View Full Version : Not Like Normal (open to anybody but Jedi)

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:55:36 PM
It was a another brisk morning, and just has usual, Ki Adi Kindo stepped through the familiar entrance of the Bar & Grill for an appetizing breakfast. On most days, he would have an interesting conversation with another Jedi, but rarely was he granted the oppurtunity to be able to speak with someone different, someone not of the same affiliation has he. During his former years has the Count of Serenno, many encounters with the unknown were needed, and numerous talks with those from all walks of life were necessary in order to have maintained interplanetary order. Glancing about the bustling restaurant, searching for a vacant table, at last he was able to locate an empty spot that provided room for more than one person. He made his way over towards the empty table, respectfully bowing has he passed a few fellow Jedi on the way. Ki Adi perched down upon one of the numerous seats, trying his best to get comfortable.

Tomak Ohara
Sep 14th, 2002, 11:10:54 PM
Tomak walked in and stpped to the table were Kindo was, "Hello Ki Adi. Do not be alarmed, I have come to speak with you. How long have you been here Kindo, and another question do you know who killed your father?" Tomak smiled and looked at Kindo.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:18:24 PM
Kindo rapidly removed his steel hilt, alarmed at the arrival of his old friend.

The previous encounter between the pair ended in vigorous combat, for Tomak had gave himself into the darkside. It saddened him to look upon the familiar vampire, for he once held a special place in his heart, and still did.

He slowly extended his hand, motioning for the fellow to take a seat before him. The Jedi clipped his silverish handgrip back unto his black utility belt, for it was of no current use. He took in a deep breath, then proceeded to speak with the well known individual ahead of him, something that he found difficult to accomplish.

" Why do you want to know? "