View Full Version : WORST films ever?

Sep 14th, 2002, 08:14:27 PM
It's been a while, let's have another! :)

My list of 11, in no order:

Once Upon a Time in America (Aside from James Woods)

Speed 2 (Excluding Willem Dafoe)

Police Academy: Mission to Moscow (I loved every other PA, and then they inflicted THIS on me?)


Event Horizon

The Devils Advocate (If you allow for Pacino)

Batman & Robin (Although Clooney managed to still look good)

Dungeons and Dragons (the medicore-average 2nd half is negated by the absolutely DIRE 1st half)

Inferno (The Van Damme film with Danny Trejo? Called Desert Heat and Coyote Moon too)

U.S. Seals (Watch it for the bad guy who talks clever, but couldnt act if his life depended on it :))

U.S. Seals 2 (If its the one Im thinking about, it didnt get better)

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:25:49 PM
Two I can currently think of are "Gladiator" and "Long Time Dead;" both left and awful taste in my mouth after actually putting myself through watching them. Usually if a film doesn't appeal to me, I wont watch it so I don't think I've experienced that many awful films.

Another one is that awful Sandra Bullock Film "Murder by Numbers." To steal a quote from Marcus - what utter rot! :x

Sep 14th, 2002, 08:26:41 PM
so many , so few time.

no order

spider-man(only saw it because i got in free)

harry potter (only saw it at my nephew's home)

LOTR (although very well made)I just hated it

shallow hale

american pie 1 & 2 (never seen it BUT........

shrek (yikes!!!!)

eddie (although I was in a crowd scene )


she devil

I'll stop there.

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:52:12 PM
Here are some

Robot Monster (has to be the worst movie ever made)
Leonard Part 6 (Bill Cosby's worst move)
Santa Claus vs the Martians (talk about an originally idea)
Blair Witch 2 (what the heck was that movie about)
I am sure there are others but can't think of any more at the moment.

Jinn Fizz
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:54:59 PM
You know what movie I really really hate?

Pretty Woman.

I guess I'm probably just about the only person on the face of the planet who didn't fall in love with this so-called "Cinderella" tale, but please, gimme a break >_< . Ugh. Lovely message to give to girls that all you have to do is become a hooker, and you'll find the rich man of your dreams.

Ugh, ugh, ugh. :x :x :x

Xazor Elessar
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:55:53 PM
Hmm.....I can only think of a few honestly, because I usually see what I have heard is good.

Pulp Fiction (:x Very bad....long and boring.....no point, in my eyes.)

High Fidelity (:x again.....just......evil and not appealing.)

Requiem For a Dream (:x Not my style of movie. It was directed well and whatnot.....but again, not my type so I thought it a drag to watch.)

Half Baked (Like they say, the only way to watch it is when you're high....and well, I don't do drugs. It was BORING!)

Well, those are the only ones that I can think of right now.....though I'm sure there are many more when I really go through my list. :lol

Admiral Lebron
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:57:30 PM
I hated all Robocop sequels. So horrible. >_<

Sep 14th, 2002, 10:11:37 PM
Pretty TOUGH there Buff.

You listed some of my favs of the lst few years. :p

Sep 14th, 2002, 10:32:54 PM
:o sorry about that :( darth,
I think a couple of them are some of MOST in here favorites. Now don't get me wrong a couple of them are very well made movies, I just could not find myself liking them at all. Like LOTR I left the theater half way through it the first time,BUT I went for the second time JUST incase I missed something .But you know me my taste is weird

would it help darth if I listed these?

blair witch

any austin powers

pulp fiction

dusk till dawn (forgot about that till the other thread)

hope those put me back in your good graces

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:38:55 PM
I can see straight off that Im going to have to spank Fett and BUFF, one of whom will love it and I wont mention a name ;)

Dungeons and Dragons was a total waste of film and time. There are so many that Im not sure I can even begin to list them!

Jaws 2 & 3 were horrid

I liked the 1st Poilice Academy but all the sequels sucked.

Sheesh....Im going to stop here unless another jumps out at me. They are simply too numerous!

BUFF, why are you never on AIM? Do I have the nic wrong?

Sep 14th, 2002, 10:45:54 PM
I can see straight off that Im going to have to spank Fett and BUFF, one of whom will love it and I wont mention a name That Dang FETT, he sure is a pervert:lol

Sorry about the AIM L.D :(

I thought I was signed on , I wasn't:x I never claimed to be smart just Buff:( I'm such a weanie):lol

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2002, 11:09:20 PM
;) Youre a keeper, BUFF :love

Sep 15th, 2002, 02:35:03 AM
Well props to Reaper for making a great list. Someone knows bad film when they see it. There's really not much to say except, "Yup, those are the worst movies ever." Frickin' Event Horizon, my god, what a horrible film. From the same director I think who made The Count of Monte Cristo, one of my favorites, yet Event Horizon is trash. I nearly walked out.

The Devil's Advocate is a glorified porno flick and it too is awful, so good call.

Batman & Robin. Check.

Dungeons and Dragons. Check. This movie SUCKS. HORRIBLE trash. I thought it was a joke or something.

As for the rest, congratulations guys, you just mentioned some of the greatest, most critically acclaimed films ever made. Seriously if you're going to list bad films, list BAD films, which are ones that most people shouldn't even know about, don't list some of the greatest movies ever.

Pulp Fiction is a masterpiece. It is one of the most beloved films ever produced, and Gladiator is the greatest non-Star Wars movie ever made, IMO. It also is a BEST PICTURE winner among many other awards it received from critic organizations all over the world and if that is meaningless to you, as it sometimes is to me, then you need look no further than audience polls which also declared it the greatest film of the year. It is almost unanimously hailed as a great film. It's just an incredible piece of filmmaking.

Spider-Man is one of the best comic movies ever.

Buff, American Pie and its sequel are hilarious, both a few of the only comedies I would ever award four stars. Just thinking about them makes me want to watch 'em again right now, and if you've not seem them, you don't have a right to comment, no offense. You DO have to see them first. I assume Speed 2 is horrible, but I'm not listing it because to be honest, I never actually saw that supposedly big waste of time. I doubt I'll bother either. In this case, I will trust other people's judgments.

American Pie and its sequel are hugely successful films though and really damn funny. Granted if you're an adult you need to have a certain mindset to enjoy these films that clearly are directed at late teenagers and college students, but they are funny no matter what generation you are from. I remember when I REFUSED to see American Pie and called it immoral trash and said that it just was horrible and wrong and blah blah, good ol' 1999, hehe, bah, 16 year olds, what would they know. Then I later bothered actually seeing it and damn, what a hilarious movie! I was totally wrong about it.

Ok back to the list.

Blair Witch Project and its sequel rightfully deserve to be mentioned. Although for me, its sequel would not qualify as one of the worst. I mean, I guess if you've seen enough movies, you really have to hate a film to rank it that highly. I thought BWP 2 was an UTTER waste of time, TOTALLY WORTHLESS film, but I gave it 1/2 star because it wasn't something I hated, it was just lousy that's all. It didn't deserve a no star rating. I've seen 7 no star films this year alone, and even so, I wouldn't probably call most of them "one of the worst films ever" because I know there is worse out there.

Jack Frost, Jack Frost 2, these are the worst two films ever made, in my opinion. THE WORST films ever made. I've seen a lot of filth, but I'm sorry, these are just worse than awful. They are painfully bad so much so that you want to commit suicide while watching them to avoid ever having to see something so terrible.

Of this year's films, I would definitely have to list The Sweetest Thing among my all-time worst films. The rest of the films may go exempt from all-time glory. I mean, come on Jason X was a no star film, but it was way too funny for me to call one of the worst movies ever. As awful films go, damn that director did a great job of making it terrible if that's what he wanted. But that still doesn't get him a half star, sorry, haha.

Martin Lawrence Live even might come close to being in my all-time worst category but not quite.

Sep 15th, 2002, 05:40:10 AM
The Black Cauldron
Practical Magic
Eye of the Beholder
Boxing Helena

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 15th, 2002, 05:45:05 AM
I spit on Blade and Pulp Fiction, Titanic and Gone in Sixty Seconds (the remake). American Beauty needs to be panned as well.

I'm trying to think of another I saw recently that was awful, cant think of it right now

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 15th, 2002, 06:28:32 AM
Blade - add that to my list. But I love American Beauty. :p

Commander Zemil Vymes
Sep 15th, 2002, 07:27:01 AM
Dear God...I am so never watching movies with you people. Especially Buff, Jon, Fett, Xazor, Marcus, and Loki. You are teh suk.

My list:
The Shipping News (Worst. Movie. Ever.)
Blair Witch Project (3 people who get lost in Maryland deserve to die)
Natural Born Killers (What? Huh? Lobotomy!)
Master of Disguise (Dana Carvey DISASTER)
Gosford Park (Its Clue, for people who eat dinner with more than one fork)
2001 (Daa...Daa...Daa....BO-RIIIIING!!!)
Any Van Damme movie (French accent teh suk!)
Harry Potter (I hate British whimsy)
xXx (There aren't enough drugs to suspend my disbelief)
Dirty Dancing (out of spite, really)
On Golden Pond (Enema on film)
Never Say Never Again (Sean Connery, TOO OLD)
Star Trek V (Bane of the series)
The Matrix (Not bad, per se...just liked it the first time I saw it, when it was called DARK CITY)
Jack Frost (So bad, its good!)
Alien 3 (Bane of the series)
Pitch Black (Nooo Vin Diesel teh suk!)
Demon City Shinjoku (Arrrg)
Akira (Good, good, good, WTF ENDING!)
The Time Machine (See Akira reasoning)
Battlefield Earth (Obvious)
Contact (I want 3 hours of my life back, dammit)
From Dusk Till Dawn (No Salma nookie?? DECEIVER!!)
Pocahontas (Disney's smoking the peace pipe)
The Langoliers (Even Stephen King can suck)
Wyatt Earp (Continents have formed faster than this movie played)
Dude, Where's My Car (Its so incredibly bad, but in a way that it becomes hilariously good.)
The Story of Us (its not bad, but so god-awful depressing that I want to hang myself with a neck tie)

Admiral Lebron
Sep 15th, 2002, 09:24:21 AM
How to make an American Quilt.

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 15th, 2002, 09:33:12 AM
Come on Robot Monster is the worst movie ever made, how can you overlook this

Ro-Man, an alien that looks remarkably like a gorilla in a diving helmet, has destroyed all but six people on the planet Earth. He spends the entire film trying to finish off these survivors, but complications arise when he falls for the young woman in the group. Love that bubble machine!

It was so bad that the director was ruined

When this film came out, it was so universally scorned and derided by reviewers that director Phil Tucker (I) found it impossible to get any further work in the film business at all. Depressed and dejected, and believing that his acrimonious relationship with the film's producers resulted in their blackballing him in the industry, he attempted suicide by shooting himself. He missed.

Now that is a bad movie, has to be the worst movie ever IMO. The thing is nobody probably has seen this movie now, I watched part of it on Mystery Science Theater 3000 (years ago, at least they made it funny) and the movie was horrid, I can't picture a worst movie than that, though Bill Cosby riding a fake ostridge is a close second for me.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 15th, 2002, 02:42:02 PM
Originally posted by Xazor Leo Dawnstrider

Pulp Fiction
Requiem For a Dream

Shame on you :mneh

Worst films .. hmm

Perfect Storm was really naff. That's all I can think of at the minute.

Oh, and Scream (all of them).

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 15th, 2002, 04:04:33 PM
Wow. I loved the first Scream. The second one was great because it was Scream's sequel but was lacking a lot in comparison to the first and as for Scream 3...:x

Sep 15th, 2002, 05:06:23 PM
Blair Witch Project (3 people who get lost in Maryland deserve to die :lol :lol

Ok Jon, JUST for you I will wacth ap 1and 2 , when I see them on tv.

I thought scream 3 was pretty darn good:\

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 15th, 2002, 06:16:01 PM
The Perfect Storm...hehe I know someone who was in that movie. ANYWAY...worst movies IMO:

Purple Rain
Dungeons and Dragons
Event Horizon
any Barney movie :x
Starship Troopers
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Gods and Monsters (might have been well acted etc, but I just didn't like it at all)

I think thats about it for now. :D

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 15th, 2002, 06:20:51 PM
Oh, now I unfrtunantly remember the two films I saw recently that sucked

The Shipping News

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 15th, 2002, 07:10:19 PM
Gods and Monsters!!! :cry

I love that film.

Admiral Lebron
Sep 15th, 2002, 07:40:34 PM
Starship Troopers was great! A lot more interesting than the book.

More for the list:

Mission Impossible: 2.

Sep 15th, 2002, 07:41:21 PM
Originally posted by Xazor Leo Dawnstrider
Pulp Fiction (:x Very bad....long and boring.....no point, in my eyes.):eek
Requiem For a Dream (:x Not my style of movie. It was directed well and whatnot.....but again, not my type so I thought it a drag to watch.)Double :eek
Originally posted by Commander Zemil Vymes
Blair Witch Project (3 people who get lost in Maryland deserve to die):lol!!

There's a ton of movies I thought were horrible. I can't make one list without giving myself Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. So a few:

Austin Powers 2: The first movie was mediocre. This one was painful to watch. I was dragged along to it, and I regret not putting up more of a fight. (On a side note: the same person who dragged me to see this movie also wanted to drag me to see both Swimf@n and Feardotcom. Needless to say, I've stopped going to see movies with him).

The Frightening: I rented it because I thought it would be a really bad, campy horror movie worth a few laughs. It was worse than that. This makes the entire run of MST3K movies look good.

Dungeons & Dragons: After getting home from watching FotR, I turned on the TV to see this travesty playing. I changed channels after about 5 minutes and went to give my offerings to the porcelain god.

Scary Movie: The only reason I saw this was because I was on a date with this one woman. She wanted to catch a movie, and this was the only thing playing that looked even remotely interesting. Ug...

Honestly, that's about all I can think of... I try to avoid movies if I know they're going to be bad.

Sep 15th, 2002, 08:29:01 PM
The newest addition to ChickFlick Hall of Shame.

Serving Sarah

it really made me question my girlfriend's movie taste...

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 15th, 2002, 08:38:27 PM
The 2nd Dargonheart movie was terrible and so was 13 Ghosts. The casting was horrid, for the most part.

But whats one mans' worst film is anothers' Oscar winner, eh?

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 15th, 2002, 11:37:20 PM
Oh yes, thanks Nup, you reminded me of one.

I watched Scary Movie while drunk off my ass and it was a *little* bit funny. Definetely scores as one of the worst movies ever!

Commander Zemil Vymes
Sep 15th, 2002, 11:43:43 PM
I liked Scary Movie...a little :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 15th, 2002, 11:49:04 PM
I liked being drunk more than I liked Scary Movie.

Taylor Millard
Sep 15th, 2002, 11:55:59 PM
Hideous Kinky
Blair Witch (inventive but boring)
Batman and Robin

Commander Zemil Vymes
Sep 16th, 2002, 12:05:48 AM
(Kicks Taylor in the Junk)

Go was awesome!

The scene with the beans overdose, and the cat.

"You are going to die."

Figrin D'an
Sep 16th, 2002, 12:32:04 AM
I don't think we can let this thread pass without at least a mention of "Plan-9 from Outer Space."


I can't make a list of worst films... it would pain me too much to spend that much time to recall films that I have tried so desperately to forget ever existed... I'll just throw out a few comments based upon what I have read thus far...

I'd put Alien: Resurection as even worse than Alien 3... I can't believe I actually wasted money to see that film in the theater... it's cloned mutant alien Ripley! ugh... talk about a desperate plot device...

Blair Witch... the perfect example of how marketing can make a film do well... I'm all for independent filmmaking, and a degree of artistic interpretation, but come on... that doesn't excuse how totally ridiculous everything about this film was... the Sundance Film Festival committee should be ashamed that they started the hype over that festering pile of donkey crap...

Star Trek V... what? there wasn't a Star Trek V... they skipped right from IV to VI... really, they did... just like there never was a Highlander II... ;)

Edit: BTW, if anyone wants to see the worst "kung-fu" movie ever made, try to find a copy of "The Crippled Masters." It's helps to be drunk when you watch it, because otherwise you might feel ashamed of having ever even mentioning it. It's about two guys, one with no arms, one with no legs, that train and become martial-arts masters to beat up some token bad guys and their evil boss guy (who you can tell is evil because of his long moustache)... words don't do this film justice... it's THAT bad...

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 16th, 2002, 12:46:21 AM
I just watched Alien for the first time. ^_^;

Star Trek V..thats the one where they go to the center of the universe, right? o_O I agree....skip it!

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 16th, 2002, 01:15:17 AM

Figrin D'an
Sep 16th, 2002, 01:19:37 AM
Originally posted by Diego Van Derveld

I sincerely hope you mean that in a "It's so bad, it's funny"-kind of way... that I could understand...

Sep 16th, 2002, 07:39:36 AM
I don't think we can let this thread pass without at least a mention of "Plan-9 from Outer Space."Actually, I plan on buying this on DVD, if I can find it. This film epitomizes the bad 60's sci-fi genre. Back in HS, my drama teacher made us watch this film. He told us that, "If you're going to make a movie, don't make it like this one. This movie is a great example of everything you should not do when making a film." :lol

Sene Unty
Sep 16th, 2002, 08:18:14 AM
Well all the Star Wars films suck.....:D

Its kinda hard for me to think of some really bad ones because I usually try to block them out.

I do know that the live action He-Man movie sucked ass. Wasn't it called Master's of the Universe or something. I remember as a kid I liked it but seeing it recently made me cringe. Most horror films suck. Having worked at blockbuster for a year I saw a lot of cover boxes of movies that looked really bad.

Sep 16th, 2002, 08:39:07 AM
Hey! Masters of the Universe was a classic! :D

Sep 16th, 2002, 08:45:29 AM
Anyone here seen Dark Star? I know it is kind of a cult classic, and some of my friends love it, but I just couldn't stand it...

Sep 16th, 2002, 10:11:01 AM
Robocop 2 & 3 sucked hard.

Anything with Lorenzo Lamas also makes me cry tears of agony.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 16th, 2002, 10:44:17 AM
Lost In Space

so was 13 Ghosts


Sene Unty
Sep 16th, 2002, 11:27:16 AM
Lost in Space sucked... I just remembered some.....

The Avengers.

Corky Romano.

Spice World

Wild, Wild West

Varsity Blues

Bless the Child


The Postman


Hunchback of Notre Dame


Any film with Jean-Claude van Dam

Red Sonja

Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls

The Ladies Man


Pretty much any movie from the SNL people.

I am really digging deep people. I'll post more when I think of them......

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 16th, 2002, 11:43:01 AM
Varsity Blues

I was suprised by this movie. Seeing as it was an MTV posterchild, I expected it to suck. It didn't. While its nowhere near Rudy or Remember the Titans, it is a good football movie.

And yes Fig, Crippled Masters is good in a bad way...as is Masters of the Universe. Thus, they cannot be "bad" :)

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 16th, 2002, 11:48:34 AM
Actually, I plan on buying this on DVD, if I can find it. This film epitomizes the bad 60's sci-fi genre
Speaking of that why is that most of the worst films ever (at least in critics minds come from this period 50-60's mostly sci-fi films? I can name a bunch Plan 9, Robot Monster, Santa Claus vs the Martians, any movie that appeared on MST3k. I guess its the bad special effects that is why some of the better sci-fi films from that period didn't use much special effects: The Thing, Invasion of the Body Snachers, The Day the Earth Stood still, and The Fly. The only exceptions are probably the two Wells movies, The Time Machine and War of the Worlds, both done by the great Harry Hausmen(sp) and directed by George Pal.
Finally I have to say Robot Monster has got to be worse than Plan 9 because Wood went into thing knowing he was making a bad movie, the guys with Robot Monster thought they were making epic science fiction (what the hell were they smoking) the only reason I think Robot Monster isn't as well remember is that hardly anybody has seen it, I am sure Plan 9 has been more watched than it.

Admiral Lebron
Sep 16th, 2002, 11:48:38 AM
I liked Varsity Blues to. Masters of the Universe with Dolph Lunger rocked :)

Sep 16th, 2002, 12:16:49 PM
Avengers... OI VEY.

Lost in Space. URGH. - Though I've never actually sat through the whole thing from beginning to end. I've seen a lot of it, though.

Sep 16th, 2002, 12:20:05 PM
Any film with Jean-Claude van Dam BOOO Van dame still rules!!!!(did I say that out loud :) )

I though t masters of the universe was good(but they should of had He-man doing ultra strong man stuff :(

remember the Titans was great, it would atleast mke ya cry.

AS to my promise to JON, I watched American pie 2 about 20 minutes ago. I must say that IT was NOT as bad as I thought it would be. They could have taken the glue bit out. Less foul language. but it was OK i'd give it 2 stars out of 5 , so NOT one of the worst..BUt I do have to say the scene where the guy's does number one of the balcony was very funny.well really the only funny thing.

Sene Unty
Sep 16th, 2002, 12:21:18 PM
Yes any movie that MST3k has ridiculed sucked. That is just a fact.....

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 16th, 2002, 01:20:06 PM
The best thing about the movies on there is at least they are now entertaining more so then they were ever before.

Sep 16th, 2002, 02:07:09 PM
I love watching movies on MST3K - they take something that is so absolutely awful and make it into something that is actually pretty funny to watch.

Sep 16th, 2002, 02:35:39 PM
I'll admit: American Pie 2 was watchable. Had a decent amount of laughs, and was much better than it's "cousin", Scary Movie 2 (I say 'cousin' because they were both released at nearly the same time and both had the same kind of humor, to a large degree). The first AP was pretty lackluster, IMO.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 16th, 2002, 02:53:06 PM
The Avengers...how did I forget that one? Also Battlefield Earth, both v. bad. :x

Sejah Haversh
Sep 16th, 2002, 03:05:09 PM
How could we forget The Beach? Whew! That was a stinkign hole!

And I must say that Bloodsport ruins your "any movie with Van Damme in it" thing. That was an awesome movie.

Oh, and Space Truckers. Gag me, but I beat s'Il to listing it!

Sep 16th, 2002, 03:08:36 PM
Space Truckers was fun :)

Sep 16th, 2002, 03:33:48 PM
Ladies Man was hilarious! Ok, it was a crappy movie, but I laughed my ass off!

Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey was a terrible sequel to what was a hilarious first movie.

Sanis Prent
Sep 16th, 2002, 03:42:48 PM

Sep 16th, 2002, 03:44:48 PM
That film made me seriously depressed. Im talking, weeks maybe months of major downness.

Sep 16th, 2002, 03:45:47 PM
Bogus Journey did?

Sep 16th, 2002, 03:50:48 PM

Sep 16th, 2002, 03:57:39 PM
Ok, good. Just checking. :)

Sep 16th, 2002, 04:22:08 PM
Basically, I used to (Still have, but is slight now) have a major fear of death. And I saw this when about 10 or 11 on TV, and the entire death sequences wthout the Grim Reaper really got to me.

Sep 16th, 2002, 05:04:07 PM
Basically, I used to (Still have, but is slight now) have a major fear of death. And I saw this when about 10 or 11 on TV, and the entire death sequences wthout the Grim Reaper really got to me. Really ?

Sep 16th, 2002, 05:07:49 PM

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 16th, 2002, 06:33:02 PM
Ah yes, The Beach was horrible! :x

Jinn Fizz
Sep 16th, 2002, 09:47:45 PM
Any movie with Steven Seagal sucks. This is magnified by the fact that either TNT or TBS seems to show some kind of Seagal marathon every frickin' weekend. >_<

Coco Blake
Sep 16th, 2002, 11:53:47 PM
The worst films I have ever seen were this series of movies about the end of the world, But they had a religious twist. I have no clue what the name of this movie(s) is, so I'll describe them.
Basically, it was during the rapture (not religious, so please forgive if i have that wrong). Everyone was disappearing, and those christians that remained had to get the 'mark of the beast" or get their heads chopped off. Plus, the beast was this giant metalic thing.

Needless to say, watching that film when I was maybe young and didn't know anything about religion scared the crap out of me ^_^; Does anyone have any clue what it was called? :lol

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 17th, 2002, 12:44:54 AM
Any movie with Steven Seagal sucks.

Executive Decision was great :)

Sep 17th, 2002, 01:48:50 AM
Originally posted by Jinn Fizz
Any movie with Steven Seagal sucks.

I love Seagal!! His early flicks were awesome. Above the Law and Out for Justice are classics.

As for the worst movies ever, I have to assume I haven't seen many of them, but the following movies were torture to sit through:

Scary Movie 2
Thirteen Ghosts
Big Daddy
Cannonball Run 2

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 17th, 2002, 07:11:48 AM
Thirteen Ghosts is utterly atrocious. I've actually not watched the whole thing but I hate everything about it.

Sanis Prent
Sep 17th, 2002, 09:56:17 AM
The only thing decent about it is the Glass door scene, and that was only noteworthy because it was utterly disgusting

Sene Unty
Sep 17th, 2002, 12:10:34 PM
I think the movie that Coco Blake was refering to was Left Behind.....I didn't see but it looked BAD!!! I most agree with Steven Seagal's suckyness. Bad movies......shudder.

Coco Blake
Sep 17th, 2002, 07:02:47 PM
Maybe....One of my many Childhood Traumas...:lol

I don't watch enough movies :cry
I hate sappy movies, like Heart And Souls and Hook. Anything my mum likes, I usually hate. Some movies (SW ep I, Titanic, etc) I have refused to watch cos of too much hype :lol
Weirdest movie I have seen was Acid House. SOme parts were decent (The Fly Story) But it was too -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-ed up for me. I loved Trainspotting, both were based on Irvine Welsh novels :\

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 17th, 2002, 07:26:46 PM
Left Behind is a v. recent movie. 2001, I believe? There was an "End Times" series done in the '70s I think, but I don't' remember the names of the movies. I think that's what Coco is referring to.

Coco Blake
Sep 17th, 2002, 07:38:27 PM
Probably....They gave me nightmares for weeks on end. It wasn't recent :\

Sanis Prent
Sep 17th, 2002, 07:40:50 PM
I've heard that at least the Left Behind novels are quite excellent. I know a good many of my friends who read them.

Admiral Lebron
Sep 17th, 2002, 08:11:23 PM
I liked Under Siege. That was a good film with Segal in it.

Coco Blake
Sep 17th, 2002, 08:18:23 PM
Originally posted by Sanis Prent
I've heard that at least the Left Behind novels are quite excellent. I know a good many of my friends who read them.

Yeah, maybe.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 18th, 2002, 12:07:58 AM
I like the novels.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 18th, 2002, 01:20:49 AM
So does Akrabbim, who loans them out to a mutual friend. He'll eventually get me dragged into it, I know.

Sep 18th, 2002, 04:30:59 AM
I saw a bit of the Acid House one. Dire :)

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 18th, 2002, 11:48:13 AM
I like some of Segal's earlier films like Under Siege, Under Siege 2 (which I think is better) and Exective Decision. Most of his recent stuff hasn't been very good though.

Sep 18th, 2002, 01:06:18 PM
THe problem is, his fights dont make up for poor scripts. He basically slaps his hands like a girl, eventually takes them out one at a time, and doesnt get scratched. BORING!

Sanis Prent
Sep 18th, 2002, 08:15:14 PM
The reason I mentioned Executive Decision is because He dies in the first five minutes!

Sep 18th, 2002, 08:22:13 PM
nah, 20. He wasnt in it that early ;)

Sene Unty
Sep 18th, 2002, 08:22:36 PM
Yes, I liked that........

Admiral Lebron
Sep 18th, 2002, 08:33:51 PM
The first underseige was good. He used more throws and locks then slaps like in Fire Down Below and crap like it.

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 18th, 2002, 10:31:50 PM
I liked Under Siege 2 better personally, Segal hardly talked, (the main bad guy talked more) and I kind of liked the whole train thing better than the boat, but his movies have really fallen down hard since, Fire Down Below, Glimmer Man and the Alaskan movie with Michael Caine in it (can't recall its name) were horrible. Exit Wounds was better than those but not by much. Hey maybe he should do a movie based on his real life events the whole thing about the mob trying to extort millions of dollars from him would make a great movie.

Coco Blake
Sep 18th, 2002, 10:35:53 PM
Yeah, there were only two stories in Acid House that were even remotely good. The Fly bit was the best. The rest was crap.

Chuck Norris movies are horrible, i think most action movies are though ^_^;

Master Yoghurt
Sep 21st, 2002, 03:15:15 PM
Natural Born Killers - someone compared this to lobotomy. I have never tried lobotomy before, but indeed, this seems to be a similar thing.

Crash - very sick :x

Boxing Helena - how to impress a girl; amputate her arms and legs o_O

Plan 9 from Outer Space - it is said to be the worst movie in motion picture history. And, hey, I wont argue with that. In fact, it is so bad, it is funny. A true classic in terrible film making.

Armageddon - a bunch of rowdy maniacs is of course what NASA looks for to pilot their space shuttles

Wild, Wild West - on the two occasions i TRIED to watch this movie, BOTH times I fell asleep!

Scooby Doo - I promised myself I would not see this movie, however, the curiosity really tortured me. Was it really as bad as it seemed judging by the trailers and the reviews? I can honestly say, no.. it was not as bad. It was WORSE!!!

Anaconda - big snake. Oooo, scary. It also looks very fake :lol

Jaws 4: The Revenge - uh.. this shark was killed in an earlier episode. No, really, it 'remembers' its killers, and is now back for revenge.. :rolleyes

Spice World - :|

Howard The Duck - this talking feathered alien Donald Duck look alike should be sent with express space shuttle back to his home planet, wherever that was.

Caligula - porn flick in disguise

Friday the 13 series - after careful concideration, I have given up to decide which one was the worst

Popeye - just a corny as it sounds like

Judge Dredd - spearheaded by the unsurpassed talents of the Italian Stallion, better known as Sylvester. Acting is not one of those talents. But fear not, it is only half as bad as the script

Sep 21st, 2002, 03:27:24 PM
Natural Born Killers is an EXCELLENT script. Stone screwed it up.

And STallone can act, IMO. I love Copland :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2002, 08:29:27 PM
I love Tango and Cash!!! :D

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 21st, 2002, 09:12:16 PM
I have to nominate another one, Frality, this movie was awful I just saw it tonight and it made no sense especially the ending when the whole thing turned out to be God's plan, which made no sense to me maybe I am putting it here because of the ending but it really confused me and maybe me mad at the same time much like the movie Fallen did another film that had a horrible ending. To me if a movie can't end right (I mean no resolution or if you can't figure it out) than the movie was terrible.

Dae Jinn
Sep 21st, 2002, 10:46:14 PM
I just saw LOTR.....And it was great :)

Cirrsseeto Quez
Sep 22nd, 2002, 01:43:02 AM
Yog hath spoken....so many nuggets of terror I'd forgotten