View Full Version : Evolution (Dyzm)
Odin Murk
Sep 12th, 2002, 06:19:16 PM
:: Odin sat back and waited. He had attended the required training missions and he had recently been commanded by Lord Dyzm. He hd no clue at exactly what was required of him and he hadn't bothered with any assumptions. Assuming things of a sith master was a mistake, Odin had watched Dyzm fight Nemesis before and had seen the power of the master... one to be respected. Odin would be such one day... he craved forit as he craved life.::
Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 12th, 2002, 06:54:30 PM
**A Lightsaber's beam bursts to life. It was no normal lightsaber though, it was Dyzm's Great Saber. With a beam twice as wide, yet flat, and roughly half again as long as a normal lightsaber, it cast a blackish redish glow on to the battlefield.**
Your test will have only one objective... to stay alive...
Lets begain.
OOC: Sorry if my reply will seem crude, I tired. And if the Great Sword thing was not explained well enough, just look at the Sig.
Odin Murk
Sep 14th, 2002, 09:45:20 PM
ooc: totally understandable
:: Odin understood the objective, that was life itself, the very objective to stay alive. But he needed to evaluate Dyzm and his capabilities. He backed up, well out of the range of the large broadsaber. His own saber claws ignited and extended form his arms as he backed away, normal sabers wouldn't normally be able to do much damage to his scales, thanks to cortis ore injections but he didn't trust his defenses against Dyzm's strength.::
Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 15th, 2002, 02:29:35 AM
**Dyzm eyed his target, and begain to circle. He had not learned as much as he wanted to about his scaled Sith Brother, but that was of mute point now. Dyzm's skill at Lightsaber fighting was average at best. His real skill was in the area of channeling energy, creating attacks through the force. Grinning, he could feel the lighting forming within him, and when the time was right, Dyzm would unleash the dark side. But for now, lets see how good is melee skills are. With a yell, Dyzm charges forward, his blade low and behind, ready to strike forward as quick as a snake. As he rushed forward, he kept careful watch at the footing of the lizard man, seeing how he still walked on the dirt and grass. His claws would give him natural good traction. I must get him to the pavement... Just as quickly, the time for thought and planning was ended and his sword was sweeping forward and up.**
OOC: Lightsabers will still do damage to cortis ore, the heat before the contact with the ore itself melts the weak metal and it will burn and do damage before the sword itself is shorted out.
Odin Murk
Sep 22nd, 2002, 03:00:34 PM
:: Odin lunged upwards and over, passing by Dyzm's sword and clashing with the large blade with his own sabers. He landed behind Dyzm, his arms tingling from the strength of Dyzm's attack. Amazing of a human... well not really a mammal, a sith. Odin hadn't really planned to make the attack, but he decided that the oppurtunity had been presented by Dyzm's backside, he lunged. He was prepared to shift his momentum anytime in the air as he figured Dyzm would counterattack just as fast as he would block.::
Dark Lord Dyzm
Oct 14th, 2002, 09:56:29 PM
**The Counterattack came, but from nothing Physical. Lighting slammed into the lizardman, the source was Dyzm's hand. The Blast sent the creature back.**
You need more work on your Mental Powers, your physical strength is awesome, but any fool can swing a sword or club.
Odin Murk
Oct 19th, 2002, 09:08:15 PM
:: Odin slammed into the wall and hissed as the lightning scorched off several raw pieces of scales and skin. His tneder muscles underneath were soon visible and the pain and anger of the attack were quickly converted to darkside fuel. Odin would not lose his control just yet, he would feed upon the anger and pain, like the dark side did.
He flipped back up and with a great roar, a massive force blast was emitted from odin's great maw and Dyzm was knocked back long enough for Odin to leap in front of him and sweep the hulking human to the ground with his tail. Odin flipped back and with a quick snap of his neck, spit his own venom upon the ram muscles of his chest and arms. The venom qiickly hardened and made a scab like substance that would prevent further damge to the more sensitive parts of the wounds.::
And sssssssssssometimes any fool can make me angry...
Dark Lord Dyzm
Oct 26th, 2002, 11:01:57 PM
**Dyzm had not taken the blast full on. He had created almost a force wedge, to allow the energy to split around him. This did not happen with Dyzm's concious thought, but it had happened instinctively. Holding his weapon in front of him, he is about to attack, when the blade sputters and dies. Glaring at the hilt, Dyzm throws it down. Useless Prototype, the large blade just drained the batteries all to quickly. Pulling out his traditional Lightsaber's, Dyzm thumbs both of them on. Casting distroted pale green shadows everywhere. Pulling his arm back, and with a snap of his wrist, he throws one at Odin, the blade twirling as he flew lazily through the air. The Blade is overthrown, flying beyond the Lizard, to hover, in the air, still twirling.**
Let us start again.
Odin Murk
Nov 2nd, 2002, 02:26:33 AM
:: This would not be too hard at all. With his range decreased it seemed, and it was just like fighting two opponents at once. I lunged forward with one arm, holding the other back in defense and I slashed. As I came in I spit my venom towards Dyzm's face and my tail came around like a scorpions tail.::
Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 5th, 2002, 01:33:43 AM
**Dyzm jumps up and flips backwards, feeling through the force the spit fly beneath him. He could sense the tail also decending, right where he would land. Half-Way through the flip, with his stomach facing the ground, head level with the lizard man's, Dyzm's Eyes lock onto the attacking tail. Unable to do anything else, Dyzm simply stops. The Tail flashes below his body as Dyzm holds himself on a cushion of force power. Relaxing his hold on the force, Dyzm rotates his feet under him before the Lizard man could react. The second his feet touch the ground, Dyzm leaps forward, Lightsaber flashing forward. His second Lightsaber flashes through the air, mimicing his move down to the percise instant. Both Sabers swing at opposite diagonal arcs toward the same target from 2 different Directions.**
Odin Murk
Nov 6th, 2002, 10:08:47 PM
:: My arm's, like in a mirror, deflect both attacks by letting the bladdes barely slip between the two sabers on each arm and then twisting, throwing the floating one to the far wall and twisting Dyzm right in front of me. My other arm come's back around and down towards the Sith master as I held his other weapon down. My legs kicked out and my tail whipped around as I prepared to spit, I also threw a force blast at his other weapon, knocking it even further away. Physical combat was the sport of the gods!::
Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 7th, 2002, 01:28:10 AM
**Dyzm staggers back, and Grins. This was entertainment, and so far, the Odin and deflected all his simple, basic attacks. Time to push him to the next level. With a force leap, Dyzm jumps forward, landing on the Training Wall. He calls his second lightsaber back to his hand, and clips both his lightsaber's to his belt. Reaching into the force, Dyzm calls forth the raw chaos which made up the world's being in the force. The chaotic powers of the worlds core, the raw destructive energy. Raising both his arms, Dyzm channels the energy through him and into existance. The air in front of Dyzm shimmers and ignites into a blazing maelstorm of fire. From his finger tips, the black lighting is called forth again. The lighting mixes with the fire, creating a vision which seemed to have been given birth in the depths of hell. He turns his grin back to the lizardman.**
"You think you are ready?"
**From the ground behind Odin, the defective prototype lightsaber flys into the air, smashing into the back of Odin's head with the enough force to crumple to the metallic item. The blow throws him off Balance and Dyzm unleashes a portion of the attack. A firey lance with circling black lighting speeds forth from the maelstorm.**
Odin Murk
Nov 7th, 2002, 11:39:23 AM
:: My bones were stronger than any mammal's like steel, but the blow to my head hadn't been expected and I had been knocked off my gaurd. But I was attune to the force enough to sense the immense power before me created from Dyzm. Now this is what I respected in a sith master, a display of godly powers that would devour the weakness of the universe.
I sensed the lance of energy fly at me and by using my tail pushed myself away far enough so that when the lance passed by it only severed my tail. That was not a problem, it would grow back. I ran to the wall and began to run so quickly I was running along the wall. I prepared a force mass as I focused on Dyzm's position and began to circle him like a predator would, waiting for the moment to release it. The whole time, I placed the force several steps ahead of me and behind just in case Dyzm would try to knock me down from my position.::
Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 11th, 2002, 02:51:57 AM
** A shield? He thinks such a pitiful creation could stop my power? the angered thoughts flew through Dyzm's head. Dyzm released himself to the anger. Not the red hot rage of a berzerker, but the cool, calculating anger. The berzerker was the final step, when Dyzm was willing to sacrifice his body to destroy the enemy. It did not bother him, this current body was a clone also. His soul would leave a crippled body behind to a new home when ever he was defeated. But that was not going to happen. Dyzm returns his thoughts to the fight at hand. Watching the lizard stalk him almost made him laugh out loud. He does not even change his pace...
Another lance of energy shoots out, followed closely by 2 more, which completly drain the maelstorm. The first hits the shield dead on. This causes Odin to concentrate more on the shield to keep it up. The second and third hit the wall "above" and "below" Odin. The wall explodes in fragments of super heated rock, liquid stone and flames, engulfing Odin in the fury of it all.**
Odin Murk
Nov 17th, 2002, 02:08:02 AM
:: Humans... so calculating but yet so defined to their own warm blooded boxes of thinking. Did he not understand that my mental capacity matched his when he even had to use the force? How pathetic, to think the force I had placed before me was a shield? It had merely been the equivalent of extra limbs, feeling out the area near me. When the Lances had hit I immediaely jumped away only to be caught in the collapsing wall.
With my scales seared, I landed with a great sigh and dug my claws into the ground for support. I launched myself toward Dyzm and released the force mass I had summed up. Launching the ground at him and then coming in with my own attacks from the sky.::
Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 17th, 2002, 02:49:16 AM
**Dyzm, having used a majority of his force power felt mentally weakened. He was not a god, and that little display had cost him a good deal. It was time to call on his genetic engineered abilites. With a single glance, Dyzm casts a force blast. The ground parts around him. With inhuman speed, Dyzm looks up, judges the creatures fall trajectory, and jumps back the correct distance. Odin hits the ground, and Dyzm jumps back in. His hands wrap around scaly wrist and he pushes backwards. Most humans would not have the strength to hold the Lizard man, but most humans where not genetically altered super-clones. Dyzm grins at the snapping jaws in front of him, sensing the saliva glands about to spit. Dyzm touches the force and sclamps shut the Lizard Man's Jaws. Laughing now, Dyzm stares into the cold eyes. If the reptile tried to kick out, Odin's balance would be thrown. Odins tail, which must also have been effecting balance, was to short to strike Dyzm, and if he was like every other reptile in existance, then he would have a major flaw. Dyzm planned to use it. With the force keeping the jaws closed, and everything else in check, Dyzm head-butts the creature in his sensitive snout.**
OOC: As you know, Reptiles in General, have very sensitive snouts and weak jaw muscles when it comes to opening.
Odin Murk
Nov 20th, 2002, 09:22:50 AM
ooc- good homework Dyzm, but Alligators and Crocodiles are quite the opposite :D in the jaw department... sometimes, it just depends on the size
:: My snout was held shut now and my eyes rolled back as the nerve endings were blasted with pain in my snout. I snarled from my throat and brought my hand forward to Dyzm's neck. I released the projectile claws implanted there and let them loose into Dyzm's squishy neck. He was incredibly strong for a human, I would ask later, but any cut to the neck could prove fatal without immediate treatment. And as I made sure they were lodged in his neck, I activated the Osmose capability they held, draining the force from Dyzm like a leech and feeding it to me. He had used most of his energy already. These didn't drain much but it would be enough to to damage. But I was still in a deadlock. I had to see if he would let me go or passout, or just stand there and bleed to death.::
Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 21st, 2002, 09:46:31 PM
**Dyzm could feel himself grow weaker, through pyshical and force means. Concentrating, Dyzm could feel the projectiles in him, they had cut open arteries. He had maybe 3 minutes before he would be dead. Perfect ammount of time. The projectiles worked as a door, allowing his powers to be stolen. To Bad Doors work both ways... Half Closing his eyes, Dyzm reaches through the portals, and into Odin's living force being. Dyzm finds his target. Blood dripping out of his mouth, teeth red with his blood, Dyzm again grins. With a effort Dyzm tears his power from Odin. Pulling a large clump of the reptiles power along also. Dyzm's grin widens as he stares into the bleedy black eyes of his opponent. A invisble fist, made of the force slams into Odin's stomach, and a force blast smashes him in the chest, knocking him back out of Dyzm's loosened grip and on to the ground, a good 6ft away. Touching the force again, Dyzm flattens the barbs on the projectiles in his neck, and tears them out. Raising both his hand to his neck, the force is again touched, and black lighting forks out. Burning skin, cauterizing the artiers and the wound itself. The pain was shunted as his skin was fused together. Blisters started to form. Abruptly, the lighting cut off. He would still have to take a dip in the bacta tanks, Dyzm did not relish living with scars.**
Odin Murk
Nov 24th, 2002, 05:34:47 PM
:: I laid there and heaved as my breathing took more and more strength from me to do. So simple functions were now strained as I pushed myself to my feet. Acidic drool fell from my slack jaw and hissed as it hit the ground. I was done, but I would not have conceded from the ground. Their was a reason why this Sith was a master. And I had experienced it. I raised a claw in a fist and spoke in a slurred fashion.::
Honooooor tu yuzzzzzzzza... Massssssssssster Dyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzm.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 26th, 2002, 07:24:54 PM
**Dyzm swayed on his feet, almost sagging back until he catches himself. He heard the lizard speak as through it was a dream. Perhaps more of a nightmare, for the both of us... Dyzm, with a effort, regains his composure. And bows to Odin**
Honor to you Odin, and may you taste the flesh of all jedi foolish enough to cross you. You are now a Sith Knight.
**Then without a backward glance, Dyzm turns and on exhausted legs, makes his way back into the palace.**
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