View Full Version : Former Knight.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Sep 10th, 2002, 12:53:52 PM
Sia-lan, a former jedi knight here, steps into the recruitment center. It is totaly empty... or so it seems. But she knew better than that. She yelled out into the room.

"Xazor, old friend. I know you are in here. Please show yourself."

Sia-lan waits for her friend to come out of the shadows. Earler she relised that she had made a horrable mistake by leaving the jedi. Now she wished to make up for it.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 10th, 2002, 08:03:15 PM
A dark figure paced in the shadows of the walls around the Recruitment Center. Her eyes were firmly fixed upon a woman whom she had not seen in a long time....her former best friend.....and a former Knight of this Order. Shaking her head sadly, Xazor stepped forward and allowed the light to bathe her fully....then removed the hood of her red robes from her head and revealed her soft features. Slowly she moved forward, the Garou Warrior Braids were still in her hair with the golden coins woven into them......swinging gently with each step she took. The Knight stopped then, before the one who called for her.....and let the silver in her deep blue eyes reflect the pains of old in her heart. She spoke nothing for several moments.....letting her eyes tell all that she was feeling at the moment. This woman had struck her down.....they had fought against one another. Xazor still had her weapons as well. In that moment a great unspoken truth was spoken....and Sia heard every word of it. Slowly then, something changed. It was in Xazor's eyes and upon her features. She became.....gentle once again......and a love radiated from her soul that had been gone for such a long while. She outstretched her hand and let her eyes search the former Knight's for a moment as she held it out there.....a glow seemed to encircle the two of them.

"...........Come back to the Light, Dear Friend of my heart..........for I have missed you so......"

A tear fell from her eye and cascaded down her cheek slowly as she eyed the woman who stood by her through so much.....and even though she had turned on her.....the bond that brought them together still stood firm.....and this, Xazor knew truthfully within her heart.......

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Sep 10th, 2002, 08:07:17 PM
Sia held her ground and replied quickly.

"Xazor I have made my choice. There is no going back on it now."

She saw Xazor's face cringe slightly and she smiled gently.

"And my choice is to come back to jedi. if you will all have me."

Sia-lan took a step towards Xazor and held out her right hand.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 10th, 2002, 08:09:54 PM
The Knight's whole aura seemed to lighten by several 'watts' at Sia's words. She smiled and passed up Sia's hand.....wrapping her arms around the woman's neck tightly. She let more tears fall from the joy within her heart as she embraced the Lost and brought her back to the Light.

"Welcome back Dear Friend! Welcome back......."

She said softly through the gentle tears that fell from her eyes. It was a beautiful moment.....one filled with memories and happiness.....sorrow of the past, yet joy in the future. It made her feel complete once again......for Sia was a friend to her like no other......

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Sep 10th, 2002, 08:28:57 PM
Sia-lan was at first a bit suprised at the embrace from her old friend but returned it with a hug of her own. She closed her eyes a moment and felt the warmth fill her as it once had. She felt the pain from Xazor and pulled back from the hug. She looked Xazor in the eye, her eyes still the shadowed color that they had been when she had turned. They would never change.

"Please do not dwell on the past. It is history. Think about the present and the future but not the past."

Xazor Elessar
Sep 10th, 2002, 08:34:12 PM
Xazor looked into her eyes and smiled gently, nodding to her friend.

"I will.....I'll remember your words. So you're back now! We must tell the others! So must has changed in your absence.....but I am sure you know of that....."

She said softly, wondering how much Sia had heard of she and Shade....and of Dasquian.....

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Sep 10th, 2002, 08:40:12 PM
Sia-lan smiled again. She had heard bits and peices but not full stories.

"Then i am sure you will tell me everything. Should we go to master yogs?"

Xazor Elessar
Sep 11th, 2002, 03:19:20 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled gently, holding out her arm playfully for her friend to take. They had walked like this down the halls....creating temporary blocks for those that wished to pass through quickly. A giggle escaped her lips as she thought of all the things she needed to tell Sia....how much time had passed while she was away.

"Yes, let's......"

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Sep 11th, 2002, 08:18:10 PM
Sia-lan smiled again and followed her friend from the recruitment center headed towards the B&G. They passed many people as they walked. Many people that she had never met before. Few that she had.

"So I hear that Shade and Verse are back."

Sia-lan knew that Xazor was hiding something from her.

"And what about padawans? Any make it to knight or otherwards."

Xazor Elessar
Sep 11th, 2002, 08:32:30 PM
Xazor walked silently as Sia questioned her. Her eyes fell to the floor for several moments and then glanced sideways at her friend.

"Indeed....my Father and......ex-husband.....have returned....."

She had kept these things hidden from so many until the day in the Council Chambers where she spoke about their split up....and Shade stood behind her. He understood that it had been difficult for her to have him away......so he supported their descion though in her customs...he had the right to kill her for what she had done.

"And yes, my Padawan, Chance.....I promoted him to Knighthood. I am getting several of my others ready as well. Salemn Lysce was promoted to Knighthood....and Lance Stormrider....and a few others are awaiting approval. There is a whole batch of them coming up!"

She smiled broadly, forgetting about her initial comment as she thought of how fast the Order was growing and how fast the students were progressing and learning......

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Sep 11th, 2002, 08:38:13 PM
Sia-lan sensed the tension between Xazor and her former husband. She gave Xazor a slight wave of comfort then moved on.

"And any falls? I hope none have had to go through what I did."

She remembered her brief time with the sith. All she saw was pain and suffering. She hoped no jedi would have to see and do what she had done. She looked at her hands and thought of the blood spilled by them.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 11th, 2002, 08:48:25 PM
Xazor nodded gently as a sorrow returned to her heart.

"Yes indeed.....several have fallen. All of them dear friends of mine. One.....my friend Tomak. Two....my Padawan Kaytor....and three.....my very own Daughter......Natia.....she has chosen the path of Darkness."

She said softly, letting her eyes fall to the ground once again. Her heart ached terribly for them.....and for herself for the troubles she had gone through. Then her mind drifted to another....

"Jedi Knight.....Nash Stolar......has fallen as well......."

Then she became silent.....this was a blow to the whole Order but to her personally for she had witnessed it one stage at a time and had the chance to help him once.....but did not......