View Full Version : Turning Point: A Family Divided

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 10th, 2002, 04:13:59 PM
Continued from here http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22599

Upon coming out of hyperspace, Navaria almost quickly changed her mind on where to go. She had informed her gracious pilot that Arcan was the new destination. It wasn't far from the original destination and Navaria promised compensation for the extra time needed to arrive there.

And arrive there she had. Alone. Quiet. Not acknowledging anyone in the bar that greeted her. Only retreating to the back of the bar, carelessly agreeing to the usual drink of namana juice when the driod beeped at her questioningly.

Relying on the Force to move the chair out for her, Navaria sat down with tired eyes and with a tired mind that continued to replay the meeting with her brother Marc on Bakura... over, and over, and over ......

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 10th, 2002, 05:03:19 PM
Wei was sitting down, about to eat, when he noticed his master walk in and unusually drained. So unlike her. Wei picked up his food and his drink, and moved over to where she was.

"Master you look like something is the matter. If you want, we can talk about it. Talking about our troubles often makes us feel better." Wei recited his mother's words for the millionth time since he had been in the Bar and Grill. He never tired of them, though. It made him happy to help people.

Sanis Prent
Sep 10th, 2002, 05:23:18 PM
(I looked over the month's income statement for Kessel exports, which seemed to spawn a migraine. I sighed off my burdens leaning back in my seat...and saw her enter.

I'd wanted a drink. But Navaria Tarkin was a diversion of a whole different kind. Adjusting a residual bacta bandage, I slid my accounting portfolio back into my briefcase. Number crunching was going to be the death of me long before any of my other vices. But something was wrong as I saw her enter. Her eyes didn't sparkle like they normally did. For once, I saw in herself what I saw in the mirror, that look of hollow solitude that rang like an empty glass, parched and needing refilling. Something weighed on her mind, and with Navaria's unflappable nature, that equated to breaking Pandora's box open with a sledgehammer. A deep, sick feeling formed in the pit of my stomach. Sympathy pains were all-transcending, it seemed. I washed them down with a nip from my flask, as Wei sat at her table.)

Eldrak Gruuhl
Sep 10th, 2002, 05:30:38 PM
He was a worlds away, but could feel a shift. A cloud of doubt and sadness he didn’t understand seemed to wash over everything around. At one time he had been one who connected closely with the clone known as Daleethria.

He was the first to do so in a non-aggressive manner. Eldrak had been her first friend and they had shared something unique. They had shared a mental bond, which was eventually severed by tragedy, the tragedy of amnesia for the Kashirain. It was something that the Force was slowly repairing, and at this time causing.

It was almost as if the part of Dalee that resided in Navaria was reaching out to him without either her or him knowing. It brought a sour and downtrodden look to the Kashirian’s face as he suddenly felt compelled to leave the hole in the earth that he called his quarters on Yavin. His destination……..Arcan.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 10th, 2002, 08:38:07 PM
Those weary cold blue eyes held Wei at bay before answering. And, yes they were cold for it seemed the very fire that burned within the Jedi Knight had been put out. It was probably disheartening for Wei to see her this way.

Several quiet and tense moments passed as Navaria contemplated on how to answer her pupil but her mind was too full of dismay to really know how, or even what, to say.

"No, Wei. Leave me be. For tonight."

Maybe it came out a bit harsh, maybe it didn't. Navaria really couldn't tell because the voice that came out of her mouth, didn't even sound like her own. It was haunted by unforeseen circumstances that she did not wish to discuss with Wei, no matter how good his intentions.

And perhaps on a better night, she might have sensed Sanis' worry, concern ... or perhaps the better terms to describe what she could have felt ... Uncertainty and fear.

Sanis Prent
Sep 10th, 2002, 09:07:54 PM
(It wasn't a position I was used to. I'd never had to be the reliable one. When there was crying to be done, I was the shoulder that was leaving out the door...or so it had been in the old days. I'd never left Nav's side, but I'd never had to be there for her. She was invincible. Who was I compared to that?

Reluctantly, I approached, namana juice in hand.)

On the house, miss.

(I set the drink beside her, looking down into her troubled eyes)

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 10th, 2002, 09:25:19 PM
Wei listened to his Master's tired voice. Wei heaved a sigh and rested his head on the table. "If you say so Master. I won;t force you to talk. But if you ever change your mind, I would dearly like to help you if I can."

Wei would have given her a hug, or something to maybe make Navaria feel better, but she said to leave her be, and he was determined to respect her wishes. Sanis appeared with a drink, and offered it as a present.

"Maybe she will talk to you," Wei said.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Sep 10th, 2002, 09:36:18 PM
He climbed aboard the shuttle to Arcan, his face looking as if his mind were in a different place. He wasn’t going to the Bar & Grill with a known purpose he was being drawn. In one way Eldrak was family to Navaria’s physical body, something the personalities that possessed it knew. Their combined powers had unconsciously reached out to him and touched his very soul, calling to him.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 10th, 2002, 10:20:05 PM
Navaria actually looked stunned that Sanis was here. How his presence could slip by her caused the Knight to worry. She had to take a moment to collect herself before she could speak.

Closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath, she tried to picture her exhaling her worries and her questions, but they still lingered at the very tip of her consciousness.

Her eyes opened, a tiiny spark of some contentment seen.


It was short and courteaus. Still so very unlike Navaria and Sanis could see her trying to keep the torrent of pain locked away and under control in those distant eyes. There wasn't much holding her back. Only because she was a Jedi was she holding it back. A few years ago, Navaria would have busted down and cried right into Sanis' arms. But .... this wasn't the same Navaria. She was a Knight and Council Member of the Jedi. A leader a role-model.

Such weakness was not needed from her.

Sanis Prent
Sep 11th, 2002, 10:41:09 AM
(She spoke as if she were only half aware of speaking...her eyes looking up to me as if it were only a matter of courtesy to look in my direction. My brow knit with concern, watching her stumble back to reality for a moment, to escape whatever metaphysical hell she was rolling in, just to acknowledge me.)

Do you mind if I sit down?

(It was the lamest thing I could say...but I didn't have many options. Asking about the weather or the latest hand of sabacc weren't big candidates for today's conversation. And as much as I wanted to...I was afraid to pry, to see what was truly the culprit for her feelings.)

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 11th, 2002, 02:58:03 PM
Wei picked his head off of the table and began to slowly eat his meal. Wei wasn;t particularly happy with his Master's decision to keep her sad feelings inside her. Wei had met a good many people who were once good but now were very mean because they kiept theri emotions on the inside.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Sep 11th, 2002, 03:07:32 PM
The stars sat stationary in space as Edlrak gazed out the window next to his seat. The shuttle was getting nearer to its destination, but his thoughts seemed to be getting further away from the here and now. Was he even aware what he was doing? Looking into his eyes sure didn’t give any hint of that as they reflected the pinpoints in space but showed no real definite alertness.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 11th, 2002, 06:08:40 PM
"Of course not, Sanis."

A tiny smile twitched in and out of existence, much like the conflict that was raging within her. Navaria briefly looked to Wei, eating his meal at a brisk pace. She felt the need inside her pupil to help her, just like Sanis wanted to. The difference being that Wei wanted to help out of kindness and respect. Sanis was for love but his fear kept him from asking her what the problem was, not Wei, who hadn't moved.

This situation was new to her and she hated it. Not knowing what to say. She took some comfort in her favorite drink, which tasted so bitter in her mouth, making a face as the pulp clung between her teeth.

It reminded her so much like the ending of her bittersweet meeting with Marc which still held fast in memory.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 11th, 2002, 07:40:52 PM
Wei ate quickly, but not so quickly so as to choke on the noodles. They had a tendency to choke him if he ate too fast. Clearing his plate at long last, he drained his glass and set his dishes aside, then resumed resting his head on the table. Wei looked from Sanis, to Nav, to the space on the table in front of him, to the serving droid that took his plate and glass away, to Nav again.

"Master, you make a face. That's your favorite drink." Wei frowned more and tried not to cry. Whatever it was that was bothering Navaria was very hurtful indeed, if it caused her to make a face at her favorite drink.

Sanis Prent
Sep 20th, 2002, 05:16:39 PM
Y'know...I've been helping an Ithorian botanist out...with some expensive imports.

(Sometimes conversation off the angle could help to relieve tension. It also might give me some insight into a way to make her feel better.)

Nothing illegal mind you...

(I laughed)

...but, she's into flowers. I mean, like not in the way you or me or some people might be. She's nuts for flowers. Could probably pick one out of a crowded room by the smell. So, she's telling me, when I'm loading up a crate of veil chrysanthemums, that flowers are always beautiful. Even when they wilt and die, they do it beautifully. Its not really something I stop to think about, but, she showed me one of those crysanthemums. Touched it, and the whole thing turned inward on itself. Wilted up just like that. But I'll be damned if it wasn't a pretty sight.

(I scratched the side of my head in thought)

Its alot like that, I think. Its possible to be so beautiful to disguise to the world whats really happening. Even when sad, you're beautiful. The difference between me and the flower lady, is that I'm just particular like that. You never send somebody dead flowers.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 20th, 2002, 08:23:56 PM
She pushed the drink away, letting her hands slide across the table and fall into her lap.

"I know ... Wei."

The lack of affect was rather astounding from once such as Navaria. Most beings could fell some sort of emotion coming from the Knight, though they might not be able to fully understand what that feeling was.

Sanis remarking about his current job not being illegal offered a twinge of a smile, barely noticeable but Sanis could see it. She listened, half-heartedly to the store, wondering what the point of this fable was in telling it. Navaria just didn't have the strength to honestly feather out the poetry from the message and looked up at Sanis. Her eyes were so tired that the beginnings of red irrtated lines had sullied the whites. The pupils were dilated and if he looked carefully enough, a very thin of moisture had rimmed around the edges of the skin.

"Does that mean I am beautiful now?"

Sadness and beauty. Those were the words that stuck in Navaria's clouded mind. It sounded so stupid to ask such a thing.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Sep 20th, 2002, 08:46:38 PM
As the shuttle came in for a landing, Eldrak continued to look lustfully out the window. However there was a moment when the faintest of smiles crept across his features, but did not remain long. Eldrak himself was still in a state of disconnection. He wasn’t fully aware where he was or what he was doing.

The shuttle came to a stop as it touched down, and as the announcement came for the passengers to depart, he rose and began to disembark, still showing no real alertness.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 21st, 2002, 09:15:25 PM
Pierce Tondry sat in the middle of the room. It was literally his favorite spot- right in the thick of things, where no one noticed you because they were too busy trying to see what the room's corners hid.

Tonight, he was working the Bar and Grill Watch shift, and keeping a fairly close eye on Sanis Prent and the clone of Dalethria.

When opportunity struck... well, it struck. And it would strike tonight, of that Pierce was certain.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 22nd, 2002, 04:48:25 PM
Wei picked his head up offf of the table. "Master, I think that you have a good heart. And as long as you do nice things and such, you will always be beautiful no matter what your physical condition."

Wei set his head back down again. "Sanis, you did not have to say that your business was legal. To say that you were not doing anything legal right now suggests that you have been doing illegal things. I suggest that if you do not want to get caught, then you talk about every transaction as though it were legal."

Wei was not trying to tell Sanis how to do things, it was just a piece of advice his Grandfather gave him one day when Wei was trying to avoid getting in trouble with his father.

Sanis Prent
Sep 29th, 2002, 07:04:51 PM

(I didn't understand where she was coming from. Was it a trick question?)

Nav...when have you not been? And forget just physical beauty. There's something about...you...that shines the grime off of everything around it. Maybe if there's such a thing as guilt by association, then there's a flipside to it, too. I've seen it around others, too. You do something good to people. And you think when you hurt, its just your pain?

(I placed a hand over her own)

Eldrak Gruuhl
Oct 8th, 2002, 03:55:25 PM
Sensations he was not fully familiar with kept washing over him as he exited the shuttle and started absentmindedly walking towards the destination his feet knew but he did not. His eyes seemed focused on a point ahead of him too distant to really see. They never wavered or strayed from the long gaze as he made his way through the other pedestrians on the walkways of the surface.

His lack of attentiveness to his surroundings was bound to get him in some kind of situation before he arrived where his legs were bidding him go. For now though the other beings navigating the walkways were aware enough to steer clear of the large Kashirian as he strode with an almost mechanical gait and speed.

A maintenance droid was in the middle of the walkway performing its duties, which Eldrak failed to see. His eyes remained fixed on the invisible point off in the distance as he got closer and closer to where the droid was doing its work.


Eldrak tripped over the small droid and struck the surface of the walkway face first, his hands not even reflexively moving up to slow his fall. The droid tossed sparks and emitted strange sounds as it suffered some exterior and slight internal damage from Eldrak’s impact and weight.

The Jedi Padawan stood, saying nothing and still staring off into space as blood trailed from his bottom lip, its chemical makeup searing his robes as it dripped from his chin onto them. As if nothing had happened he resumed walking, not bothering to wipe the small stream of crimson running down his chin.

The wound would heal soon enough, thanks to the regenerative prowess of his species, but the stain of blood on his chin and tattered by acid robes would remain as they were.

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 8th, 2002, 09:21:15 PM
Sanis' voice seemed lost as Navaria simply watched his mouth form the words but nothing was heard. She was staring off past him, past the drunks behind them arguing, trying to focus on the door to look past that. Something impossible to do but Navaria seemingly lost, or couldn't remember, that she could expand her mind outward of the building to see who was nearby walking or loitering around the bar and grill.

Her eyes were fixated on the metallic door. Even at this range, and especially in this concentrated mental state, Navaria could find each irregularity on the door from the blaster bolts that impacted against it. It was rough like a hand that had been working the fields for years, unlike the rather smooth texture to the door where beings had been thrown into it ... face or back first ....

"Uunnnhh ..."

Suddenly, Navaria felt a sharp pain jolt up the front of her neck and face. She leaned forward in obvious discomfort but sat back up, eyes blinking in wonderment to what had just happened. She failed in feeling the tiny drops of blood that had pooled in her mouth and had lined between her lips vaguely.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 8th, 2002, 10:02:37 PM
Wei looked up at Navaria.

"Master, are you all right? Your mouth is bleeding." Wei's voice sonded concerned, and he took a napkin to gently wipe away the blood that was trickling out of the corner of her mouth.

"You need a medic. Sanis, you're rich, I bet you have a commlink or something that you carry around to make important calls, how about getting on that thing and making a call right now?"

Sanis Prent
Oct 9th, 2002, 09:00:49 AM
(It was so sudden, and before I could comprehend, I had caught her as she pitched forward a bit. My handkerchief was already out, and at her mouth.)

Nav? Nav!

(It was all so sudden. The blood portended bad news, though I hadn't a clue what. The miners on Kessel could get an affliction called Red Lung if they worked too long without a mask, but Navaria wasn't exactly a spice miner. Tuberculosis perhaps, but she would've been a pale, wheezing wreck for weeks before. As I leaned Nav against me and held her steady, I removed a pink cyllinder from my right pocket, setting it on the table.)

Marcus! Wake up and get a medic here, now. Navaria's sick, hurt, or both.

Marcus v4
Oct 9th, 2002, 09:22:52 AM
The cyllinder opened up slightly, as two small manipulator arms popped out. Visual receptors on the face came to life with a slight whine.

I am online, Sanis. What is the nature of the medical emergency? I am a certified practitioner of CPR, and can offer basic medical prognoses.

The module skittered closer, manipulator arms whirring.

Oh my. She does not look well.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 9th, 2002, 09:43:16 AM
Wei looked at the little thing.

"Very true. Wei tossed his blood-soaked napkin onto his empty plate.

"Now call a someone to come make her better, or something." Wei was worried.

Marcus v4
Oct 9th, 2002, 10:50:49 AM
One moment. Processing.

The module paused, a whirr barely audible as its processing systems kicked into gear

I have requested emergency medical dispatch, at Coco District hub. They should arrive within five minutes.

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 9th, 2002, 04:32:05 PM
The trio of voices were all meshed into one overlapping sound to the still stunned Navaria, who was still trying to gain insight to what had happened.

It made no sense to her to why she felt pain, pain that had caused her own body to be injured by an unseen force. Had her musings left her open and vulnerable to an attack?

"Marcus. Call off that emergency dispatch please. I am fine."

Her eyes suddenly came back to life, looking around at Wei and Marcus. She knew that Sanis was sitting next to her now and his concern was so heavy that she felt disappointed that her lapse in cognition had caused this. He still wasn't buying that she was all right and wrapped her arms around his body, resting her head comfortably on his shoulder.

"Really, Sanis. I am all right."

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 9th, 2002, 06:13:40 PM
Wei shot a side-long glance at Marcus.

"I have no clue what to make of this situation. You seem to be the analytical type. What do you think?"

Wei began to feel something drill away at his own heart.

Marcus v4
Oct 9th, 2002, 10:37:44 PM
The droid blinked again

I have called off the emergency crew. Unfortunately, I do not possess significant diagnostic ability to fully ascertain Miss Tarkin's condition, though from passive analysis, there seems to be neither physical trauma, nor any indication of a pathogenic response. To the best of my ability, she seems healthy.

Sanis Prent
Oct 9th, 2002, 10:58:47 PM
Like krasst, she does.

(I angled her face to look at my own, and scrutinized the area where she had been bleeding.)

What the hell would cause somebody to just blank out and start bleeding?

(It was one of those uncomfortable moments of ignorance where for once, I wouldn't mind being a Jedi, if only to dig into their bag of answers. This mystic crap had a way of turning a rational mind into pudding)

Pierce Tondry
Oct 10th, 2002, 09:31:11 AM
"That's an interesting question, Prent," Pierce spoke up. He and a few others had stood up to investigate the commotion, but as they had left at the seeming conclusion, he had not. "It's my understanding you might know one or two things that fall into the category."

The Intelligence officer gave Sanis a long, studied look. "Been infecting people with nanites again, have we? Or is this some new toy of yours- a drug, perhaps, or some kind of spice?"

Eldrak Gruuhl
Oct 10th, 2002, 12:13:48 PM
The small trail of smoke from his burning robes faded away, as the blood that had dripped on them lost its acidity in having reacted with the fabric how it had. The scent of burnt fibers lingered however as the Kashirian kept moving on his route to the place his bare feet were taking him.

Up the path a short ways a security droid stepped in front of his path and began to inquire about the damage to the maintenance droid and to the Jedi Padawan.

“Excuse me sir. A report must be filed sir. Holo-vid shows what occurred to the city’s property and restitution…”

Before the droid could finish, Eldrak walked through him much like he had the maintenance droid, but this time Eldrak did not trip over the droid, just knocked it aside. The droid’s gaze turned as its head spun following the Kashirian’s path.

“Expect an official for the city to contact the Greater Jedi Order regarding this.”

Came the druids retort as Eldrak seemed to ignore or more accurately not even notice or hear the mechanical voice, his own robot like trek continuing. The Bar & Grill was not much further and his lip’s bleeding has stopped. The wound now only itched as his regenerative capabilities mended the cells quickly.

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 10th, 2002, 09:39:00 PM
"Sanis. You know why I blank out sometimes. As to why the bleeding ..."

Her eyes turned away as a new voice decided to answer the question posed. Navaria eyes twinkled a little in recognition to the man before her. She almost chuckled a little as the nickname, Sniper Dude, came to mind. It was years ago when Navaria had been freed and met with this man, then an Imperial Officer. Being a member of the Council, Navaria was privy to the information that Tondry had switched sides. She hadn't had a chance to see him, but what would she have said anyway.

"Tondry. Pierce. Sanis did not harm me in anyway. It was a disturbance from outside that caused this. It is not malevolent, whatever it is, but it is affecting me somehow in someway I do not know."

She looked back at Sanis and stroked his cheek in comfort.

"I am really all right but ..."

She turned her head to see Tondry out of the corner of her eye.

"... what does he mean by infecting people with nanites?"

Pierce Tondry
Oct 11th, 2002, 09:57:16 AM
'Disturbance from outside?' Pierce shook his head. He didn't really follow that comment, but let it slide. "Yeah, well I'd still be careful around this one, Miss Tarkin," he added. "Especially if he breaks out a cigar."

Pierce then turned around and went back to his table, considering something he'd overheard Prent say. If there was something about a Jedi that shone through spiritual grime, it had a lot of work to do with Sanis Prent.

Sanis Prent
Oct 11th, 2002, 11:31:38 AM
Don't worry about it.

(I was glad I had Navaria as a burden to look after. It kept me from flying off the handle and popping the former Imp in his smart mouth. I'd never been much to discuss business with Navaria. Where was I to start?)

Is it the same with Daleethria, Nav? Its been so long since the last time.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Oct 15th, 2002, 09:21:04 PM
His zombie like gait continued, and finally he was nearing his goal, which he wasn’t even aware it was. A little further down the walkway was Yog’s Bar & Grill. Heavy steps plodded along closing the distance. He entered and instead of heading for his usual booth started to approach the place where Navaria, Sanis, Wei and Tondry were.

His legs finally stopped moving as he came up behind Navaria, not saying a word, but for the first time in what seemed like hours, his eyes appeared to focus. They focused on the Jedi Knight. A large green hand raised from his side and moved toward her.

Morgan Evanar
Oct 15th, 2002, 10:01:01 PM
And slowed to a halt, intercepted by a not-quite-as-large hand bound in black leather.

"Are ya feeling all right, Eldrak?"Morgan's Tanaabian accent slipped in, while a look of concern and curiosity washed over his face. He had actually been looking for Pierce, but the green titan's behavior had attracted his immediate attention.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Oct 17th, 2002, 01:05:22 PM
His attention didn’t waver from its previous focus. His eyes remained on Navaria as his other hand raised towards her. No answer to Morgan’s inquiry was presented. Not even the slightest indication that the question had even been heard was present in the visage of the Kashirian Padawan.

Sanis Prent
Oct 18th, 2002, 12:29:08 AM
What the hell??

(On instinct, I reached for my blasters, only to find the holsters empty, due to the sidearms being deposited at the door guard's station. My jawline tightened, and I rose from my seat, knocking the second big hand away.)

Alright, tiny...you got something on your mind?

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 18th, 2002, 08:29:32 AM
Wei sat, staring at his Master, wishing he had some knowledge about Force healing.

"Master...you know what you need? You need to get some sleep. You are sad, and injured. You need some sleep."

Wei got up and went over to her, giving her a hand to help her up and back to the LQ.

"Come along Mr. Sanis. We need to get her to her bed for some good night's rest."

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 22nd, 2002, 09:16:34 PM
She was going to answer Sanis but her mind went cold strangely, as if recognizing something. But it wasn't evil, just different. Though, that was the irony. It wasn't different. It was a feeling that she remembered from another life. From Daleethria's life.

Musings aside, Sanis was getting way too touchy with Eldrak. He was just as confused as she was and Navaria shot up out of her chair and huddled close to Sanis, comforting him with her presence.

"It is all right. He does not wish to harm me."

Navaria looked at Eldrak and gently pulled Sanis' hand away towards her.

"Right, Eldrak?"

Sanis Prent
Oct 22nd, 2002, 09:27:50 PM
(I looked from Navaria's eyes to tiny's. Something wasn't adding up, and I had a feeling it was one of those "Jedi" things. I let her pull my hand back...far be it for me to start something with a two legged rhinoceros.)

Alright...if you say so.

(I licked at my upper lip a bit, running a hand through my hair. It was getting hot in here, and I was losing my cool. A bad combination)

Pierce Tondry
Oct 23rd, 2002, 05:18:50 PM
Pierce waved a hand at Morgan. "She says it's one of those Jedi things, Morgan," he called. "So you might as well come have a drink with me."

Eldrak Gruuhl
Nov 4th, 2002, 03:46:31 PM
The large hand found what it had been seeking as it came to rest gently on the Jedi Knight’s shoulder. Just as it did a tear began to steam down the goliath’s cheek. An empathic bond stronger than the typical effects of Force Empathy had formed between the two children of the same Spaarti cylinder. This bond drew her pain and placed it within his own heart.

His head slowly nodded in response, as a twin tear made its way out his other eye.

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 4th, 2002, 08:55:42 PM
The sorrow that she had put aside for the betterment of Sanis had come back so sharply. Navaria was sure to lock it away enough to fool Wei and her love, but Eldrak knew and brought it forward again unintentionally.

Tears began to fall and her lip trembled violently, fending off the wail that wanted to break through her silence.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 09:51:15 PM
Wei watched his master cry. "Master, no need to cry." Wei hoped he didn;t have to use a mind trick on Sanis for him to lend her his shoulder to cry on.

Wei really had no way of helping but to sit tight and wait the whole thing out. His master was sad, and he would stick with her. It was his duty as her student.

Morgan Evanar
Nov 6th, 2002, 10:06:56 PM
Morgan stood dumfounded as he watched Navaria collapse into tears. He glanced slowly at Eldrak, who also was in sorrow.

Numb. Slowly, he walked to Tondry's table and sat.

Sanis Prent
Nov 7th, 2002, 01:26:34 AM

(I had no words left in my repertoire to offer comfort. I had no idea how to assuage her grief, much less what was the source of it. My hand clasped around her own, squeezing.)

Pierce Tondry
Nov 8th, 2002, 12:33:21 PM
Pierce turned a curious eye on his companion. "There's something you don't see every day," he commented to Morgan. "You think this storm'll pass by itself? I can't make heads or tails of it."