View Full Version : Insomnia: Criss Cross

Dark Xazor
Sep 10th, 2002, 07:41:50 PM
How Cherice had begged for her not to take control again. Pitiful, really, that not even her capturer could keep check on the soul she carried for eternity. The change had costed the Succubi a year of her life in prison, but Xazor was back.

It all started with Vega ... It was supposed to be a petty game to make the Lupine lust for what he couldn't have, then give him a taste.

But that was in the past.

Xazor had "taken" Cherice's ship and piloted it towards Hoth, the planet of ice. It was time to test herself against the fury of nature. Dressed only in a light fur jacket and black leather pants, she stood outside admist the vastless plains of snow and ice, letting the wind whip back her blond hair. Closing her eyes, she took in a deep breath and began to meditate, spreading her arms out in the air.


One Month Later

She had begun to sculpture ice statues to keep her company. Their glistening bodies did little to comfort her, but it was better than nothing. Their empty sockets where children would put buttons seemed to follow her whenever she moved.

Was she going crazy?

It depended. Her other half hadn't accepted her, so what was there to live for? She would have to survive on her own, depending on no one.

Turning away from the sculptures, Xazor looked down at the hard ground and kicked at it. Snow flew up in the air revealing the ice underneath. Ironic, actually, was she turning cold inside like the core of Hoth? Frowning at this thought, she wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. This was a suicide mission to accomplish nothing ... Luckily her knowledge of the Force and the ship's contents kept her alive. So far.

Dark Xazor
Sep 14th, 2002, 06:12:55 PM
Two Weeks Later

Not one bit of sleep.

Dark circles hung under Xazor's eyes as she stared off into empty space. She ached for the thing she could never have -- a companion. The other Xazor had one, and even had Vega as a friend. Growling at this thought, she placed a hand on her stomach. Because the other Xazor had gotten pregnant, she was too.

Hatred began to flare inside. This spawning seed inside of her was not of her choice! But it didn't matter anymore, she was beginning to die.

She had finally given up on life and stopped trying to survive on Hoth. The cold began to seep through her bones as her skin turned a light hue of blue. A tiny foot kicked the inside of her stomach.

Xazor closed her eyes and breathed in the crisp air, falling to her knees. Placing her hands on the ground, she could no longer feel the snow. Her fingers were numb as her shivering began to stop. Her Life Essence was beginning to slip away.

But because she was the other half of Xazor's soul, she couldn't fully die yet. The other Xazor would realize what was happening to her soul .. but would it be too late?

Xazor Elessar
Sep 14th, 2002, 07:04:49 PM
At the Temple Avalon

The Knight Xazor sat upon a soft cusion and meditated in the Room of a Thousand Fountains. It was beautiful in there and she felt completely at Peace with herself. The Force washed over her deeply and she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath of the misty warm air around her. Her mind began to wander.....to a place she had not seen in years.....Hoth. She began to get cold then, and her eyes sprung open. Looking down at her hands, she saw her skin start to turn a light bluish hue....nearly the color of the water in the Falls in the Jungles on Yavin.

The warmth seemed to return to her and as it did, the Unborn kicked within her. Placing a hand upon her stomach, she smiled warmly at thoughts of her little Daughter. Suddenly then a great wave of pain slammed into her mind through the Force and she grasped her head with both hands...closing her eyes tightly. Shaking her head, she tried to see straight, but could not for several moments.....and then it hit her as to what was going on.....what it all meant. Like a ton of bricks hitting her from several stories up, the Knight realized that the other half of her soul was suffering. Cherice's body was suffering too, then.

Quickly she left the Temple in pain and rushed straight for the Space Port. The Garou made her way for her X-Wing and began the ignition sequence, quickly followed by the launch sequence. She was granted clearance and with the blink of an eye....the falling of a tear.....the ship bolted through the large blast doors and lofted into space. Once out of the gravitational pull of Coruscant, she promptly set the coordinates for Hoth, and set the ship into Hyperdrive.....and then she was off towards the cold and icy planet. Luckily her last mission had been to Llum, a planet completely made out of ice where one could find the purest of Cystals in all the galaxy to use for such things as Lightsabers....her very reason for going there. Supplies remained in her ship from that mission. Warm blankets, extra warm clothes, food, and other such things rested neatly in the Cargo hatch.

Nearly Twelve Hours Later

The ship gently touched down beside another on the barren planet. No sign of life could be spotted anywhere as the Knight wrapped Garou Furs around her body. Pressing the hatch button, the cockpit opened up and she hopped out, taking her thermal scanner from her belt and placing her eyes in the peep holes. She scanned the entire area and locked in on one warm dot.....a body upon the ground......it was her other half. The distance was not to far to go and she reached the other Xazor's side in under ten minutes. Falling to her knees, she took the Garou Furs from around her and wrapped them around the body of the other. She had come to realize that this was like a clone of herself.....and thought that she was indeed, the real Xazor.....for she was partly right. The Knight lifted her gently with the Force...and while she was in the air, she began to move the ions and molecules around her body...creating kinetic energy that had not been there before. She did this as she walked toward the ship and as the energy built, so did heat....and it enveloped the woman's body.

Don't give up the fight.....you're going to be fine.......

It was as if she was talking to herself when she spoke the words in the other's mind. She continued on then.....the woman suspended in the air before her as they walked toward the X-Wing in which she had arrived in. There, Xazor could administer medical attention to her other half.....and get her warm and 'living' once again.....

Dark Xazor
Sep 14th, 2002, 07:20:02 PM
"Y-you," she stammered as she opened her eyes, having difficulty passing the words through her numb lips. They didn't want to move like the rest of her body; All she wanted was sleep.

The other Xazor had wrapped warm furs around her body as she suspended her body in the air, hanging limply. Suddenly she felt warmth spread through her body, her skin tingling. As the other woman began to direct her body towards the X-Wing, she coughed weakly and tried to move, but couldn't.

"W-why are y... you hel..ping me?"

Once more spoken with much difficulty. Her voice was raspy and hard to hear, but because of the other Xazor's Garou senses, her ears could easily pick up the faint voice.

"I thought you wanted to kill me." This time, in Xazor's head.

Promptly the two arrived towards the X-Wing and the cockpit was still open, allowing her to "float" inside while the other walked behind. It closed behind them and Xazor's blue eyes looked around curiously. Was her other half going to kill her? At the moment, she was too weak to sense anything but Death. Groaning slightly, Xazor closed her eyes once more.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:05:40 PM
The Knight shook her head slightly and boarded the ship, sitting down in the pilot's chair as her other half sat beside her. She began to run the ignition sequence and then the launch sequence. Just as soon as she had, heat shot forth from vents on the floor, ceiling, and control panel. It engulfed the whole cockpit and brought warmth to the two cold bodies within. The ship shot off of the ground and broke free from Hoth's gravitational hold within minutes. Setting the coordinates back for Coruscant, the Knight pressed a series of buttons and the ship entered hyperspace. The silver stars upon the black velvet sky turned to streaks before their eyes and created a cylinder shaped passage through space.

"No......I do not wish to kill you......"

She said softly, her blue eyes wandering over to look at a reflection of her very being. She lowered her head and sighed, then looked back up at the other Xazor. The Knight reached over and placed a hand on her forehead, sensing that she was warming up but slowly. Taking her hand back to her lap, she smiled to herself.

"How could I kill myself?"

Dark Xazor
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:18:57 PM
She was beginning to get used to hanging in the air. Infact, she rather liked the weightless feeling.

Feeling the other's hand on her forehead, she gave an involuntary shudder before the hand was withdrawn. The heat being blasted was already taking an immediate effect, along with the furs. Her skin was beginning to fade back to its normal color as the sleepiness wore off. Opening one eye, she peeked at Xazor before opening the other.

"... Thank you."

She let her eyes wander off to the window that showed the "outside", watching the silver streaks mingle in with the vast blackness. They were in hyperspace, that she could tell, but yet she was still fascinated with it.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:32:26 PM
"No need to thank me...I would have done this for you with or without your gratefulness....."

She said softly, seeing that the other's color was coming back to the soft peach color it once was. The Knight smiled gently and nodded to herself as a silence came over the ship. It was not a terribly awkward quietness.....but it made Xazor wish that she had something to say. What could she say to herself though? She thought a moment and smiled, turning to face her other half.

"I am taking you back to the Jedi Base with me on Coruscant. I need to take care of you there and make sure that you're alright internally. Many things can go wrong in the extreme cold.....but I'm sure you'll be fine...."

She said softly, a compassionate tone laced her voice. Her eyes wndered out the window as she too watched the stars streak by. It was fascinating, though she had seen it hundreds of times before. It was the path that would take them back to Coruscant...and it was beautiful. Somehow, it reminded Xazor of a waterfall. Each streak was like one crystal drop of water that plummeted to the waters below.....

Dark Xazor
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:40:17 PM
".. So the Base has moved."

Still she watched the outside as another silence washed over the spacecraft. It was like neither of them knew what to say since it would be 'talking to themselves'.

Chewing on her lower lip, a sort of thoughtful look overcame her.

"How are Alpha and Marcus?"

Xazor Elessar
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:48:11 PM
Xazor nodded gently and smiled.

"Yes, we made a move from Yavin and Arcan. all the way to Coruscant. I rather loved Yavin and the jungles there.....but that's all gone now that we live in the citified planet of Coruscant. Still, it's beautiful.....just in a different way."

She said softly. The other's question was a bit shocking, but then she remembered that it was partly her life as well. The Knight looked out the window and then back to her other half.

"They fare well. Marcus and I have gone on a series of missions as of late....and my Brother has been busy with his few Padawans.....preparing them for Knighthood and such. And you.....how have you been?"

It was an odd question to ask....but it was logical when one thought about it for a moment. The other was her own person too.....though, both knew that they should depend on one another more.....

Dark Xazor
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:54:38 PM
"I am glad to hear that they're fine .. As for me, well .. I was dormant until a month or so ago."

Tearing her eyes away from the window, she turned her head so she could get a better look at the woman. It seemed so solemn that even she felt the need to light things up.

"Are we there yet?"

Xazor Elessar
Sep 14th, 2002, 09:03:36 PM
Xazor nodded gently and sighed. It was a shame that her soul had to take over Cherice as it did.....for it caused her so much grief. Sighing, the Knight shook her head and eyed her other half.

"Not yet....but we will be in just a little bit."

It was silent then for the rest of the flight. Nothing was said as the craft flew into the Space Port and landed. Nothing was said as Xazor opened the cockpit hatch and help the other out of the ship. Nothing was said, that is, until Xazor said something.

"I will take you to my Quarters now.....and do not worry about others looking at you....or seeing you. All will be well."

She said softly and took her other half by the arm and began leading her toward the Living Quarter entrance, just at the exit of the Port.....

Dark Xazor
Sep 14th, 2002, 09:43:07 PM
Nodding at her other half's words, Xazor let herself be tugged in the direction that she was being taken. After entering the LQ section, the two began to walk towards where the other Xazor stayed. When the other had stopped infront of a door, she let out a sigh of relief; Marcus hadn't appeared and threatened her.

"Did you move?"

It wasn't where the old entrance used to be, and she wondered why her other half had moved to another room.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 15th, 2002, 07:56:15 PM
Xazor smiled as she passed by Marcus's room. He was inside, organizing some NR information that would help them succeed on their next mission as The Lost. Grinning, she turned to her other half and nodded.

"Indeed.....I did move. I had been living with Shade Magus....remember him? Then many things happened and we are no longer married.....so with my discovery of my pregnancy, I moved in with Marcus so that I was not alone.....but then I moved again and I am now living with the Father of my child, Dasquian Belargic......and don't worry, he isn't home right now either."

She said softly, turning a corner and then making her way down a long corridor. Her room was at the end near a large bay window overlooking the Jedi Temples. It was a bit odd to her to look out and see those instead of the vast jungles upon Yavin. It broke her heart somedays to think of how she had left the place that had become her home.....and now was living on this crowded planet full of scum and dirt. It was a good move, for many reasons though.....and for that, she could not argue.....

Dark Xazor
Sep 20th, 2002, 06:37:24 PM
She could feel her other half's longing for what she had lost during the move. Frowning silent, Xazor remained silent while looking out the window.

".. Most people here are in pain."

Clasping her hands behind her back, she quickly turned away from the window and looked down at the ground, kicking at it lightly.

"And yet the Jedi are doing nothing but fight Sith."