View Full Version : Mending The Brokeness.....(Sia)

Xazor Elessar
Sep 11th, 2002, 08:52:42 PM
Two figures clad in shadows entered Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. Two best friends from a time past made their way toward the back of the establishment. As they walked through groups of people and past tables of gatherers....many looks fell upon them for various reasons. One was remembered as a Breaker of Hearts.....the other a Breaker of Oaths. It mattered not now, for it was in the past....and it was over with. Now it was time to mend the brokeness between them and catch up on things that they had missed in eachothers lives....and bring back the Shadow Dancers.....

"Drinks are on me....."

She said to Sia softly as a server droid approached the table. The Garou smiled to herself and thought for a moment about what she would have. Too many things to choose from on such a joyous day.....so she decided to settle upon an old favorite........

"The Garou Ale, please......"

The Knight grinned toothily and then turned her head to Sia and awaited her order......

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Sep 12th, 2002, 07:39:39 PM
Sia-lan stepped into the bar and grill with Xazor. The place was packed except for a table in the back. They sat down and a serving droid came over. Xazor ordered something that was a "bit" to strong for Sia-lan.

"Wine, thank you."

The droid rolled away and Sia-lan looked at her friend.

"I am sorry to hear about your padawan and the others. I am suprised at Natia though. Why did she fall? And Nash? If I remeber correctly, he was a great knight."

Sia-lan kept a pretty straight face sense she had come back. Only a few smiles here and there. Few large. She sat back as she taked with her old friend.