View Full Version : Question regarding forum RP galaxies

Daemon Hyfe
Sep 13th, 2002, 05:02:55 PM
Some of you may or may not remember me, but it doesn't make much difference either way.

I just wanted to ask if anyone knew of any other high-calibre (or even just ACTIVE) Star Wars forum RPing environments that operate in a similar fashion as SWFans.

I currently RP and participate at TRF ( http://pub33.ezboard.com/bswalliance ) (sorry... couldn't help it), which is a great place, but a bit early in its evolution. It's only about a year old, and so, like all RP boards... has a large percentage of newbs and whiney kids. A few of us more experienced (I know I sound snooty) RPers are looking for other galaxies to try our hands at on the side.

But, despite what you may believe, its VERY hard to find any good SW forum RPing boards! I couldn't believe it. Half an hour of searching and I've found zilch!

If anybody has got any links to SW RP boards that they've been to and enjoyed, or have simply heard are good, it would be much appreciated if you could provide me with a link.

Many thanks.

(And "hey!" to all you old-timers!)

Commander Zemil Vymes
Sep 13th, 2002, 05:16:12 PM
This is the only one I would recommend, but I'm a bit partial :)

There's always SWRoleplay, The Gungan Council, The Marzullo Clan, and another one I can never remember. But I wouldn't invest my time at any of those. But thats just me and my preferences.

Nathanial K'cansce
Sep 13th, 2002, 05:40:26 PM
He knows TMC and TGC... *hides behind a shield*

I'd suggest SWRoleplay (http://www.swroleplay.com/forum/index.php?) as well... though, it relatively newer than TRF. (Even though it has some old time ..old timers... there)

Morgan Evanar
Sep 13th, 2002, 06:10:22 PM
The admins at SWRoleplay can read your password, so use something you wouldn't use for anything but that account.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 13th, 2002, 06:45:01 PM
Never found anywhere better than here.

Aki Raa
Sep 13th, 2002, 07:13:52 PM
I know of one place.

Star Wars Old Republic, I lost the link tho....

It's pretty good, most of the ppl are from TGC tho, so it's slow.

Sep 13th, 2002, 07:42:46 PM
You could always go to CC.net ;)

Commander Zemil Vymes
Sep 13th, 2002, 07:45:51 PM
Well, CC.net and the Marzullo Clan are now one and the same :)

Sep 13th, 2002, 07:51:16 PM




Commander Zemil Vymes
Sep 13th, 2002, 08:01:48 PM
lol go see for yourself, if you dare :p

Daemon Hyfe
Sep 16th, 2002, 03:14:44 PM
Anybody got anything that is not related to TGC or the Marzullos in any way...? :x :)

Sep 16th, 2002, 03:24:36 PM
I got a genuine question regarding SWR: When they broke off, did all of their associations with this Universe just cease to exist?

For example: If a character was in the GJO, turned to the Dark Side and joined TSE, then left this universe, do they still attribute part of their past to the GJO? Also, what happened to the GJO in their Universe? Did it cease to exist, or was it never really there?

As far as I'm treating TSE's disappearance: they simply vanished without a trace. This leaves the opportunity for some of their members to still come over here and post, if they felt so inclined. Perhaps it would be interesting to work on an IC excuse for why they vanished.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 16th, 2002, 05:35:12 PM

Whats wrong with us? :(

n/m don't answer that ;) :crack

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 16th, 2002, 05:40:16 PM

we had a BIG topic on this a few weeks ago. There are a few people that still play there old TSE chars here. He are just saying that the missin' ones just disseapered. I still play Chaos Alexander, but as a Rouge Sith for right now. Though I may move him to TSO or TBH very soon......

Sep 16th, 2002, 05:43:18 PM
Well, I wasn't asking so much as "What happened to them here?", but more of "What happened to us there?". To write off one group isn't that difficult... to write off an entire galaxy seems like something altogether different. In fact, I heard that they're not even acknowledging some people's ranks based on certain inconsistancies between the two universes.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 16th, 2002, 05:50:36 PM
I really don't know. I was told if I wanted to play Chaos over there, then I will keep my current rank. I guess they mean if you increase in rank here (Like Chaos going from Knight to Lord) then it doesn't count over there. To be honest I really don't know.


Odds are you have heard more than I have though. I am the last one to hear anything. I don't dought what you say though. I would think ones past at GJO would stick, but that is up to them I guess. I understand ya fully (Misread your first post, sorry if I sounded snotty didn't mean it to sound like it did)

Sep 16th, 2002, 05:58:44 PM
No prob, Verse-man. Just wondering how they account for the fact that basically everything but their group ceased to exist. :huh

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 16th, 2002, 06:00:10 PM
::answering some questions::

I think that you'd have to exist in our pasts, otherwise, our characters wouldn't have the experiance. I think the answer for TSE's disapearance was that it was sucked into the alternate universe. Although it leaves some large continuity errors, and there is already a reason for the disapearence posted here (which I don't agree with, but won't bother to argue since it's there and the people here who didn't like TSE are happy with), I'm not going to bother arguing with it.

And no, no hack in existance allows Admin to see the passwords.

Sep 16th, 2002, 06:02:31 PM
And no, no hack in existance allows Admin to see the passwords.Incorrect. Such as hack does indeed exist.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 16th, 2002, 06:05:57 PM
How would it be known if SWR uses it though? If no one but the admins knows, then technilcy, vBoard in general isn't safe to use at all. Besides, why would it matter? It's a game.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 16th, 2002, 06:05:58 PM
That has me thinking now. What is there story line? I don't see how they could have wrote out it all, but don't see how they can keep the stuff if they are no longer part of here. Tis all very confusing.

As for the PW's, I dought tehre is a hack there. Even if there was I have trust in the popel there. I will not argue about it or comment on that topic anymore though. That just has "Moster Arguement" written all over it like lipstick on a married man's collar.

Sep 16th, 2002, 06:09:34 PM
I'm not debating whether or not they have said hack installed there. I am stating, however, that such a hack exists.
Besides, why would it matter? It's a game. For one, most people use the same password on all the sites they visit. Having such a hack installed could allow someone to do everything from read your e-mail to make bids on E-Bay in your name.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 16th, 2002, 06:10:48 PM
Hell, just forget I said anything again.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 16th, 2002, 06:14:28 PM
I never thought of that to be honest. It makes sence though. In all sence of fairness, why would people even want to make a hack like that? That is just messed up.

Sep 16th, 2002, 06:20:46 PM
Nobody was saying "Don't go post there". Morgan simply said that, if you're going to post there, you should use a totally unique password there. In truth, people should use a unique password for every site they visit. But we don't, because it's convenient to have just one or two.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 16th, 2002, 06:32:09 PM
I don't because I will forget which one goes where. I am only 18 and already Senile...

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 16th, 2002, 06:35:23 PM
(which I don't agree with, but won't bother to argue since it's there and the people here who didn't like TSE are happy with),

Like it point out that the reason TSE left is mostly being hashed out by those at TSE who still want to RP here. Not the people that 'hate' TSE. Not everyone hates TSE here. There was a long thread of debate to help them out since they wanted some suggestions :) Which there were but ultimately it is up to them.

Granted, maybe not everyone has seen it or just wish to make up something in their own mind, which is what Nup said. It was his opinion and tt was the way he was handling it :: shrugs :: Not nice lumping people together saying they agree with something when that isnt the case :)

Personaly would have been nice when TSE decided to leave, have an idea what happened to them so the people that wanted to play at both boards could know what was going on but since that isn't the case, ya gotta make do and we can only do that by working together.


Sep 16th, 2002, 06:38:54 PM
Actually, I have an idea for how to explain TSE's disappearance. Could make for an interesting RP, and even provide the reason for TSR's existance. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 16th, 2002, 06:43:55 PM
ooh I wanna hear it. :)

Sep 16th, 2002, 06:45:51 PM
mebbe I'll post about it later. I want to look up the other explanations first, so I don't contradict anyone else.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 16th, 2002, 06:51:40 PM
Mebbe I'll actually catch you on AIM tonight.... *chases him around* :mneh

Nathanial K'cansce
Sep 16th, 2002, 06:55:59 PM
Firstly: As a semi staffer there... that hack has not, nor will not be implimtented at SWR.


Since Nup asked what a person who had a character in GJO here then went Sith at TSE.. how they'd explain stuff over there:

I'll answer that since that describes Snack to a T.

Snack still has in his past there that he was a Jedi Knight and part of a Jedi group. The name of the Jedi group he was apart of has yet to be mentioned in his RP that I'm currently doing there, and I doubt I will mention it. I actually don't see the need to detail out Snack's past in RP form, mentioning the names of past Masters (both Sith and Jedi .. besides 'father' who isn't part of any group). With me RPing basically the same character with almost the same background in three universes, it would drive me cooky to explain in detail the history through RP.

Maybe when I go to type up Snack's history section for the website, I'll do what I did before... write the pre-history and all the stuff that went on before the split.. then form the split just continue it with how I RP my character in the different Galaxies.. l

Ex: Snack was apprenticed as a Jedi under JK Leia Solo and reached Knight. He soon turned on the Jedi and joined TSE. Ogre tok him as an apprentice and he began to relearn the Sith Arts under the legendary Sith. Quickly rrising through the ranks, Snack reached the pinicale of his life when he was promoted to the Council of the Largest Sith group in the galaxy. Soon, though, what he grew accustomed to began to fade from his vision...

[enter link to SWR history here] [enter link to SWF history here]

As to an explination for here... *shrugs* do whatever. Though I do have one in a current RP here.. that I need to reply to... *dislikes schedule*

Hope that helped out some. :)

Admiral Lebron
Sep 16th, 2002, 07:01:17 PM
Hyfe I've been to many a places and I recommend this place. It's getting fairly diverse with groups and power balance to.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 17th, 2002, 10:37:23 AM
but more of "What happened to us there?".

We don't exist. Darius informed me that he was told that anything that went on with him and Vega there was not cannon and did not affect anything else in their universe.

Also, Vega has never existed at all - even though when I did show up in one thread, he was treated like a traitor because of his leaving to go to TBH, which technically never existed there so he could not have joined it anyway.

But hey, whatever.

Sep 17th, 2002, 02:59:25 PM
Originally posted by Nupraptor
I'm not debating whether or not they have said hack installed there. I am stating, however, that such a hack exists.For one, most people use the same password on all the sites they visit. Having such a hack installed could allow someone to do everything from read your e-mail to make bids on E-Bay in your name. To be completely factual, the hack that exists that is supposed to allow an admin to see a user’s PW is not functional, but there is another hack that allows an administrator to log in as any of the forum users. And that particular hack was supported by the owner/main admin at the SWR forums, as he assisted someone else with the install of it in the topic at the hacking forums. There has been some evidence that same owner may have also found a way to learn users PWs through his software because of another incident, though that is not proven, the PW may have just been guessed.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 17th, 2002, 08:40:43 PM
We don't exist. Darius informed me that he was told that anything that went on with him and Vega there was not cannon and did not affect anything else in their universe.

Also, Vega has never existed at all - even though when I did show up in one thread, he was treated like a traitor because of his leaving to go to TBH, which technically never existed there so he could not have joined it anyway.

But hey, whatever.

Here's what I do when referring to past events.

Xeno do not mention the group that the character was part of. I RP'ed with Darius, and Xeno mentioned Vega (Did you notice? ;)). Xeno never mentioned what group Vega was part of because he really didn't need to. But since it was part of Xeno's past, Vega did exist to him and no questions or comments were added by anyone.

Btw Vegz, Xeno just sees Vega as a traitor, at SWR, because of the very little incident that occured in the kidnapping thread here at SWF =P

Daemon Hyfe
Sep 18th, 2002, 04:18:36 PM
*cough cough cough hack hack*

I'll take all this... stuff... as a big resounding "NO" to my question on whether anyone has any recommendations what-so-ever as far as other SW RP boards go.

Thanks for trying.

Sith Ahnk
Sep 19th, 2002, 04:29:00 PM
I love ya little trooper.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Sep 19th, 2002, 04:35:58 PM

Sith Ahnk
Sep 19th, 2002, 06:41:44 PM
I'm sorry if it makes you jealous, but Hyfe is a sexy bitch indeed.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 19th, 2002, 08:30:07 PM
well, Hyfe, there are a lot of recommendations at the beginning of the thread ... things side tracked but people in the beginning did give you some linkies and suggestions :)

then yeah .. it got sidetracked :|