaknesses. Develop your instincts before you decide to start wasting our time.

:: Thorn turned to the other vampire, a lovely female, she reminded him deeply of the girl he had been betrothed to, but then he had slaughtered her and hung her to drain and dry hadn't he? What would it be like to see a vampire bleed dry? To see starvation, that would be interesting, but he'd rather see the hunter die now. His sword let out a scream as it seemed to sense the hunter about it, it wished to cleave flesh and taste blood as Val did.::

Now, Kaytor, is that your name? Let us deal with this pathetic mortal before she turns yellow and runs.

Tomak Ohara
Sep 15th, 2002, 09:40:30 PM
Tomak smiled and looked at Val, "Fool! I know that. I just have been bored lately. Besides it would be pointless to feed from all these bodies. I am going to a village and destroying it after this anyway. I have no need for these people." Tomak smiled and looked back at Kaytor, "Of course you should listen to him in the fact that we need to destroy the hunter."

Kaytor Surna
Sep 15th, 2002, 09:43:04 PM
Kaytor shruged and nodded, answering Tomak. Then another vampyre came in. Came in and started insulting Tomak.

"Now we have the show off, the cocky one, and me. Honestly if we cant take care of it, who can?"

Kaytor shakes her head and goes off in search of the hunter.

"Come if you want to. Stay if you wish."

Tomak Ohara
Sep 15th, 2002, 09:55:03 PM
Tomak looked at the rafters. He flew up into them and began cutting them down. He moved from place to place cutting curtains, rafters, and anyplace someone could hide. "I know your around here somewhere. Come out and die!"

Kaytor Surna
Sep 15th, 2002, 09:59:21 PM
Kaytor's rolls her eyes and force levitates up to Tomak. She back hands him across the head.

"You are going to make this entire place colapse on us. Stop cutting down the rafters."

Kaytor glared into his eyes then goes back down to the ground. She starts sifting threw the rows of curtains.

Tomak Ohara
Sep 15th, 2002, 10:02:28 PM
Tomak flys back down and then starts cutting down curtains, "Well, are you going to help or not? Do something." Tomak looked at Val. He just stood there.

Valirion Thorn
Sep 15th, 2002, 10:03:57 PM
:: Valirion laughed from where he stood. And she called him cocky? He turned to backstage and began to peer into the shadows. His armor slowly dipped and changed, forming spikes that stretched across his back in case a stupid human decided to attack him.::

Aeris Jin Kerr
Sep 16th, 2002, 03:23:06 PM
A person dressed in a black bodyglove crouched backstage, adjusting her gloves. She wore a mask as to hide her face features, letting only her eyes be seen.

They thought she was human - how delightful. Let them think what they wanted, after all, it would benefit her in the end. Aeris watched with glittering sea green eyes as one of them flew up into the rafters, tearing apart the whole stage. And they said she was dramatic?

The Vampyres wanted her to come out and play. Too bad she didn't like to share.

Over the past two years she had trained herself with the Force and Gaia Magick. She had already taken out lesser 'Leeches', such as the opera singer, but now lusted for something more. Something bigger. These seemed to be mere apprentices, for surely anyone higher in rank could've sensed her crouched backstage. Then again, they were expecting a mortal's scent.

Aeris continued to crouch along the already-dirty floor, ignoring the dust that flew up in the air whenever she moved. Listening to the Vampyres as they conversed, she was on the lookout for the assistant manager. He had passed by her earlier on only to dismiss her for another crumbling statue. One of her hands moved down to her waist, where a silver dagger was shoved in her belt. Spotting him as he took a drink of his coffee, she jumped up to her feet and in one swift motion, buried the dagger in his chest. A look of anger passed his face as he dropped his coffee but was soon replaced with one of shock. He fell to the ground in a pool of his own blood.

Knowing she had to work fast -- for the scent of spilt blood immediately drew the attention of any Vampyre -- she ripped off his shirt, revealing his bare chest. Pulling her dagger out of his flesh, she wrote in small letters underneath the gaping hole, "Follow the yellow brick road." She was done with the last letter when she heard falling footsteps behind her and cloaked her Force Signature, dropping the dagger on the dead man. Leaping onto one of stacked cargo boxes, she gave one last look behind her before jumping down on the other side.

Landing gracefully on both feet, Aeris stretched out her limbs before walking towards the exit door. Past the cargo boxes was a stage set used in The Wizard of Oz; The Yellow Brick Road. Hopefully they would continue their search backstage, however, to find more "clues" as to who their Stalker was ... and maybe even Death!

But if they didn't, then they would never solve the mystery ... and their ranks would thin out.

Valirion Thorn
Sep 16th, 2002, 04:28:41 PM
:: Val heard the noise of blood spilling, not as graceful as another vamp but blood spilling nonetheless. A sudden high pitch shriek came out of my armor as it sensed more things then I could. It started to push me towards the direction of the noise.
As I entered the back hallway, I saw her head out the exit door, and with that, I picked up one of her was an annoying thought. Of course, it was only a generalization but she seemed to be expecting more than just padawans. Why would the shrine masters deal with such a pitiful hunter when they knew fully well that three of us could do it, how important did she think she was? How naive of her. I barely turned my head into the room with the dead body, the blood still barely seeping from the wounds, but he was dead and there was no life in that, maybe Tomak would get his annoying pleasure out of drinkig a dead body, but I didn't feel like bothering with that right now. I continued down the hallway, and as I walked, I drove my claw into the wall, scraping a path as I walked. The others would hear the noise and would follow hopefully. I stepped onto a yellow brick set and looked about, my armor heaved slowly, it was eager to taste blood as I did.::

Quit playing games little girl. I have no game to play with you but a fight. Killing members of the shrine is a high offense, and I, spawn of Mistress Alana, have come to claim your head.

Kaytor Surna
Sep 16th, 2002, 07:04:03 PM
Kaytor's head snapped in the direction of the split blood with a loud growl. She smelled it. And something she could not distinquish. She quickly and silently ran towards the fallen body.

The screaching soon reached her ears as the newer vamp started scratching his fingers along the wall. She shook her head and looked at Tomak who had also smelled the blood.

"Lets go. She couldn't have gotten to far."

Kaytor used the force to speed her movements and took off running towards the Oz set. Nothing. She growled once again and used the force to try and find this person.

"I'll get you, my pretty. And your little dog too."

Kaytor quoted the play silently. She searched around the props quickly. Finding nothing, she moved on. The person left their mark in blood. She sniffed the air for fresh blood and headed towards the nearest sorce.

Vampyre Dalamar
Sep 16th, 2002, 10:03:37 PM
Dalamar stood outside of the Opera watching the 3 destroy the place. Shaking his head he put his hands to his forehead. Already he was begining to get a headache . Seeing the figure in black leather sneak out the back he watched her carefully.

"Hmnn a new hunter well we shall see soon enough what she can do." Dalamar pulled out his small Katana. Like a shadow he trailed her.

Alana Stormcloud
Sep 16th, 2002, 11:32:43 PM
Deep within the shadows Alana stood watching her Lover stalk the girl. Her eyes pierced the darkness and caught his own. The soft green hue that marked her for what she was, were the only glimpse you could see of her lithe form. She moved forward and the shadows followed. Clinging to her like a child to it's mother.

She watched the girl move past her, only a slight flicker of her eyes told Alana that she had sensed something. Before the girl could put a name to the shiver that laced her spine, she called on Sith magic to mask her presence. The shadows became nothing more than an empty blackness.

She left the girl-child to Dalamar's talented tracking skills. She wanted to see what had happened inside. Alana wanted to see what game this one played. As Dalamar passed by he glanced at her and bowed. A small smile flitted across her lips. Her scent of sweet night jasmine was not something he would miss.

"I will be along shortly Dalamar, there are a few things I must see to first." Alana sent a soft message to his mind closing it in the darkside so only he caught what she said.

She stepped into the dimly lit doorway of the Opera house. Her eyes taking in the destruction and the mayhem. She nodded to the Fledglings that appeared before her. Bending down she sifted her fingers through the ashes that once was an immortal.

"Not one of the Shrines but a Vampire nothing the less." She whispered in anger. her teeth extended and her eyes flashed. A small drop of blood swelled on her bottom lip. "It seems we have a pest on our hands yet again..."

Tomak Ohara
Sep 17th, 2002, 08:09:33 PM
Tomak turned his head and flew toward the blood. He took the corner and followed Valirion. He stepped forth onto the stage. He got behind the girl and stuck up his saber. "Poor misguided fool. I can smell it within you. Vampiric blood. Why do you kill your own kind? It is pointless. More of us will rise up in their place. You need to die. Kaytor, Valirion, I found her. Cut her off. Don't let her escape." He did not like Val, but he was willing to work with him. He drew his saber. He readied himself for any kind of combat, "I once knew a vampire hunter. He tried to kill me several times. I should able to get rid of you very easily. Now prepare yourself to die!" Tomak flew forward and hit the girl in the arm with his saber. He turned around to face her, "You grave lies here!" He smiled showing his fangs.

Kaytor Surna
Sep 17th, 2002, 08:15:25 PM
Kaytor turned with a growl towards where Tomak was yelling from. She ran out towards him with speed possesed by only the vampyres. She came up behind Tomak and the hunter. She glared at the woman as she walked up behind Tomak.

"First Dios. Now her. One of our own. Who is next as a hunter."

Kaytor touches Tomak's right shoulder gently then circled around the woman.

"Be quick with it Tomak. Unless you wish for the others to take her before we kill her. But try to make it painful."

She smirks and the girl then glances up at Tomak. She backs afew steps away to watch for anyone else. She kept a tight grip on her sword.

Sep 18th, 2002, 01:15:44 PM
Nathan hated Coruscant with a passion, every individual every street corner, every hover car, and especially every Jedi. Yet there was one place that he would visit. Not because of the atmosphere, and certainly not because of the company but because of the artists that played on stage.

Though the untimely demise of his singing kin motioned toward a quick exit. He had been around too long to not understand the imporatance of self preservation. His one and only lesson in combat was to be the unknown, at this point the Vampyre Hunter was the Unknown. Knowledge is power, and without it the Hunter would certainly have the upper hand.

His travelling companions were the lovers, he needed to contact them quickly. Though he hoped that Dalamar and Alana had not ventured too far from the Opera House. The Vampyre Vergis moved quicker than the mortals in scaling the inside of the walls to the roof. He sent messages to both his companions through his mind hoping that they were nearby to respond....