View Full Version : Summoning. (Semi closed, Cherice, Aiden)
Kaytor Surna
Sep 12th, 2002, 09:29:19 PM
Kaytor lands the ship on the dark side of an unknown planet. She steped outside, followed by two others. The walk out onto a field and Kaytor glares at the male.
"Call her. You bring her here. I will do the rest. And remember, jedi. You have to tell her to bring the child."
Kaytor had already lost her patence with the two jedi that had ridden here with her. They had been slow to get on the ship.
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 15th, 2002, 04:11:25 PM
Wei Wu Wei stepped down out of the ship. "Me? Summon her? You wanted to confront her about this. But whatever."
Wei closed his eyes and reached out as far as he could, looking for Aiden's life force. Wei found it, after a long time searching. Wei sent a message to the area around Aiden.
Cherice, Kaytor wants to talk to you about Aiden. If you wouldn't mind, please bring Aiden with you. I'd like to visit with him a little.
Wei opened his eyes and looked at Kaytor. I contacted her, I hope. If not her, Aiden is sure to have heard me.
Ange Tot
Sep 15th, 2002, 04:18:53 PM
She had come, more less for Wei, and she glared at kaytor, but didn't said anything or put in her two cents. She just waited for Cherice and the kid to show up.
Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 15th, 2002, 07:20:25 PM
Cherice's fingers glided over the keys of the piano, playing softly as her eyes were closed. Aiden was on the floor besides the piano, playing with "Eugune", his teddy bear.
"Cherice, Kaytor wants to talk to you about Aiden. If you wouldn't mind, please bring Aiden with you. I'd like to visit with him a little."
Her fingers crashed down on the keys, breaking the soft melody. Aiden glanced up at her with concern written all over his face. Withdrawing her hands from the piano, Cherice placed them on her temples. It was that cursed Jedi again - Wei. Just count on him invading her mind with his mental speech.
"Aiden, did you hear it too?"
Looking down at the child, he nodded in confirmation. Great, not only couldn't Wei leave her alone, he had to bother the kid. Frowning, she pushed the stool back and stood up, stretching.
"Tell me Aiden - Have you ever ridden in a spacecraft?"
After boarding her ship, Siren's Call, Cherice went into the cockpit and sat down in the seat, setting the coordinates for where Wei had later told her to go. After that was done, she did a systems check before setting it on auto-pilot. The ship rose and flew out of Corellia's atmosphere, whereas it was put on hyperspace. If one looked out the window, you could see the stars streaking past as planets in the distance spun on their axel.
"I packed some snacks before we left," said the Succubi after walking out to where Aiden was. There was enough room for two small chairs, and he had already claimed one. Smiling slightly, she indicated towards a pouch on the floor with her hand. Sitting down in the other chair, a sigh escaped her lips as she closed her eyes. Why was everyone causing her so much trouble over Aiden? It wasn't like she was going to hurt him.
Two Hours Later
They had flown in through the planet's atmosphere and landed somewhat roughly, but nothing was damaged. After making sure Aiden was fine, Cherice went into the cockpit and opened the hatch. Jumping down, she landed in a crouch then indicated for him to do the same. Catching the kid in her arms, she set him down gently on the ground then grabbed his hand. Holding it protectively, Cherice began to walk towards where she felt the Force Signature of Wei.
"Guess what? Wei is going to be here."
Her words were enthusiastic, but she was not. The planet looked like it survived about everything - but died in the end. There was no indication of life anywhere; No plants, no water, no animals. The only thing that was present was the dirt underneath their feet. After walking for about fifteen minutes, the two arrived where Kaytor, Wei, and Ange were.
"Hello," she said curtly, voice monotone.
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 15th, 2002, 07:31:10 PM
Wei smiled at Cherice. "Sorry to trouble you. I would have never thought to contact you unless Kaytor here hadn;t made me do it. I hope you and Aiden have been having fun together." Wei turned and looked away. He knew Cherice was not happy with him, and to tell the truth, he wasn;t really happy with himself.
Kaytor Surna
Sep 15th, 2002, 08:52:32 PM
Kaytor, by this time, was beyond patence. She glanced at the jedi and grabed her sword. Her gaze changed to the demon infront of her.
"What is your use of the boy other then to atempt to train him in the way of pain. Children are to weak to be trained that way."
Kaytor glared at her, glanceing momentarily at the boy at her side.
Ange Tot
Sep 16th, 2002, 05:46:08 PM
the though flashed in Ange's thoughts for a second, but she dismissed it and shook her head and stepped foreward.
"Kaytor, you said that there would be no fighting. If you wish to fight Cherice do it on your own time. We are only here to see how the boy is, and see how his new mother is doing in taking care of him."
Yeah, that shocked her too. But it seemed like the right thing to say at the moment.
Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 18th, 2002, 05:54:08 PM
"And since when was I going to train him in the way of pain?! You, a Vampyre, dare ask me how I raise the child ?"
She spat out the last words, disgust dripping off of her words.
"I have no reasons to discuss the boy's wellbeing with you. As you can see, he's perfectly fine. No harm has come to him in any way," she said, while gesturing towards Aiden with one hand.
"I hope I made myself clear. Now -- is this why you dragged me out all the way here ? To the middle of nowhere ?"
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 18th, 2002, 06:41:16 PM
Wei beckoned for Ange to sit with him. He felt worse and worse as each second wore on. Kaytor was getting nowhere fast. Wei just wanted to go home. He never should have come.
"Ange..." he said, he voice low, and full of pain.
Aiden Rennure
Sep 18th, 2002, 09:53:47 PM
Already thrilled with having had a ride in a real spaceship, Aiden was oblivious to the tension. He was too caught up in the euphoria of the ride and seeing Wei again. He waved excitedly, as if worried that he wouldn't be seen.
"Wei! Wei! It's me!"
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 18th, 2002, 09:58:31 PM
Wei wiped his eyes before turning his face to Aiden.
"Hey buddy! How's it going? Are you and Cherice having fun? It's good to see you!" Wei smiled and tried to be happy.
Wei knew Cherice would not let Aiden near him, but Wei took what he could get.
Aiden Rennure
Sep 18th, 2002, 10:03:11 PM
"Great! How are you?"
His eyes narrowed, scrutinizing the man.
"Have you been eatin' your vegetables 'cause you don't look as big anymore. You might be shrinking!"
Aiden's eyes widened. Could people shrink? Wei wasn't any smaller but it had been a while since the boy had seen him and Aiden had grown ever so slightly.
Pulling at Cherice's hand, he moved towards Wei. He looked up at her.
"I gotta give Wei a hug! It's not polite if I don't an' I don't want the bogey man to come an' get me fer not havin' good manners."
Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 18th, 2002, 10:05:50 PM
A smile tugged at her lips as she looked down at Aiden.
"You don't have to ask me to give Wei a hug."
She looked up at the Jedi before quickly glancing at Kaytor, scowling. It was nice to see Aiden so overjoyed, especially seeing his "old friend" again, but not under circumstances like this.
Aiden Rennure
Sep 18th, 2002, 10:11:16 PM
Aiden smiled briefly at Cherice before running over to Wei. He jumped at the man, eyes bright.
"I missded you so much! It's been almost forever since I sawed you!"
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 18th, 2002, 10:20:52 PM
Wei caught Aiden and plopped the little boy down on his knee, giving him a big hug.
"That it has been. So, what you been up to? Had any adventures recently?"
Wei smiled and laughed. "Wait, I'll be back soon." Wei set Aiden down on the ground, re-entered Kaytor's ship and returned with Aiden's little red backpack. "Guess who left some things in my room?" Wei sat down again and gave Aiden his backpack.
Aiden Rennure
Sep 18th, 2002, 10:35:09 PM
"Alright! My bag!"
Aiden kept one arm around Wei and unzipped the bag with the other. After a quick check he nodded, happy. He squeezed Wei tightly.
"Thanks Wei! Now I got my favoritest pajamas!"
He pointed to the bag and smiled at Cherice.
"See? Wei brought my bag so now I can show Eugene all a my stuff!"
Suddenly realizing that Wei had not met Eugene, Aiden smacked his forehead comically. He held up the bear.
"Wei, this is Eugene, Eugene this is Wei, my bestest frien' in the whole world!"
Leaning closer to Wei he lowered his voice and covered his mouth with a hand so that Eugene couldn't read his lips.
"He's a little shy when he meets new peoples."
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 18th, 2002, 10:39:38 PM
Wei smiled and nodded. "A lot of people are like that. That they are."
Wei reached his hand out to Eugene. "Hello, Eugene. My name is Wei Wu Wei. But you can call me Wei, just like Aiden does."
Wei was happy that Aiden had his things back. He was also happy about Aiden's new friend. Wei had a stuffed tiger when he was Aiden's age.
Aiden Rennure
Sep 19th, 2002, 02:49:29 PM
The child smiled, making Eugene's paw 'shake' Wei's hand. He held the bear up to his ear and nodded.
"Eugene says hello."
That said, Aiden rested his head against Wei's chest. For the first time, he noticed the others. Eyebrows creasing in thought, Aiden tried to remember them. One of the ladies looked familiar but the other was a stranger.
"Wei... who are your friends?"
He whispered.
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 19th, 2002, 03:22:56 PM
Wei let out a big sigh and turned to Kaytor. "That lady talking to Cherice is Miss Kaytor. The other lady here is Miss Ange. Ange is a very special friend of mine, buddy. Why don;t you go say hello to her?"
Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 20th, 2002, 09:57:25 PM
As for the moment, Kaytor had decided to go "mute", allowing Cherice to divert her attention to Wei and Aiden. The Jedi had been kind enough to return the boy's items he had left behind - no doubt brightening the child's day.
Aiden Rennure
Sep 21st, 2002, 04:03:23 PM
Aiden hesistantly slipped off Wei's knee and walked shyly to Ange. He bit the nail of his index finger, suddenly uncharacteristically bashful.
"Hi. I'm Aiden. You're Miss Ange, Wei's special frien' right?"
Ange Tot
Sep 21st, 2002, 04:11:33 PM
She looked down at Aiden and smiled.
"Yup, that I am, Aiden. Hmmm...."
She had put her hands in the pockets of her coat and got a look of concentration on her face.
"A-ha! Here it is." she held out and orange lolliepop in front of her and frowned. "Drat it's orange, I don't know anyone who likes Orange ones. Do you Aiden?"
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 22nd, 2002, 05:17:58 PM
Wei suddenly smiled. It felt good to be acting like a kid again. "She don;t know anyone who like orange lollies. I likey orange lollies," Wei said under his breath, but loud enough for Aiden to hear.
Aiden Rennure
Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:42:16 PM
Aiden grinned and covered Wei's mouth with a hand, hoping Ange hadn't heard.
"I like 'em Miss Ange!"
Ange Tot
Sep 23rd, 2002, 03:14:03 PM
"You do?!"
she said with mock surprise.
"Well then, I'll just have to let you have it then."
she knelt down and held the lolli out to Aiden.
Aiden Rennure
Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:11:31 PM
Aiden took it, smiling.
"Thanks! You're okay for a grown up Miss ANge."
He turned to CHerice before opening the candy.
"Can I eat it now or do I hafta wait 'till later?"
Sometimes, when it was close to mealtimes, he had to wait to eat sweets.
Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 24th, 2002, 07:47:10 PM
"You can eat it now ... Looks like we won't be eating dinner for some time."
It was nice of Ange to offer Aiden a lollipop, but the thing that only caused a worry was Kaytor. What was her mind up to now ?
Aiden Rennure
Sep 29th, 2002, 03:21:27 PM
Aiden wasted no time in ripping off the plastic covering and sampling the candy. It wasn't long before his face was coated with a thin layer of sticky suger. As if suddenly remembering the others, the boy pulled out the candy and held it up.
"Anyone wanna try it? It's good, I promise!"
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 30th, 2002, 08:15:21 AM
Wei smiled. "No thanks, Aiden. You can have it to yourself."
Wei didn;t feel like having a lollie at the moment. He was getting worried. Kaytor was too quiet.
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