View Full Version : An Evil Amongst Friends: Vampyres only

Sep 12th, 2002, 07:53:40 PM
The rat scurried across the lavish red carpet, making its way up between the tall shelving that hosued the books of the damned. Oblivious to the knowledge of hatred and evil that had been put to paper and stored in the very shrine it lived in.

The Back of the chair resembled a spine complete with ribs extending from the vertibrae from its bottom to were the librarians head rested.

Vergis sat slumped in the great librarians chair, his limbs resting over the crafted bone furniture. Though his eyes remained open his expression was of long time dead, fortified against the eternal whispering of the library of books.

The rat inquizitivley raised its head to sniff at the librarians shoe, a cold blue metalic plating that matched the skin tight moon blue armour that encased the Vampyre like an exo-skeleton. Yet the rat sensed no life, no heat from this body.

The rat extended its body and clambered onto the cold metalic foot before cautiously crawling up the unfamiliar terrain until is found a little comfort spot on the corpses cold crotch. It curled around itelf looking for something of interest when it felt its neck snap.

The cold hand of Nathan Vergis had instinctivley reached for the rodent in his Vampyre manner, and brought the rat to his deathly white lips. Rats blood was not for the conissuer, but Nathan had never been that fussy. After all, in his life he had been an Insurance Investigator.

In his death he maintained the Books of the Damned, and their cursed converstation a constant reminder that his eternity was not one to have requested. The warm red blood trickled from the Vampyres blue cold lips, the first drop spilled in the Vampyres un-natural life.

But in the ironic sense that when one was cursing the books that constantly spoke to him, one book would have to have mentioned something of interest. Could it be? The name was vague, and Nathan knew that he himself had never heard the syllables before, but the name was impossibly weighed down with power and intrigue.

For the first time in several weeks, the thinly wasting vampyre stood from the chair and regained his former self within seconds of leaving the cursed seat. His pearl white skin regained little colour though, it would take more than a meer rat to refuel his flesh. Without attention Vergis discarded the drained rodent to the floor and made his way to the Vampyre's inner sanctums. There was much to discuss....

Kaytor Surna
Sep 12th, 2002, 08:07:39 PM
Kaytor looked up as Vergis passed by her. She rose to her feet and walked towards the elder vampire. He looked rather pale like he hadn't fed in atleast a day.

He knew that she was walking after her but he kept walking. He had a way of knowing when she was near him. She quickly caught up with him as they were walking. She walked silently beside him for a few moments then finaly spoke up.

"My lord. Are you feeling alright tonight? You seem to have something on your mind. Might I ask what or is it none of my buisness?"

Kaytor was used to hearing things like "It's none of your buisness" about things around the Shrine. She had only just been admited and few things concerned her at the time. She half expected this to be one of those times.

Sep 13th, 2002, 04:43:20 AM
The Vampyre stopped his charge to the elders. Instead he decided that he had made an eror in not inviting his student Kaytor immediatley after the terror had revealed itself. He turned and looked at his darker skinned companion, in many respects she could have been his very own daughter. And in many ways she was his daughter, at least a daughter of darkness.

"My child. The books have revealed something to me, in which we must hurry ourselves to the Queen. She most of all must be made aware of this." He spoke in his usual unhurried manner which was grosley contradictory of his stance and words. He could see that she truly needed to know, to understand. She had been left out of things a little too much since she had arrived at the shrine. But ironic as death could be, this time she probably would have wished not to be involved.... His thoughts corrected themselves after he stared at her strong willed eyes, no there is strength in her, "Come with me, we shall tell the Queen together." He snapped around on the balls of his left foot, allowing his cape to flow around him like a black mist and continued his charge toward their mistress, the Queen of the Damned.

Kaytor Surna
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:34:07 AM
Kaytor felt her masters cloak flow and hit her left side. She stood for seconds, watching her master walk away then quickly caught up with him.

They travled through many passages that Kaytor had never been down. She had never gone to see the Queen and was a bit courious about it. She didn't let her master know what she was thinking though. Or tried not to. She kept a stern face and only looked around with her eyes. She didn't even move her head.

After a while of walking in silence with Nathan, Kaytor lowered her head.

Tomak Ohara
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:42:00 AM
Tomak stepped into the library seeking a book on his clan. He saw Kaytor and Nathan over both looking worried. Nathan began heading out. He jumped out in the way of Nathan. His wings spread. "What may I ask are you doing? Kaytor do you know what is going on? I am quite clueless." Tomak gave a puzzled look. He moved out of Nathan's way. "So what is the matter?"

Sep 14th, 2002, 11:46:09 AM
Vergis looked at Tomak in an absent hostile and vacant way, which had become accustomed to by all vamypre that knew him. His curse was not to see the beauty but the evil and decay. "We have news for the mother." His words seemed effortless and unhurried for someone who needed to speak with the Queen of the damned.

"We?" Kaytor began to ask, but then realised that she had known all along what Nathan needed to see the Queen about. Her expression bacame as sharp as the nights air, and she held her gaze at her teacher.

"Vampyre blood is being spilled." Vergis began to say when...

Empress Ashiva
Sep 14th, 2002, 12:43:53 PM
The light was dim as usual in the huge chamber of the queen. Candle light flickered castings withering shadows on the walls. Screaming faces and tormented lives. It was what Ashiva dreamed of in her endless sleep. The opulent surrounding spoke of true wealth and power, each item lovingly placed and kept clean by the guardians of the damned.. If the mother noticed there was no sign from her cold hard face. Her green eyes were closed a faint glimmer could be seen in the slit of them, that is if anyone dared to approach her.

She had not stirred in quiet some time. She was preparing herself for what lay ahead. She had met with Alana and Tatiana briefly to bestow on them her gift and now it seemed others sought her. There were not many who would approach the Queen in this manner, only Pandora had full access to her and even she tread carefully.

Ashiva knew Nathan had news for her. As she knew things were changing. It was almost time for her to move from her sweet slumber. She waited, her eyes opening further, for them to reach the door. They would not be able to pass without her offering them entrance into her dark presence. She would call one and listen to what needed to be said....

Valirion Thorn
Sep 16th, 2002, 10:35:46 PM
:: Valirion stumbled into the library, only to find a group of people. He saw Kaytor and Tomak, the two ex jedis had a dumb look on their face staring at this other vampire in the room. But unlike the others, this one smelled older and stronger than the others, a sense of real vampirism emanated from this one. Valirion stpped back out of the way. The vampire seemed to carry himself with a hint of purpose, that was a lot to the vampires that had actually detached themselves from their weak mortality, like the other two. He smiled beneath his helmet. To see the purpose coming off of this other vampire was something to take his mind off this boredom.::

Can I be of any assistance?

Kaytor Surna
Sep 17th, 2002, 08:07:47 PM
Kaytor nodded to her master and looked at the other two as they came. Her eye's caught Tomak's and she quickly looked away.

"Yes I know what is going on. But I do not know of who I am aloud to tell about it. From what I know, I will stay here until summoned by the mother."

Kaytor looked up at her master again, waiting for him to tell her otherwise.