View Full Version : The Best Offense Is A Good Defense

Sep 12th, 2002, 03:50:27 PM
Katanor recieved his orders and he sat back in his chair stunned. Corellia, we're attacking the motherload of all Sith hideaways. So many New Republicans were from Corellia; Calrissian, Solo, the list goes on. We can expect retaliation, and that's where I come in.

Korlo then went into a phase of action that the staff was not accustomed to.

"Get me Captain Lash, we have an emergency situation and I need him here now. Tell him to bring his staff as well."

"Yes, sir."

"Put our Squadron on Red Alert. I want gunners ready at all times. Missile tubes must be loaded constantly. I want twenty stormtroopers outside each vital systems room. Get our Shadow Bridges up and running."

"Yes, sir!" A man yelled scribbling down notes.

"Get those brand new Orbital Platforms off the ground and into Space." Katanor yelled.

"Aye, aye" A woman replied.

A man ran in.

"Sir! We have just recieved word the the Victory Class Star Destroyer that the Shipyard has been working on is in working condition."

"Excellent. I want it up and running in two days with full complements."


"I want Five TIE-WINGS on full alert at all times. Also call customs and tell them we are at Code Red and if they are not checking each package they will be shot, I want some of my best officers making sure that is done. Also I want all scanners blasting the freighters that come in, not just a routine scan."

Katanor then heard a voice over the comm.

"Sir, Captain Lash's shuttle has arrived."

"Tell him, I am very sorry I was not there to meet him but duty calls."

Sep 12th, 2002, 04:02:04 PM
Lash stepped off his shuttle onto the deck of the landing platform.Behind him were Commander Jeffers and 6 other Chiss Officers. They walked to the meeting room behind a Lieutenant that looked shocked to see so many blue faces. They arrived at the room and fallowed the Lieutenant in.

" Please have a seat. The Line Captain sends his regreets he could not personally meet you . And will be with you shortly . Sorry for the inconvenience . Please have a seat . Could i get you or your command anything to drink or eat? "

" No thank you Lieutenant we are fine."

lash sat first fallowed by the rest of his command .

" You have been more than helpful lieutenant you are excused. "

Sep 12th, 2002, 04:16:06 PM
Katanor entered the room and saluted the Captain.

"Captain, we have no time to spare. As you know we are now in a state of war with the Sith. As leaders of defense for the two main planets of the Soveiregnty we have a responsibility. I have placed the Squadron on Red Alert. You should do so as well. You can view what I have already set in motion. That Victory Star Destroyer that was recently made into commission, I have 5 wings of TIE's constantly flying, CCustoms is at highest alert, Mines are being placed in the system and Interdictors are being set up. What do you suggest?"

Sep 12th, 2002, 04:38:28 PM
" I think your plans and actions thus far speak for themselves. we have created a defensive force here on Bespin which will not easily fall. I hope to do the Same at Thyferra. I will be leaving After this meeting for Thyferra. I am transferring 2 vessels to your command and taking the Termagant and Lictor . "

Captain lash smiled and turned to look at one of his Chiss officers.

" Also i am leaving major virin on bespin with a small group of my contingent. they are under special orders .they will not be in your way . you will not even know they are here."

Lash turned back to katanor.the fire in his red eyes seemed to burn into him.

" The Sith are formidable Line Captain. Do not underestimate them.I have delta with them in the Unknown Regions. They fight in a way few men can imagine .Our best defense against them is to kill them in space.We can not afford for them to land a group on either planet."

Lash turned to another of his Chiss Officers. May I introduce Major Stepe'retim'nuruodo. he will be joining a certain friend of mine. on a mission to Myrkr to retrieve as many Ysalamiri as possible. I have my flight engineers removing the hyper space systems and nav computers to make room for a ysalamiri containment apparatus to protect our pilots from the Sith."

Lash paused for a min

" I recommend you do the same."

Sep 12th, 2002, 06:24:26 PM
Katanor straightened up,

"Consider it done," He snapped a finger in the direction of his aide who no doubt went to see his CO orders filled "I too have fought the Sith not only in space but on the ground before I was made into a Line Captain of Naval Systems I was a Colonel of the Imperial Military and was ordered to attack a Sith Complex, we had Ysalamari and killed them all, but not without first sustaining heavy casualties. The defensive force of Thyferra and Bespin shall not fall. I will see to that."

Katanor turned to the Chiss Officer.

"Major, it is an honor to meet you. I hope that your operations go smoothly, unfortunately with the current crisis I cannot meet you better but I hope you understand."

Katanor returned to Lash.

"My orbital platforms are up so that will provide anti-starfighter support. I'll bring in some Corellian Corvettes as well to...deal with the issue."

Sep 12th, 2002, 08:30:36 PM
" Very well Line Captain. I will depart for Thyferra within the hour. Now if you will excuse me I have much to see to before my departure. I have enjoyed our meeting ."

Lash stood and a smile came to his otherwise emotionless face.

" I Think the Sith will be sorry if they decide to attack either Bespin or Thyferra."

Sep 13th, 2002, 02:47:59 PM
"Agreed Comrade." Korlo smiled his regal smile back. "Now make haste, we both have much to do." He saluted as Lash left. Korlo then continued his ongoing preparations.

Sep 13th, 2002, 09:23:29 PM
Lash's shuttle had just landed on the deck of the Termagant . He knew the next 72 hours were very important in deciding the outcome of this war.

" Commander Jonbe'retab'nuruodo have Commander Mites'siami'nuruodo , yourself , Major Stepe'retim'nuruodo , and Major Andch'virin'nuruodo meet me in my quarters immediately."

" Yes Captain. "

Ten minutes later Lash and his Top command personnel sat in his quarters.

" Commander jonbe'retab'nuruodo please make preparations for the jump to Thyferra i need the termagant and Lictor ready for anything."

Commander beret gave a slight nod to Lash with a slight smile.

" Yes Captain right away. "

" Commander Mites'siami'nuruodo see to the modifications to the claw squadron . I need those Yalamiri enclosures installed and the squadron ready . Major Stepe'retim'nuruodo. Take Badger squad and meet our friend in the Myrkr system. retailed as many Ysalamiri as possible. I want you in and out without anyone ever knowing you were there. I'm sure Mr. Mosses will see to that.Then meet us back at Thyferra. "

Both men nod

You Three are dismissed . I have some business with major Andch'virin'nuruodo to discuss.

The Three chiss officers stand and depart from the room . all going about the orders they had been given.

" Major. you are to stay here on Bespin. The research and development team will do without you for the time being.
I need you to carry out something special. You are to take Wolverine Squad and do a search of the lower gas layer of Bespin."

Major Virin looked puzzled. he knew with the outbreak of war research was much needed. but if he was being sent on this mission it must be of the upmost importance.

" As ordered Captain. But i feel i am needed more in the research department. "

" Your assistants are more then capable of doing the job Major."

" Yes sir. What is it i am looking for ."

" Major over one hundred years ago a city was built . it was much like the original cloud city. it was called Tibannopolis. it is listing and has drifted into a low orbit . i want you to find this lost city. Upon finding it repair it and get the repulser lifts operational. this will be the new home of our research and development facility. As well as base of operations for our chiss contingent. the temagant has limited space for your research and here you will have space to spare. this will allow for larger projects and testing ."

" Very well captain. I will send word to you upon the location of Tibannopolis."

" Very good Major you are to take one of our Chiss shuttles and whatever equipment you need. But do so within the hour. We will be transiting to Thyferra in one standard hour. You are excused. "

" Yes Captain."

Major Virin left Captain lash's quarters and precede to prepare for his mission. Captain lash knew his men would accomplish there missions . He also knew the defenses would be more than enough to ward off any attack.But he also knew the Sith would not be easy to predict . He and his men would have to be at there best.this war will get ugly and he knew he would be in for a long and bloody fight.

Sep 14th, 2002, 03:30:12 PM
Katanor didn't doubt the Grand Admiral. But why now, Katanor hadn't even been consulted. He knew he didn't have to be for the GA to make his decision but as the head of defense for one of the most important planets in the Empire, he felt it his duty. Katanor shook his head and then viewed his work. Katanor sent a message to the surface.

"I want all Law Enforcement on Red Alert. All large public gatherings are to be cancelled. All production facilities must activate their highest security plans. We are officially at war. " Katanor looked to his left and gazed upon a single trooper who had walked in and saluted smartly.

"Sir, I am Colonel Brigov. I am here to protect you,"

"No need Colonel."

"Sir it is ordered by the Grand Admiral himself. I think you will find my experience is extensive with such matters." He handed a file to Katanor who opened it and read Special Ops, best in his class. Expert Sniper, Marksmen, Demolitions, Self Defense, Bodyguard, This man is a killing machine.

"Brigov you said? Welcome aboard. You will find this place quite boring, unless you have ideas." Katanor said. The Colonel nodded. Katanor turned to his aide.

"Deploy the Squadron in a defensive position around the planet. I want all patrol ships activated and on the ready. Also I want my new Hyperdrive Missile Boats at the ready several planets away. Also send the Grand Admiral twelve of those Missile Boats for his own purposes."

The aide nodded.

"Put the shipyard on highest alert and all turbolasers activated." Katanors comm rang. "Line Captain Freestar here."

"Sir the orbital platforms are ready and defending us."


Katanor turned to a different aide.

"Tell our intelligence chief to intercept all transmissions from Corellia that involve attacks on us."

Sep 15th, 2002, 08:48:25 PM
All of Lash's personnel had seen to there orders. Both teams have departed. The time had come to leave for Thyferra.Lash had ordered all of his squad but the Termagant and the Lictor to report to Line Captain Katanor for orders . Grand Admiral Desaria had transferred them to Katanors command . Lash was to take command of the remaining fleet at Thyferra. All was ready .

" Commander Jeffers is the Lictor ready for departure? "

" Yes Captain. "

" Very well . We will leave in 10 minutes. You have the Com Commander.I will be sending message to Line Captain Katanor before departure. Then retiring to my quarters to rest . "

" Very well Captain."

Lash turned and left the command deck for his quarters. He knew the trip would not take long . But wanted to rest until just before the conversion to real space. He reached his quarters. sat at his desk and began his message to Katanor.

" Line Captain Katanor. I have made all preparations to make the jump to Thyferra . I will send word upon my arrival. I wish you luck here on Bespin. Upon setting up defenses on Thyferra I will Send word so we can make plans for the mutual defense of them.
I will report to you soon . lash out. "

Lash sat back . He felt the deck rumble as the vessel went to hyper space. Soon he would be in the Thyferra System. Soon he would be setting up defenses for the biggest target in the galaxy.and soon he expected the attack he knew was to come.
Very soon he knew he would be forced to fight. And he would win.

Sep 17th, 2002, 09:01:57 PM
Lash had been on the bridge for 10 minutes. He could not rest. Too many plans. Too many possibilities. He would see to the defense of Thyferra. He would protect it as long as he could.

" Lieutenant how long before we arrive? "

A Lieutenant at the navigation control panel turned to Lash

" 20 minutes Captain. "

" Very good .Thank you Lieutenant. "

Lash stood looking out the view port into hyper space.

" Couldn't sleep Captain."

Lash turned to see Commander Jeffers walking onto the command walkway. He walked up and stood beside Lash.

" Welcome Commander . I thought you had turned in ."

Commander jeffers smiled at Lash.

" I too could not sleep. I worry of the days to come. I am sure we will be attacked. "

Captain Lash returned the Commanders smile.

" I also believe that Commander. "

" 10 minutes Captain. "

A voice came from the Command Pit.

" Very well Lieutenant. "

Lash Closed his eyes.

" Have you been to Thyferra before Captain? "

" Only in passing Commander. Many years ago. "

" I have ben here many times. My first command was a system patrol corvette here 25 years ago. I once had a wife here. "

Lash turned to jeffers and opened his eyes.

" Once Commander? "

" Yes , She was an officer with Imperial Intelligence. She was lost many years ago. She was at Endor Captain.

Lash closed his eyes once again.

" I see. I am sorry for your loss Commander. I have lost a wife and 2 sons. It is numbing when you first hear. Then madding knowing you weren't there to save them. "

" That it is Captain. "

Both men stood in silence.

" 2 minutes Captain. "

" Thank you Lieutenant. "

Both men watched as hyper space turned into real space in silence.Thyferra was there. Waiting to be defended. Waiting for the attack both men knew was soon to come.

Sep 18th, 2002, 11:01:47 PM
Lash turned and walked to the communications desk.

" Lieutenant open a channel to all vessels in this sector. "

The Lieutenant started depressing buttons the looked up at Captain Lash.

" Open sir. "

" To all vessels in Thyferra Space.This Is Captain Stela'shlit'nuruodo. I am under orders from Grand Admiral Desaria to assume control of all military forces in the Thyferra sector until his return. I will be implementing stricter Traffic inspection's as a result of the unsewing war with The Sith Order. Military presence here will be drastically increased . Please see to the cooperation of your crew with the new security issue. If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask. I would like for this conversion to new sector security to go as smooth as possable.Thank you for your time . "

Lash turned to look at Commander Jeffers. A slight smile coming to his face.

" Commander . I would like for you to meet with the ruling body here on Thyferra. I need you to see to it the civilian population has everything they might need if an attack does come . And see to the planning of emergency escape plans for the ruling body . Also coordinate our new defense plan with the current plan in place on Thyferra. I feel you would be better for the job than anyone on my command contingent. I'm sure you can assume why. "

Commander Jeffers didn't like the orders given him but he did see the Captains point. A Chiss planet side would just add more confusion to an already confusing situation.

" I understand Captain. I will se to it ."

" Very good Commander. Leave at once for Thyferra . Take a ten man guard with you . Preferably Special opps."

Jeffers looked at lash with some confusion .

" Special opps sir? "

" Yes Commander you my need them. "

" Very well . I will have Colonel Harkins send his 10 best men with me . "

" Excellent. That will be all Commander. Your shuttle is already prepped and ready . See to it you are planet side in half an hour."

" Yes Captain. I will report once I've landed. "

" Very good. "

Captain lash turned back to the communications officer. As he did Commander Jeffers started to his quarters to prepare for his trip planet side. He did not understand the need for special opps troops but he had started to trust this Chiss Captain. He had a feeling he might just need the troops before it was all over .

Lash closed his eyes for a moment . then opened them once again. He had so many detail to see to .

" Lieutenant Open a fleet wide channel."

" Yes sir. "

The Lieutenant once again set up the proper channel and waited for conformation from all vessels on the connection.

" Open sir. "

" Thank you Lieutenant. "

Lash pressed the transmit button .

" All Sovereign Warships , This is Captain Stela'shlit'nuruodo.I am hear by assuming command of Fleet operation's on orders from Grand Admiral Desaria . All vessel Commanders are to report vessel readiness at once. I'll be waiting for your transmissions. Lash out. "

Lash walked back onto the command walkway.and stood before the view port to watch traffic and wait for all vessels to answer with there status.

" Flight control I need a defender squadron launched at once. They are to patrol the incoming transit lanes and assume every vessel hostile. Four hour rotation between 4 squads.I want the Scimitar squadron at full readiness and fully loaded out. And the Claw squadron on standby.All other vessel's fighters are to be ordered on standby.Tell your pilots to rest between flights .They will need it."

The two officers at the flight control console both snapped there hells and saluted.

" Yes Captain . At once."

Lash turned to look out the view port once again.

Many lives will be lost here . I'm sure of it .

Lash stared out the window. The defense of Thyferra was just getting started. He knew Desaria's People were good . He knew they were among the best trained in the galaxy. He just hoped they would be enough . enough for the attack he feared soon to come.

Sep 26th, 2002, 09:27:19 PM
Lash had returned to his Quarters. He needed rest but knew that would come later. He had to get defenses up on Thyferra . he had sit and began eating dinner when the com pannel on his desk chirped.

" Lash here. "

" Captain you have a message From Grad Admiral Desaria "

" Thank you Lieutenant . Transfer it to my quarters."

" Yes sir at once. "

Lash waited for his desk panel to indicate the message had been received. Lash decoded the message and read it.

To: Captain Stela'shlit'nuruodo
From: Grand Admiral Desaria

Captain Lash . I expect defenses to be up to your high standards by 1600 hours tomorrow Thyferra time. Prepare for any and all attacks be they from Sith counter attacks or any other faction. I expect this to be a bloody war and I expect you to hold Thyferra in my absence. effective immediately you are hereby promoted to the rank of Commodore. You are to hold Thyferra at all costs . good day to you Commodore Lash.

Lash turned off the view screen and closed his eyes. He had a bad feeling about this war.

Sep 27th, 2002, 04:24:44 PM
Katanor sat idley at his desk. He was incredibly bored. There were battles to be fought out there and he was stuck in a desk waiting to be attacked. Katanor had personally secured and reviewed all of the facilities on the surface and they were virtually foolproof. The TIE fighters were now equipped with yslamari tanks and the Sith should be brought down to mortal level. However, being lured into a false sense of security was not an option. Katanor also had Colonel Brigov outside his door but like most elite troopers he was not much for conversation. In fact, the man barely spoke at all. Katanor figured he knew much more than his face showed and could be quite useful for intelligence. Suddenly the door opened and a man raced in.

"Sir, we have had an unusual amount of 'noise' in our intercepts. We believe and attack by the Sith may be coming within the month." The man stated out of breath.

Katanor's eyes went wide...an attack so soon? Well, sooner is better than later. Katanor then summoned his aides.

"Get all intelligence on highest alert. Limit merchant ships to a minimum with the largest orders only coming in. Smaller ships take up to much space. Increase patrols to the maximum. I want the battlestations defending." Katanor turned to the officer who had run in..."Does the intelligence pinpoint anything?"

"No, but it generally veers towards the orbital platforms and starship plant."

"Put those on highest alert and increase guards around the shipyard. Also tell the newly promoted Commodore, that Thyferra should also be aware of possible attacks within the month and take all necessary precautions." Katanor didn't like the fact that now the underling was the superior but the wheels of change do turn.

"And get the squadron into its motions!"

Sep 28th, 2002, 08:26:52 PM
Lash sat at his desk thinking of the days to come. He had not expected to be thrown into war as soon as he had . He was a planner . He made plans upon plans and then made plans for if the plans went wrong. He was in the process of making just such plans when the chirp came from the communications panel of his desk.

" Lash here. "

" Commodore Stela'shlit'nuruodo, Commander Jonbe'retab'nuruodo here. All vessels report battle readiness . "

" Thank you Commander I will be there in five minutes."

Lash turned the communication panel off and started towards the bridge.He arrived in less than 2 minutes.As he enters he saw Commander Beret looking over A data pad.

" Commodore on deck. " Came a voice from somewhere in the command pit. All Officers on the bridge snapped to attention.Commander Beret turned and waited for lash to walk to where he was standing.

" As you were. " The deck officers went back to the tasks they were doing before he had entered. Lash walked up next to The chiss Commander.

" Good morning Commodore. did you sleep? "

Lash smiled as turned to look out the view port.

" No my friend. I did not. To may plans to make. i will sleep tonight ."

Commander Beret stood next to Lash .

" You should Commodore. I believe all arrangements will be finalized by tonight."

" Yes they will Commander. Has Commander Jeffers reported in ? "

" Yes Commodore. He has a meeting with the governor today. "

" Very good. "

Lash turned and walked into the Command pit to the communications center.

" Lieutenant open a channel to Thyferra flight opps."

" Yes Commodore. Channel open. "

Lash depressed the transmit button.

" Thyferra Orbital Flight opps . " Came a voice from the communications console.

" This Is Commodore Stela'shlit'nuruodo Please connect me to the officer in charge. "

" At once Commodore. " Lash waited for the channels to be transferred.

" Hello Commodore, I am Commander Gray. How may I help you?

" Yes Commander. I need you to set up a rotating deep system patrol.Use the new remnant fighters . they are better suited for the task. Also starting tomorrow you will be taking over the Inner system patrols from my fighter wing. I want 4 hour rotations . See to it your pilots are rested and ready for anything. Start a training program for them and give them impossible goals. if they are flying against sith that will be the conditions. "

" Yes Commodore. I will begin at once. My pilots will be ready. "

" Very good . Your wing will be taking over the patrols at 6:00 hours tomorrow Thyferra time. "

" Understood Commodore."

" Also Commander, I will be transferring my Scimitar Squadron to your command . I am retaining the pilots for my Striker Squadrons . "

" Very well Commodore. "

" That will be it Commander. good day."

" Good day Commodore."

Lash closed the Communication Channel then walked back to the view port.Commander Beret had finished reading the data pad.and offered it to Lash as he approached.

" Commodore. here is the list of vessels and the status on the readiness. "

" Thank you Commander. "

lash looked over the Data and turned the data pad off.

" Commander you have the bridge. I am returning to my quarters . "

" Yes Commander. And try to get some rest . "

" Later my friend. I have many things to think over. "

" Very well Commodore. "

Lash returned to his quarters. He knew the defenses were ready . He knew an attack was eminent. But he also knew the Sith would not easily be defeated. For now he would wait. Wait for an attack.Wait for this war to be over.

Oct 13th, 2002, 08:21:31 PM
Pathetic Katanor thought. Absolutely pathetic. Our communications are not even up to par. How does Desaria expect me to know anything if I can't communicate with him. Freestar pondered. He was upset at his High Commanders lack of communication thus far. There was no word from the front and it is not as if they were incapable.

Katanor didn't like the waiting game. His squadron was on highest alert and now they were sitting idly just waiting to be attacked. He didn't like it. Not one bit.