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Vishan Korogoth
Sep 10th, 2002, 11:02:20 PM
Arcan IV. Hot spot for trade, commerce and New Republic jar heads running around with railguns.

Vishan had made his way out here only because that was where the transport was heading. It was a free ride because he helped load the ship up full of cargo and was willing to move it all out so he could hitch a ride off of the hell hole of a planet, Ryloth. Bad enough he was surrounded by Twi'leks but freaky Twi'leks that lived underground and were of the mob. Normally it might take weeks, or months, to find a way off a planet. But Vishan found some poor slob that had a heart to give him a lift and thanked a god he didn't believe in to be out of there.

The sun was blazing overhead on this rather pleasant day, the fourth day that Vishan was on this planet. He squinted in the light, finding some shade with a hand over his brow, regretting the weight of the black trench he was wearing. It served a purpose. Covering up his weapons and making him look cool.

Would be better if it actually kept him cool as he surveyed the area. Creds were running thin and soon he would need explanations why he couldn't pay for the room he was renting out. Places like this were crawling with opportunities and hopefully something would fall into his lap. If he had to, he could always return to being a dock worker again.

And that wasn't a bad idea. Arcan had a lot of major spaceports and landing pads. One of them had to be looking for some muscle.

The heat was really getting to him and with an exaggerated sigh, Vishan rubbed both hands in his brown spikey hair to spread out the sweat. Worse thing then being hot was feeling those drops of perspiration just begging to roll down your skin and instead, stand in one place and do nothing. Mocking you.

Vishan Korogoth
Sep 11th, 2002, 07:55:55 PM
What was probably an odd looking ritual to other beings, Vishan finished cooling off by quickly rubbing his face, making sure that the current annoying droplets of sweat were completely gone. The blissfulness of the moment ended as soon as he opened his eyes. The last moments of the steamy breeze ended and the heat of the sun was already frying his scalp. At least he could see better. Some cloud cover had come in overhead and it was a welcomed break from the full effect of life giving coming from high above.

He resumed his confident stride, taking in more of the local flavor. This part of Arcan IV he only seen once, and on the other side of the main city where the smaller landing pads were located. These were the big ones. Ones that the Jedi used, most of the civilian transports and for those big shipments coming in that the west pads couldn't handle. Or so he had been told.

Didn't seem that way today. Seemed to be a lack of anything moving today in the form of crates or repulsorsleds humming about. Lots of beings though, ranging from your tight waded suit to your prim and proper Jedi.

That caused a shudder of remembrance, and Vishan patted the side of his trench coat that covered his blaster pistol for comfort. All that hokey Force nonsense always gave him the creeps for personal reasons.

His thoughts returned to the goal of the day. Find a job or be kicked out into the streets of Arcan for lack of creds. As he eyed the grey building of East Bay 4, he prayed to that god he didn't believe in again, to throw some luck his way and get himself some work.

Coco Blake
Sep 12th, 2002, 11:25:09 PM
Coco wasn't paying attention to where she was going, she had just arrived on Arcan, and never having left her home of Dathomir, she was too busy looking around to notice the man standing directly in front of her. She walked right into him, falling flat on her butt. She made a small surprised squeak and sat on the ground, looking up at him.


Vishan Korogoth
Sep 13th, 2002, 08:51:07 PM
Salvation was, hopefully, a few meters away. At least that was until something smashed right into him. Vishan was no klutz, thankfully, and was able to compensate before falling on his own rear. One would think that wearing body armor was a good thing but most beings don't think some kid is going to run into you."Ah geesh." He looked down at the source of the tiny voice and paused, hoping she wasn't hurt. Didn't seem like it.

Girl should have had green skin for the lack of experience Vishan saw before him. Probably the first time she been on another planet. It was the look about her. Wide eyes that were amazed at everything that still held some innocence.

Quite the contrary to the rugged, space worn, blues of Vishan's.

"Hey." He held out a hand and flashed a smile. "Gotta keep those eyes in front or your gonna be admitted into a hospital for a concussion." He looked her over a bit, trying to read her expression. "Name's Vishan or Mr. Brick Wall to you."

Coco Blake
Sep 13th, 2002, 09:55:45 PM
"I'm really sorry!"
She took his hand and he helped her to her feet.
"My name is...Coco.Coco Blake. Dumb name, huh?" She grinned sheepishly.

"I'm so very sorry. This is my first trip away from Dathomir...I'm not used to the gravity."

She laughed, a soft natural laugh, sounding slightly embarassed. She couldn't believe how dumb she was sometimes, so clutzy. She honestly wasn't used to the higher gravity here, or the bustling crowds.
"Um, Vishan...What are you doing here? Working or something?"

Vishan Korogoth
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:51:19 PM
Big grin was beaming inside. He sure loved being right. "Coco Blake, huh?" Couldn't be her real name. Wasn't a great alias but if it was, girl at least had half a brain to her and was smart enough to keep her identity a secret.

"Dathomir?" Vishan rubbed at his chin in thought. "Nope. Never heard of the place, I'm sorry to say. I've been around and would remember a funky name like that."

He relaxed a little in his stance and pointed at the office building behind her. "Looking for work actually. Running low on cash since I got a free trip here to Arcan." An embarrassed laugh came. "And even with the free trip, I only have so much money for a room. So, what're you doing here? Sick of being home?"

Coco Blake
Sep 14th, 2002, 09:21:52 PM
"Yes, Coco Blake"

She almost stuck her tongue out at him. Thinking it wasn't her real name. Sheesh. She could sense his thoughts through the Force, but tried to block them. She didn't like prying, but sometimes things just jumped out at her.
"Not many people have heard of Dathomir. We don't get many visitors because of the Imperial Prison. And some of the other witches don't like uninvited guests." She laughed again. She always laughed when she was nervous.
"Oh. I thought so...Not saying you look poor or anything!" She could feel her face turning several shades of red." I came here...because, one can only spend so much time taming rancors?"

Vishan Korogoth
Sep 14th, 2002, 09:46:04 PM
"Witches?" He became wide-eyed. "You say witches?" Vishan was sure he heard her say 'other witches', which of course would mean that Coco was one, hence there being other witches.

Then another word came out of her mouth that registered in between Vishan's thought pattern, which was good since that line about not looking poor slip through the cracks. "Taming rancors???" He was beside himself and actually put out his hands above and below his head, making himself appear to have a large mouth and teeth. "Those big suckers that can rip a man in two and swallow them whole???"

Coco Blake
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:00:29 PM
"Yes, witches. There are clans of them on Dathomir. I am one."

She smiled proudly.

"We tame rancors and ride them. I have a nice big one at home. Named him Miko."
She laughed loudly as he made his little "impersonation" of a rancor.
"Yes, they can rip a man in two, That's the whole point. Dathomir has lots of rancor, not just tame ones."
She smiled. "Maybe I should take you back with me one day, let you see one up close."
She winked playfully at him, then turned towards the office building he had pointed out earlier.
"So, what kind of job are you looking for?"

Vishan Korogoth
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:14:14 PM
There was something in that wink that told more about home then Coco was letting on. "Well, as long as your pet doesn't eat me then I don't think I'd mind meeting, Miko." Who would have thought that Rancors could be pets?

"Ah, work. Mostly into boring stuff like moving cargo around and fixing up ships. At least, that is what I'm hoping to do since I haven't asked what they have open. Use ta fly so I know a lot about those sorts of things." He crossed his arms and pointed at her with a intrepid smile. "So what are your plans on this rock? Gonna do some witchcraft!" He added after his own playful wink.

Coco Blake
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:32:42 PM
"Hmmm, I can't promise he won't. But maybe he'll only maim you."
Another playful wink.
She shrugged lazily. "I dunno, I figured I would just...hang out for awhile. I have a little bit of money."

She pulled out a fairly large amount of credits from a bag she had draped over her shoulder, then stuffed them back in. Coco wasn't about to tell him how she got those credits, borrowed from hapless wanderers who ended up upseting her fellow witches. She shifted the bag back onto her shoulder and smirked.
"Yes, maybe I'll start by turning you into a toad!"
She put a hand on her now growling stomach.
"Oh, excuse me...Don't know where a girl can get some food do you?"

Vishan Korogoth
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:45:55 PM
He laughed and answered smugly,"Long as it ain't my face........... What the hell!!!" Vishan quickly covered up the bag of credits and looked around, hoping that in this fairly sizable crowd, no one took noticed. "All right girl." He pulled away enough to allow the bag to fall in between them. "First rule when travelin', and especially alone. Hide your money and pretend ya got nothing. 'Kay? Otherwise, there're enough cutthroats and thieves around here to kill your pretty little head for that cash."

Luckily for Coco, Vishan was not either of those kind of people. "Actually I do know a place. Only a place since I haven't been here that long. Place the Jedi own around here called Yog's." He stole a glance to the office and sighed inwardly. He really needed to find a job but his good nature and helpfulness always won out. Vishan loved playing the arrogant tough guy but there were times when he couldn't let some girl, a naive one at that, roam around this planet without some guidance. "I can take ya there if you want?"

Coco Blake
Sep 14th, 2002, 11:07:43 PM
"Oh. I'm sorry....I'm not used to all this..."
She frowned and gave a little sigh. So much for being a smart traveler. She smiled and shook her head.
"No, you have to look for work...go on, I can find some place. Maybe...."
She looked around at the crowd, knowing she would most likely get herself lost. But she didn't want to be a pain.
"I should be fine. I think."

Vishan Korogoth
Sep 15th, 2002, 10:51:24 AM
He didn't buy into her being fine at all. Coco had that lost puppy dog look about her and even though she was witch, whatever that was since Vishan still didn't know, this planet was full of new dangers. And excitements. Like Vishan. Well, he'd like to think that.

"Nah. Don't worry about it. I still got enough cash to hold me up for a few more days." He moved around to her side and pointed to Yog's in a gentlemanly fashion. "It's only a few miles and I'd be happy to get you there safely. Besides," he rubbed at his stomach and chuckled, "I've yet to eat lunch myself."

Coco Blake
Sep 15th, 2002, 06:25:58 PM
"Okay, but only cos you say it's alright. I don't want to be a pain..." She started walking in the direction he pointed, turning and gesturing for him to hurry up. She looked over at him.
"What are Jedi anyways? I've never heard of them...At least, I don't think I have."

Vishan Korogoth
Sep 15th, 2002, 08:28:13 PM
"If you were a pain, would I still be here?" Vishan said with a smirk before making his way, quickly, over to where Coco was. The two of them started to cut their way through the crowd, heading towards the Bar and Grill. He stayed on Coco's right, making sure that his eyes were on her money at all time. Anyone trying some funny business was going to get a blaster to the face pretty quick if they messed with the girl.

He turned his head with a half-way smirk, seemingly amused at her question. "Jedi? Heh. Don't worry darlin'. I'm sure you're gonna be seein' ah whole bunch of them pretty soon. I'll explain more when we get there." He elbowed her playfully and threw her a wink. "Visual aids are more fun then just 'splainin' but for the most part, they're Force users, on the side o' the Angels."

The rest of the mile and a half was uneventfull, much to Vishan's liking. No one had greedy eyes that he could tell, or maybe there were some. He just didn't see it and thought them smart keeping away from the two of them. That small part of him inside was pouting somewhat as the sign to Yog's came up in the distance.

He really wanted to know if Coco could turn someone into a toad.

(OOC: Continued here. http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22929)