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Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2002, 02:03:06 PM
It had become almost common place for Xazor to be summoned by people she had no knowledge of. Her position as a highly known member of the Greater Jedi Order left her little social escape, and meant that almost everyone could place the Garou Warrior Jedi’s name to her visage. Unfortunately, not all who called upon her services did so for innocent reasons. True plights for help had become soured with taunts and tainted by lies; leaving her unable to discern what was truth and what was lie. A huge trek could be for a good purpose, whilst a step a stone-throw away could lead to dire consequences. In the particular situation she would soon find herself in, the intent of the one orchestrating her arrival was far from good.

Driven by jealousy and hatred for the young lightsider, the Lupine Dark Lord Vega Van-Derveld began bringing together a plot to bring about the death of both Xazor and her lover, Dasquian Belargic, in one deft swoop. If the darksider could not control her, then no one would …


A letter arrived, marked as ‘high priority’ at the quarters of the lovers Dasquian and Xazor. It was initialed ‘V’ on the envelope. Inside, was a had written note that read as follows:


Xazor Elessar
Sep 14th, 2002, 02:14:05 PM
The Knight Xazor had been sitting upon her bed, reading a large book. It's black leather was torn in places and seemed to be falling apart at the bindings....and the pages were old and had taken a browinsh tint in comparison to the white they had once been. As she flipped through the pages which contained the basics of the Elvish Language...her lover, Dasquian, sat quietly across from her...reading something that she had given him. It was in a different language as well...and it had fallen from the book. She did not understand it, but there was a good chance that he would. Suddenly a knock came at the door and Xazor put her book down and walked toward it...just to find a sealed envelope sitting on the floor at the entrance. She bent down and lifted it into her hands...and eyed the letter upon the front before opening it. Once she did...she read all that was there.

"What is it, Xaz'?"

Dasquian called to her from his place. She was nearly speechless and could not determine the reality of it all...but she did and slowly moved over to show him the letter. Her eyes were still wide at the words as she let him take the paper from her and she gathered up a few things. All of her weapons were neatly upon her body in their proper places, and she grabbed a few other things and placed them in a small satchel. Another set of robes and some small bits of food were all she would need for this trip now.

"Please accompany me! I wish to make him feel a warm welcome to the Jedi!"

She said with excitement evident in her voice. The Knight pushed her blue robes behind her and had nearly dropped everything...and was almost to the door. Dasquian seemed not too eager for this...and for some reason, she could not understand why. It was the excitement of the moment that had caught her up....and she could not see even a hint of deceptiveness...or any reason to doubt Vega....but indeed...there was....

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 14th, 2002, 02:23:32 PM
The whole situation seemed far too suspicious for Dasquian’s liking. He knew very little of this ‘Vega’ character, aside from that he was a powerful force amongst the darkside – and characters such as he were not the type to repent over night. Of course, Xazor was intent on going to him; her nature was too pure for her not too. She was not naïve, simply enthusiastic in spreading the words of the Jedi. Thus, he had the choice of either going with her or remaining behind – obviously, there was no ‘choice’, he would go to help and if need be protect her with his life.

He rose with her and cloaked himself dark brown Jedi robes, making sure his saber was firmly affixed to his belt. With quick uncalculated pace the two made their way to the docking bay on site and approached the ship which Xazor so frequently used. The lightsiders boarded, and within minutes the two Knights were catching a glimpse of the Yavin star-scape as the engines pushed the craft off up and into the air.

As Dasquian leant back in his chair, watching Xazor – who seemed quite literally ecstatic, he smiled to himself, though the expression faded as worry consumed him once again.

“How well do you know this.. Vega.. love?”

Xazor Elessar
Sep 14th, 2002, 02:30:27 PM
Xazor beamed as the starscape consumed the ship and they entered hyperspace. She set the coordinates for Korriban. Her eyes shifted as the stars became streaks all around the ship...and she sat back to relax for the little while that it would take them to reach the place where Vega was.

"Oh I know him very well.....we've been friends for quite some time...despite a few rough moments along the road. He was once a Sith...then a Dark Jedi....and now, I suppose he has seen the real Light and wishes to embrace it as I once did! Isn't it wonderful?"

She exclaimed, reaching for his letter in her pocket. She read and re-read his words....still unable to belive that she was nearly the first to know of this change in him...and he wanted her to help him come to the Jedi. It was a great day...and his future would be bright. The Knight turned to Dasquian to say something...but noticed his evident concern...and she stopped smiling for a moment.

"Something's wrong....what is it? Do you not trust his words just because of his past? That's almost as if you're judging me...remember, I was once a Sith...Kelt judged me in the same way....and it bothers me so..."

She said softly, turning from him to let her eyes wander a bit. There was nothing much to see...yet she did so to avoid his look of disapproval...or whatever else he might have to say with his eyes.....

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 14th, 2002, 02:37:14 PM
Dasquian sighed.

“Forgive me, it is just that the darkside works in many ways to try and deceive us... we must always be careful among its servants… they can be truly devious.”

There was a pause, though when he spoke again there was much more trust and happiness in his voice, as if some of his concern had been alleviated.

“But if you believe there is good in him, then I shall too. I trust your judgment.”

He leant forward in his chair, placing one hand atop Xazor’s as he gave it a light reassuring squeeze, absently rubbing his thumb against hers.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 14th, 2002, 02:41:00 PM
The Knight smiled gently at his change of mind and nodded.

"There is good in all even if we cannot see it immediatly. I believe he speaks the truth."

She said softly and eyed him for a moment. It was such a reassuring feeling to know that he trusted her judgement....and she thought of how happy the Order would be to find out that a Dark Lord had a heart and had decided to join them....and fight for the Light.

"Thank you for coming with me.....even though you definatly did not need to."

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 15th, 2002, 04:01:01 AM
The journey for the two, after their small talk, was fairly eventless. The ship passed through the blurred mesh of hyperspace from Yavin to Korriban at a surprisingly quick rate, and before the two knew it they were passing out of the boundary into Korriban airspace, close by to Cinnagar and Koros Minor. The planet Dasquian was presented with was very familiar. In his days in the Old Republic, Korriban had been a very elusive world, which he had visited only once – and even then he had not stepped upon its hallowed turf. The planet was littered with temples erected by the Dark Jedi, created after they were chased to the desolate world by the Jedi Knights. Such a mass of dark energy on the single planet gnarled and wore at the atmosphere and landscape, making it a hellish place to be. Even more curious were the reports of ghosts of the ancient Sith Lords said to haunt the land.

As the ship descended through the atmosphere and came closer and closer to landing, Dasquian could feel the shroud that surrounded it. They didn’t have to even step out onto the planet for the young Jedi to be able to feel something was terribly wrong here. Sith manuscripts were said to be held here, one’s of great power – could it be that they had been brought here as test subjects for these sorcerer’s tricks? Dasquian dearly hoped not.

There was a hiss and growl as the engines shut down and the exit ramp slid downwards. Rising to his feet, Dasquian exited the ship and remained perched momentarily upon the ramp, scanning the area around him. With each glance, something caught his eye – he would look upon some landform and then be absolutely sure something had moved off to the right, but on looking to see it would be faced with absolutely nothing.

Xazor bounded out of the ship and as she passed Dasquian, thus he began to walk with her off towards one of the temples that was closest to the ship.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 15th, 2002, 04:12:55 AM
It was clear to both of the lightsiders that they were not alone on this planet. Remnants of past visitors lingered in the air, like faint echoes of the past. In days past, Freedon Nadd's spirit had drawn dark side devotee’s here like a beacon, or perhaps more like a siren – drawing them with promises of great rewards, only to have them engulfed by the dark energies that swirled across the planet’s plains.

As they approached the first temple, it became evident this was the one they were looking for. Vega had not made it particular difficult to find him, and the bloom of dark orchids lain across the entrance was the final mark of his presence here. For both, his signature was still tainted with the darkside, as strong as before, but this would only be because he had no knowledge of how to cleanse it.

They stepped inside, skulking beneath the cobweb strewn doorway. The huge tablet-like stone door opened outwards onto Korriban and looked as though it hadn’t been moved in eons, held steady against the ground. What they were greeted with as they entered was a very long corridor, with a single door at the end of it. Beneath their feet slabs of onyx stone paved the way towards the heavy oaken door in the distance.


The voice came from behind, from outside. How could they not have seen Vega out there, when the land was so baren? Both turned their eyes back towards where he now stood, just outside of the doorway – and thus a good 10 or so foot from them.

“I… I’ve been waiting so long for you to arrive...”

The Lupine’s eyes moved from the face of the fair young Jedi Knight Dawnstrider to her companion, and for the briefest of second’s filled with a fire that seemed as though it would manifest into physical wrath any second.

“And now that you’re here..”

The tone in which he spoke was very quiet and calm, and seemed amazingly sincere – though as the next words passed his lips any delusions of his having changed were shattered.

“It’s time I say goodbye!”

And with this said, the huge door into the temple slammed shut with an almighty resonate boom. The force pushed applied to it caused the whole corridor the two Jedi were in to shake and tremble as if threatening to cave in. Immeadiately, Dasquian charged the door, only to find it repelled him, throwing him back down against the ground.

“Oh, I would be careful how often you do that, Belargic,” a voice said loudly into their minds,

“Touch that thing enough times and you’ll end up nothing more than a pile of dust.”

Xazor Elessar
Sep 15th, 2002, 01:37:46 PM
Xazor smiled as Vega greeted her. Still this did not seem right at all. A strange aura seemed to linger over the whole planet and it gave her an uneasy feeling. Perhaps she was wrong.....but she did not wish to admit that at the moment. Her eyes searched Vega's as he spoke.....and then suddenly he changed tones and slammed the door in their face. The Knight shook her head and she ran at the door after Dasquian, only to be slammed to the ground as well.

VEGA! Why are you doing this to me? I have only showed you kindness and this is what I get in return?!

She called out as a great wave through the Force. The words entered his mind with a powerful blow.....enough to cause a mild headache. The Knight turned and looked at Dasquian who was getting up to join her in facing the door.

"We need to leave this place.....I'm so sorry that I acted on this as I did......but......"

Her words were cut off as large stones began to fall from the shaking ceiling. The Knight ducked and began running to the opposite end of the large corridor.....towards the untouched door. She nearly fell as the very floor beneath them seemed to be shaking even more violently as they neared what they thought to be an exit........how very surprised they would be.......

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 15th, 2002, 01:58:04 PM
With one last glance at the door, Dasquian tore off after Xazor, catching one hand so that he narrowly stopped her from dropping down into a chasm that grew beneath them. Picking up speed to a force-enhanced sprint, which brought them both to the door within seconds. He slammed both hands down against the lever that opened the door and drove his body against it to push it open. It swung with a loud creak and caused the two to stumble into another room, kicking the door shut behind them.

And all was quiet.

The sounds of collapse and decay from the other room had been silenced by the walls around them. As Dasquian turned from Xazor, breathing heavy, he laid his eyes on the area they were now in. It was a huge dome roofed room, with a pedestal in the center, and four altars placed around it. He quirked a brow, then glanced off to see four doors, respectively, leading off of the chamber.

The Knight strode forward towards the nearest altar, and looked down to see a book was rested upon it. On further inspection, it became clear that a similar tome was balanced upon each of the four pillars. He lifted one, and opened it up on the single page it held:

"The guard stands ever vigilant;
Never noticed, he stands ignored.
A sworn oath to protect his master;
Service is its own reward."

Having read the piece aloud, he turned and looked off towards one of the doors in the room, which bore the same symbol that was marked on the front of the book - before looking to Xazor expectantly.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 15th, 2002, 02:05:23 PM
The Knight moved forward and took the paper from Dasquian's hand, eyeing it carefully. The words made little sense to her as she read and re-read the script. Her eyes narrowed as she looked to the door with the matching symbol upon it.

"I think.....in order to leave, we must solve the riddle. This speaks of.....a danger, perhaps.....that will attempt to stop us. I don't know Dasquian.......this worries me greatly......"

She said softly, letting her eyes fall to the floor. The room was dimly lit and seemed to be getting darker and darker without them realizing it. Though......she did, for her Night Vision was getting better and better......and she noticed, for before it was on her break between simple vision and the complex. Shaking her head, she looked about the room for signs of what to do next.

"Perhaps we should just.....see what's behind that door!"

She said with a hint of sarcasm. Then she walked over to the door and nearly had her hand upon the handle when she heard something and spun around....falling to a low stance.

"What was that?"

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 15th, 2002, 02:11:02 PM
Acting on instinct, Dasquian fell into a crouch, though as he narrowed his eyes to pick up on the source of the noise, he saw nothing. His heightened sense of hearing told him, however, that the sound had not come from anywhere within this chamber, but from behind one of the doors. He stood back up slowly and sidestepped across towards Xazor.

"I guess the only way to find out is..."

Placing his hand onto Xazor's, he pushed the handle downwards, allowing their destination to be revealed - another corridor, though it appeared that only a few long strides would be needed to clear it and bring them into another open chamber. Motioning silently for Xazor to follow, the two stepped in - walking side by side - and paced quickly and quietly through the hallway. What they came out on at the end of the passage was an empty room, with a chest in the center.

Dasquian smirked.

"This seems a little.."


"... easy?"

At that moment, the chest fell back from view and out of the earth and stone infront of them rose what appeared to be a suit of armour, a sword in one hand and a mace in the other. The onyx warrior stared blankly at the two through the visor of its helmet, without saying a word - though it appeared to be bringing its weapons up as if readying them to attack.