View Full Version : Knowing Ones Self - Cizerack Psychology
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 11th, 2002, 12:09:32 AM
She had been asked to the Calan Monk's dwelling after her many, many hints for just such an invitation.
The Director had secured the good will intention of Jubei SaDherat Vader a great while ago to tutor the Cizerack heiress, Jajanneei and enhance and expand her education. This good intention had not yet been realised as the Director had hoped - the Jedi having many duties to his order that had so far made it impossible for him to take himself away from them.
No doubt Jubei thought this the purpose of the Directors visit today.
Kajeela was ushered to the octagon Tea House by what she assumed were "lesser" monks. It was set in a small clearing in the midst of a lightly wooded area just outside the temple. Tranquil and serene - it inspired calm and introspection. It did, Kajeela mused, to those other than a Cizerack with an agenda.
She sat upon the stone bench, a coushin being provided for her by the attentive monk and waited her hosts arrival.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 11th, 2002, 04:46:27 PM
Greetings, Director Tarruurri.
(Jubei worked over the difficult syllables with a tongue experienced in Cizerack nomenclature, bowing as he did so. The presence of such a powerful member of the felinoid trade empire on Calan was one that warranted his full attention. Though peace was always to be maintained, Jubei had known that he could ill afford to trust the Cizerack freely. They were consistently taking a mile for every inch given.)
Welcome to Calan. I apologize for not being able to meet with you sooner. My obligations within the Jedi Order have been numerous.
(Sitting lotus-style on an opposite seat, Jubei extended a cup of tea to his guest)
Please, Director...what is on your mind?
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 13th, 2002, 12:00:12 AM
She took the tea carefully in her right hand and sipped from it. Her pert lips drawing the hot liquid into her mouth while her intelligent eyes drew in the Monk.
"jyesss, jI know how jit jisss to be a ssserrrvant to one'sss rrresssponsssabjiljitjiesss."
She placed the small cup beside her on the bench.
"jYou are jin much demand."
The Director knew there was not much point to flatter this one. He had a discipline of mind and spirit that was almost impenetrable. But everyone had a breaking point...a point of no return.
She hid her thoughts behind a coy smile. She really was quite beautiful, but her manner was one that no matter how charming, people could not completely relax around her. She was dangerous at all times. And when she appeared harmless, it was when she was the most deadly.
"The grrroundsss herrre arrre verrrjy beautjiful. Sssshall we ssstrrroll?"
Jubei would have noticed the absence of her ever-present Enforcers, her body guards. It was a rare deviation from the Directors behaviour to be alone. It was sending a message that she hoped was deliberately misleading.
With an inviting smile and a laconic sway of her tail, the petite Cizerack stood and waited for Jubei to stand also.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 13th, 2002, 12:12:20 AM
Of course. The monastery grounds are open for all to see.
(Jubei rose and helped the Cizerack woman to her feet, though he knew such assistance was not needed. There was some unease at her attention here. Her exploits as the Cizerack intelligence director were known enough, and he wondered if showing her around was only fodder for some clandestine activity she now plotted. But, he would not refuse her. It was not his way.)
Of course director. The glittering gardens are this way.
(Leaving the shade of the tea room, Jubei walked with the petite felinoid, his dark-clad figure not unlike her own dark garb, albeit more tasteful)
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 13th, 2002, 12:46:28 AM
Jubei held out a helping hand, and the Director was careful to see he took her by her left side. The Monk thought nothing more of that than perhaps it was just an odd preference Kajeela had..or maybe it was a security protocol habit of some sort. The notion was forgotten as quickly as it was birthed.
She looped her arm through his, her hand a little stiff and awkward, she was careful not to touch him with it, and allowed him to lead the way. The surroundings were indeed impressive. Kajeela had a great respect of such beauty in nature. She liked the orderliness of a cultured garden, the dominance of creator over creation.
Nodding in the direction of a cluster of unusual looking trees, Kajeela made known her curiosity toward them.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 13th, 2002, 11:13:11 PM
These trees were planted in the year of the shining dove...
(Jubei corrected himself, noting the timekeeping discrepancy)
...ten years ago. That is several years after your first occupation here. We preserve this area as a place of inner discovery, and personal meditation. The light ambiance through the transparent leaves is soothing.
(He would offer any other guest a chance to meditate...but he doubted any such overture would be received well by the felinoid.)
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 13th, 2002, 11:43:10 PM
"The Sssshjinjing Dove...How jinterrressstjing"
They moved off the peppled pathway that was so neatly laid through the grounds and onto the grass beyond.
Two monks passed by a little further distant, nodding meekly to Jubei in greeting and acknowldgement. He returned the nod and the pair continued on their way murming quitely to each other in conversation turning shortly into the Main temple.
Kajeela furtively watched them go. They were unconcerned about their superior Jubei as the whole ambiance of the afternoon was one of a pleasant and companianble tenure.
"jYou have sssuch a deljicate culturrre comparrred to the Prrrjides, Jubeji. Thjingsss ssseem ssso much morrre genteel herrre...
...jIt jisss whjy we mussst trrravel to Carrrssshouljis."
Jubei looked at her to see if had heard her correctly.
The Director's keen sense could pick up the scent of her fellow Cizceracks' on the breeze now, and her hand tightened around the Jedi's arm.
He made to pull away, suddenly wary, but Kajeela had unsheathed her claws and the five sharp jabs were a rude surprise to Jubei as she peirced through his clothing and sunk them into his skin.
Jubei broke her grip then, but the damage had been done. The chemical coating that had been on the claws of her left hand was even now making its way through his bloodstream and taking it almost instantaneously to his heart and brain. He would feel weak, slow, his motor skills would be paralysed, his tongue would thicken in his mouth impeding speech. His thoughts would be confused and lethargic. And then, he would pass out completely.
He would feel these effects within seconds.
The Enforcer appeared at her call, pushing his way through the bushes and trampling the foilage without a second thought, and held Jubei up from behind to support him.
With a sinking feeling, Jubei saw the sick satisfied smile spread on the pink pert lips of the Director and felt strong steady hands twice the size of his own take hold of him on either side.
She took a cloth from inside her vest pocket with her right hand and methodically and very carefully cleansed each of her tainted left claws.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 14th, 2002, 09:04:28 PM
(Jubei's eyelids fluttered weakly, as he fought to gain control over a domain that was increasingly alien to him. The agent was a hallucinogenic, which is one of the only such drugs that would be effective against a Jedi with such intimate control over his own self. Entire concepts became inverted, distorted, and changed into a different color of thought. The entire ability to negate such an effect was the first casualty to the Calanic Monk. Every mental faculty was felled in a single swipe of the Director's poisoned claws. Glassy eyes closed, and Jubei went limp in her manservant's arms)
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 14th, 2002, 11:12:39 PM
Jubei felt the gentle brush of fingers around his face before he slipped into the dark oblivion created by the Director's drug - her face fading out even though he tried so valliantly to keep focus.
The moment he was out completely, the Cizeracks snapped into their disciplined precision, bundling their prize into a body bag and then disapearing back through the woods of the Monastic grounds to their awaiting transport.
"Hurrrjy! Hurrjy!"
They bundled Jubei into the vehicle, careful not to cause any damage to him while Kajeela constantly looked over her shoulder and all around, keeping sharp lookout for any one following. But as yet, no one had noticed them, and the spiriting away of Jubei had been carried out flawlessly. With any luck, it would be some time before he was missed and by then they would be half way to Carshoulis Prime.
Once aboard the KAR Flagship, they took Jubei to the medical quarters where they took him out of his ignoble bodybag and made him comfortable on a hover-stretcher. An infusion drip was set up to keep the Jedi completely sedated and this is how he remained until his transfer to Kei Ai' Reei HeadQuarters 32 hours later..
It was the sounds that he registered first. Someone was moving around. He was still immobilised, hands and feet tied by leather bindings. He could hear the voices, but had trouble comprehending who was speaking and where he was.
"And jyou arrre cerrrtajin that anjimal jinhjibits hjisss forrrce powerrrs? jIt is fajirrrljy sssmall. Perrrhapsss we ssshould have a biggerrr Yssslamjirrrji?"
The small framed male Cizerack tugged at the sleeves of his lab coat - why were they always too short??
He pushed his square framed glasses back up his little nose and blinked at Kajeela.
"jI asssurrre jyou, Djirrrectorrr Tarrrrrruurrrrrrji, thjisss jisss all that jisss needed."
Jubei stirred on his bunk and the KAR doctor sprang from his desk like a prancing weasel and crossed over to where the Jedi lay. He was nearly as fascinated in the Monk as the Director herself and was not shy in showing it.
"He wakessss, Djirrrectorrr."
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:00:22 AM
(Unfocused eyes wavered open, to reveal the visage of a curiosity-bound male Cizerack. Blinking, Jubei regarded the figure beyond him, and recognized her.)
You...have taken me? Where?
(He looked around, to a room that was cold and inhospitable, wholly alien to him. The general ergonimics of the room were easily recognizable as Cizerack, however. His head was groggy, and his wits were barely his own. More dire, however, was that he could not call upon the Force. Further looking found the cause.)
A are well prepared, Director.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:11:49 AM
"jI jintend to sssucceed.."
She moved closer, walking with a grace and poise that was at odds with her dark intentions.
"...and to sssucceed one mussst be prrreparred."
She crouched beside the doctor and placed a gentel hand on Jubei's forehead. She looked like some twisted version of Florence Nightingale. All concern, but fully preparing to make her patients state much, much worse.
"Welcome to the Keji Aji Rrreeji - jIt jisss ssstrrrange to jyou now, but sssoon jit wjill feel ljike home."
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:15:27 AM
But surely, you must know that by now, my disappearance has been reported. And what Calan knows, the Jedi know.
(Jubei felt a chill at Kajeela's words...and immediately wondered her intent)
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:28:30 AM
She smiled at him as if he were a child.
"That jis whjy jyou wjill send them a messsssage to tell them jyou are sssettjing up a currrrjiculjim for the Prrrjincesssss."
The smile hardened and her eyes took on a chilling determination.
"jYou wjill allajy thejir fearrrs, Jubeji.....or jI wjill be forrrced to do somethjing.....unforrrtunate to jyourrr Calan Monasterrrjy.."
The doctor produced a data pad - the message already dictated and coded. All Jubei need do was enter his personal ID password and encryption codes so that the Jedi would know it came from him.
It would buy the Director the time neccessary to accomplish her purpose with Vader.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 15th, 2002, 08:01:14 AM
You ask me to lie. I cannot do this. And you wouldn't dare threaten the monastery. Calan is under the protection of the Republic.
(Though even now, Jubei was unsure. If the Director had the will and means to go this far...who was to say that she wouldn't break even more eggs for her omelette.)
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 15th, 2002, 06:27:08 PM
"jIt jisss not jyourrr ljie, Jubeji - jit jisss mjine. jYourrr parrrt jisss onljy to keep jinnocentsss frrrom harrrrm. Ssssurrrlejy jyour conssscjience demandsss jyou do thjisss."
Some how Kajeela's twisted logic made a smattering of sense.
"Besssjides..." and she moved her hand from his face to let it stroll along the Jedi's chest, drumming her fingers in a light staccato beat on it.
"jIf jyou co-operrrate wjith me, and not fjight me at everrrjy turrrn, jyou wjill be back home to your eunuchsss jin a afew dajysss. That jis jincentjive enough jisnt jit? What are a few ssshorrrt dajysss wjith sssso manjy ljivesss jin the balance? jYou may even wrjite sssome lesssssonsss for herrr hjighnesss, rrremoving the lie completely."
She leant forward and rubbed her cheek against his face and whispered with feigned sadness.
"jI wjil have jyour Monksss kjilled jif jyou rrrefussse. Pleassse dont doubt me, Jubeji..jIt wjill ssseem an accjident, but thejy wjill be dead all the sssame."
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 16th, 2002, 12:11:52 AM
(Her ruthlessness was a fearsome opponent, and Jubei found his options dwindling to a singular course.)
I will cooperate, as you ask.
(As the immediate drowsiness of the narcotic wore away, he looked into her eyes, which radiated a faux sincerity, and a cold demeanor)
I am to assume that my capture is for more clandestine reasons than the Princess's education.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 17th, 2002, 10:24:09 PM
She answered with a smile and a soft nuzzle of her nose upon his own. She stretched across him and untied one of the leather bindings, freeing a hand for Jubei to code in the ID for the message back to his monastery.
"jI knew jyou werrre a ssssmarrrt hju-mann. jIt jis whjy jI chose jyou.."
She signalled to Theour, her favorite bodyguard, and instantly the burly Cizerack male was on the other side of the bunk, untying Jubei's other hand.
"jYou must be hungrrrjy." Kajeela took the Jedi's hand in her own and stroked it gently, comfortingly. It had been well over 30 hours since they had left Jubeis home and who knows how long it had been prior to that since he had eaten anything.
"jI wjill have ssssomethjing brrrought up forrr jyou soon."
It was another lie.
The effects of the drug were fading, but now Kajeela would begin to target another area of Jubei's resistance. The physical strength. Little by little, her strategy would fall into place with devestating consequences to her captive.
A sharp flick of her tail and two more Enforcers came over, roughly untying Jubeis feet and the three of them dragged him from the bed to strap him between two horizontal bars.
His arms were placed in such a way that he could not stand comfortable, nor let his weight drop in order to relieve the strain on his legs as the converse strain shifted to under his arms.
This was a subtle torture - most men lost much of their will in under 8 hours of it simply from fatigue. It would be interesting to see how Jubei holds up against this.
The intravenous drip was reinserted into Jubei's arm and a steady flow of mind altering chemical seeped into his bloodstream drip by relentless drip.
Kajeela left the room, the 3 guards and the doctor remaining to monitor the "subject."
The hours drew by long and slow, but for Jubei - it was only the beginning.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 18th, 2002, 10:43:28 PM
(No sooner had Jubei obeyed the task, than he was shackled to an uncomfortable series of metal bars. Once again, an intravenous was inserted, the fluid bag on the nearby stand full of a milky white liquid. It seemed, with every drip dose, that sounds around him echoed that much more. The red-armored figures at the door seemed farther away, more distorted. Wearily, Jubei closed his eyes, shutting himself off from the increasingly distorted images assailing his eyes. He was well aware of what was being done to him. Even without the Force, he could maintain some amount of fortitude. However, not even the monk knew where his breaking point was. As strange voices and sounds seemed to fill the room around him, Jubei remained still, standing and shackled into place.)
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 18th, 2002, 11:09:51 PM
A prod with an unsheathed claw to tilt his head upward caused Jubei to blink open his weary eyes.
Kajeela looked concerned. "jYou djidnt eat?"
Confused, the monk wondered if he'd missed the meal break somehow. He had no clue how long he had been standing in his bonds, but knew it was a long time. His stomach was beginning to claw at him inside with hunger pangs, but they were nothing compared to the ache that now was a permanent fixture in his back, arms, legs and neck.
Kajeela looked fresh and bright. Which she was. She had feasted the night before on Rrrejjiou Steak and had slept like a babe in the woods for 7 hours solid. She was reinvigorated for her task of breaking and eventually brainwashing the monk to a point that he would become dependant on her - on her every word - and in such a manner as he was completely unaware that such a monumental contortion of his mind had taken place.
It had been 13 hours since she had left her captive the night before when she strode into the med bay uniformed, crisp and authoritive.. She noted the infusion drip still running and an approving smile tugged at her lips.
"Rrrjigeerrr - help Jubeji jinto a chajir."
The monk, still retained coherent thought enough to notice the different Enforcer as the cizerack loosed him and helped him to a seat. Shift change. Atleast 12 hours the monk standing there he calculated.
From a meal tray placed on a small table, Kajeela lifted a wine cup to Jubei's lips once he was settled. The sweet non-alcoholic nectar slipped between his perfectly shaped mouth.
"Therrrre, that help?"
Here voice was soft and comforting - almost impossible to believe it came the same woman who coldly carried out her duties as KAR Director.
"Let me help jyou. Ljike jyou know jI alwajys do..jI alwajys have."
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 18th, 2002, 11:37:09 PM
(Despite the possibility of drugs being in the drink, and despite the possibility of a possible alcoholic concoction on his famished form, Jubei drank as quickly as the liquid would go down his parched mouth. He tried not to heed the screaming of his suddenly relaxed joints, nor the distorted lights that seemed to pulse about the Director, and the ambrosia-like distortions of her accented voice. He coughed weakly, some drink dripping from his lower lip.)
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 19th, 2002, 12:12:03 AM
Kajeela stiffled the urge to lick up the nectar that had tantalizingly dripped onto the monks lips..
But the time was too soon.
She must tread carefully. Now was not the time to push just yet..he was still too strong. She did not want him to force him to fight with all he had - an such an affront to his monk ideals would probably only give him more strength of will.
She couldnt chance it yet, and so must be denied.
Oh, he will be immensely useful once I succeed.
That thought kept her seated in place and inspired her to the rewards she would take from him once he was hers completely.
"jI wjill take carrre of jyou, Jubeji. jI am what ssstandsss between the bad that comesss to jyou."
He could smell the food. Kajeela could smell it too...forrda food. Unappealing to her - too bland and too dead. But she knew his stomach would be twisting from the aroma, both in aversion and in desire of it. But they didnt let him eat.
The doctor entered at that time and Riger grabbed the monk up once again and took him this time to a small cell which seemed completely void of window, vent, anything. It was four walls painted in a glossy white. Stark cold and harsh.
An internal force-field sealed the surfaces within, encrypting Jubei in the room, in essence, and as they closed the door, Kajeela's face was the last thing he saw.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 20th, 2002, 09:21:57 PM
(The food was around just enough for him to be aware of it. Its smell tempted him, and he found himself weaker than he imagined. Before he could act, he was cast into an isolated cell, and left alone once again. The pain in Jubei's stomach was a gnawing, dull feeling...radiating to his aching joints and coalescing into a headache. His eyes closed again, as he weakly assumed the lotus position. Shakily, he began to adjust his breathing patterns into a steady base, drawing within himself, and shutting the world out from his perception. Time passed without his knowledge, as he resisted the feelings assailing him.)
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 22nd, 2002, 12:20:29 AM
The sensory scanners built in just below the outside layer of the cells surfaces blipped out their technical readouts onto the screen in the room adjoining.
The doctor had not taken his eyes from them and every so often would observe, "fassscjinatjing..."
The Director had decided if he said this one more time she would throttle the annoying little dolt with her bare fists. The doctor was extremely good at his job, but his mannerisms seriously annoyed Kajeela and it was only his expertise that had spared him this long from her wrath.
She heard the intake of breath that preceded the doctors every comment and her ears lay back against her head. Theourr and Riger looked to one another in dread.
"jit jisss tjime Djirrrectorrr. Come ssssee. Hjisss vjital sssjigns jindjicate that he jisss at hjisss mosssst rrreceptjive"
It was not what she was expecting and her ears perked forward with interest.
The Doctor was safe once more.
Kajeela peered over the slim shoulders of the doctor and saw Jubei's vital signs - heartrate, temperature, bloodpressure - had all levelled off just below normal.
"Good. Begjin the indoctrination."
Upon her command and the flip of a switch a calm monotone repetitive voice was channelled into Jubei's cell. It was not so intrusive as to be realised at first it was there. It was more lulling but persistant, breaking subltly into the monks meditation. Jubei could not help but hear it before he even realised properly in his fatigued state, that he was listening.
Over and over, insistant and continuous, Kajeela fed her propaganda into the Jedi's mind.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:57:28 PM
(Meditation came intermittently, as the message was replayed mercilessly, and with no end. Jubei had lost his base of concentration several hours into it, and spent the remainder of the time lying on his back, staring at a stark white ceiling as the voice repeated its message. He could only imagine the motive behind it.)
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 22nd, 2002, 11:59:23 PM
Hours of this had passed. The Jedi was not proving easy to conquer.
"He fallssss asssleep!"
Kajeela accused and smacked the Doctor across the head in anger.
"No, no - he onljy practjicesss hjisss medjitatjionsss. Jussst a ljittle morrre tjime, Djirrrectorrr."
She whipped around, her eyes flashing in annoyance.
"No! Thjisss takesss too long. We begjin the next phassse."
She barked out her Enforcers names "Theourrr! Rrrrjiegerrr!" and they snapped to attention, their heavy jackboots thudding loudly on the floor's surface.
"Brrrjing the Monk to the KAR jinterrrogatjion block." and she strode from the room.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 23rd, 2002, 12:13:17 AM
(The cell door screeched open in such a sudden change of sound that it caused Jubei to flinch. Before he could struggle to his feet, he was forced up by two Cizerack males, as they drug him along effortlessly.)
Where are we going?
(No answer. They completely disregarded his existence. Jubei coughed a bit...his throat was parched and it had been hours since he'd spoken. His voice was weak and broken The male enforcers continued to carry him along, until they arrived at a circular room)
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 23rd, 2002, 12:26:08 AM
Jubei was greeted coolly by Kajeela as the guards locked him hands and feet into a spread-eagle position within a spheric metal confine.
With the merest touch, the Director spun the contraption until Jubei was bodily turned to a 90 degree angle, his head almost level with her own, but inverted so he was looking up at her.
"jYou have not been co-operrratjing, Jubei." Her tone promised no good.
"jI am ssso djisssappojinted."
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 23rd, 2002, 12:43:39 AM
Disappointed? You haven't asked me anything. Not that your torture tactics will serve you, Director.
(The blood rushed to his head and Jubei paused, sighing to regroup)
Why are you doing this?
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 23rd, 2002, 12:53:51 AM
As he spoke, his voice remarkably calm, Kajeela deftly peeled the shirt from his body, tearing the sides so it fell away freely.
He was so beautiful. His physique, though much smaller in build than the Cizerack male, he was in perfect condition. His muscular arms and chest just crying out for Kajeela to sink her teeth into them. A pity to marr it with what lay ahead. But it would not be anything that she could not fix.
His eyes, despite the fatigue, hunger, and constant doping of the KAR chemicals, still held a resistant fire in them. She wanted to get behind those big brown eyes and read the thoughts they hid. Oh he was too, too delicious.
"Asssk jyou? jI am wajitjing for jyou to tell me."
She could see he didnt understand, and she lightly traced a line with her extended claw from his belly up to his chin.
"To tell me all jyou have learrrned forrr the Keji Aji Reeeji whjile prrretendjing to ssserrrve the forrrda known asss the Jedji?"
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:52:37 PM
(He struggled to understand. Therein lied the motive in all this madness)
You want me to betray the secrets of the Jedi to you?
(He winced at the application of Kajeela's deft claw)
You cannot ask me to do this. I am bound by my honor.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 10th, 2002, 12:30:48 AM
"Betrrrajyal?.....Ssssuch a nassstjy worrrd, Jubeji.."
Kajeela stepped closer and leaned her body against the restrained Jedi. Her claws ran up his shoulder and around his neck, resting open against the back of his head. She pushed him forward, though his neck stiffened in rebellion, until he was literally face to face with her.
Her little pink tongue roamed across his cheek and up to his ear, its rough surface prickling the Jedi's skin, and though Jubei couldnt see it, he knew the Director was smiling.
"jYou have forrrgotten jyourrr honorrr, Jubeji." He made to turn his head away, but she held him roughly in place.
"jIt jisss me jyou have betrrrajyed. jYou jussst dont rrrememberrr."
She lifted her tail and it curled around his waist in a soft caressing motion.
"...But jI wjill make jyou rrrememberrr."
With a flick of her tail, and a simultaneous extraction of herself form off the Jedi, Kajeela pressed a panel on the side of the orb. A violent and shocking volt of electricity screamed through every fibre of Jubei's being and sent him into a spasm of agony, so that his back arched and his limbs were taunt and rigid as steel.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 11th, 2002, 12:10:26 PM
(Jubei's body tensed, and convulsed, racked by the pain of the electrical surge that he hadn't seen coming, and hadn't been prepared for. He tried to compose himself, but he could not regroup quickly enough, as the pain lashed through him like a hot iron)
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 12th, 2002, 10:08:32 PM
Kajeela took no pleasure from the obvious agony Jubei was enduring. She was not so much sadistic as she was determined, and the Jedi was prooving incredibly resilient. She knew he would be tough to break....but not this tough.
As the voltage abated, Jubei slumped against his bonds, and again Kajeela moved close against him.
"Whjy fjight me sssso, Jubeji?"
She touched his face tenderly.
"We make sssuch a good team, jyou and jI?" She would make him forget all this pain. But not before she had her will imposed upon him.
Soon - he must break soon. The line between what was truth and what he thought was truth...and what Kajeela told him to be truth...would soon blur. It had to. No one could fight so hard for so long. The human body had limits. She knew this, had studied it and seen this fact repeated on many time and time again.
"Let me make thjisss all ssstop forrr jyou, Jubeji.
Tell me, jyou rrremember jyou arrre jin ssserrrvjice to me. To the Keji Aji Reeji. Tell me jyou wjill sssstay lojyal."
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 14th, 2002, 08:32:03 PM
(Jubei rapidly panted in quick breaths, trying to diffuse the pain that seared through his entire body. Even his hair hurt. He looked through blurry eyes at Kajeela, and heard her words)
I you....but I can't serve two masters.....
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 14th, 2002, 10:55:10 PM
"jI know, jI know" she shook her head consolingly, her eyes sympathetic and understanding.
She looked so sweet, and so much like she wanted to help, it was hard for Jubei to not believe her sincerity.
"jYou must be fajithful to the Jedji. Alwajysss. jI know thjisss."
Her petite fingers brushed his face gently.
"All jyou have to do, jis anssswerrr me trruthfulljy when jI come to jyou to asssk jyou thjingsss."
She touched her lips softly to his - the tenderness starkly contrasted to the pain and torment so fresh in his mind. She was compelling, and hard to resist.
"jYou can do thjisss sssjimple thjing forrr me, jyess? Jussst to tell me the trrruth?" She nodded, encouraging Jubei to nod.
Stooping down, Kajeela began to loose his bonds, beginning at his feet and then carefully, gently, from his hands. He stepped/fell out from the orb, the Director lending her body to support him.
"What do jyou sssajy Jubeji? Ssshall jI ssshow jyou how good jit jisss to do what makesss me happjy?"
edit: Bumpjitjy
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:11:59 AM
(His mind was awash in pain and disorientation. The force could not be found for solace here, despite his best efforts. His connection to true balance was severed, and Jubei knew that in such a state, his integrity was in jeopardy, no matter how rigorous his training.)
(His dark eyes regarded her azure gaze with confusion. Had he been lying? He never purposefully deceived anyone. Maybe through the starvation, and other tortures...was there something he'd forgotten?)
...I always tell the truth...always....
Kajeela Tarruurri
Feb 8th, 2003, 04:46:58 PM
His confusion was easily readable in his deep brown eyes, and Kajeela was most pleased. Jubei was subtley loosing confidence in his own thought process. He was unsure and looked for some confirmation from Kajeela.
"jYesss..jI know, Jubeji. jYou alwajysss tell me the trrruth"
She brushed her fingers through his hair with such a gentle touch. She was so caring, so kind. Kajeela allowed him to rest against her as she supported him. Her tail curled possessively about his lower body. What a prize he was.
He had been so tough to break, to penetrate his disciplined mind, the Director had feared she would be unsuccessful.
But now, the signs of a subconscious dependancy on her were showing. The trap of reprogramming and psychological deception was closing. All her efforts were paying off..
"Would jyou ljike to rrressst a ljittle beforrre gojing back to worrrk for me?"
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 11th, 2003, 04:25:40 PM
Yes. Please.
(Without the insight of the force to anchor him, Jubei was missing many pieces of this puzzle. Why was he treated in such a way, when the only request made upon him was that which he already made it a point to do? It made no sense to the Monk, who hoped that rest, nourishment, and time away from this calamity would help him to return to a center of thought, and divine some reasoning behind this encounter)
Kajeela Tarruurri
Feb 13th, 2003, 12:29:52 AM
"Mmmmm" Kajeela purred, nuzzling her cheek against Jubei's.
His scent was unique, and Kajeela was growing fond of it.
"We'll let jyou rrressst"
She promised the Jedi much, not just in her words but also in her eyes. The anticipation of his eventual complete dependance on her raised her pheromone level and gave her a giddy sense of gratification.
Kajeela stretched up and pressed her lips lightly against Jubei's temple - a soft comforting touch.
Ten minutes later the Jedi was sleeping in his bunk in a sterile room, enclosed by a force-feild wall. The prick of another injection forgotten momentarily in his blissful slumber.
It would not last however. Two hours from now, he would be roused and the whole brutal scenario repeated over and over until he lost sense of time and day - then reason, logic - and then eventually, inevitably - Will.
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