View Full Version : Forgotten Memories ((open))

Ryu Warusa
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:24:24 PM
Yoghurts Bar, memories of a previous life and time. It had been at least a few years since my last visit. The place had changed, the people who sat in the booths had changed, and I had changed. When I first came in here I was merely looking for some quick cash. Now I come looking for a friendly place out of the rain.

"Bartender, a scotch on the rocks."

One of the locals was demanding a drink, from the looks of it he had far too many as it was. With a swish of his hands, he caught the man before he stumbled over and then moved to the bar. An elderly greenish alien stood behind the bar tending to a few empty glasses and mugs. Obviously the owner or caretaker of the place. I didn't really remember him from before though. I asked for my usual drink.

"Hello friend, some sake in a clean glass please."

Vishan Korogoth
Sep 16th, 2002, 10:28:44 AM
Another day and another dollar wasted on alcohol. Would be nice to use that saying because he had a job but Vishan had been procrastinating on finding one. Not by choice, just how the roll of the dice had been landing lately. First it was because Arcan was new to him and he wanted to explore. The other reason was a new girl needed some help in finding her way around this place, otherwise she could have ended up being hurt.

He had his drink in hand, whiskey on the rocks, twirling it around to watch the liquid wave around the glass. Vishan was too lost in his thoughts to really focus on drinking.

The drunk at the bar caught his attention. The loudness and tone in his voice wasn't out of place here, but it was distracting. Not for long once the being got his grubby hands on some alcohol.

Now it was back to a game plan for tomorrow. Vishan tilted his chair back and made a promise to himself. Nothing would stand in his way tomorrow when the dock offices opened. He would walk right in and get himself a job and screw everyone else in the process. No more being a nice guy until some secruity was found on this crazy planet.

Ryu Warusa
Sep 16th, 2002, 04:32:35 PM
Plenty of people and aliens in the bar, I didn't really cater to aliens but they could be tolerated as long as they didn't try anything funny. The bartender seemingly rose up from behind the bar and handed me my drink.

"Thanks mate, how much is it?"

The drink was ten credits, but that didn't matter. What did matter was that I lost my assistant for now. He was very helpful but there was a certain line to be crossed. He was after my job, I knew and he knew it. Ah well, I drank my sake.

Vishan Korogoth
Sep 16th, 2002, 05:58:46 PM
"Ahh, bah!" He kicked out his chair and stood up. Vishan was so sick of thinking about his situation at his lonely table. He finished up his drink while walking towards the bar in a quick gesture.

He pushed aside one of the stools, not too far away from Ryu, and tapped the counter with the glass. "Hey, can I get another."

Ryu Warusa
Sep 19th, 2002, 11:49:03 AM
A grin had appeared on my face when another roudy man sat at the bar. I have yet to know why, I guess I found his sudden outburst amusing. As I drank my sake time seemed to slip away, and I felt a sudden burst of nostalgia.

"Another sake... better yet, leave the bottle."

Vishan Korogoth
Sep 19th, 2002, 02:18:25 PM
"And get me ah shot of that, whatever that is." He slumped down at the stool, not wanting to walk all the way back to his table. Besides, it was closer to the alcohol anyway.

The bartender set down a full glass of whiskey and the random shot of liquor that Vishan pointed out. He threw down some credits as he downed the shot. Flipping the small glass in his hand, he set it upside down and blinked. "Man. Whooo!" He grinned, "That's some good dren."

Course the room was started to spin at this point. "Whoa....." He gripped the sides of the counter for balance to make sure he didn't just topple over and fall to the floor. "And that's the last shot of that I'll be havin' tonight. Thank you very much!"

Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:03:28 PM
The night was a silent one, no one walking by made a sound, they even keep their face hid as they passed the rugged looking alien. Slightly angered by these notions of un-want Resanul did the only thing he could think of, besides blasting every citizen that avoided eye contact. He went to find the nearest bar and bury his face in a drink.

He looked around, not to his surprise he could point out 5 or 6 bars on this street alone. However, some look to up scale for Resanul’s taste, and others a bit to crowded. He strolled down the street till he came upon a run down bar and not many people within.

He pushed the door open and looked over the occupants.
four drunks sitting at the bar, hell why not make it five.
He set his staff on the wall by the door and walked up to an empty stool. As he sat down, he motioned to the bar tender by pointing at the closes bottle to the stool. He took the drink and sipped from it slowly, as he did he looked over the others sitting trying to drown their own worries away.

As usual Resanul didn’t say a word; he would just wait for someone else to start a conversation.

Jerred Rez
Sep 24th, 2002, 01:48:04 PM
Jerred stepped inside Yoghurt's Bar & Grill, raising an eyebrow. To the casual observer the only change in his expression would appear to be that one of his glowing, green eye-covers had raised itself upon his face by a few centimeters - but Jerred had in fact activated a weapon's scan.

Lightsaber in coat, lightsaber in pocket, lightsaber hanging from belt... He cleared his throat uncomfortably, a bit wary of Jedi. Hidden blaster in leg holster, vibro-blades hidden up sleeves... He stopped and ran his eyes up the translucent figure before him stashing the blades, then let down his eyebrow to deactivate the weapons scanner in his goggles. The figure came into view. It was Ryu Warusa.

Jerred made sure that his concussion cannon was stashed safely inside of his trench coat. "Ryu Warusa," he called out, "it's been a while."

Ryu Warusa
Sep 24th, 2002, 02:39:57 PM
Jerred Rez.... the paranoid head of security at TriOptimum. It had been a long time since I had spoken to him, which was very odd considering his position. I began to wonder why he came all the way out here. Then out of the corner of my eye I spotted a ghost.

"Well, isn't this odd?" I said. "Three old 'friends' coincidently come into the same bar."

It was a time of celebration, so I poured myself another drink.

Sep 24th, 2002, 08:45:08 PM
What happen to you? It was only a few years back when you...well you at least had a life to be proud of. Now look at yourself, wandering about the galaxy getting mix up in the things way over your head...
Resanul sat there sulking in his own misery, not even worrying or caring about anyone around him. Until he heard a voice from the past, a voice he surely never thought he would hear from again in this vast universe. Resanul didn't have the mind to speak at this point, he needed to go somewhere and sober up.

He slid from his stool and put his hand into pocket. He notices some eyebrows rise as he did, as though he was disgruntle and was going to blast someone. He pulled out a few credits and tossed them sloppily towards the bar tender. He went over to the person that the voice of the past came from. "Come by my ship later, loading dock 362." and with that he headed to the door, but stopped as he saw glowing green eyes. Only one person he ever saw with goggles like that. "loading dock 362." he said as he past Jerred. Grabbing his staff from the wall he made his way out the door.

Jerred Rez
Sep 26th, 2002, 08:41:53 AM
Jerred looked at Ryu and shook his head disapprovingly. Drunk, as usual... Just as he took his first step to approach Ryu, he noticed familiar eyes moving towards him: white on black. Resanul mumbled a docking bay number and walked out the door behind Jerred. This was just getting more and more interesting. When he had stepped in front of the bar he noticed that Ryu had poured him a drink. "No thanks. I don't drink. What are you two doing here? I'm almost hurt you didn't bother to invite me to this little get together... decided to procure some transportation?"

Vishan Korogoth
Sep 26th, 2002, 01:51:54 PM
Seemed some old friends, of the man to his right , had stopped by. It was hard to follow the conversation with the drink inside him, and the fact Vishan had no idea who the hell these people were. Arcan was new to him and so were its populace.

Best to not crowd the man, eventhough this was still closer to the alcohol. So, he took the beer he ordered and walked back to his table, keeping his not so well trained ear to the trio. They had the feel of opportunists, especially by the way the one guy was talking before he left.

Ryu Warusa
Sep 28th, 2002, 01:29:05 PM
I looked at Jerred with a slightly puzzled look and then looked at the drinks in my hand. "I'm not looking for any transportation, I have my ship and this isn't for you. I'm merely preparing my next one." I said. "Anyways, I didn't think you would be interested in this business."

There was no real business. Resanul just showed up from out of nowhere and invited us to hangar 362 while I avoided my secretary. An odd request considering he didn't really say anything else, but then again he was always like that.

Sep 28th, 2002, 03:14:49 PM
Resanul staggered slowly back to his ship. Using his staff as support so he won’t face plant, he finally made it back to the door of the loading dock. He made it into his ship with some trouble; stairs are not a drunk’s best friend. He dropped his staff onto the floor and made his way to the shower. He undressed and sat down under the shower head.

Odd meeting such old friends in a bar at a planet I came to for a pit stop.

Jerred Rez
Oct 12th, 2002, 04:16:07 PM
"Finish your drinks and lets go see what Resanul wants. There might be some more money in it for us." Truth be told, they didn't need anymore money than they already had - but that was what greed was all about. Jerred's green-goggled eyes examined the patrons of the bar. They were all pretty wrapped up in their business. No one would be following them out.

He noticed Ryu hadn't finished his second drink, so he placed his gloved hand over it, picked up, and downed it in one shot. At the time it seemed like a good idea, but he quickly realized it hadn't been when he stepped outside with Ryu, and throw up violently. "What the -" cough, "frell... is in that stuff?!" Milky white fluid spilled out of Jerred's mouth and onto the floor, a few onlookers giving him a disgusted look.

Ryu Warusa
Oct 14th, 2002, 07:41:47 PM
"What a waste..." I said shrugging.

The precious sake... Jerred just didn't understand the concept of liquor. You had to love it, savor it, thoroughly enjoy it... or it would make you pay dearly, just like a woman. I guess that would be one lesson Jerred would never forget.

We walked outside of the bar with drunken eyes upon us. Of course what could anyone expect with Jerred's reaction. All of these men were seasoned drinkers... romantics if you will.

"Well, lets go. We've wasted enough time I guess.... I hope he has some drinks aboard his ship."

Another important lesson about liquor... never stop drinking. If you stop then lady liquor will become bittered and you'll find yourself face down in the toilet.

Oct 16th, 2002, 05:47:00 PM
The water in the shower suddenly turned freezing cold, which made Resanul sober up a lot faster than he would have liked. He turned the shower off, trying not to let the freezing water touch his body again. He dried off and found a new pair of clothes. Though, now a days none of his clothes looked anywhere close to new, most having ragged ends and holes. He walked over to a closet where he kept his tools.


“Damn it…” Hundreds of tools came pouring out onto the floor, ones of all different shapes and sizes, for just about every manner of fixing things you could think of. He squatted down over the pile of tools and grabbed three or four of them. He just left the others there.

I will clean it up later…

He went back to the shower and removed the panel from the inside wall. He knew this ship inside and out because he made it…mostly from scrape pieces and a few stolen parts. He shined a light into the inner workings of the wall and let his eyes focus on the part he was looking for. Putting down the light, he reached his arm into the wall with one of the tools in his grip. Although this seemed impossible, due to the fact that the hole was much smaller than his arm, maybe the size for only his hand to fit in, but not his whole arm.

This is one of the unique traits of Resanul’s species, other then his inverted eyes which able him to focus his concentration on a single object and lets nothing take his eyes off it, is his malleable bone structure. Which lets him bend to fit into any place normal humanoid species can’t. Although, Resanul isn’t proud of these traits and has hidden them the better part of his life. He only has used them in extreme cases or when no one is around to lay eyes on him

He removed his arm and put the tool down on a table near him.

“That should make this hunk of junk not act up for a while.”

He replaced the panel, and then he headed to his bed, forgetting all about the pile of tools. He sat on the middle part of his bed and stared at the wall for a long while.

Jerred Rez
Oct 21st, 2002, 09:08:04 PM
Jerred followed Ryu as they searched for Resanul's ship. Half an hour later they had arrived at the correct loading dock. Jerred's eyes were unfocused and it became difficult for him to control his goggles with any precision... Now he remembered why he didn't enjoy drinking...

Ryu began tapping on Resanul's access panel until the door hissed open, and the ramp slowly lowered to the ground with a thud. Jerred followed him up into the ship and glanced around, finally having some luck at refocusing his eyes. He could see through a few of the walls, and read several temperatures readings. The shower had been recently used, and Resanul's body temperature had dropped. He was sleeping.