View Full Version : A pure coincidence (Rinoa!)

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 11th, 2002, 04:29:59 AM
:: Lance was sleeping on his bed his arms extended to the edge of it, he then yawned lightly slipping his hand in front of his mouth his yawn widened even more.......yes these were the signs of boredom an eternal boredom......eternal just like death.::

My my....there is nothing to do...so this is the life of a jedi knight..no action..no missions it's getting too quiet for me to live in this world.

::Those thoughts twirled in Lance's mind as he decided to get up, walking to his washroom and fixing up his spikey hair, he then slipped his special hair gel and called Matrix with the aid of the flying to his hand he held it firmly and looked at it with the same joy and pride glowing through his jaded eyes.::

"Well maybe check out Dash would be a good idea"

:: Lance ran out of his room and suddenly he tilted his head hearing a noise coming from the other side of the hall when suddenly BOUM! he crashed into something and as he fell he slipped his hand in front of him to flip back to his feet, a young woman fell right before him, Lance ran up to her and lifted her up on his arms, looking at the angelic face of this young woman Lance smiled lightly and spoke.::

"heyyyyyy.........so sorry miss...I didn't see you come..damn ol me distracted Jedi" He said a grin forming on his lips.

"But my...what is the name of beauty I am having the honor to speak to" Lance a wink escaping.

OOC: :) We'll just rp this out and then start your training.

Rinoa Heartilly
Sep 13th, 2002, 05:25:44 AM
(ooc: K, got it...)


Rinoa had been walking down the hall, looking for a room, when:


She was sidelined by some dude with the Spikiest hair she'd ever seen. She smiled, flashing perfect teeth in his direction, all the while thinking:

"This guy tries too hard...", but she noticed that he was rather attractive...and really strong...

Accepting his help up, she smoothed her blue skirt out a bit.

"The beauty you have the honor of speaking with this evening is Rinoa Heartilly. I just joined, and was looking for a room when one of you damn clumsy jedi ran into me..."

She laughed, then said:

"No, I'm kidding...May I ask who is this attractive man that I am having the pleasure to converse with?" she queried, trying not to laugh...

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:38:26 AM
:: Lance laughed lightly covering his mouth::

"Wellll...name's Lance " His hand slid through his hair as he spoke with a soft and cool voice, his blonde hair somehow fell to his left side, Lance's eyes spiraled as he looked up at his hair and tried to fix it with his hand.

"Damn hair! Sorry" Untill he fixed it he looked rather dumb but he was always picky about his hair.

"Ah really sorry for that...but it seemed I need a new hair cut hehe"

"So you say you just joined"

"Hmm..." His jaded eyes remained fixed on her face.

:: She was really pretty...and somehow she just looked like an Angel to Lance's eyes.::

"......So...erm...have a master yet?." His hand patted the back of his head while grinning at his words.

Rinoa Heartilly
Sep 14th, 2002, 09:19:57 AM
"Er, ummm, not really..." she said, smiling...

...she patted his hair...

"Ooh, spiky..." she giggled, waiting for him to say something...

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:13:06 AM
:: Lance eyed her hand touching his spikey hair.::

"Euh hehe yeah spikey I went to this salon where they made it really nice, my hair use to be brown hey I'll show you a picture someday" He said gigling.

"Ah! But anyways. If you don't have a master yet...well I am a jedi knight of this order...and I am willing to take YOU as my apprentice..it would be an honor for me to take on such an angelic looking young lady as my own padawan" He said a wide smile on his lips.

Rinoa Heartilly
Sep 14th, 2002, 06:45:09 PM
Rinoa smiled.

"Seriously? Angelic? Hey, anybody that nice can be my Master. Need me to bow, or anything?" she said, fighting down a laugh.

"I've only been here a few days and I've already got myself a master..." she thought to herself. "This is so...cool!"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 15th, 2002, 07:53:50 AM
:: Lance grinned as he folded his arms against his chest letting his right hand touch his chin.::

"Well...hehe...if you wanna be my padawan then meet me at the jedi academy in 2 days at dawn...don't be late or I'll have to hit you with a frying pan" He said laughing.

:: Lance then turned around and let up a soft voice.::


Rinoa Heartilly
Sep 15th, 2002, 08:02:47 AM
"Alright, no problem..." Rinoa said, smiling again... "I'll have to make sure you're not missing any pans from your kitchen, though..."

She turned to walk off, a little bounce in her step.
