View Full Version : Wisp o' Smoke

Sep 13th, 2002, 11:37:36 PM
An old man held an egg in his hands as he hurried through the crowd, ignoring protests as he pushed people aside. Sweat formed in little beads on his forehead as they glistened.

The egg shook.

He gasped for breath as he came to a stop, looking around nervously. Everyone was too busy to pay notice to the elderly man. Reaching up, he wiped his brow with the back of his hand and then stooped down, setting the egg down. It began to roll away - yet, by some sort of miracle, wasn't trampled on. The old man walked away.


It had been two weeks now, and the egg had snuggled itself in an abandoned blanket next to a dumpster. Only the homeless saw it, and even they were afraid to pick it up. The shell was soft, yet could sustain a fall from 13 feet in the air. The color was almost like mercury - a liquid silver, but yet ... it changed ... colors. Sometimes it turned to an obsidian black, then to a smokey grey.

One day something completely different happened.

The egg shuddered, then began to shake violently. Something was trying to break free of its prison and explore the new world -- to become part of the food chain. A miniature claw broke out of the shell and began to tear away at the small hole. Soon, the whole side was torn away and a creature crawled out. Its movements were akward as it spread its tiny golden wings and lifted its head up in the air. A puff of smoke blew out of its nostrils as its emerald-green eyes blinked lazily, getting adjusted to the new light source.

A dragon was born.

The tiny beast was a girl, and a rare kind at that. It was a descendent of the Old Tongue's, the Ancient Dragons who spoke a variety of languages probably forgotten by this day and age. Like any other good dragon, she already knew her name. Fallon. She slunk in the shadows, and luckily nobody noticed the gleam of her scales. A piece of cheese on the ground caught her attention and immediately she pounced on it, tearing at it with her claws and teeth. When it was devoured, she retreated back to the shadows and continued to walk, stumbling once inawhile as she got used to the new world.

Dea Potentia
Sep 22nd, 2002, 10:03:55 PM
OOC: you looked lonely!!

*having had enough of the water park for a time, roams the halls wide eyed as everything is just so spiffilicious!!!*

Dea Potentia
Sep 24th, 2002, 10:34:10 PM
*wanders into an alley in lil'Crouscant*

Dea Potentia
Sep 26th, 2002, 08:16:53 PM
*opens the bag she had been carrying, is delighted by the smell of the food stuffs in it... sits in a corner and starts munching*

Sep 29th, 2002, 12:08:47 PM
The baby dragon continued to walk about, wide-eyed with marvel at the new world it had been born into. The cheese had filled her stomach and now it rumbled pleasantly while it was digesting its food.

That didn't stop her from smelling new things.

A whiff of something good caught the tiny nostrils of the dragon and she lifted her head up into the air, following the scent .. Until it landed upon a girl. She was sitting in a corner, eating some food, and the tiny dragon cautiously approached her - lying flat on the floor while crawling.

Dea Potentia
Sep 29th, 2002, 02:56:57 PM
*thinks she hears something looks up from food doesn't see anything. decides to ignore the feeble presence she sences. sets the bread bowl of tasty but unknown grain and meats down on the bag and sips slowly on her spicy heated fruit drink, warming her ever cold hands on the sides of the cup...*