View Full Version : The promised land (open)

Ky Shin Wei
Sep 13th, 2002, 06:23:00 PM

The promised land, a place of peace of hope, of safety. Some people believe that they have reached this land, on the planet known as Corusant, safely protected from evil by the Jedi for as long as this one young lady can remember. But now, let's just say, things are going downhill from here.
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"Ah-ha!" she said it almost trumphantly, her dark eyes gleaming hiding the impish thoughts behind them.

"And Dad said I couldn't go to one." she muttered to herself, looking at the seedy building in front of her. She knows what it is, it's a bar, and well she didn't care if both her parents told her 'No' she still was gonna go in, and have fun. She went to the door and opened it, no bouncer who would toss her out for being underaged, just a bunch of people at tables, drinking and talking. She breathed deeply, not really liking the smell, but she guessed that was how all Bar's smelt. She head towards the counter, more or less just to sit and take in the atomostsphere of the place when she bumped into another patron, spilling his/her drink all over the front of their shirt.

<font size=1>OOC- This thread takes place about 17-18 years in the future to the current-ness in GJO, so age your character right!</font>

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 13th, 2002, 08:02:43 PM
"Now what did I tell you about coming to bars, young lady?" Wei said, standing behind his daughter's shoulder and leaning over to whisper in her ear. "And you owe that person an apology, I do believe. I am not happy with your conduct, my daughter."

Sep 14th, 2002, 10:29:43 AM
Ansatsu stepped forth wearing his brothers robes. He came in and said, "Hello Wei, and how are you today Ky Shin? I have to agree with your father. That was not nice." He leaned in and whispered in her ear, "If your dad did not show up I would have let you have some more fun, but ya know I gotta be like him when he is around. Those stains come out he knows that." Ansatsu began laughing and looked at Wei. The seriousness on his face was just so funny, "Come on cousin. You never laugh. Fun is something everyone needs. Even jedi." He stopped laughing and patted Wei on the back. "So anybody up for shopping I need to get some equipment?"

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:47:04 AM
Wei scowled at his cousin. "Yes, we all need to have fun, but it's hard to relax in a dangerous place. I agree with Ansatsu here, let's go shopping for stuff," Wei said, trying to avert his daughter's attention from the place she was in.

Sep 14th, 2002, 10:52:40 AM
"Good point. Come on Ky Shin, I will get ya anything ya want. I have plenty of money. Anyway so what are you doing here anyway Ky Shin? That leads me to another question anybody know where I can get a new pillow for my bed. The old one is hard and uncomfortable?" Ansatsu knew the second question was a little odd, but oh well. It was true!

Ky Shin Wei
Sep 14th, 2002, 11:45:37 AM
Too late, since her father and Annie (as she apty calls her Father's cousin) were busy acting increably stupid, Ky had slipped off and out of the bar and down a back alley. Knowing those two it'd be awhile until they'd noticed she had taken off, so she walked quite calmly down and out of the alley into a crowd of people, planing on getting lost and having fun on her own.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 14th, 2002, 12:04:27 PM
"I don;t know."

Wei looked around and found that his daughter was gone. "She is a sneaky one. It's times like these I regret teaching her my grandpa's martial arts." Wei easily used the Force to track down his daughter.

"You will never learn, will you liebchen?" Wei was out the door in a flash, and headed to cut off Ky Shin. He loved his daughter, but she never seemed to listen to his advice anymore.

Ky Shin Wei
Sep 14th, 2002, 04:39:17 PM
She seemed to be almost running, that was until she bumped into a woman.

"I'm sorry Ma'am" Ky muttered under her breath, unfortunatly, this wasn't any normal passer-by. The woman had long, past the shoulders, brown hair, bright green eyes framed in a face that looked like that if the owner smiled her face would fall apart.

"Kyasha Shin Wei, just where is your Father?" the woman, who just happens to be Ange Tot, said to the now cringing teenager.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 14th, 2002, 04:45:47 PM
Wei ran down a street, and slammed into his frozen daughter. "There you are! I been looking all over for you! Your mother would be so mad if she were here right now!"

Wei noticed that Ky looked a little paler than she had been a minute ago. "Sweetheart, what;s the matter?" Wei turned to look and recoiled at the sigt of his wife, landing on his rear in a clumsy heap.

"Dear! How good to see you! I found our daughter! You were right, as always. She did indeed go to a bar." Wei moved to stand behind his daughter. "You are in more trouble than you could ever imagine, young lady," Wei whispered to Ky. Wei only hoped that he would still have a daughter when Ange was finished.

Ange Tot
Sep 14th, 2002, 04:55:47 PM
"Wei." she said in a flat emoitionless voice.

"I thought you were planning on training Ky abit today......In something consructive, not teaching her how to bar hop."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:00:07 PM
Wei straightened and looked straight ahead. "Yes, I was. But when I went to go find her for her training she had gone off somewhere."

Wei swallowed and continued. "I tracked her down to the bar, and was about to oust her from the establishment when Ansatsu came along and then she escaped out from under my nose. I was tracking her down, but you got to her first." Wei tensed. This was not good. Not for him, anyway.

Ange Tot
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:03:14 PM
Ange furrowed her brow and then looked at her daughter, and smiled slightly.

"Well, it's not your fault. I used to sneak off from home when I was alot younger than Ky, but next time I find out that....."

she left it hanging as she grinned slightly.

"Anyways, I'm supposed to be patrolling, see you two when I return to the living quaters." she spoke cheerfully as though she wasn't angry at all and continued off down the street to finish up her patrol route.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:04:35 PM
Wei sighed, and wiped his forehead with his sleeve. "We got off lucky. Now, Kyasha, let;s go have our training for the day."

Ky Shin Wei
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:07:14 PM
"Awwwwwwww...But Fatherrrrrrrrrrrrrr." she said almost pleadining, she really didn't want to train, she'd rather go off and fight Sith, like the other Jedi did.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:13:39 PM
Wei turned and looked at her daughter. "We will have practice today whether you like it or not. Until I am satisfied that you have the skill to fight a Sith, you will practice. And even after I have decided that you are ready to fight a Sith, you will still practice."

Wei gave Ky a hug. "But you ignored your responsibilities as a Jedi to learn and grow stronger. You cannot be a good Jedi if you are constantly ignoring your responsibilites. Now, it is time for your lesson. Let's go."

Ky Shin Wei
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:16:14 PM
"humph." she huffed, sticking her bottom lip out, in a pout. Then she got an idea.

"Dad, we should wait for Annie to catch up! Then we could go shopping like you said we could!"

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:21:42 PM
Wei sighed. "Shopping will come later. And Annie is more than likely already caught up to us. He is a master of stealth, and even the best Jedi have trouble trying to find him. Paitence is a lesson that I try to teach both you and your mother. It seems that you inherited your mother's impatience. Now, for the last time, we will have a lesson today and afterwards you can go shopping."

Ky Shin Wei
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:26:54 PM
Ky sighed, and hung her head low.

"Okay then.......I'll train." she turned in the direction of the Living Quaters and walked off shuffling her feet.

Sep 14th, 2002, 06:35:41 PM
Ansatsu jumped down from a roof top, "Wow, so glad you beleive in my abilities. Hey Wei I got and idea how about you let me teach her some of the Fuma style. I think she could benefit from it. Then you can go rest. Or we can both train her. Well?" Ansatsu smiled at him. He was glad he had family. He got behind Ky and slipped his hand in her pocket. Inside he had deposited some coins, "After training me and you will go shopping. I think if Wei wants to train you I will go practice too. Maybe if you are lucky you will get to see us fight. However, your dad will lose. I was always the better fighter." Ansatsu smiled and laughed a bit. "So ready to go?"

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 14th, 2002, 07:12:25 PM
Wei heard Ansatsu talking to Ky. "I will not lose and as to learning your Fuma style, you can take that up with the girl's mother. And why can't you leave all that spoiling business to het grandmother and grandfather? Now go away, we have training to do." Wei tried not to laugh, and barely succeeded. He would never get any training doen if Ansatsu stayed, and if he did not get any training done, Ange would have his head.

Sep 15th, 2002, 11:53:25 PM
Ansatsu looked at Wei, "Okay I guess I will meet you two back here okay. I am gonna go train a bit. I got a class to teach. See ya." Ansatsu stuck out his bionic arm and his grappling hook shot from the top of his hand. He clenched his fists and flew to the top of a building. He then ran from building top to building top. He was late to teach his students of the Fuma School.