View Full Version : A tall young man enters the bar... (Open)
Sameer Aryan
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:36:40 PM
The 19 years old walks in quietly. He sits at a table in the corner with least people there and orders lunch for himself; he's starving. He tries not to notice the people around him, because there isn't one face he could possibly recognise. It's his first time into the bar, and also his first time in the area. He then patiently waits for his meal...
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:44:57 PM
Wei walked in and noticed Sameer from the Recruitment Center, sitting alone, like the last tie Wei had seen him.
"So, how did your talk with Master Xazor go? Did you get accepted?" Wei asked after he had gotten over to where Sam was.
"The place is known all over for its root stew. I had a bowl of the stuff poured on my head once by a pretty girl." Wei laughed.
"How are you?"
Sameer Aryan
Sep 15th, 2002, 08:31:58 AM
Sam lift his head to check if his food was about to be served soon and saw Wei approach. He smiled at him, it was Sam's way of saying "hi".
"Yes, at first I was very nervous but it all tuned out good. So I got accepted and now, after I eat, I'll be off looking for a room. So I'm pretty much happy but kinda worried about my skills, I barely have any..."
As he spoke, Sameer's face interpretated all in his interior emotions.
"Yeah, and I'll have root stew next time I come, probably not on the head though" Sam said winking.
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 15th, 2002, 10:03:06 AM
Wei laughed. "Worried about not having any skills? Hey, I guarantee you that by the time you are finished here, you will have more skill than you ever thought you could have in the first place. And I can also promise you that you will have more friends than you know what to do with." Wei laughed again. "Almost everyday is a happy day here."
Sameer Aryan
Sep 15th, 2002, 04:23:37 PM
Sam smiled once more. He was also getting impatient because he was hungry; he hadn't had anything since this morning.
"It's true, I've only been here a couple of hours and I already feel at ease. They're nice and friendly people here. By the way, I also need a master, how did you find yours?"
Sam then remembered he had forgotten to offer a seat to his newly met pal. "Sorry, I forgot to ask: wanna sit? Please excuse me, I have a really bad social skills..."
Sameer strongly hoped the Jedi didn't mind.
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 15th, 2002, 04:32:48 PM
Wei smiled. "Thanks." Wei sat down. "And about those social skills, I'll help you work on those. Or I could have my mom teach you social skills. aS for my Master, I met her when I first came to the GJO. SHe had happened by me while I was sitting on the floor, and we talked some, and after Miss Xazor accepted me to the Order, she asked to be my student. It all just sort of fell into my lap."
Sameer Aryan
Sep 16th, 2002, 02:59:56 PM
"Lucky you! So how's your mom? I miss mine, and I don't think I'll be able to see her soon, my parents live quite far away. You're the first person I met in the recruitment center yet I don't know much about long have you been in the GJO?"
Sameer found that Wei was a jolly fellow, and someone he could learn a lot from.
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 16th, 2002, 03:10:14 PM
"My mom? My mom is just fine no doubt. My dad spoils her rotten, but she won;t let him spoil her. She's always happy and full of energy."
Wei turned Sam;s question over in his mind. "Time has flown by since I been here. I'm not too sure how long it has been."
Sameer Aryan
Sep 17th, 2002, 03:10:31 PM
Hearing the last words Wei said, Sam started wondering: He doesn't even remember how long he's been here, will ALL my life be spent here? He wasn't sure if he made the right decision by joining the order anymore...
Finally he saw his meal arrive: "I'm hungry! Aren't you having anything?" he asked Wei....
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 17th, 2002, 04:36:24 PM
Wei smiled. "Sure. Beef Lo mein, if you please."
Wei had sensed a flicker of anxiety within Sam. " Is there something troubling you, Sam? Cause if there is, you can talk to me, or anyone else at the GJO."
Sameer Aryan
Sep 18th, 2002, 04:22:14 PM
Sam was surprised at Wei's last words. It was the first time someone had been able to figure out what was going inside Sameer.
"No, nothing much...and I didn't forget you offering me help at the Recruitment center, if I ever need anything, you WILL probably be the first person to whom I'll talk about it. Thanks again!" Sameer smiled again, you could even see his cute lil dimples.
The newly accepted member didn't wanna talk about his little fears, because he knew he chickened out before all major challenges at first, but finally outpassed them all.
"So anything new?"
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 18th, 2002, 05:37:35 PM
"New? Nothing, really. But I know there is bound to be something. Lemme see...."
Wei tried to remember. What was it? "It'll hit me like a sack fo bricks if I just let it be. So, have you found a room yet?"
Sameer Aryan
Sep 20th, 2002, 02:37:33 PM
Sameer started feeling curious about what Wei might've forgotten, but let it be and answered his question instead.
"Yeah, I found a new room, it's pretty nice, but I'm not used to sharing, I'm an only child you see" Sameer felt awkward and bad saying this. He thought it made him sound like a spoilt brat.
"So what was your first experience with the Force like?" Sameer asked Wei this because "Jedi-hood" was completely new to him. No one in his family had been one, or even friends with any. Wei somehow had started meaning a lot to Sam in just a few meetings, he was almost like family.
OCC: Showing off my "first" try as a signature :D.
Diego Van Derveld
Sep 20th, 2002, 03:36:16 PM
OOC: Ye Gods its 'uge!!!
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