View Full Version : An Iron Man

Aarin Bronzerender
Sep 10th, 2002, 11:16:35 AM
The distinct sound of metal shinks grazing over one another rang clearly in the recruitment center. A large amuleted hand pushed open the door, striding through confidently as he approached what seemed like the designated area for those wishing to join the Greater Jedi Order. A warm smile grew over his rough looking features as he looked around at the others waiting to be accepted.

Aarin folded his arms over his chest with a clang of his bracers, ice blue eyes looking for some form of recognition from any of the Jedi who dealt with admitances.

Salemn Lysce
Sep 11th, 2002, 10:46:03 AM
< Greetings .. You seek to become a Jedi, yes ? >

Salemn stepped out from the shadows, lowing the hood of her brown Jedi robes. Her blond hair was pulled back from her face from previously working on her lightsabre. A warm smile decorated her face as she crossed her arms, studying the newcomer intently.