View Full Version : The end to it all (Death of Crono Katon)
crono katon
Sep 11th, 2002, 08:54:27 PM
The bar was as happy as always. The happy people talking to their friends not caring about the rest of the galaxy and the fact that one day they was going to die...Crono just couldn't take it anymore the pain from his scares, the pain from his life and the fact that he only had 3 people in his life that cared. His younger sister Keshia Kou and Chimp the rubber chicken...and one more that no one ever meet..his secret that couldn't be hidden forever...
Crono pulled out a folded letter and laid it on the table that he always set at. There was a small note on the outside that read
For anyone that cares
He stood up from the table and walked to the center of the room. He reached down to his belt and pulled out his light saber...and ignited the blade. He closed his eyes and said quietly "the joke is over". Then he bent down on to his knees and put the ignited blade to his neck...and as fast as possible he cut threw his scared neck...As the body and head fell to the floor chimp fell out of Crono Katon pocket and laid there beside him.
My life has always been different than everyone else. I took care of my sister until the day I was taken bye the people that played with my mind...stab and burned my skin to the point were the pain drove me crazy....The voices in my head started after I killed the people that kidnapped me...and they began to drive me deeper into my madness so I began to drink my self to death but that wasn't I decided that I needed some one to talk to...some one thats how my son came along...I found him on the street at the age of 4 not knowing who his parents were or where to find them..I took the boy in and began to train him in the arts of weapons, writing, and anything else I felt like...but he is now 16...and my madness is the worst it's ever been...and life is no longer now my son will be alone...Tell him I'm sorry.....
Xazor Elessar
Sep 11th, 2002, 09:18:49 PM
Xazor had been sitting beside a wall when she witnessed someone she had talked to once a very long time ago. Crono Katon......the Brother of her friend, Keshia Kou. Her eyes widened as she saw what he was doing. Dropping her glass of water, she rushed up from her seat and seemed to run in slow motion toward the scene. She pushed past gawkers and nearly reached him.....
She screamed out.....but it was too late......and he was gone forever. The Knight just stopped there.....a few feet away from him. Her who body seemed to go limp as she fell to the floor upon her knees. "Another life taken and to think I could have talked to him......I shouldn't have passed him by that day in the Bar a few weeks ago...." she thought to herself as her eyes filled with tears. was beginning to affect her now....she had seen it thousands of times before.....all at her own hands....but to see it now as a Jedi.....left a scar upon her heart and mind.
Her eyes went to the rubber chicken that fell from his pocket. His mentalstate had been off and he confided in the small rubber mass that now laid at his side.....collecting blood at the fake feet that lay limp as Crono's body. The tears fell from her eyes as a darkness swept over the bar. She felt alone now.....though having now known him was still Death.....and she had watched the whole thing. She hadn't been fast enough to reach grab the saber from his hand and take to him. She had avoided him several times.....watching the so called 'freak' as he sat talking to himself or the rubber chicken.
"Aa' lasser en lle coia orn n' omenta gurtha .....quel kaima....."
She said softly. It was a simple fairwell to the life of one. She turned away the onlookers and took the rubber chicken in her hands. Placing it within her robes, she figured it was her duty to take hiim away now.......seeing as though everyone else was too awestruck to do so. She disengaged his saber and placed it upon her belt for give to his sister when the time came. The Knight inched closer and took off her cloak.....wrapping his body and head up in it.....then placing him over her shoulder. She would have to find Keshia soon.....and others to help arrange a burial for him. It was her understanding that he had no she would help as much as she could for she did not while he was living. And so he ended there.....
Sep 11th, 2002, 09:25:08 PM
Zeke came into the bar, doing a small dance and humming, then saw Xazor with the cloak over her shoulder. He slowly stopped and stood silently.
"Um...Xaz...what's in the cloak?"
He knew from the blood on the floor, but refused to believe it.
Commander Zemil Vymes
Sep 11th, 2002, 09:39:07 PM
"Alright everybody. Back away! Back away! Coruscant Watch!"
Vymes ran in, holding his badge up as he approached the deceased. On the plus side, it was pretty open and suicides tend to be. On the minus, it was a bloody mess. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a comm.
"We've got a 416 at Level 612, Coco District. Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill."
Easing Xazor from the decapitated body, Vymes reached to the adjacent table, unfolding a meticulously-neat piece of paper.
"What a way to go."
It wasn't the first suicide he'd presided over. It wouldn't be the last. He'd looked at his gun and wondered at times if the next he saw would be his own at times. Life did that to you sometimes. So far, he hadn't squeezed the trigger...if for only the fact that whenever he left a game when the other team ran up the score...he missed the suprise comeback.
Xazor Elessar
Sep 12th, 2002, 06:23:18 PM
Xazor seemed to ignore Zeke....but not intentionally. Her mind was full at the moment.....and his question did not seem to matter right now. Suddenly a man rushed up to her and took Crono's body......a bit to her relief......claiming he was a Coruscant City Watch. Her eyes widened a bit at his actions....but she stepped away.....backing up with her hands in the air. Her eyes shot back to the bag.....and then to floor. Her heart went out to Keshia...knowing how saddened she would be......
Kesh Kou
Sep 13th, 2002, 01:49:40 PM
*Keshia barreled through the doors of the bar and glanced around looking for her brother Crono.Something was wrong,something bad happened to her big brother.She spotted Xazor and made her way to her side*"Hey Xaz have you seen my bro crono katon?somethings wrong...."*Kesh Noticed the blood on the floor and glanced again at xaz.*"Please..."
Sep 13th, 2002, 02:45:50 PM
Ansatsu came in. Someone had died. Life was precious, and he walked up to Xaz and Kesh, he could tell by her tears she had lost someone special, "I am sorry. I too know what it is like. At least now he no longer suffers. Just cry if it makes you feel better." Even though Ansatsu did not know this person he still cried. He looked at Zeke, "Zeke I have seen you around. Go find the child mentioned in this letter. It is best for him, unless Master Dawnstrider says otherwise." Ansatsu began crying again and removed his mask. He took a flower called "yuma" and placed it on the cloak. Life was precious and as a Jedi Ansatsu would assure this never happened again.
Xazor Elessar
Sep 13th, 2002, 03:23:56 PM
Xazor nodded to Ansatsu solemnly and looked to Zeke, sighing to herself.
"Yes.....find the child. Keshia.....your Brother has....he took his life. Here is his weapon...."
She said softly, handing the saber of Crono to her friend. Embracing Keshia warmly, she then pulled away and lowered her head......slowly making her way out of the Bar and Grill......
imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 13th, 2002, 05:57:07 PM
"........." Lance's eyes stayed half-closed as he stood among the others.
Number 62
Sep 13th, 2002, 06:03:50 PM
62 sat there in shock at the corner of the Bar watching every thing going on. He was trying to keep to his self, because he was probably one of the only people here that ever really new Crono Katon..even though it has been many, many years since they have talked. Brent just set there watching in shock.
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