View Full Version : An opinion needed (Navaria)
Helenias Evenstar
Sep 12th, 2002, 05:33:30 AM
There was a strange data message that had been left for myself from the Governors of Arcan.
While they had appreciated all that the Jedi (And especially the man they called Tohmahawk, before his untimely "demise"), it seemed there was something else they wanted - one last unexpected request. I re-read it again, to make sure I was actually understanding it correctly -
Madam Jedi,
Firstly, let me once again thank you for what yourself and the Jedi have done. It saddens us that they are leaving, for we believe a great bond has built between us. We will also always remember the night General Tohmahawk lead the NRSF and freed our planet from oppression. We also thank you for your role in keeping this freedom that we had won and it is for this that we ask that you think over a proposal.
With the New Republic once again on Coruscant, the Arcan Sector has the right to a place on the Senate and it is this position we are looking to fill. Madam Jedi, would you consider this role for us? We can think of no better person than a Jedi to represent us and we believe you would be the best one of the Jedi to do so.
Your answer, we look forward to,
Major Roger Ram'jet, Governor of Arcan IV
It certainly had come as a surprise.
I also had no idea what to do. I knew that this was no position for a Jedi, but there was something in my mind that said that this was something to. To wit, I would need to speak to some one else - someone I could trust for an opinion. Not someone close to me, some one neutral. I would ask Navaria Tarkin, for she seemed to me to be wise and would give her words with thought.
It would also be good to speak to her anyway. Thence, I waited in the Temple, for her.
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 12th, 2002, 09:37:18 PM
And the voice of the Jedi in which Helenias was waiting for filtered down the hallway that lead into the main Council Chambers. It grew closer with each passing second and there were other voices strung in between Navaria's voice.
It was a meeting taking place.
"No. Those food shipments need to get there within a week. Sullust was hit hard by that volcanic eruption and part of their city was buried in molten lava."
"I understand that Jedi Knight Tarkin but you ask the impossible... I just isn't feasible."
"There is nothing impossible. Trust me, Jaq. And call me Navaria. You have known me since I was twelve."
A very audible sigh was heard and then a pause. After a few moments, the male voice spoke up again in surprise.
"Where in the moons of Kessel did you find this hyperspace lane? .... Fine keep your secrets, Navaria."
A hearty laugh was joined by hers.
"Just do what you can and contact me as soon as you arrive. I want to make sure you get their safely and be informed of their situation."
"You got it, Miss. Heh. Never thought I be around to see you giving orders."
There was no other sound of reply from Navaria, only the sounds of boots heading back from where they came and in not that much time, Navaria entered the Council Chamber proper ... Hood drawn up over her face. Which turned immediately to Helenias.
"Good day to you."
She pulled back the hood and smiled warmly, taking note that there was no one else inside the room. Navaria nodded in respect and laced her hands together, resting them upon her belt as usual.
"Whom are you waiting for?"
It was the only reason to be inside the this room. To wait for one of the Council. To ask if you were waiting for someone was like asking does a Jedi use the Force.
Helenias Evenstar
Sep 13th, 2002, 03:40:21 AM
I turned and smiled, bowing to the member of the Council.
"Madam Tarkin, I was hoping to see you. I have a question that I believe I need yourself to answer. As you may well know, the present Arcan government was set here as a result of actions of Marcus, myself and a few others, that freed this planet from a tyrant, hence the Jedi were able to come here in their time of need. Now, the Government wishes a boon from us as we now prepare to leave. It is a strange one and one I dont think I can take to the ones I usually would."
I drew myself up to full height, looking out the windows of the Temple.
"They wish for one of us to take up the Senate seat of the Arcan sector. Specifically, they have approached me. I am honoured... but is this something a Jedi should do? I know this not. I see Leia Solo is the Chief of State, but this I think is different. What would you say?"
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 14th, 2002, 09:37:40 PM
At first, she was rather surprised that Helenias wanted to speak to her. Navaria had zero to little contact with the Warrior Jedi but as Helenias explained herself, it became all to apparent why. She could help out her fellow Jedi for exactly the reasons that caused her surprise in the first place.
She listened intently to Helenias speak, never interrupting until she was finished. As with all those of rank and those that sat upon the Council, the history of Arcan was indeed well known to Navaria. Many a time she had spoken with the local officials for various matters. To be asked by them to fill an important role was indeed an honor. But that wasn't the question. The question was pertaining to whether or not it was a Jedi's duty. Or actually, was this a duty that Helenias could do.
Finally, after reflecting upon the question, Navaria lifted her head and brought all her attention to Helenias.
"Do you fully realize what it is they are asking of you? The commitment to the planet of Arcan and how it will affect your duties as a Jedi?"
Leia Solo was a good point to bring up. She was an unusual woman, that was certain. The drive and dedication within that demure frame was ten times as powerful then any Star Destroyer in creation. It was a miracle that Leia could keep sane with her work schedule and what little time she had to herself, outside her duties as a Jedi and upon the Council of course.
Helenias case was a bit different. There was no Council position for her and this was a seat amongst the Senate; not the encompassing position as Chief of State... Hence, why Navaria asked what she did. Maybe Helenias knew, or maybe not. Being with such good friends with Prime Minister Captison ... Navaria could easily explain what Arcan was asking of the Warrior Jedi.
Helenias Evenstar
Sep 16th, 2002, 06:36:21 AM
"Do you fully realize what it is they are asking of you? The commitment to the planet of Arcan and how it will affect your duties as a Jedi?"
That was a good question and one I had gvien much thought to.
"I believe I do Madam Tarkin. I also understand the wider commitment a position of this sort can bring if I so choose to pursue it, for this is a position a great deal of good can be done if the comitment is carried through correctly - in a perfect Galaxy a Jedi would make a superb Senator as a Jedi has their eye on the common good, would serve unselfishly, would always do what is right. But this is not a perfect Galaxy. There is the Trade Federation, the Cizerack, the various guilds and greedy politicians. There is interest groups and those who seek only to feather their nest"
I had a slight smile on my face...
"There was a reason I am a more martial Jedi than almost all - I am pre-disposed to action, I seize the moment and move with all my energy and vigour when called to do so. Could you imagine a Jedi like myself amongst them? It would be like releasing a bird of prey into a pack of mice. I am not one to argue out a course of action in a committee. It is not in my nature to be otherwise. Bearign this in mind, I would normally say no. But, there is a time coming having a Jedi in the halls of the Senate may prove useful. We are no longer so beset with the Force of the Dark Side - but we have other enemies that I sense are beginning to grow. It is with this in mind that may cause myself to go against my initial response and accept. What would you think of what I have said?"
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 18th, 2002, 10:56:13 AM
"You have brought up the ideal and the less then ideal aspects of being a Senator with much thought and care. All that I agree with and wanted to make sure you understood it as well.
A Jedi's greatest strength lies in the ability to foster peace and protect beings. That doesn't always means fighting on the battlefield and I have sensed the same as you have. The galaxy is changing and not all our enemies are using the Dark Side so overtly and with a sabre to attack us. No. The Dark Side has become more elusive I fear. Hiding behind the media and the comforts of political power."
Briefly she closed her eyes as if searching for something. Helenias could see that the Knight's eyes were moving back and forth rather quickly and knew the Force was being applied.
"You feel that your position could do much good but are unsure that your ways wouldn't fit amongst the flock of Senators in their endless debates and back room politicking."
Navaria opened her eyes and returned her focus to her colleague.
"That is the sole reason why it would be beneficial for you to accept, at least in my thoughts. I will not say they will be content in such.... a .... cut to the chase attitude that you will bring to them but perhaps that is what the Senate needs finally. Someone to cut through the red tape, as they say, and get to doing the issues instead of just talking about them for weeks on end.
It will not be easy and most difficult for one as you that has never been in such an arena before. The change will be quite drastic to the life you have had and the sacrifice personally is without measure.
Is that something you are willing to do?"
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