View Full Version : La Vita Nuova: Solar Wind (Open)

Taylor Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 12:14:06 AM
OOC: Takes place 5 years from now ic:/

"C'mon love let's go," The man stood at the edge of a queen-sized bed, attempting to wake the woman still in it.

In the five years we've been married she's still hard to wake up.

And any methods, Grand Admiral Taylor Millard would try to use would only get him back into bed for more...fun.

Ah the life of a married man, he smiled as he looked down on his wife, Loklorien s'Ilancy-Millard. She was the same now as she was six years ago when they first met, as Millard broke up the smuggler's attempt at stealing a painting from the museum on Omar Prime. A painting, Taylor had ended up giving Loklorien the next day. That had begun a relationship that had been trying at times, but a wonderful thing at the same time.

"Lok..." Taylor couldn't keep the smile off his face, "I would have thought an extreme sportswoman like you would be interested in trekking across the solar system in only a wind run ship.

"Don't make me force you to get out of bed."

The he smiled and leaned down to kiss her.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 10th, 2002, 12:35:41 AM
"Crap - not there... not there!!! DAMNIT R2, WHAT THE FRELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!?"

The little droid beeped in indignation, whilst withdrawing the welder arc from the side of the space craft, while the The Lost Jedi Master gowered at it.

"Yeah right. Look you tinpot, when are you going to accept I WANT that panel open? How many times have I told you?"

Another beep.

"Well, remember it, else I dont care if your Evenstar's droid - I'll throw you out the lock in deep space"

The droid fwaapt'ed in reply, Marcus shaking his head. R2 knew Marcus would never do that and in some ways, he suspected the droid was teasing him. It was likely, Artoo certainly was capable of it. Well, another hour and the damage from the last run in with pirates would be fixed. Not that the pirates would be living to see it, their hips were spread into atoms from the unexpectedly heavy firepower of the Jedi's ship.

Five years, it occured to him. Five years since he had disappeared out of view. Since then, moving around in shadows and alleyways, fighting a dirty war that he unquiely was suited to. Five years where he only had been back to the Jedi twice in person, had only seen Helenias a handful of times as well. For now, he was heading to Coruscant to take a well earned break, for even the Jedi needed holidays. Although, he was expecting the usual plethora of signature hunters, after all, he was a well known shockball player and an ex- NR General named Marcus Elessar.

And he would also see Jina again. How he missed his adopted daughter, now 10 years old and in training to be a Jedi.

Man, I'm getting soft or something. Well, I guess after 115 years of life and about 400 more to go, you can get fatherly occasionally. But still, will be good to see Jina and Helenias again. I have missed them both

He got back to work, whistling.

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 12:52:49 AM
Now was not the time of morning to wake her. It was much too early.

Taylor knew it, and yet he still persisted in dragging her from the bliss of the bed they'd now shared for....

Five years...? Has it already been that long?? Criminy....

Of course she'd been able to foil his little plans and schemes to turn her into an early riser, but those only worked for so long until he'd caught on to her own brand of 'countermeasures', and began staying mostly out of her arms reach (which really wasn't too far as her arms weren't very long) so that she couldn't pull him back into the bed.

"Taylor...... I'm sleeping...."

s'Il rolled away from the kiss, and Millard only succeeded in planting his lips on the pillow. She grinned to herself while burrowing more into the warmth of the covers.

"And I'm not an 'extreme sportswoman'. I just... do lots of things-"s'Il reached a hand out to blindly grasp at the collar of his shirt, "... things that are done after 11 am."

Taylor Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 01:00:56 AM
"Yet Lok it is only 10:30 in the morning," Taylor smiled mischeviously as he succeeded in pulling her from the bed. She mockingly cursed at him, threatening to get rough later on during the day.

"You'll have plenty of time to beat me up later on, Neaker," Millard used the name only he could use.

"The solar winds are only like this once a year," he began dragging her towards the closet.

"Come on...it'll be fun."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 01:25:07 AM
"You know," she grumbled in return, letting him drag her to the closet, "the last time someone said that to me, and we won't mention Kyry's name or anything, I ended up in a brig."

He succeeded in shoving her into the closet, and as she stood there, hair completely mussed and in her boxers (well, so they were his, as well as the t-shirt she wore), s'Il let out a sigh.

"That's what you always say.... 'The solar winds are only like this once a year...' For the last four years you've pulled this same routine..." She yawned, stretching while leaning on his chest, and craning her neck, looked up at him.

"Would it mean anything if I said I was out late last night on business? I mean, you were already asleep when I got in bed... "

A half-truth at best, as the business she referred to was merely getting almost too drunk to stand with her sister. She'd crawled into bed at almost 2 in the morning, and MMU had followed her soon after, positioning himself cozily between s'Il and Millard before 'going to sleep'.

Now though the little avatar had disappeared, and s'Il briefly wondered where he'd gone to; there were a few things she wanted to ask him about, and as she looked up at her husband, she voiced her question.

"Where's MMU?"

Taylor Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 01:37:15 AM
"I told him he could decorate the solar glider. Apparently he wants to put a comment about the New Republic on it. Something about their members or something. He wouldn't say what though."

Taylor smiled again as he handed Lok a glass of water and helped her out of her boxers and into some pants.

"You can sleep on the travel up towards Yag'Dhul. I thought you would appreciate seeing it again."

He popped his neck then tossed her a creme-colored shirt with an Imperial symbol and a mermaid on the back of it.

"The glider is comfortable enough to sleep you know."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 02:00:43 AM
With a snort s'Il caught the button-up he threw, and setting the glass of water down, began to pull the shirt over her head.

"I thought you got rid of this shirt," she murmered, rolling up the sleeves a little, "Something to do with 'indecent representation of the Empire'... "

Wandering over to the bed, s'Il sat down tiredly at the edge of it while reaching down for her boots. With a groan she pulled them on, and with a tired yet taunting glance at Millard, fell backwards onto the bed, her arms spread wide as she savored the feel of the soft mattress and comforter beneath her.

"You know, I'd be careful what you let MMU write on your glider; he may have said he'd write stuff about the NR, but he never said what exactly.

"I think you just dug yourself a grave."

She grinned. "Or gotten yourself a good laughing at by the NR."

Taylor Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 02:07:36 AM
"Well considering how we're not going anywhere near NR space..."

Millard stood over Lok and was tempted to delay their departure for about an hour or so. But he resisted the urge, instead helping his wife up to her feet then led her from the bedroom, down through the castle, to the hangar in which the glider he and Lok were going to travel.

MMU had just finished his artwork and waved playfully at the duo.


Marcus Telcontar
Sep 10th, 2002, 09:06:40 PM
A couple of days it took, even for the speed of Razor. And even more so, he would need to stop and refule, the attack had blown out a fuel cell pack. He had enough range to make it to....

Where did he have the range to get to? Quizzing the nav comp, he drew up a set of systems where he could get the cells for his particular ship. He knew he would need to mod them to fit, but that was not an impossible job. Time consuming it would be, but not impossible. Artoo would be a welcome hand in that issue.

<font color=blue>Yag'Dhul</font>

Hmmm. Never been there, he thought. Well with the ships present range tho. And if he had it right, there was apparently a smuggler who was based there. A quick hack into a databank later, he had it confirmed. Yag'Dhul it would be then.

"Artoo! Come on, get your metal body in here, we are leaving!"

The droid beeped and in a moment was rolling up the ramp. Marcus waited while Artoo came up, before triggering the close mechanism. Five minutes later and Razor began to lift, undercarrage retracting as it rotated and began to glide forward. Rather unusally for him, the rest of the take-off and drive for orbit was sedate.

An hour later, he pulled back on the hyperspace controls, the winged fighter-frieghter ripping out of reality for the first satge of his journey to Coruscant.

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 01:55:08 AM
MMU's artwork had been promptly removed as soon as Millard had seen it, and s'Il was still laughing as she climbed into the glider.

"I told you," was all she managed to say.

The little avatar of course insisted on coming with them, but s'Il struck a deal with him, saying that he could follow them to Yag'Dhul where 'Uncle Gabriel' (MMU had lots of uncles) would 'babysit' him and look over his systems. At the mention of going back to Terrisz'Voss, MMU let out a squeal of delight, running off to where his larger half was berthed and leaving his crayons scattered on the deck near the glider.

From her position halfway into the craft, s'Il looked up at Millard, and she reached out a hand, entwining their fingers together and tugging on his arm to bring him down to her level.

"Hey, c'mere," she grinned playfully.

Taylor Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 02:05:57 AM
Taylor smiled and kissed her, letting it linger as he towered over his wife.

"You realize he'll probably have two more 'larger halves' by the time we get back to Yag'Dhul," Millard mentioned as he slid next to s'Il in the cockpit.

The launching of the glider was a rather tricky set up. A missile boat, pilotted by Millard's second in command, Commodore Tomar, would fly the craft up into space where it would release the larger craft.

Then, a sail would extend carrying the glider fast enough into hyperspace as the sail picked up solar winds. It was something the Imperial Grand Admiral had always enjoyed doing, especially with the woman he did it with.

He still had a slight premonition of the flight, that it would be more than he thought it would be.

Millard shook the feeling off, and turned towards prepping the glider.

Forty-five minutes later and he and s'Il were in hyperspace...headed towards Yag'Dhul.

Fifty minutes later...and Taylor and Lok were lying on a bed, their hands intwined as they stared into each other's eyes.

"So...how're you doing?" Taylor asked as he kissed her nose.

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 02:27:15 AM
s'Il grinned. "Tired.

"You've dragged me outta bed one too many times, Taylor Millard."

And with a poke to his chest and a teasing smile, she rolled over, pulling the covers over her. "I'm going back to sleep. Wake me up when we get there."

Taylor Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:15:04 PM
Taylor smiled and slipped his hands underneath the covers, tickling Lok, then did something else briefly.

He rose from the bed, pulling a dark jumpsuit on as he walked towards the cockpit.

Millard checked the readings from the solar glider, all checked out nominally, although there was a little looseness on the right side of the hull.

Further inspection showed MMU had left a piece of paper on the side of the ship, causing a bit of drag. Eventually the bit of paper flew off, disentigrating in hyperspace.

Taylor smiled and poured himself a bit of tea. The flavor of raspberries mixed with the normal tea flavor, delighting his taste buds.

He smiled, pulled out a book and began reading.

Two Hours Later

Taylor crawled back in bed and greeted his wife the same way he left her.

"We're about thirty minutes out."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 08:54:13 PM
She'd been awake for almost ten minutes, silently watching as Millard read his book, his back turned to her so that he wasn't able to notice her as she observed him.

As he made his way back to the bed, she kept her eyes on him, following his movements as he crawled back next to her.

She'd slept like a rock, but still didn't want to rouse herself fully.

"I should call Hyde... "

Taylor Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 09:03:09 PM
"Sure you can't wait another 20 minutes," Taylor joked, receiving a mock poke. It was followed by a long, lingering kiss...then Lok slowly rose from the bed.

"I look forwards to meeting Mister Hyde. We only had a brief conversation during our wedding, and I was looking to see if he was interested in helping the Balmorran Empire a bit.

"Oh relax Lok, I'm not going to as him to join...only assist from time to time."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 09:17:13 PM
s'Il gave him a lazy stare, then snorted as she turned back to rummaging through her pack for the small headset comm.

"I don't think he'd be inclined to help anyone, to be brutally honest," she sighed, digging through her things, "he's not too terribly keen on having anything to do with either the NR or the Empire; in any of its incarnations.

"Think extreme nuetralist."

She finally pulled the comm out, and with a victoriously smug look to her husband, slipped it over her ear while plugging the end of one of the wires into the small, almost invisible neural jack connection ports at the back of her neck.

"Besides," she grinned giving him a playful poke while waiting for the connection to go through, "He's quite happy where he is...

"But you're more than welcome to try and convince him otherwise."

Her eyes glazed over a little then, as the connection was recieved, and with a grin s'Il settled more comfortably in her seat in the cockpit.

"Yeah, this is s'Il. Is Gabriel there?"

Iden Hyde
Sep 11th, 2002, 09:42:26 PM
Gabriel Hyde hadn't changed much in five years; Terrisz'Voss had become somewhat of a silent power, and Hyde was careful not to abuse that power.

His office was very much the same as it'd always been, clear of any excess peice of decoration that needn't be in the room, and now, as he lounged in his leather chair, his blue eyes stared down at the datapad sitting on his desk.

The communit in his desk beeped, and with a sigh answered it.


"Sir, Lok s'Ilancy-Millard is calling for you."

His face visibly lifted, the lines at his eyes crinkling as he smiled. "Put her through."

In no time at all his assistant had did as ordered. "Lok," Hyde began jovially, "... good to hear from you... how are things? Where are you?"

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 11:35:31 PM
s'Il grinned at the sound of Hyde's voice. It'd been awhile since they'd talked.

"Things are fine... "

She reached a hand behind her, blindly searching out Millard's hand, and finding it, grasped his fingers tightly.

"Actually, I'm about 20 minutes out of Yag'Dhul... "

A pause, and s'Il laughed out loud. "... No I haven't driven him crazy yet... yeah yeah, I know... I don't know, I'll ask 'im..." she turned around awkwardly, careful not to pull out the cord from the back of her neck, and flashed Millard a lopsided grin.

"Sweety," she began in a teasing voice, "... am I driving you insane?"

Taylor Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 11:40:28 PM
Millard chuckled then took the comm unit from Lok's ear, placing it to his own.

"No Mister Hyde, I doubt Lok could drive me insane. Crazy maybe, but not insane.

"Yes we shall have to catch up on Yag'Dhul...Drinks then? Excellent. What year? Ah perfect...yes I'll give you back to Lok."

He handed the comm back to s'Il.

"You could never drive me insane."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 11:56:21 PM
s'Il grinned as she replaced the earpeice.

"See? Told you."

She laughed once more before letting her voice get serious. "I've got MMU coming in behind me..." Another pause, and she nodded to no one in particular, "No I know you don't feel like looking after him again... look, Gabe, that wasn't my fault in the least... so how was I supposed to know he'd crash your speeder, it was your fault for letting him drive it... "

s'Il sighed. "Gabe, it was the only way I could get some private time with... Damnit Hyde! Just look after him, ok? It's partially your fault he's turned out like he is anyway, ok?"

She smiled sweetly. "Thank you.

"We'll be there soon."

Shutting down the connection and pulling the unit from her ear, s'Il turned to look at Millard.

Her eyes flashed in mischief.

"I could never drive you insane, huh?

"Famous last words."

Taylor Millard
Sep 12th, 2002, 12:07:13 AM
"Won't be for us though," Millard's blue eyes smiled down into s'Ilancy's metallic ones.

"We've been through enough as it is. Come on, let us get ready to land."

The solar glider came out of hyperspace twenty minutes later, its sail instantly opening up to slow its speed.

Millard directed it towards Yag'Dhul, avoiding a damaged star freighter as it limped towards the planet. He caught a surge from the freighter, a presence familiar...yet distant at the same time.

A troubled look came to his face as the glider headed towards Terrisz'Voss, The Rascal King hot on its tail.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 12th, 2002, 12:08:14 AM
With a silent bang and a flash of pseudomotion, the figher-freighter Razor dropped into real-space around Yag'Dhul. The scanner immedatly showed up some traffic, but nothing that he would consider threatening - and anyway, the transponder had been phase-shifted so that the star ship now gave out Halsfor as it's designation, the name of the private transport of a particularly well known ex-Republic General, Marcus Telconter. But his fame was due to Smashball. And the fact he was rather good at it. Well okay, extremely good at it. Before the Empire he had been a major star (Nice alias for a Dark Jedi, he thought to himself) and had made a comeback, 55 years later. 55 years! Hardly anyone thought Telconter was alive, let alone still capable of playing.

Ahhh, it was a superb alias for a Jedi Master who didnt wish to be known. Hiding in full view and no one was the wiser, except for a handful of The Lost. It was enough to make one laugh. Well, enough of abstract thoughts, time to see if his smuggler friend was accepting calls. He fired up the comms unit, dialed in the right code and then sent a broadcast.

"Yag'Dhul control, this is Private citizen Telcontar. Requesting permission to approach and orbit"

The reply was real quick

"Yag'Dhul control, acknowledged and permission granted. Enjoy your stay"

That was pretty damn good. Usually you had to be put in a holding pattern. Not feeling any potential danger via The Force, Marcus changed course and redialed to a more private code.

Iden Hyde
Sep 12th, 2002, 12:40:39 AM
Hyde stood on the landing platform atop the uppermost skyscraper within the hermetically sealed capitol city of Isken'dra. His neatly pressed business suit ruffled only slightly in the minimal breeze of passing air traffic.

With his hands clasped behind his back, he waited expectantly as the glider was allowed into the city through on of the ports in the seal.

With a thin smile on his face, Gabriel Hyde stood tall, awaiting the arrival of Lok and her husband, Grand Admiral Millard.

Taylor Millard
Sep 12th, 2002, 12:46:06 AM
Millard exitted first, walking down the ramp which sat next to the glider. The sail closed up as the glider came to its rest on the top of the building, the repulsor jets settling the ship down.

Taylor stood infront of Hyde, still an inch taller than the head of Terrisz-Voss.

"Mister Hyde, a pleasure to see you again," Taylor extended his gloved hand in greeting, "Your building is impressive."

Iden Hyde
Sep 12th, 2002, 01:27:20 AM
Grasping Millard's offered hand in a firm grip, Hyde grinned. "The pleasure is all mine, I assure you, Grand Admiral; and my thanks."

Nearing his sixties, Hyde wasn't quite as old as Millard, but both men were of the same generation for the most part, and therefore adhered to a somewhat formal protocol when talking to eachother.

Hyde hadn't talked to Millard very much at his and Lok's wedding; most of what they discussed had been more on the business end of things, with Millard proposing a sort of agreement that Hyde had politely declined.

Now, after five years and maybe a handful of conversations lasting no more than a few seconds, Hyde now played the host; and quite happily at that, to Millard and Lok.

"How was your trip; pleasant, I hope?"

Taylor Millard
Sep 12th, 2002, 01:36:20 AM
"As usual I enjoyed it...Lok, though slept through the entire journey," Millard smiled briefly.

"But she always sleeps all the way through. I appreciate the help on the design of the ship as well."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 12th, 2002, 01:57:10 AM
Extricating herself from the crashstraps proved a little challenging in her still somewhat comatose state, and s'Il tripped a little as she stumbled from the glider.

"If he's grumbling about me sleeping on the way here," s'Il called out, still trying to free a booted foot from the accursed webbing, "... it's his own damn fault. He knows I like to sleep late."

Finally succeeding in freeing herself, s'Il ambled towards the two men.

The Rascal King had dutifully followed the glider in, and settled smoothly on the far end of the tower, it's large bulk coming to rest atop the expansive building. Even before the ship had settled fully, the forward boarding ramp had begun to lower, and as soon as it hit bottom, MMU raced down its length and headed for Hyde, running as fast as his little legs could take him.

s'Il grinned, watching Hyde's face fall somewhat.

"I think someone missed his 'Uncle Gabe'," she laughed.

Iden Hyde
Sep 12th, 2002, 02:03:56 AM
Hyde let out a halfhearted "heh" as the little avatar ran at him, and braced himself as his leg was nearly accosted in a miniature bear hug from the droid.

"So," he said, smiling thinly, though it was easy to see he was just a little annoyed with his new situation, "How long are you two planning on being gone?"

Taylor Millard
Sep 12th, 2002, 02:07:24 AM
"Things on Balmorra are a bit settled for the moment and Tomar is more than capable of running the military for a few weeks.

"If you will have us, a week and a half or so?"

Iden Hyde
Sep 12th, 2002, 02:12:57 AM
Pulling his leg from MMU's grasp, Hyde smiled widely. "I would be more than happy to accomodate you...

"If there's anything I can do to make your stay more enjoyable, let me know.

"Now. Come. I've already had the cognac brought to my office, and you can relax for a while if you like."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 12th, 2002, 02:22:56 AM
s'Il gave Millard a grin as he took her hand in his, but instead of following him as Hyde led the way from the rooftop, she slipped from her husband's grasp and made for the King.

"You two have fun," she called over her shoulder, "I need to go to my apartment for a few things; if you need me, call me."

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 12th, 2002, 02:38:34 AM
An hour later, Razor touched down on one of the many public landing pads, The winged fighter/frieghter having "pretended" to have limped in. It would not be good to show that a visibly damaged craft still had the speed to make the Milennium Falcon look slow. Some highly illegal modifications and as well as a set of motors meant for a much heavier craft. The twin exhausts slowly stopped glowing as the atmo turbines wound down. A minute later, a lean and bearded humanoid came down the ramp, floowed by an R2 droid. There was the pad manager nearby to discuss payment and also terms of stay (plus an autograph - it was rare such a star as Telcontar was here!), then Marcus walked to the exit, feeling the gravity that was considerably lighter than home, plus somewhat colder, the type of conditions real humans preferred. A Numenorian like him was more adapted to high gravity and extreme temperatures.

A walk down the road and he came to a small tapcafe. Being somewhat hungry, he went inside, the droid following him.

Unfortunantly, they didn't allow droids.

Fortunantly, the manager of the tapcafe didn't want to offend Telcontar. Hey, fame had it's benifits.

Fifteen minutes later, he was eating a pretty good nerf steak (Wonder if it came from Desvelles farm?) and watching the holoscreen, which was set to GNN. Usual fluff and to his amusement a social piece about eligible bachelors - which he was in. Marcus laughed to himself, what woudl the media think if they knew that he was infact troth pledged to someone.... who, to his surprise was the feature of the next story.

"Today, Senator Helenias Evenstar, Senator for the Arcan Sector was the target of an assasination attempt. The reports we have is that as she alighted for her office near the Jedi Temple. Reports state that a company of armed mercenaries tried an ambush that was dealt with personally by the senator. In an official report, it has been stated that there is still one attacker left alive, although in a critical condition. Senator Evenstar herself is unhurt. This is the 6th attempt of Evenstar, a major supporter of anti military factions as well as to be said to be a Jedi Knight, although the Jedi Council have never confirmed. It's also been rumoured that the bounty for her is now at a record 1 million credits after she successfully got passed laws in the senate curbing business frauds and accounting schemes to avoid taxation. Go Jake, what would you do with a million credits?"

The co-anchor snorted. "For one, get a transport to get as far away from Evenstar. You would think these Bounty Hunters and mercs would have learned. Our GNN Evenstar body count now has passed 200, as can be seen in this graph and our latest polls show that her support witht he underclasses and middle class is now at an all time high. Remember the GNN body count competion, how many will die before her term expires next year? Send your entires to the address on the screen...."

Marcus shook his head, amused. Helenias was certainly having one hell of a eventful Senate term. While it was her intention to stand down and no seek re-election, her care for the underprivedged and lower classes was winning her enormous following, while her fearless standing up to corruption was also popular. She might not have a choice but to stand again. Ahhh, it would be wonderful to be in her arms again and forget all the wars and battles they were fighting.

Somedays, he wished they could go and be farmers in some remote corner of the Galaxy. But not yet. Still there was much to do before that could happen.

The Lost Jedi Master finished his meal, before paying and leaving for his meeting witht he smuggler.

Iden Hyde
Sep 12th, 2002, 09:50:49 PM
Hyde turned, nodding his head to s'Il as she jogged off; thankfully taking her infernal avatar with her. Leading the way back inside, Terrisz'Voss' CEO took Millard down to his office; a simple, expansive room without any extraneous trappings. In fact, it very much echoed s'Il's own office onboard The Rascal King, and opening the door, ushered the Grand Admiral inside.

One large window decorated the far wall behind Hyde's desk, offering a breathtaking view of Isken'dra. The desk itself was a little cluttered; hardcopies and datapads alike littered its surface, and Hyde let a out a slight chuckle.

"My apologies, I wasn't expecting visitors. You'll have to excuse the mess."

Taylor Millard
Sep 12th, 2002, 10:11:51 PM
"Quite all right. I decided to surprise Lok by taking her here," Millard accepted a cognac glass from the CEO as he sat in a leather chair in front of Hyde's desk.

"I was actually wondering if you would be willing to do some business together."

Iden Hyde
Sep 12th, 2002, 11:40:15 PM
Hyde sat in his own leatherbound chair, leaning back as he cradled the cognac glass in one hand. He smiled lightly, shaking his head.

"Grand Admiral, we've already had this discussion; Terrisz'Voss is a neutral entity. We don't cater to anyone but ourselves.

"Not the Empire, in any of its many incarnation; not the NR."

Taylor Millard
Sep 12th, 2002, 11:44:31 PM
Millard nodded, "I understand. It was more of a personal nature.

"I have an old missile boat, four of them actually...built by Grand Admiral Thrawn during the Galactic Civil War. I was wondering if you would be willing to help me do a bit of redesigning on them. It would only be these four, not anymore.

"This is good cognac...Corellian Reserve?"

Iden Hyde
Sep 13th, 2002, 01:38:41 AM
"Coruscant... actually," Hyde responded, his mind mulling over what Millard had asked.

Finally he spoke. "I'll have to talk with my department heads, but I can't garauntee anything.

"What sort of redesigning were you wanting?"

Taylor Millard
Sep 13th, 2002, 01:48:01 AM
"Ah Coruscantian...hmm interesting...it has been a while since I've been able to have cognac. Lok, as you know, prefers everything but whiskey," the two men chuckled at the comment.

"Shield redesign mainly. I've noticed the fighters can only take one advanced concussion missile before losing all shield power. Much like the New Republic's A-Wing. I'd prefer them to take about 4 hits before having to recharge."

He too another sip of his congac, savoring the tart, spicy flavor.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 13th, 2002, 02:13:18 AM
It was a small door that had no sigh. Marcus walked up to it, checking that he was not being observed and knocked quietly. A moment later it opened and a large fat human appeared.


"I'm told I can get some fuel cells here" Blunt, to the point. Fat man blinked, surprised by the directness and Marcus used the opportunity to mental scan. Seems he was right, but fat man wasn;t going to let him in that easy

"Maybe. Who are you and how much have ya got?"

"Name's Telcontar."

Fat man's eyes widened in sudden recognition and then narrowed in suspicion. "Who said you were? You look like him, but you could be..."

"Look, we could go on this all day, right, You know asking proof and crap like that? Well, I need fuel cells and apparently there's a smuggler here with them. Yes or no?" Marcus at this point opened his palm, showing a hint of credits - big demoniation ones. Fat man shrugged.

"Allright, but any sign of funny business, we shoot you. Got it?"

Like to see you try buddy" Yeah, fine by me. Lead the way"


A minute later, he was in a room that was well appointed, with a desk at one end, a few goons spread out and a slimy looking Dug behind the table.

[Jake tellsa me you be looking for fuel cells] it hissed in huttese

[Yes, my ship blew some out. Model 34-AFq1. 10 is needed]

The Dug looked at Marcus with slitted eyes. [Rare... very rare. Your in luck. I have what you want, but they will cost you Telcontar]

Marcus shrugged. [Lets say credits wont be a problem..... but how about we trade. Cells for some credits and a favour]

[Oh? And what would a smashball player be able to do that would help me?]

Marcus' grin turned somewhat grim and almot evil. [Let's just say that smashball aint what I'm really good at. I hear you have a problem with a Hutt. How about I guarenttee the Hutt wont be a problem]

The air in the room got 20 degrees chillier as the goons and the Dug really began to pay attention. [Be warned Telcontar, this is no game...]

"I dont play games. mate and neither does Assasins Inc. if we say your problem will go, then...." and all of the sudden, twin rail guns just seemed to appear in the Jedi's hands, pointing at flatfooted guards and goons, who gasped and swore at the suddenness of it all "... we mean it" One of the guns moved liek lightning, firing and blowing a blaster out of the hands of a guard trying to sneak up behind him. It snapped back, pointing back at the frozen Dug.

[Who... who the frell are you?!?!] it hissed

"Elessar Strider, at your service. Now, we have a deal?"

It was probably not a wise thing to reveal his Assasin name but there was an understand with being in the business, like he and this Dug. Secrecy or else. Marcus could certainly deliver the or else part. The Dug seemed to go into thought, before nodding. [Deal, Telcontar. 10,00 credits and the Hutt problem dealt with. And after this, may we talk more business? I have something else your fine business may be interested in...]

The guns went back to the hidden holsters. and tension went out of the room. Nice to see his reputation preceeded him. Now, wouldn't the Dug just panic if he knew that Marcus, the Smashball player, the Assasin, was one of the rumoured Lost Jedi as well?

Ahh, what a tangled web. Just to his liking

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 13th, 2002, 10:54:12 PM
Her old apartment looked almost the same as she'd left it; full of paintings and display cases. Stepping in through the doorway brought back memories, and as MMU dove in over her feet, she watched him for a few moments as he made for the small couch on the far wall.

The apartment itself wasn't large, 700 square feet at best, but it'd been all she needed for what she did, usually using it to store her more exotic weapons and pilfered paintings. There was no real theme to the place, just an air of eccentricity that, oddly enough, s'Il hadn't realized she'd missed until she was greeted with the interior of her old place. She sighed, breathing in deeply. Balmorra was nice; Millard had provided her with a wonderful home with him and she was more than grateful, but Yag'Dhul would always be... home.

There was just something about coming back. Good old nostalgia.

She grinned as MMU burrowed into the cushions of the couch, and striding into the bedroom, she paused once more to let her eyes wander over the interior's furnishings, and sitting down slowly on her bed, she fell back, letting the comfort engulf her.

Minutes later she was fast alseep. It felt good to be back.

Iden Hyde
Sep 14th, 2002, 12:45:20 AM
Hyde nodded, thinking over Millard's proposition. "I don't know how well older model Imperial ships would take to Terrisz'Voss' technology. We don't exactly follow normal... guidelines, I suppose you could say, when it comes to our tech."

Hyde set his glass down. "But, as I said before, it isn't up to me ultimately. The department heads will have the final say." He paused a little, looking across his desk at Millard, blue level with blue, neither yielding in any way to the other.

"As well as Lok herself."

Taylor Millard
Sep 14th, 2002, 01:03:04 AM
Millard nodded, "Of course. I wouldn't want to do anything with Terrisz'Voss technology that she wasn't happy with."

He rose, extending his hand towards Hyde's. They shook and Millard finished his glass of cognac.

Thank you Mister Hyde. I appreciate your time. I think I'm going to find Lok and see her own apartment. I might even want some shares of your fine company myself..."

He smiled then exitted the office.

It took Taylor about thirty minutes to walk from the offices of the large corperation to the small apartment of his wife.

He still felt a nagging feeling in the back of his mind...as if something was going to happen before he knew it.

As he got into the apartment, he knew what it was.

His blue eyes darkened as he sensed a presence other than Lok.

"You can come out...I know you're here."

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 16th, 2002, 02:43:06 AM
20 minutes later, Marcus was back outside, Artoo by his side- the Dug having promised the fuel cells to be taken to Marcus' ship within the hour, whilst Marcus had already made an ecrypted call back to Coruscat, where one of the agents of Assasins Inc would begin the process of giving the Hutt a small trip... well, not that small - 300 floors straight down. A nice convienient accident that would also just happen to remove a Crime Lord. Added to that, he now had another being in his debt, the Dug would be quite grateful for the Hutt problem being removed.

What a tangled web indeed. I'm like a 3-D chess Master, placing my pieces and setting up for the endgame. And what an end game it will be when it's unleashed.

Did te ends justify the means? Sometimes he wondered that question, whether too much blood was being spilt and whether he was too close to the shadows of evil.

But what else can you do if the enemy is using means that can't be touched by lawful means? If I was to do this by a Jedi means, it would be too late already. I don't see much choice, ever since Xazor and I began The Lost, there has only even been one path presented to us. I wish it was not so.... I wish that I no longer had to fight and act as I have to

One day, he thought. One day he would be able to leave it all behind, take Helenias and be a farmer somewhere far away.

Oh well, enough of this, he thought. Back t the ship.

Taylor Millard
Sep 17th, 2002, 02:49:32 AM
The red cloaked Imperial Guardsman came out of the shadows of the apartment, his Force Pike gleaming.

"Thomas," Millard relaxed a bit, smiling as he looked at his bodyguard.

"Why are you here?"

"It is my job, Admiral," the bodyguard replied, "To protect you from any and all harm. Even in places where allies surround you."

Millard nodded, "You think there's a danger?"

"I don't have the Force like you do, but I suspect something is amiss here."

"I had the same feeling as the glider passed by a damaged freighter. Someone familiar but I'm not sure who.

"How did you get here?" Millard asked Thomas as he poured himself some water.

Behind his red helmet, Thomas smiled, "I travelled with MMU. He's quite the conversationalist. Seemed intent on learning the relationship between Tasha and I."

Millard snorted, "I bet he did.

"Come, let us go for a walk. We'll let Lok sleep a bit more."

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 17th, 2002, 03:35:57 AM
All things considered...... this was a rather nice planet thought the Jedi as he strolled down the streets back to where Razor was parked. Not too cold, resnable gravity, some nice buildings and scenery. Not the best, but not the worst by far.

"Artoo, go back to the ship. I'm going to get some exercise. I haven't had a decent run in a few days"

The droid beeped, rolling away and tootling. Marcus, already dressed in a jumpsuit and sporting footwear, gave himself a brief warmup, before commencing to run. 10 minutes later, he paused at a store to get some water, before continuing for about another 10 minutes to where a playing field was. The field itself was not far from where Artoo would be with his ship, so he licked into one final gutbusting sprint, coming to a stop, breathing heavily and sweating, plesantly winded as he stopped at the edge of the field - where, not surprisingly, the locals were playing a smashball variant. Just a social game, but it still made him watch. Maybe Telcontar was a disguise, but he had a genuine love of the game and could watch it for hours. Walking around a bit to stop his muscles from tightening up, the ball came in his direction. Stopping to pick it up, he gave it an almighty kick, the ball spiralling up and going a good fifty meters, before coming down.

Pretty much from there, he found himself, 20 minutes later, in the middle of the game and having a great deal of fun. The problems of the galaxy seemed to dissolve as he tackled, passed and ran, laughing as one of his new teammates got flattened by a gang tackle.

Taylor Millard
Sep 18th, 2002, 01:05:10 AM
The civilian-garbed Imperial and the Red-Cloaked Imperial Guardsman made their way through the throng of humans and the ghoul-like Givin.

As the two walked, a particular Givin, one whose cloak was green instead of brown ran up to Millard.

A long mathmatical formula greeted the Imperial Grand Admiral. Thanks to Lok who'd informed her husband about the oddity by the Givin who greet outsiders with the formula, Taylor was prepared and recited one similar back.

"Grand Admiral Millard," the Givin nodded, "It is a pleasure to see you again. What brings you to Yag'Dhul?"

Millard returned the nod, "Ambassador SulliVaan, I am here on a slight holiday. My annual solar glider trip across the system. This year, I chose Yag'Dhul to stop by."

SulliVaan gave a Givin version of a smile, "Is your wife with you?" the question was asked hopefully.

"Lok's asleep back at her apartment. I believe she is going by Terrisz'Voss later to speak with Mister Hyde."

"Ah excellent...it is a pleasure to have the two of you on our planet."

Especially as civilians The Givin thought, relieved no Imperial Invasion force was on the way. Millard had always honored the non-aligned status of Yag'Dhul, though other factions had attempted to overrun the planet.

"We are especially delighted today to have Marcus Telcontar, here playing in one of the rugby games here. If you'd like, I can introduce you."

"Please," Millard nodded, though the name rang wanring bells in his mind.

The Givin Ambassador called for the pick-up referee to halt the game, then went over and greeted the rough-looking individual. After a brief exchange, the two began walking towards where Millard stood watching.

The pick up game started again as if it hadn't stopped.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 18th, 2002, 02:44:45 AM
Marcus took up the ball, stopped, turned and threw a pass overhand that landed smack into the chest of his fellow player, right in the clear. The other sprinted for the scoreline, then did a dance in celebration, while good natured booing came from the oppostion. Even mucking around, the scoreline was stacked to the side Marcus was on and he had even switched sides to even the ledger up. He had a huge smile on his dirt caked face and he slapped hands with one of his teammates in acknowledgement of a good move.

Probably should have been back at his ship, but to be honest, Artoo could handle what was needed there and he was simply having too much fun. Away from the pressures of life, away from disguises, away from Assasins Inc and The Lost Jedi. Just doing what he loved. As the players gathered for the next kick off, a green dressed... ghoul for the want of a better word came up to the refree, who a few seconds later called Marcus over.

"Seems you have an imprtant person wanting to meet you, or so says the Givin here" he stated

"Oh. Where?"

The Givin pointed, and Marcus followed the line that was made out... and saw someone recognised straight away. Bloody hell, Millard?!? What the frell is he doing here? "Yeah okay, I'll go see what he wants. Hey, thanks for the game!"

A chorus of thanks and goodbyes came out, Marcus making note of one or two of the players to get his team to follow up for at least a minor league try-out. He waved to acknowledge, then jogged to the edge of the field, picking up his water bottle and spraying his face to cool off and taking swallow of the liquid. One of the teams had a set of towels, Marcus grabbed one to breifly wipe the worst of the sweat and grime off him, before jogging over to where the Imperial stood, along with a Guardsman and the ghoul.

"Hello, the .... errr.... whatever asked me to come over. I'm Marcus Telcontar, whom do I hve the pleasure of speaking to?" he asked in the absolutly perfect Kuat accent, knowing damn well whom it was he was standing before.

Grand Admiral Taylor Millard, one time Dark Jedi and a particular nemisis of Helenias. Some of the proxy and direct battles those two had been part of.... and even face to face. Evenstar rather liked causing the Imperial as much trouble as she could, a sign she actually repected the man. And more to the poiunt, one of the very, very,v ery few beings that might be able to pick Telcontar for more than what he was.

This was going to be very interesting indeed.

Taylor Millard
Sep 20th, 2002, 01:51:53 AM
"Mister Tecontar," the Givin Ambassador greeted Marcus with the math formula which was repeated back, "I would like to introduce you to the Imperial Grand Admiral Taylor Millard."

Millard reached his hand forward, giving no sign as to whether he recognized the Lost Jedi or not.

But the Dark Jedi had the same feeling in his mind...that he had met this man before. And run into him on several occasions. The scruffy beard...the long hair...the dangerous look in the eyes...of course...

"Marcus, a pleasure to meet you. I have been a fan of yours for a while."

Your wife is making quite a name for herself in the Senate.

Millard smiled as he kept a grip on the Rugby player's hand.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:13:02 PM
"Good day to you Admiral - I had no idea you were a fan or even followed Smashball"

His face eld itself in a pleasant grin, but underneath, his mind went into full alert. As he suspected, picked him. No one apart from a very, very small handful and his fellow Lost knew the connection between him and Senator Evenstar.

Yes, she has, quite a substantial one. But then again, that's what happens when you make a stand for something worthwhile and selfless. She does more for the downtrodden than anyone else I have seen and she defys the federations and buissness that would seek to trample more.

Taylor Millard
Sep 26th, 2002, 08:35:58 PM
Different people different lives, Mister Q'Dunn...different people different lives.

Millard himself kept a smile on his face, though both men refused to release the grips they held on the others hand.

"I do to a degree. My wife tends to follow it a bit more than I. I catch a game here and there."

He stared directly into the eyes of Marcus, "Tell me, Mister Telcontar, could I interest you in a drink? There are plenty of bars where we could sit and discuss rugby."

Among other things.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 26th, 2002, 09:42:31 PM
An interesting comment Mr Millard - but I giuess your are well versed in different lives, are you not?

"Ahhh, then that is good to here Lord Millard, very good to hear indeed! Is there a particular side your wife follows? And most certainly, I would not refuse a drink from one in your position. I will be delighted"

Other things? That sounded ominous - there was alot in the last five years Millard could want to discuss.

Then lead on

Taylor Millard
Sep 26th, 2002, 09:59:18 PM
"Ah, I must correct you Mister Telcontar...I am far from a lord. 'Admiral Millard' will suffice," Millard gave a tight smile as the two finally released grips.

As well versed as you...Mister Q'Dunn...or is it Turbogeek, or Tohmahawk? Shall I continue?

Millard led Marcus to a small restaraunt near the rugby field. The host led the trio to a table out on a patio. A ghoul-like Givin came up to the duo.

"I'll have a glass of cognac please. Kuatian if you have it."

The Givin nodded, then turned towards Marcus.

"And you sir?"

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 26th, 2002, 10:19:01 PM
"Pure water thankyou. I have an adverse reaction to alcohol, especially after exercise"

A bit of talking first? Why not. He wasn't particularily concerned - and Millard was facinating to talk to.

"To be correct Admirial, A Grand Admiral is indeed correctly addressed as My Lord, or at least that is thw way on Kuat. Besides, when one has achieved the ultimate rank, it would be right and correct to be titled as so?"

So, is this social or do you have something you want to take up with me?

Taylor Millard
Sep 26th, 2002, 10:24:41 PM
"It is up to the man who holds the rank," Millard replied as he stared at Marcus.

"I prefer the title 'Admiral' as 'Lord' implies a political title. I am not a politician but a soldier. Thus, referring to me, by my rank, is a bit more respectful."

Although if you're anything like your wife...you show your respect in odd ways.

"So tell me, Mister Telcontar...why are you here?"

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 27th, 2002, 01:13:08 AM
"As you perfer then... Admiral"

The water was placed on the table, Marcus pausing to consume half the water quickly. It was also iced, which was also delightful.

"Oh, my ship was jumped by pirates.... I'm here to see about power cell replacements. I'm off to a game on Coruscant and this was the closest place with likely spares"

By the Force, not even a need for deception - it was the truth. Well, he was also going home to see Helenias, something he much, much desired.

If she thinks of you as an enemy worthy of challenging, that is high praise indeed Master Millard, from her. I must admit, I have watched you too battle in different ways over the years and it has always made me smile. To see such opponents joust is a joy to watch

Taylor Millard
Sep 27th, 2002, 01:25:26 AM
Is that a fact, Mister Q'Dunn? Your wife is quite a pleasure to battle as well. Were I involved in politics, I'm sure I would enjoy it more. She has done well weeding out corrupt Senators in the Senate. Not all of them...but politicians are always corrupted by their own power.

"I'm fairly certain you handled them rather easily. Even with the damage to your ship."

Millard took a sip of his cognac, savoring the flavor of the tart liquid. It wasn't as good as the on he kept on the Superior or that Hyde had in his office...but it was good enough.

Buerocracy, eventually consumes us all who dabble into politics.

"Tell me...is there anything I can do to help?"

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 27th, 2002, 02:12:58 AM
Unfortunantly, for the corrupts and the data pushers, it was not her choice to go into politics - and she has no want for power. A dangerous combination when attached to a heart that can not be corrupted. I hear the assasin body count just went past triple figures

Ahhh, one of the best running jokes of the comedians of Coruscant. Joking of the many attempts that had failed on Helenias' life and the rather.... ugly way she dealt with them. She was known to be a Jedi Knight and a very clever one. One to fear. Even GNN feared her. She had the support of so many of the underprivledged.....

"No, I have the parts already. My droid will deal with it. It's a particularly good one I have to admit and I am no lover of droids. It claims it's operating number is R2-D2, which of course is perposterous"

Her term is nearly up, although I understand there is a push for her to remain. I'm certain that wont please the Trade Federations

Taylor Millard
Sep 27th, 2002, 02:21:17 AM
Then let us hope she does not become corrupted by the power she has in the Senate. And not to abuse it...It would be a pity if you had to go after her, yourself.

Millard snorted, "If the droid is R2-D2 then you have even more celebrity to your character," he emphasized the word 'character'.

I'm fairly certain it won't please the Trade Federation. They are a rather hard group to get along with.

Tell me, how does she feel about re-election? And being 'loved by the people'

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 27th, 2002, 02:45:09 AM
I know it's not even in her nature to enjoy power, which is why others trust her with it. Isn't that an odd thing now?

"I very much doubt it is the real thing... I am also only borrowing it from a friend of mine in the Senate. It was carrying a few diplomatic dispatches to home."

The Trade Federation..... ahhh, now there is an evil. Corrupt and thougily rotten to the core.The Galaxy will be a better place without the present leaders of them. I'm surpirsed they even found another set after the last lot disappeared. Seems their lifespans are rather short for some reason.

No, she's not happy at all Master Millard,not happy at all. She didnt ask for either and in her heart, she doesnt want either.... yet, what choice does she have?

Taylor Millard
Sep 27th, 2002, 02:49:31 AM
She could leave at the end of her term. Certainly there are senators who leave after one term feeling they have accomplished all they can. You wife cannot get all the corruption out of the Senate. Just as the Emperor could not in the Empire.

"Ah...now what would a hyperball player be doing with diplomatic dispatches?"

If you are wondering why I haven't attacked you or tried to have you killed in some fashion...we are on a neutral world. Thus...I shall remain neutral in our...discussion. You need'nt worry about any sort of attack.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 27th, 2002, 03:02:55 AM
A Jedi has duty. And while you cant root out all corruption - you can stop more encroaching. Besides,I walk the undersde of Coruscant. I know the feeling on the streets. There will be a riot if she does not stand again. The people dont see hope without her

"Minor ones of course. I'm doing her a favour"

I presumed that would be the case. Dont worry, I fear no attack or otherwise - If I did I would not be here. It would be fairly pointless however and I would be of much regret if one did occour. Despite the reputation other manes have, I take no pleasure in what I do

Taylor Millard
Oct 3rd, 2002, 03:31:27 PM
Ah now you're walking on dangerous grounds, Mister Q'Dunn...I can still call you that can't I? Millard took a sip of his drink.

It is when people assume they are loved, that they fail. It has happened more than once on Balmorra. And to members of my family as well. Planets like Hapes has had their problems as well.

"Of course," the Imperial Grand Admiral smiled, "It would be a displeasure if you were caught with them. I'm certain GNN would have a field day with that."

I would keep Helenias safe...if you do not want to think her dead again. Especially after being reunited only eight years ago.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 5th, 2002, 08:15:23 AM
Dangerous ground is where I have always walked. It's in my nature. Now, did I say love, Master Millard? I said hope. There is a big difference - and if there is one whom others can place their hope in, it's a woman whom has stood up to oppressors in words, deeds and a rail gun. Love is not hope and trust. Understand the difference and this is a lesson well worth learning. When someone comes and makes a stand, a powerful one, then trust can be given. The poor Millard, are not easily decieved when their eyes are open.

"I have nothing to fear from the rejects of the gene pool as GNN. I have my own way of influencing what is said about me anyway. Fame and money do have some advantages you know"

Now, Telcontar looked fairly relaxed, but the eyes, now fully focused on Millard seemed to burn - and the Jedi Master underneath, the Numeniran of considerable power came alive.

Are you presuming to threaten me, Millard? Explain your statement and explain it now

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Oct 5th, 2002, 10:19:59 PM
Metallic eyes watched the two converse from a safe distance; a distance where her perceptions of their force use creating only slight spikes through her senses. Not enough to drive her mad. Thankfully.

It was hard to stop the urges though. Increasingly hard.

Keeping her distance, s'Il spied Thomas, and her brows knit in slight confuision; how had he gotten here? It didn't surprise her though; nothing he did really caught her off gaurd anymore. Even after almost five years he seemed to show up in the least expected places. She knew he still didn't trust her after that night so long ago, but she didn't care. She'd let him think what he wanted.

She watched her husband and the man he shared his company with for a few more minutes before slowly pacing around so that Millard would be able to see her.

s'Il was patient, standing stock still, hands by her sides and in his direct line of vision, she waited until he would catch sight of her.

Taylor Millard
Oct 5th, 2002, 10:26:23 PM
Millard felt it...a familiar presence, on edge and getting anxious.

"I bet you do," he spoke.

"It was a simple warning," Millard said a smile on his face. His blue eyes then showed a bit of concern.

Marcus if you were to ever trust me, I suggest you stop using the Force...NOW!

Then he cut his connection with the Force.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 13th, 2002, 08:07:59 PM
"Simple my....."

He noticed the shift and the concern and then the warning. A flash of memory about Lok Sil'ancy...

And for her sake, he immediatly stopped using the Force.

Taylor Millard
Oct 13th, 2002, 10:59:13 PM
"Yes, simple," Millard replied, "There are those in the New Republic Senate who no doubtably want her dead...Jedi or not. You cannot get rid of all corrupt politicians.

"Also, let me remind you that just because someone disagrees with you...does not make them evil.

"And thank you."

Taylor nodded at Lok, motioning that it was safe to come forwards.

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Oct 13th, 2002, 11:37:04 PM
She took a step forward, shoving her hands into the pockets of her trousers as she approached the three men, head inclined more to the ground then ahead of her.

s'Il stopped at the table, declining to sit as she stood more or less between Millard and Marcus, though with just a little distance to spare away from them.

She nodded to Marcus, a small grin on her features as she brushed back an errant strand of hair.

"Nice to see you still alive."

Taylor Millard
Oct 17th, 2002, 10:24:19 PM
Millard smiled as Lok came forward.

"Mister Q'Dunn, I thank you," he said truthfully.

"I believe you two are familiar with each other. Lok s'Ilancy-Millard...this is Marcus Q'Dunn...Jedi Master."

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 18th, 2002, 12:04:22 AM
"Oh she knows quite well and for some time.... how are you Lok? I have not seen you for some time. Yep, still alive, no one has managed to get me yet. Still leading them all a merry chase. Probably always will be too"

He grinned at the woman, before picking up his glass of water.

"Senator Evenstar would send a hello if she knew we were meeting"

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Oct 25th, 2002, 12:27:21 AM
s'Il kept her hands in her pockets as she regarded Marcus, her metallic gaze kind as she smiled at him. "I hope you two have been nice to each other; we live in a big sandbox these days; there's plenty of room for the both of you," she grinned.

"And I'm fine, thanks. Been busy overhauling my ships

"You'll have to tell your wife I said hello as well. I was planning to stop by Coruscant with MMU; he hasn't been back in a while, and I owe him a 'birthday' present. I just might see if I can visit her."

Taylor Millard
Nov 19th, 2002, 01:27:05 AM
"Hmm..." Millard said with a humorous gleam in his eyes, "I would have thought the chaps and hat I gave him for his 'birthday' would have tithed him over for the next year or so...I suppose I was mistaken."

He took a sip from his glass.

"So where are you off to now Marcus? I hope no more unscheduled visits to Balmorra are in order...it would be unfortunate for another accident to occur wouldn't it?"

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 19th, 2002, 04:45:50 AM
"Accident? I have no idea what your talking about " He said with a half concealed smile. "If your talking about the incident of the castle, I was barely involved. All I did was give the bomb a little nudge through the door. Nah, going to Coruscant. NO interst in detours or shortcuts this time"

Taylor Millard
Nov 19th, 2002, 05:38:20 PM
"I should still have the entire lot of you arrested for that incident," Millard said darkly, "Although in the end you ended up doing me a favor...but that is for me to know and you to find out.

"No interest in detours? And yet here you are...Interesting."

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 19th, 2002, 06:01:40 PM
"Well, for once I can be open - I only came here to get some fuel cells. Believe me, I'd rather be on my way."

Taylor Millard
Jun 28th, 2003, 08:29:40 PM
"Ah I see," Millard waited a minute, finishing his cognac with a simple gulp.

"Afraid a non-aligned planet might make you wish for something other than the Jedi? A place to call your own, no more running around from various...things?"

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 2nd, 2003, 01:05:09 AM
"Pardon? You mind explaining yourself and what you meant by that?"