View Full Version : Because I've never faced you...(Xazor)
imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 11th, 2002, 04:43:20 PM
:: Lance flipped around the academy hyper and happy as always a wide grin on his lips, for an uknown reason on this day Lance wondered..and thought about something..::
"The first person i met at GJO..was Xazor...and one of the people I have never sparred not even seen fight" He said leaning his hand against his chin, his lips formed an egg and patted them with his finger with a st-pid look on his face.
"Erm! I could learn something..gotta find her now" On those words Lance ran in the academy and suddenly as he ran through the hall he saw Xazor but was going so fast he couldn't stop to go into the room where she was he slid on the floor and then almost crashed on the wall at the other side before crashing into it he jumped and spun in the air to send his feets first then propulsing him-self back to the ground Lance came back to his feet and walked into the room she was.
"Heyyy Xazor" Lance said scratching the back of his head.
OOC: I hope you don't mind Auntie :)
Xazor Elessar
Sep 11th, 2002, 04:54:00 PM
ooc: I don't about set this to after my having the baby....I can't fight while I am pregnant. :lol
The Knight had heard a bit of commotion and turned around to witness Lance doing some sort of flip in the hallway in a sad attempt to fall with grace. She laughed to herself as he approached her with a mischievous look upon his face.
"Yes Lance......what would you like today?"
She questioned curiously, wondering why he was acting a bit....suspcious. Her eyes shifted to the others who were entering the room without her....but it mattered not....she was only going to be a second mediator to a problem that was going on in case it got too out of control.....but the other who was there could handle it well and she could contend with Lance.....whatever he needed......
imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:02:24 PM
OOC: Sure anyways I'm playing with time periods, you'll see there will be soon a moment when Lance will go literally COUCOU and handicap for a while due to several emotional shocks. Well anyways time to fight a bit ^^.
"Welllll....I need a tiny tiny little favor to ask ya" He said his two fingers forming a small circle he looked dumb but whatever.
:: He then grinned lightly and coughed as he began to speak::
"I need to fight you!" He said his face becomign serious as if he was to swallow her he approached her slowly.
"Haha! I mean can we spar?" He said crossing his arms over his chest.
Xazor Elessar
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:10:14 PM
Xazor canted her head to the side and eyed him curiously. For some reason, something told her that he was actually serious. Smiling, she nodded gently and crossed her arms over her chest as well. The Knight stepped up to him....and though she had to look up into his face.....she still was tall and strong for a woman.
"If you dare....."
She winked gently at her words....wondering what his fighting style was. It would be interesting to let him see hers as well, for they had never seen one another in battle.....
imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 12th, 2002, 04:22:02 AM
"Dare? Don't speak about daring even if th entire order would challnge me I'd still dare" Lance said winking, he then scratched his head and looked around.
"Um you choose the sparring room, any is perfect for me."
Xazor Elessar
Sep 12th, 2002, 06:18:23 PM
Xazor laughed to herself and nodded gently, moving past several smaller rooms until they reached.....The Arena. It was the largest of all the rooms......and could probably hold several of those rooms in itself. It was.....huge......and intimidating. There were many tools there that could be used while sparring...nets, wooden planks.....rafters.....etc. She smiled and turned to face him.
"This looks like the perfect place to me......."
imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 13th, 2002, 04:48:04 AM
:: Lance's eyes widened at the view of The Arena, he walked in not making a noise because of his light shoes, he always wore them in training and when he went out at night under his Strider tunic.::
"Woha....I never saw this sparring room has so many stuff...hehe it's gonna get messy" Lance said a wide grin formed on his lips as Matrix shook in his belt, who knows if it was hyper or simply gonna fly away like it usually does when he spars ppl, damn the person who made the force meditations on this lightsaber.
:: Lance continued to walk forward following Xazor, as some thoughts scratched his mind and curiosity.::
"Hmm I heard from Helenias that you use illusions and from Wei that your a martial artist, hehe to say the truth I can use both of those things too...but probably in different types of techniques." He then walked to a perfect spot where he started stretching and cracking his joints, neck legs and everything else.
:: He unclipped his belt and threw it to the ground, as it was thrown Lance summoned the force and Matrix flew out of the belt hitting the palm of Lance's hand perfectly.::
Don't let me down..Matrix...don't let me down Those thoughts travelled in Lance's mind as he tried to stay focused on the force, this was gonna be a very tough battle tougher then all the other spars he's had so far.
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