View Full Version : Terminator Velocity Cannon

Sep 11th, 2002, 11:16:11 PM
Lash Designs. Terminator Velocity Cannon.


This cannon launches the Terminator projectile and very high speeds. It Is much like a (guass cannon or rail gun.) it uses magnetic fields to speed the projectile out at near light speed.
It has drawback but those are classified at this time. I have researched this weapon to a great extent.
any questions or comments are welcome and appreciated.

Oct 1st, 2002, 08:19:48 AM
Electronics test.

The Testing Group of Lash Research Designs had waited for this moment for 2 weeks. Construction and design of the massive Terminator Cannon had been round the clock work for all personnel associated with the project. But no one minded. This weapon was the future . Is destructive power was unmatched to date by any other projectile weapon.It was time for the test on all power system to begin. All hoped everything went well.

Sovereign Officer
Oct 1st, 2002, 08:57:02 AM
Lieutenant Rehar'perwa'nuruodo "Harper" Was in charge of the terminator project as well as other key Lash Research Designs Projects. he was ready to Finish the testing on the massive cannon and move along to the Vengeance Turbo Laser system. Although he understood the use's of the massive Terminator Cannon It was the new Turbo Lasers that were going to be used in battle . The terminator Cannons would take 1 weeks to mount On a vessel leaving it inoperative for that time. He knew with the war going on no vessels would be able to under go such a modification.

" Ensign . Are all systems ready for the test.? "

" Yes Lieutenant. All systems are go. "

" Very well proceed with test one. "

The test Cannon had been Built on an old mining platform over Bespin. The velocity muzzle in itself was 30 meters long.And the weight of the cannon required more repulser engines be added to the platform.

" Test is commencing sir " came the ensigns voice as he started the power up sequence.

" Antimatter power converter online. All systems green Lieutenant."

" Test one complete move on to test two Ensign."

Lieutenant Harper smiled.As he issued the order. The power needed for such a massive Cannons was in itself a enough to power 10 heavy turbo lasers . The Anti Mater Converter was developed to Channel Anti Matter from the Anti mater core of the engines the convert it into Ionized particles to power the massive magnetic coils.

" Test two commencing .Ion Transfer System is active and operational Lieutenant. "

" Excellent Ensign. test two complete. Proceed to test three. "

The Ensign started changing settings on his control panel and began the next portion of the test.

" Test Three beginning sir.ion Capacitors are charging. 30 percent,57 percent,72 percent.Ion Capacitors charged and ready Lieutenant. "

" Very good ensign. Proceed to test four. "

Sovereign Officer
Oct 1st, 2002, 05:54:54 PM
Lieutenant Harper watched as the ensign started the next test .

" Beginning the power transfer test. " The ensign Said as he began sliding the power lever up.

" 20 percent max power . All systems normal."

" go to 50 percent ensign."

" Yes sir. " the ensign slid the lever up .

" 50 percent sir. All systems optimum."

Lieutenant Harper took a Data Pad out and started entering data into it.

" Engage the Magnetic Coil buffers Ensign. "

" Engaged Sir. Buffers at optimum performance."

" Very good Ensign." He entered more data into the pad.

" Ok Ensign engage the coils."

" Engaging."

The moment the magnetic Coils engaged the Deck of the platform started shaking. everyone looked around as if to check that everything was still there. A loud humming sound started to fill the room.

" Magnetic coils engaged. all systems still optimum "

Harper entered more data into the pad.

" Begin Projectile loading. "

The Ensign pressed a button on the upper right hand side of the control panel. This started the droid controlled loader. everyone could hear the sounds of the loaders moving far below them. then the sound of the projectile moving into the muzzle chamber.

" Projectile loaded Lieutenant."

" Very well Ensign begin raising the power to 100 percent."

" Yes sir.62 percent,77 percent.89 percent.100 percent Lieutenant."

The hum of the coils had gotten so loud the Lieutenant could just hardly hear the ensign.he noted in the report he was making of the intense sound levels and the need for a helmet based communication system with sound dampening.

" All systems normal sir." The ensign had to yell for the Lieutenant to hear him.

harper walked up next to the ensign so he would not have to yell as loud.

" Do a entire system diagnostic Ensign."

The ensign began running all the tests then ran them a second time.

" All systems normal weapon ready to fire. "

" Start Fire procedure."

The ensign opened the safety cover to the fire button. Harper walked over to the Communications panel and opened a channel to Bespin Orbital Traffic Control.

" This is Lieutenant Harper Please confirm no fly zone is clear and no traffic is nearby. "

A few seconds past and a voice came over the Com channel.

" Zone clear Lieutenant you have a go on weapon test."

harper walked back to the fire control .

" Status ensign."

" All systems ready to fire Lieutenant. "

" Very well ensign. fire! "

Telan Desaria
Oct 2nd, 2002, 02:09:17 AM
:ash, you are doing a fine job at R and D, but you are making more work for yourself....

you need not rp the testing and design.

Idf you want to, ok...

Oct 2nd, 2002, 10:30:43 AM
I wanted to . It kinda lays out a idea of the power needed to fire it and all that gos into the weapon. Besides I was bored.lol

Oct 3rd, 2002, 07:58:12 AM
Research complete.