View Full Version : Tieing Up Old Ends (Alera, Black Rider)

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 12th, 2002, 07:32:20 PM
Wraith wondered about in an old ancient and abandoned temple just outside of Naboo. Nighttime had fallen upon the shelter where Wraith now walked. He had come to meet the black rider, for he was to lead him to Alera, an old enemy. This was something that he longed to finish back at the village with Alera and Jeran. All of his allies had left so abruptly that he did not get the chance to end the battle. Something interesting pondered in Wraith's mind. There was something about Alera......something of great importance that he had to figure out. Hopefully the black rider would be the one to lead him to her. Wraith shifted on one of the staircases of the great temple to stare out beyond the woods. Several presences in the force could be felt outside in the woods, slowly advancing. Wraith would either greet them with respect or a vengeful and bitter death.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 13th, 2002, 12:17:22 AM

He sniffed the air. Crouching silently in the old forest, he could smell the familiar smell. It was all too familiar, as far as he was concerned. He let the air clear as adrenaline and anger flushed his system.

"Wraith," he said aloud. He could tell. He had come here looking for something else...someone else. But he hadn't expected to run into the man here. It didn't matter--it wouldn't matter. He woud take care of it here and now if need be.

As he stalked towards the heart of the presence, he saw the old temple. It looked good--now it was covered in vines--back to nature, he thought. He felt others near--he didn't know how many, but he could tell that one was at least friendly.

Good, he thought. I need someone who can help me here...who knows what that scum has up his sleeve...

The Black Rider
Sep 13th, 2002, 09:04:58 AM
The woods were home to many things--most natural, some not. Man made structures of old erected from blistered hands. Some things were mysterious--some things not. Some things were dangerous...and where these things were, The Black Rider could be found.

A steady mist seem to flow into the temple like water as Wraith Frostmourne stood in the old foyer. As the doors flew open, a dark hooded figure seemingly glided in with the oncoming fog.

"A chill wind blows and with it sweeps the cold warrior Wraith Frostmourne," a million whispers in the bowells of the hall spoke at once around the Sith as The Rider enetered the room. He came closer to the man and gazed into his face. Truly a terrible sight, The Rider posed no threat to the Sith. They would work in conjunction and, because of that, violence between the two was not needed. The Rider was impressed by the man--a true warrior full of anger and agression. The kind of warrior he had been. he was pleased to see the potential in the boy. He would become a great terror.

"I passed through the forest silently--my mount left behind for that purpose. At least two threats menace us in those woods...one Jeran the Hunter. I passed beside him and thought to strike him. His thoughts, however, saved him. You know him...well." The Rider's voice faded. He drew a deep breath to revitalize his vocal cords and spoke again. "I will not interfere with his 'hunt' of the prey. Although, he will find, that if he comes alone, pain will be the trophy of this hunt."

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 13th, 2002, 02:02:39 PM
"Your are truely correct dark one. I have seen what powers Jeran possesses. They are defintiely powerful no doubt. And then there is my further concern for Alera. Something signifigant about her bothers me. She hides something of great importance that is unknown to me. Wherever Jeran crawls, Alera is sure to follow." Wraith stood with his arms crossed, facing the nameless terror in front of him. "They are near, both of them. Together we will ice them both out. They show no opposition worthy of our attention." Taking several steps forward, Wraith walked about, waiting for the Jedi to show themselves. His gaze shifted to the large stone doors that concealed the entrance to the temple, as a noise came from behind them. If it was one of the two Jedi, he would be sure to great them with miserable and horrid woe.

Alera Starreyes
Sep 13th, 2002, 03:01:15 PM
Alera had been wandering, gathering her thoughts, when she sensed Jeran. He was nearby. She must have been too lost in thought to notice before - she should have noticed him long ago. Paying more attention to her senses, she sensed at least two other familiar presences...
Alera silently walked through the woods until she came close enough to see Jeran. She sent a message to him through the Force as she quietly came closer. -Hello, Jeran.-

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:44:11 PM
Wraith slowly pushed the stone doors open with the force. His shadowy figure silently stepped outside to recognize the threat. It was nothing. Nothing could be seen from atop the stairs of the great temple but the vast woods. The black Rider approached him from behind. He could sense the Jedis out there, somewhere, hiding within the forest. He would let them come to him first.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:24:38 PM
Hello Jeran

The words came into his head. He sniffed the air--he had been unaware of her but now he caught her scent and presence. It was Alera.

Alera...how did you...why are you... He had many questions and was a bit startled--and excited--to see her. He stood and walked closer to her. He was less than a meter away from her now, and it did him good to see her.

"I...I'm glad to see you." He spoke softly. His dirty, weathered features turned soft as he said this. He had thought much about her lately. Remembering the time in the old village...in the darkness.

Alera Starreyes
Sep 15th, 2002, 05:29:12 PM
Alera smiled a little. "It's good to see you too. Sorry if I startled you..." She blushed a little. "I couldn't really think of any less startling way to get your attention... What are you doing out here?" She reached out with her senses on a hunch, searching...
"Following Wraith?" she guessed. She'd gotten the feeling the last time she'd seen the two of them that they had some unfinished business ahead of them.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 17th, 2002, 10:45:26 PM
"Good to see you," his words stumbled as he admired her. She was so pretty and wholesome. He was truly glad to be in her presence. It made him at ease, and for a minute he lost his train of thought.

At the mention of the Sith's name, his senses flared. He was in pursuit of the warrior and would not give up on the hunt.

"Yeah...I have been tracking him." He stopped to look at her again. "But it is reassuring that you are near. Maybe we could have a chance to rest and talk--" He felt Wraith's presence. It was like a door had opened, and Wraith's smell poured into forest.

The Black Rider
Sep 17th, 2002, 11:00:08 PM
The Rider came to the door where Wraith was. The chill the eminated off of the warrior was pleasant to him--he, of the cold himself. He looked out into the forest.

"They will be here soon. I agree with your thoughts." He squeezed out of ancient vocal chords, reading Wraith's want to wait on them. "They have found each other. Cute, isn't it? At least maybe the hunter will find himself on his death bed next to his unspoken love." The Rider read into the hunter, Jeran. He could tell that there was more to his interaction with Alera than reached the eyes of most.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 18th, 2002, 02:06:44 PM
The two black warrior stood upon the high entrance of the temple. The sun was begining to set upon the forest. Soon it would be night, and the fight would begin. He turned and walked inside, expecting the rider to follow him. If the Jedis were in their right mind, they would make the first move.

Alera Starreyes
Sep 18th, 2002, 03:14:00 PM
Alera sensed it too. "I'm not certain that's a good idea at the moment... best to keep on our guard. Especially with him here."
She looked at him questioningly. "Do you want help? I mean, I understand if you want to deal with him yourself, but I could maybe hang around... in case you get into trouble..."

Jeran Conrad
Sep 19th, 2002, 01:33:15 AM
"Hey--I never asked anyone for help, got that?" He snapped at her with an abruptness she had felt from him before--when he left the night they met. "I can do this by myself. I ain't no whimp and I sure as hell don't need nobody to look after me. Got it?" He got close to her face and his anger quit. He found himself calmed by her breath. He turned sharply, embarassed by himself, and walked away.

"If you wanna stay it'll be on your own accord--it ain't on my conscience." He tried to act tough, but it was hard. He wanted her around. Badly. But he would never admit it--never.

Alera Starreyes
Sep 19th, 2002, 04:14:40 PM
Alera stared at his back curiously. She wasn't truly upset with him - she knew he wasn't really angry with her - though she was a little hurt. She just wondered why he acted so strangely. Why he was pushing her away.

Is it his pride that won't let him ask for help? She wondered. She was sensing... strange things from him.

"I understand," she said softly. She paused, then sighed. She didn't know whether to stay or leave. Maybe because she didn't know if he wanted her to stay or leave.

"I'll stay, then," she said at last. "I owe you, remember?"

Jeran Conrad
Sep 20th, 2002, 09:22:58 AM
He thought about it and he did remember. She had a point. He was happy--at least now he could use something practical to mask the fact that he really wanted her to stay.

"Yeah, I do. Ok...but stick close to me. I don't want you to get hurt." He waited for her to catch up and stalked closer to the temple. He could feel Wraith in there. He was definitely here. But he felt something else--something very menacing. Like a shadow or a cloud darkening the light around him. It wasn't Wraith's usual signature. He could only wonder now.

"Do you feel something else...cuz I ain't sure what's in there..."

The Black Rider
Sep 20th, 2002, 09:50:09 AM
The Rider's head snapped to the side abruptly. Despite masking his Force signature, he could tell that Jeran had felt him. At first, frusterated by his lack of concentration on the matter, he cursed himself. But after reasoning, he realized it made little difference. With knowledge of his presence or none, he would still destroy them both.

Now, it was the waiting game. The flies would come to the spider. He scanned the room for tactice--there were two stone statues above the door. He could collapse them to seal the two in. The pillars that supported the cieling above could be used to crush them, if need be. He hoped to spill their blood on his own hands first, however.

"It is time to take our places, young warrior. Keep your wits and keep common sense--you know you are more powerful than the two we face. Remember that--do not doubt yourself. It will end this day," he hissed and lowered his head to the warrior. His words were meant to rouse the fighting spirit in Wraith and he hoped they would work. He slipped back into the shadows to conceal himself from the eyes of Alera and the hunter.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 20th, 2002, 05:07:01 PM
Wraith acknowledged the black riders words with respect. He was right. It would end here and now, once and for all. He walked towards the center of the room. It did not matter if they saw him or not. They already knew he was here, it did not matter. Let my presence be known he told himself. Wraith would be the decoy, while the rider in the shadows, would take things into his own hands.

Alera Starreyes
Sep 20th, 2002, 05:34:44 PM
Alera concentrated on her senses at Jeran's words. Suddenly she realized what had been niggling at the edge of her mind - that... darkness. Something dark and shadowy lurked just beyond her perception.

"Yes," she murmured, "I feel something..." She shuddered. "I don't like it. Not at all."

Jeran Conrad
Sep 21st, 2002, 01:04:03 PM
"Ok...stick close to me." He looked into her eyes. "I don't want you to get hurt. I couldn't live with my--" He stopped, still looking at her. He finally broke eye contact and moved towards the old temple, keeping low so as not to reveal his presence fully.

He motioned Alera to follow him and crept closer to the temple. He could almost smell Wraith--that putrid, cold smell the Sith carried with him. He wanted to see the man first before he made any great moves, so he kept close and waited...

Alera Starreyes
Sep 21st, 2002, 03:23:11 PM
Alera blinked as Jeran stopped himself in the middle of his sentence, as he broke eye contact walked away. She got the feeling she'd sensed something important in his eyes, something she should know... then she shook the feeling off and followed him.

The young woman concentrated to obscure her Force signature, making sure to stay close to Jeran.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 21st, 2002, 04:29:04 PM
Wraith stopped and turned abruptly. This would never work. He knew Jeran. The Jedi was smarter than this, to walk into an open trap. He walked back outside. "Jeran!" He yelled out into the vast forest from atop the temple stairs. They already knew Wraith was there. The Jedi would have to be drawn to him. This was the only way he could think of. He stood there, waiting to walk inside the minute one of the Jedi showed up.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:20:14 AM

"Wraith..." Jeran growled as he heard the man call his name. His head cocked. He thought it odd that Wraith would call him out so forcefully. Usually, the Sith was a master of suprise and used traps to counter Jeran's intelligence and care. But this time, it seemed as though he was just ready to fight.

Jeran stood--coming out of his hiding place--and let Wraith see him fully. He let his cloak off and licked his lips. It was almost time to start the melee--and he couldn't wait. So many things had happened between the two--On Gias, Coruscant, and Hoth. It seemed as though the rivalry would never end--not untill on of them was dead.

In that moment, he lost control of himself, forgetting about the nagging feeling in his stomach. He could only smell Wraith's blood and now he would exact it. He sprung forward, almost running towards Wraith. He forgot about Alera and all other things.

"Right here, ice cube!" He shouted, igniting his saber.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 23rd, 2002, 02:00:33 PM
Wraith watched the Jedi approach with a fury as he stepped back several feet. Before Jeran had a chance to swing, Wraith backflipped into the center of the temple. This drew the hunter into his trap. Instantly the doors closed behind him. All that could be seen was the glow of his sabre, while Wraith stood unseen do to the blackness of the chamber. Night had fallen and the only light was coming from the stars through narrow slits in the walls. Wraith circled the Jedi but did not yet ignite his scythe. He would toy with him for a while. Meanwhile, another shadow moved in the dark.......

The Black Rider
Sep 23rd, 2002, 05:54:13 PM
Indeed, his shadowy figured stirred silently in the darkness of the temple. He had hidden his signature now--every trace they had picked up before was now gone, like a smell that whisped with the wind and tickled the nose, only to blow away immediately. The Rider spoke to Wraith in his mind:

Excellent, brave warrior. Draw him in. Let him be blinded by the darkness that will destroy him...and destroy him, it will.

He had faith that Wraith knew exactly what he was doing and would not interfere. The time would come--soon. He was impatient...he had waited for this moment for too long. But he would wait. After centuries of patience, a few moments were nothing to the ancient warrior.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 25th, 2002, 08:50:37 AM

The doors locked behind him and he realized the two were now separated. It was pitch dark--his eyes adjusted to the brightness, but still could see nothing. He tried to let the Force feel for him--but there were so many disturbances. It seemed as though a cold shadow kept his thoughts from seeing.

His blue saber lit the air around him, glowing to reveal the details of his face and maybe all things up to a meter in a circle around him. He caught glimpses of Wraith's cold smile as he could feel the Sith circling him. He would not strike, as he could not be sure where he was.

"You wanna pull some of this crap on me, huh? I can blindfight--don't doubt me." He got a slight bit nervous at the predicament, but he would stay calm.

Alera, he spoke into the Force, be careful. Take care of yourself...I don't want anything to happen to you...because I... his thoughts trailed as thought against speaking.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 25th, 2002, 08:10:34 PM
The Jedi still stood somewhere near the very center of the temple. His loss of sight in the darkness did not seem to hinder him. Wraith decided not try anything out of his reach. "Let it begin then....." Wriath ignited his scythe right infront of the Jedi, catching Jeran off guard. The element of surprise was on the Sith's side. The blade of his scythe came down in an arc, and the Jedi's sabre answered its call. Wraith stared him in the face with an evil grin. Unlcoking weapons, Wraith pushed himself back. He landed and prepared to engage in battle. All that could be seen in the blackness were the two blades of the warriors, while the hum of the weapons was the only sound.

Alera Starreyes
Sep 25th, 2002, 08:13:12 PM
Alera glared furiously at the doors that separated her and Jeran. This would complicate things. Her first impulse was simply to use her saber to cut through the door, but something told her not to just jump in. And after all, she was only here as a back-up, in case Jeran needed her.
She nodded as she heard his message, frowning slightly as he trailed off. She would have questioned him, but sensed now was not the time. You be careful too, Jeran. Watch your back.
The young woman sighed, then placed her palms on the doors and closed her eyes, concentrated hard on using the Force to permit her to see what was going on inside the chamber...

Jeran Conrad
Sep 26th, 2002, 07:21:23 AM
No argument from this warrior.

The melee began. It was swift and sharp--like it always was with Wraith. The two men seemed to read each other fairly well, now. Many times they had met in battle, each time more fiercely and more deadly than the last.

Jeran watched the Sith by following the light of his blade. He could see the grinning face of Wraith casting a cold shadow on his neck. He kept his eyes on the man. The Sith would not escape him this time.

He let go of a swift combo of attacks--all blocked by Wraith. After the short slashes, he went low, slashing for Wraith's knees. The Warrior blocked as well.

What is up yer sleeve? he thought, as he noticed Wraith was not battling him with the usual tenacity. He wondered if coming in her was a mistake.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 26th, 2002, 03:49:56 PM
Wraith blocked the attacks from Jeran with ease as their sabres danced in the darkness. Another swing came towards Wraith. He stepped aside and parried under it. Landing a quick blow with his elbow to the Jedi's side. Using the momentum of his strike he came around with a slash to the warriors head.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 27th, 2002, 09:03:40 AM
The slash came down strongly, aimed at Jeran's head. He dodged the swipe--barely--and rolled to his left. Something tickled the back of his neck--as if the shadows behind him were breathing or moving or something. He stood and brought his saber up, going in for a strong swipe at Wraith. The two blades came together in a splash of sparks that ignited the room for a moment. He though he saw a figure in the corner--but was not sure.

As the two held saber lock, he could only think about Alera outside. He hoped she would be safe there, away from the dangers he encountered.

Be safe, Alera...

The Black Rider
Sep 27th, 2002, 09:23:21 AM
Indeed, a shadow stirred in the darkness. The Rider had masked his presence up untill this point. No longer.

Wraith...it is time. The Rider uttered the words to him through the Force. His eyes fixed on the cold Sith as the two held their positions in saber lock. He would make his move.

Reaching out, he grasped Jeran with the Force. The warrior cringed as The Rider's strength wrenched the man's chest and torso. He was lifted from his postion abruptly, soaring high into the middle of the temple.

"You have escaped me once...you will not escape me again. You will pay for you interference." He shouted, in a deep, demonic voice. He lifted Jeran to the top of the temple with great speed, smashing him into the cieling. The hunter's body crunched against the stone roof as he used him as a human battering ram.

Bringing him back down in a spiral motion, The Rider guided his body yet again, smashing him into the pillar foundations that held the roof of the temple up. Letting go of his grasp, he let Jeran fall about 10 meters to the floor of the temple.

The Rider let out a loud, roaring laugh as the warrior writhed in pain. His body was--at least--painfully bruised and beaten due to the attack.

Alera Starreyes
Sep 27th, 2002, 02:31:57 PM
Alera opened her eyes with a snap. "Blast it," She whispered, eyes blazing in anger.

Thinking quickly, the woman ignited her lightsaber and started cutting her way through the doors. It took longer than she would have liked, and she inwardly cursed in impatience. As she cut her way through, she made herself be calm. It took effort. Anger is not the way, she reminded herself, though her eyes still glinted darkly.

At last she was through. She ran to stand in front of Jeran, the pale blue light of her saber softly illuminating her form.

"Leave him alone!"

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 27th, 2002, 07:59:03 PM
Wraith observed the woman who ran to the Jedis aid. It was Alera, the very person that he expected to see. All the pieces to his plan were in place. All that was left to do now was to end this so called "affair." He aproached Alera as she looked at him with a cold look upon her face. "The chilling look suits you well Jedi. You should do it more often." Wraith laughed to himself. His shadow leapt into three demensions upon the dimly lit floor. The moving images confused Alera, and Wraith prepared for his next move. Raising his fist, Wraith let out a roar as he plunged his fist into the ground. From underneath Alera came a solid ice spike. Now that Wraith had locked on to her with the force, the spires would continue to follow and erupt from the ground to wherever she moved on the floor of the temple.

Alera Starreyes
Sep 28th, 2002, 10:13:43 AM
Swearing, Alera jumped aside - only to find another pike exploded from the ground.
The second it came up, she realized what was happening, and jumped. While in the air, she concentrated hard on doing something...
Combining her Force abilities with her own innate affinity for Light, she created a kind of platform of light on the floor, just slightly above the height of the pikes. The woman landed on this platform in a crouch - it was solid. But it would take concentration to maintain. Sweat was already forming on her forehead.
Through the Force (she found it easier to speak thus when she was concentrating) she said coolly, -I am not here to play games with you, Wraith.- Shooting a cold glance at the Black Rider, she added, -Can't say I'm too surprised to see you here.-
Slowly, she stood, very careful to keep her hold on the platform of solid light. -It seems that darksiders have forgotten their sense of honor. Such a shame.-
To Jeran, she asked silently, -Are you alright?-, worried about him.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 28th, 2002, 11:27:46 AM
"Dark one, take care of Jeran!" Wraith watched the Jedi jump onto the invisible platform. His ice spires would not reach her. Jeran would have his hands full, so Wraith would finish Alera. Stopping all the spikes, he concentrated on the ground beneath her. Focusing on the force, he began to summon a giant spike that would reach and pierce the platform that protected Alera. Raising his hand, he slammed it into the ground, provoking the emergence of the spike. The stone floor erupted and shattered as the ice spire took shape beneath Alera at a rushing speed.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 28th, 2002, 06:22:57 PM
Jeran groaned as he lay motionless on the floor. The constant laughter of the rider could be heard as his body ached. Then he heard Alera. He could feel her rush to his side. She was protecting him...she was helping him. At first, he was angered that she had entered here. If the rider and Wraith were to kill today, he would wish it on only himself--not anyone else. Especially not her. It was obvious, however, that she would not leave him. He looked up into her eyes as she crouched over him. Intense eyes...beautiful...


The sound of ice spikes--something he had become accustomed to--rang in the hall as Alera jumped back from him. He rolled as a spike penetrated the ground near him. He turned to watch Alera as she avoided the spikes and formed a platform above them that would spare her. But Wraith was cooking up a bigger spike to harm her. He would not let it happen.

Despite his aching bones, he rose to his feet. He charged the Sith, hoping to tackle him to the ground and break his concentration.

"HERE I COME, SNOWMAN!" He yelled with tenacity as he approached the Sith.

The Black Rider
Sep 28th, 2002, 07:15:56 PM
Before either the Sith or the hunter could react, The Rider decided to play another hand. He slowed time for all around him, not to their own notice, of course, and slowly stepped towards the hunter. Most regular people were unaware of the fact that when a warrior appeared to move faster, it was not actually that his speed was increased. In many cases, it was in fact that time itself had been slowed and the warrior could pass through it as though it wasn't.

The Rider took his time, walking slowly into the path of the hunter. He drew his blade slowly from it's sheath, letting the familiar sound of metal-against-metal echoe in the room around him. Bringing the sword forward (in an almost jousting position) he aimed the point at the hunter's left shoulder--just above his heart. At this moment, he could have had him dead. Instead, though, The Rider took pleasure in cruel punishment and torture.

Bracing his feet with his strength and the Force, he let time return. Jeran's eyes widened as it seemed as though the The Rider had merely appeared befor him. It was too late, however. The point of the sword rested in his shoulder. As he tried to halt himself, the sword carried through his body and poked out the other end, it's bloody blade glistening. The Rider held his ground as Jeran found his shoulder fully impaled by the weapon. Letting go of the blade, he let the two fall backwards onto the floor.

The Rider, seeing th chaos, let out a wild laugh and almost clapped. It had been a beautiful attack.

Alera Starreyes
Sep 29th, 2002, 08:00:32 AM
Alera jumped as she sensed the danger below her, dropping her hold on the platform and letting it vanish. She used the Force to increase her speed as she kicked hard at Wraith's head just before she landed.

Then, Alera saw what happened to Jeran out of the corner of her eye. She suddenly forgot about Wraith. Pure rage filled her, and she didn't even try to calm down. Trembling with anger, she deactivated Dream and drew Starfire from the sheath on her back. The blade shimmered softly, as usual, but somehow more coldly.

Alera stalked over to stand between the Rider and Jeran. Her eyes glittered with rage. "I want you to leave," she said quietly, dangerously quietly.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 29th, 2002, 09:32:48 AM
Wraith recieved the blow to his head and hit the ground with a thud. Everything around him had seem to have been slowed as Alera had kicked him. He got up, wiping away the little crystalized blood from his chin. Alera could be seen standing between Jeran and the black rider. This looked familiar. She would always be the neutral barrier between them. Wraith moved up secretivley next to the rider. He sent a powerful force blow that knocked Alera off her foundations and over Jeran. "Ok dark one, he is all yours."

Alera Starreyes
Sep 29th, 2002, 01:06:09 PM
Alera didn't drop her sword, but the wind was knocked out of her. Waiting only a few seconds to catch her breath, she shook herself and got to her feet. "Wrong." She moved forward to stand next to Jeran.
"I'll fight both of you at once if I have to! Leave him alone!" Her ice blue eyes glowed with intensity.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 29th, 2002, 11:16:06 PM
The rider had moved with amazing speed. He could not believe what had happened--it happened so fast. One second, he was charging the Sith. The next, in a blink, the rider was in front of him, blade poised for an attack.

Jeran let out a gasp of pain as the sword penetrated his shoulder and stabbed through the other side. His left arm went numb as he felt the sword sever numerous connections of nerves, veins, muscles, and tendons. The pain shot through his shoulder so intensley that Jeran's eyes watered. He winced as he--sword still in his shoulder--fell to the floor.

Alera came to him--then was violently knocked to the floor. Jeran could not believe her courage. It inspired him. He was amazed that she would fight for him like this. He would never forget it. It stirred feelings in him he hadn't had for quite a while.

"Alera...." his voice failed him as the sword remained in him. He coughed up some blood--he didn't know if he was gonna make it. The sword hurt more now--he needed to get it out of his body. Who knew what kind of posion was on the blade. He grabbed hold of the sword with his right hand and held tightly to his strength and courage. He gave the weapon a tug.

"ARRgGGHhhhhhhghhhhhhghgh!" He screamed as the blade left his body, blood spurting from the fresh wound. He covered the wound with his hand, using his mind and his body to slow the bleeding. "Alera.....forget me....I thank you but you have to survive....I...I am in..wi...you...." his voice trailed as he faded slowly, consciuousness waining.

Sep 30th, 2002, 08:11:35 AM
"You seem to be at the heart of every conflict, Frostmourne." A deep, threatening voice resounded against cold, stone walls.

Twin ivory flecks shot past the lone woman and Jeran, coming to rest on the pair of dark siders. An impressive midnight figure stood in a recently constructed doorway of the temple, used as an entry point for the hunter's companion.

Leliarre Nightshade
Sep 30th, 2002, 02:45:22 PM
Alera glanced at the newcomer. She wondered for a moment whether he was friend or foe, but decided it didn't matter. Whether he was there to help them or hurt them, he might provide enough distraction to Wraith and the Rider that she could help Jeran.

Casting a last wary glance at them, she knelt beside Jeran. "Shhh," She told him, placing a hand gently on his, over his wound. She closed her eyes, using the Force to help her speed up Jeran's healing process. She didn't care that she was leaving herself vulnerable; if she lost Jeran she didn't think she could forgive herself.

-I'm not going to leave you.- She placed her sword on the ground and held his other hand. -Just hold on, Jeran.-

(OOC: Sorry, this is Alera, forgot I was logged on my other handle...)

The Black Rider
Sep 30th, 2002, 10:36:48 PM
The Rider stood back when Alera jumped to Jeran's aid. It was rather courageous of her and, in all actuality, The Rider found it quite touching. As touching as would effect his souless body, however.

Unknown to anyone present, he smirked as the new warrior entered. His name was Nemesis--his thoughts told him. All truth be told, he thought rather highly of himself. So did The Rider. Therefore, it seemed a moot point to fault him for it. However, he was in well over his head.

The Rider stood tall and silent--he would observe Wraith and Nemesis's interaction. It would be amusing.

Wraith Frostmourne
Oct 1st, 2002, 04:24:43 PM
"I suggest you leave now Nemsis. Your presence is not wanted, nor do your friends need your assistance. Your in too deep this time, way over your head." Wraith stepped out of line with the Rider and stood before Alera. He stuck his hand out and concentrated on Jerans severe shoulder wound. Twisting his hand, he began to solidify the blood flowing inside it. It began to harden and expand. Quickly a slab of ice was beginnig to form from Jerans blood, that was exploiting pain as it grew. Wraith could see the anguish in the mans face. Alera posed to be no shield for him whatsoever. "What will you do now......Nemesis?"

Jeran Conrad
Oct 2nd, 2002, 09:19:51 AM
Jeran grasped Alera's hand tighter as the pain in his shoulder surged. It was Wraith--he was manipulating the Jeran's fresh blood. It became hard and his shoulder cold as the crimson ice expanded in his body. He growled with pain, putting thoughts into his mind to calm him.

Calmed and controlled, he reached into the Force. He allowed his body heat to rise--enough to keep the blood from freezing. Wraith's ice took little effect now, as long as he kept the temperature high. He would be able to make it like this, as long as he could keep his attention on the wound.

Thank you, he sent to Alera. Thank you.

Oct 2nd, 2002, 01:53:16 PM
"Much like the archer, Wraith, you act very bravely.....from a distance." His bone colored eyes flashed, daring the arrogant Sith to attack. "However, I did not come here to trade verbal insults."

Nemesis' masked visage left the two men, falling upon his wounded comrade and Alera. Though the assassin's dealings with Jeran had been few, he knew all to well of this hunter's pride. Yet, the Ranger felt his ally was in no condition to protest to the matter.

Then, focusing solely on the woman he spoke, "It is your decision, madam. If you wish me to withdraw from this contest, I shall." Despite their dire situation, he would not force assistance upon anyone.

Wraith Frostmourne
Oct 2nd, 2002, 03:25:58 PM
Wraith lost concentration with Jeran and Looked towards Alera. Wraith interpreted the words from Nemesis and wished for this man to leave. The two Sith were more than a match for the three. If it came down to it, they would reap death upon one more person's pour soul. All that mattered was Jeran and Alera. Wraith readied himself and prepared for his next move.

Alera Starreyes
Oct 2nd, 2002, 07:28:12 PM
-Will you be all right?- Alera sent back to Jeran, concerned.

Though she was focused on Jeran, she kept her senses open, paying attention to what was going on around them.

To Nemises, she said softly, "I wouldn't ask you to put yourself in danger... I think it is your decision, not mine."

Jeran Conrad
Oct 2nd, 2002, 09:12:16 PM
As Nemesis did expect, Jeran's pride controlled his tongue.

"I think we can handle this one, friend." He looked at Nemesis, Letting the thoughts go through his own mind and enter the others.

I owe this guy one, big time. He's mine.

He turned to Alera, his shoulder begining to feel better.

I'm gonna be fine. But, thanks.

He came to his feet slowly, looking for his saber hilt, which he had dropped. Picking it up, his shoulder ached intently. He could feel the sting of Wraith's icy grip now as the joint was as stiff as wood. He winced, but held his ground.

Alera Starreyes
Oct 3rd, 2002, 04:11:18 PM
Alera stood as well, picking up Starfire. She stood next to and slightly beside Jeran, there if he needed her. Her eyes flicked over the area, senses on full alert.

Oct 4th, 2002, 09:09:54 AM
Nemesis bowed to the hunter, then to Alera, acknowledging Jeran's request.

With that the ebony warrior slipped back through the gaping doorway, and vanished from sight.

Wraith Frostmourne
Oct 4th, 2002, 01:48:31 PM
Wraith noticed Nemesis leave and began his move. Raising his scythe into the air he struck the ground, creating an icy shockwave that momentarily paralyzed the warriors. Chargin in, he brought his scythe down to sweep Alera off her feet.

Alera Starreyes
Oct 4th, 2002, 03:58:28 PM
While she couldn't move temporarily, Alera still could use the Force. With a quick thought she pushed at Wraith's scythe, stopping its blow.

She recovered herself quickly. Eyes flashing in anger, she swung at Wraith with Starfire. Suddenly she didn't care about controlling her darker side. These darksiders had hurt Jeran, and she wasn't going to let them get away with it.

Wraith Frostmourne
Oct 5th, 2002, 06:24:15 PM
Wraith parried the strike and brought his knee up hard towards Aleras stomach.

Jeran Conrad
Oct 5th, 2002, 11:19:32 PM
As Nemesis exited, Jeran saw that the battle raged on. He would contact Nemesis later to let him know exactly what happened.

He turned--painfully--to see Alera and Wraith engaged in combat again. Not this time.

As the two fought, Jeran could see a hole in the battle. Wraith and Alera broke momentarily, and Jeran could see Wraith in the beginings of a knee to her stomach.

Jeran reached out through the Force, pulling the cold Sith to him. As Wraith's body soared towards him, he brough his saber up for a stab. This could be it for the Sith...

Wraith Frostmourne
Oct 6th, 2002, 10:46:50 AM
Before his knee could make contact, he was pulled away only to see an incoming saber. He quickly let himself drop to the ground and slid along the already frozen floor. Wraith slide between Jerans legs as the Jedi came down with the stab. He slid a good distance away then began to concentrate. The ground beneath Jeran began to rumble and shake. He lifted his hands up as the slab of stone rose into the air towards the ceiling. The stone was being propelled by an icy wave at an incredibly high speed. Jeran had only seconds until the rock fragment and the ceiling collided.

Alera Starreyes
Oct 6th, 2002, 01:36:38 PM
Alera concentrated on slowing the rock down as much as she could. She couldn't stop it entirely, at the risk of the combined pressure between her and Wraith exploding it and hurting Jeran, but she could buy him time to do something before he hit the ceiling.

The Black Rider
Oct 6th, 2002, 04:34:32 PM
The girl had little time to shift the rock, as the shadowy grip of The Rider descended. He took his seat in her mind--trying to sway her thoughts. He attempted to shift his concentration--pushing for her to push the block harder at Jeran, not push against it.

In the meantime, he called his sword back to his hand, weilding it again. He stalked towards Alera--not breaking concentration and not letting her notice his steps. With presicion, he managed to sneak up right behind her.

"It seems as though your courage will never be swayed, doesn't it, Alera Satrreyes?" He laughed mockingly, swiping downwards towards her head.

Alera Starreyes
Oct 6th, 2002, 04:41:32 PM
Alera fought furiously against the invasion in her mind. It took every ounce of will she had to keep the Rider from bending her control to his will.

She heard from behind her, "It seems as though your courage will never be swayed, doesn't it, Alera Starreyes?"

The sing of the Rider's blade through the air caught her attention and without turning around she parried with Starfire. "Looks that way," she said. As she parried the blow, her control slipped for a moment and the rock sped up. Gritting her teeth, she fought to regain control, and won. For the moment.

Extremely careful to keep control away from the Rider, she spoke to the spirit she knew possessed him. "Just not happy unless you're invading someone's mind, are you?"

Jeran Conrad
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:40:05 AM
Jeran could see the rock whooshing towards him. He could also tell that something else wasn't allowing it to reach him. Alera fought to sustain the momentum of it--as Wraith fought against it.

Then, the other dark entity joined the fray with Alera. Enough was enough, he thought. It was time to put an end to this madness. He could only imagine that people here were going to die.

In a feat of courage, Jeran tried the best strategy he could. He began to run towards the rider, but keeping his conecentration on Wraith. He stuck out with the Force, giving the Sith a push he hoped would knock him off of his feet.

Clutching his shoulder--which was healing, but still in pain--he decided he would end the blade that had hurt him. He raised his blue saber and swiped it down towards the Rider's own silver sword, hoping to cut through the steel of the ancient weapon.

The Black Rider
Oct 7th, 2002, 09:13:54 AM
The Rider held his ground against the blocking Alera. He closed in with his strength, pushing on her own blade. He would hope to crush her down. Reaching into the Force, he gave her a shove. She slipped in her strength--ever so slightly--and The Rider made his move. He drew back his blade, high above his head, and prepared to deliver a death blow to the girl's body. He smiled beneath his hood--a bloody, evil smile. He would end his troubles here.

Just as he raised his blade, he head the sound of footsteps approaching. It was too late--he turned just in time to see Jeran with lightsaber blade rushing towards his own sword. He tried to draw back but he was off his guard and caught unawares. The saber cut into his own sword, chopping the blade in half.

As the bulk of his sword hit the floor, The Rider tossed the handle aside and drew backwards, towards the shadows. He shrieked with anger--that had been his favorite weapon for centuries. Jeran would pay--but not untill he could devise a strategy. He needed a moment to think.

Wraith Frostmourne
Oct 7th, 2002, 02:34:08 PM
The push moved him back, and indeed the rock crashed through the ceiling without Jeran on it. How sad. Wraith threw his mind into the fray and began to materialize the icy wave. It ceased, but the remaing moisture in the air turned to sickles as they sliced through the air down towards the group. Wraith sought cover underneath a ledge as the hail came down. He could see the the battle between the three of them. The rider had just been put in a bad situation. Wraith would have to intervene, for he would not let his comrade go down in this way.

Alera Starreyes
Oct 7th, 2002, 06:51:49 PM
Alera grabbed Jeran's hand and threw up a Force shield around the two of them as the icy hail came down. It lasted only a few moments, and Alera was able to drop the shield before it sapped too much of her strength. She released Jeran's hand with a smile by way of thanks for saving her life. Then, she ignited Dream in one hand and held Starfire in the other as she waited for their opponents' next moves.

Jeran Conrad
Oct 9th, 2002, 09:14:12 AM
With his blue blade ingnited, Jeran gripped Alera's hand tightly. He pulled her close to him--he would not leave her this time. They would survive this together--maybe conquer it together. He wasn't sure whether they would come out survivors or victors. He only knew that they would come out alive...together.

As the ice sickles crashed onto Alera's force field, Jeran added his own concentration to the energy, making it as strong as was possible for the two lightsiders.

"You see this Wraith! This is what happens when we work together." The sickles exploded off of the field, as the energy was very strong. "You don't have a chance." As Jeran addressed Wraith, he kept an eye out for the rider. He knew that the dark lord was up to something.

Wraith Frostmourne
Oct 9th, 2002, 03:47:41 PM
"Right Jeran. Will you be saying that when I plunge my scythe into your stomach?" He stepped out from underneath the ledge and approached the two Jedi helplessly enclosed in their shield. All he needed now was for the rider to make his move, creating the perfect distraction.

The Black Rider
Oct 11th, 2002, 01:02:04 AM
Genius came in quick doses to The Rider.

He opened his thoughts and, with less than what most would call effort, he invaded Alera's mind. This would be the...hmmm...he couldn't count the number of times he had intimidated her. It always seemed to work to break her concentration. He hoped it would be effective now. If not...he fingered the lghtsaber hilt by his side.

Alera Starreyes...why wait? Why stop? He let the images float into her mind. Images of death, destruction. She saw warriors dead--blood and entrails spilled for all. In each image, the same set of boots appeared at each body. On the final one--maybe after 25 or so--the memories seemingly paused, on the boots. As she followed them up to their owner, she found...

Yes, my dear. It is no mistake who stands before the death of so many. Warriors--rogues, like you. He smiled and laughed in her head, the tone of mocking she had come to know from him. The boots belonged to Jeran. He has taken life with little regret. Why not punish him for his arrogance now? Wraith cannot enter the shielf you and that murderer have projected--why not kill him now, while he is off guard. Would you rather, instead, stand and hold the hand of a cold-blooded killer?

The Rider knew that if he could divert Alera's attention away from the force field, Wraith and he could sweep in and attack.

Wraith Frostmourne
Oct 11th, 2002, 02:00:32 PM
Wraith could sense the interaction between the rider and Alera. The rider had a way of toying with peoples minds, that Wraith wouldnt comprehend now. What ever it was, it was sure working. He slowly melded into the shadows and began to advance.

The stars barley lit the room of which they stood. Slowly they faded out as a clouds began to move in. Suddenly a storm began to brew outside the temple. Wraith embraced its presence. They would now have to rely on the light from their weapons and their senses, as complete and utter darkness surrounded them. Wraith revealed himself once again and jumped into the air. Upon landing, he propelled his scythe hard into the ground, realeasing an icy white fire. The white blaze split the earth as it rushed towards the two Jedi. The intensley cold heat could be felt from anywhere inside the temple. He fell back, as the attack had drained extreme energy from him. Soon the storm would be upon them, and all would be well......

Alera Starreyes
Oct 11th, 2002, 07:09:52 PM
Alera's grip tightened around Jeran's hand as the Rider penetrated her thoughts. Her face paled and her jaw clenched. It's not true. It can't be true.

-You are a liar.- The words came coldly and simply into the Rider's mind. -Cold-blooded murderer, huh? What does that make you?-

And me? she added silently to herself.

At that moment she noticed the shield was weakening with her distraction. Forcing herself to forget the Rider for the moment, she threw her concentration doubly into keeping the protection up.

And not a moment to soon, for Wraith's chilling blaze was heading straight toward them. With a roar the icy fire was flung back by the shield she and Jeran held fast.

The young woman sensed the coming storm. Silently she told Jeran, -This is going to be one wild ride...-

Jeran Conrad
Oct 14th, 2002, 02:13:37 PM
Jeran could feel the strain in Alera as she gripped his hand tighter.

Are you ok? he passed to her silently. This storm won't me a thing at all when we're working together. He squeezed her hand and smiled, a weak but courageous smile. He felt at ease with her by his side.

He looked at the rider. He had a feeling that it was up to something. He wouldn't let ole Blacky hurt his morale. Unfortunately, he was unaware that the ancient warrior was sending secret signals to Alera.

He reached into the Force, allowing the shield to weaken for a moment. As he felt healed, it as time to act. He turned to Alera for one more second. Stay protected--we are getting outta this alive. Letting go of her hand--as much as he didn't want to--he sprung to meet Wraith. The rider was next.

"Alright, let's finish this!" His blue blade ignited, he attacked the Sith with a crushing combination of strikes. Catching the Sith off-balance for a split second, he took the time to focus on the rider, sending a bolt of pure Force energy--like an electric shock--straight towards the warrior's chest.

ooc: Sorry for the wait guys. Last week was busy, but I'm back!

Wraith Frostmourne
Oct 14th, 2002, 08:04:08 PM
The blocks came swiflty high and low as Wraith blocked them. He seemed to be more furious than ever. Wraith was amused. Sidestepping and parrying a strike he moved aside and watched Jeran emit the energy towards the rider. Wraith lashed out the butt of his scythe into Jerans back, bringing him into Wraith's knee.

The Black Rider
Oct 16th, 2002, 08:53:29 AM
The burst of Force energy came charging towards The Rider. It was a pulsating glow of pure power as it zoomed towards the ancient one. He watched its strength gather as it flew, gaining more and more size.

For about a second, he felt threatened.

As the globe came closer to him, he reached out a hand. As soon as his arm extended, the orb of power seemed to slow. It's speed lessened and lessened until it had none at all, pausing in the air before him. The Rider cocked his head to the left, examining the specimen. Quite nice--a very well put together attack.

The Rider was now faced with a very tough choice. Would he:

A) Send the burst of energy at the now lone Alera Starreyes in an attempt to cripple her. Of course, he would add a bit of his own flare to the attack, hopefully crushing her to the floor.

B) Send the attack back at Jeran. His hands full with Wraith, he might not be prepared to block such an attack. It could prove useful to crush him while he was exposed.

What to do...what to do. Decisions were so hard sometimes. It seemed as though he would never be able to--...a thought. Pure genius. An evil grin crossed his face--one that no other would be able to see.

He thrust his other hand forward and, manipulating the Force around him, produced an identical ball of energy to station next to the other. With that, he thrust them both forward--one aimed at Jeran, the other aimed at Alera. Laughter bellowed from within his hood as he admired his own work.

Alera Starreyes
Oct 16th, 2002, 03:16:14 PM
Alera, having just turned to face the Rider in hopes of stopping whatever move he'd make next, saw the blast coming at her. Instinctively she used the Force, "catching" the ball and deflecting it to the floor in front of her. At the same moment, she saw an identical ball of energy heading towards Jeran. She reached out to the Force to deflect it away from him, but was afraid it might be to late... "Jeran, look out!"

Jeran Conrad
Oct 16th, 2002, 03:42:17 PM
Jeran hadn't seen Wraith's scythe coming as he took the butt of his weapon to his back. As he fell, he could read the Sith's next move. He could tell that Wraith would want to bring an attack into him now--he knew Wraith's style well. He took the brunt of the attack to his back and, rolling in pain, dove to his left--avoiding the knee. Coming to a crouching position, he readied his weapon for another strike to Wraith's body. Raising his saber, he pushed to spring forward--


The burst of energy he had sent towards the rider must have been reciprocated or refracted in some way, as he now felt the painful blow strike him in the back. The energy exploded against his body, the great force of the ball throwing him face first into the ground. He let out a grunt of pain as he smashed against the cold stone floor.

"Unnngghhhh...that...was...a bad...move..." he said aloud, thinking he would be careful what he sent towards ole Blacky next time.

Alera Starreyes
Oct 16th, 2002, 03:48:35 PM
Alera cringed as Jeran was thrown to the floor. Without hesitation she sent a Force push at Wraith and ran toward Jeran, determined not to leave him unprotected.

Wraith Frostmourne
Oct 16th, 2002, 08:37:21 PM
Wraith shielded himself from the riders energy blast, then moved back from an unknown force push. The radius of impact was greater than he thought. Through the smoke could be seen the faint glimmer of Jerans sabre and a form oof a figure lying face down in the stone. The rider had done very well indeed. But then again, Alera was standing infront of him once again. This nusiance would stop once and for all.

The storm outside roared furiously as lightning illuminated the dark chamber. The pounding sound of rain could be heard on the outside walls. Wraith appeared out of nowhere before Alera. Triggering back in a wide arc, he let forth a sever blow that knocked the Jedi off her feet and onto the cold floor, next to Jeran. This was where they both belonged. At his will, icy prongs leapt from the ground and sealed Aleras wrists to the ground. A small glint of amusement appeared on his face, one that only the lightning outside could reveal.

The Black Rider
Oct 17th, 2002, 01:38:44 PM
The Rider laughed again--it seemed as though things were going well for the two darksiders at this point--the Dark One couldn't have anticipated a better situation. He looked in Wraith's direction, noticing now that Alera's wrists were bound the floor by cold, icy binders. With little more than a thought, the beaten body of Jeran was lifted high, suspended about 10 meters in the air, towards the middle of the temple. He smiled--one that no one would see, but all in his presence could feel.

"Jeran--you should've known not to put your nose in business that didn't concern you. But you did, didn't you? Foolish it was--you should've left the girl to me on Gais." His voice grew steadily deeper and more demonic with every word. "It seems as though the hunter of the darkside, defender of the light has become soft." The Rider laughed, a deep, frightening laugh.

I know that you and the hunter have quite a history--but would it not be fitting to put an end to each other's problem? He spoke in Wraith's mind, seeking permission to end his foe. While he sought a response, Jeran's helpless, injured body twirled in a whirlwind of nasueating spins in the middle of the temple.

Wraith Frostmourne
Oct 17th, 2002, 02:23:05 PM
Oh, go right ahead dark one. Nothing would please me more than so see his dead carcase. Do as you please with him. Now will be the time when this confrontation between us and the Jedi ends. A swift flicker of lightning outside uncovered Wraith's dark figure moving closer towards Alera.

Alera Starreyes
Oct 17th, 2002, 04:26:19 PM
The Force message Alera sent was meant for the two darksiders, but it was so forceful that even Jeran couldn't completely miss it.

-Do what you like with me, but LEAVE HIM ALONE!-

With that she shattered the ice around her wrists with the Force and picked up Starfire from where she'd dropped it, turning to face Wraith, though her senses remained very carefully trained upon the Rider.

Jeran Conrad
Oct 26th, 2002, 07:25:11 PM
Jeran stood, pain numbing his beaten body. He had heard Alera's plea...it touched him. He couldn't believe that she would be so willing, so caring. He wondered if it was real.

"I'm gettin sick an tired of this, ice cube." He looked towards the rider and then back at Wraith. He wondered which one he should dispatch first. Possibly both.

Crashing through the ice spires, he lunged at the icy Sith, swinging his weapon violently. He had little control now, letting emotion guide him. He unleashed a quick, deadly combo at the man.

ooc: Sorry for the delay. My comp was under construction.:)

The Black Rider
Oct 28th, 2002, 07:18:42 PM
Perfect, The Rider thought.

He could feel the girl's silent survelience keeping him under an invisible watch. It was no matter. He would not need a sneak tactic for this next manuver. He gathered darkness and fear inside of him.

With little hesitation, and an explosion of power, he unleashed a blinding strike of Force Lightning. The white-hot tentacles shot forth, stabbing into her body, shaking life from her aura. He would wait to see how she would react to this twist of fate.

Alera Starreyes
Oct 28th, 2002, 07:25:36 PM
Alera dropped to the ground in a crouch as the Force Lightning charged through her, gritting her teeth, willing it to stop affecting her, fighting it. Her eyes were shut tight as sweat beaded on her forehead. Fight it off... fight it...

But she couldn't. With a cry of pain she collapsed completely to the ground as pain overwhelmed her. She curled up into a ball in a futile attempt to protect herself, her body twitching in pain.

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 23rd, 2002, 11:36:27 AM
Wraith parried Jerans attack once again, only this time, Jeran seemed much weaker. The Sith was begining to think that the Jedi couldnt take it anymore, that he was about to collapse under the pressure. That was one thing Wraith never understood about the Jedi. They always depend upon eachother, where as he, a Sith, worked individually most of the time. He never had to worry about having more than one life on his hands. He came down underneath the Jedi's strike and sent a force push right into Jeran's stomach. Jeran fell back down onto the ground where he belonged. Wraith followed through with a vertical downstrike towards Jerans midsection....