View Full Version : And the rest will come (open)

Sep 13th, 2002, 02:26:12 PM
The expression on his face was wistful as he sidled up to one of the bars on the massive ship. Not that he was unhappy or disappointed with his life. Far from it. He'd just been made a knight in the Sith Order, and this, aside from learning to fly a ship, was what he would have considered one of the great accomplishments of his lifetime.

He had a master that he admired and was 100 percent devoted to, a woman that he was in love with who returned these feelings, a several good friends within the Sith order that he could turn to. Everything was perfect really, except that his mother wasnt around to share in how well things were going.

For the longest time he'd told himself he was fine, and he was, but at such a happy time like this, he couldnt help but think of her, and wish she could see how things had turned out for him. He didnt think of his father, or at least he tried not to. He didnt know who the man was, and likely never would, but he couldnt help but wonder about the man now. Had his father been a sith before him?

He rolled his eyes at his silly questions in his head, and turned to the barkeep, a grin on his face. Those things didnt matter. The past didnt matter, only the future. And his looked rather bright - or dark depending on the point of view.

"Corellian Ale." He answered to the questionig expression, then took a seat, drumming his fingers absentmindedly on the marble surface of the bar as he waited for his drink to be served.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 13th, 2002, 03:54:33 PM
"Make that two." Dyzm told the barkeep as he slid into the chair next to his former apprentice. Turning an appraising eye on the newly made Knight, Dyzm examined him through the force.

"Your feelings are in a rollercoaster ride, going up, going down, going everywhich way. I can feel that you need questions answered, yet, you yourself do not know what the question is at times."

The servering man at this time returned with the drinks. Dyzm took one sip and grimiced. He was not one to drink often. He was a master of the mind, and drinking was something he did rarely, if at all. After taking another slow sip, Dyzm slowly pushed the drink away. Turning the barstool around so he could see the people gambling at the high stakes table, he watched.

Sep 16th, 2002, 09:30:06 AM
Make that two.

The presence and the voice were familiar, and Sasha turned to greet his former master. But before he could speak, the wise master spoke, summing up exactly what had been on the young knight's mind.

Sasha didnt reply at first. Instead he watched as Lord Dyzm took a drink of his ale, and then another one before he pushed it away in distaste. and then the young knight pushed his aside for the moment as well, and turned to gaze out on the casino as the master did.

He sighed softly.

"I suppose that isnt very becoming of a knight." He stated, his tone even, and respectful.

"Letting my emotions confuse me enough that I dont know what I should think or feel anymore."